GitHub - julienr/ipynb_playground: Various ipython notebooks
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My ipython notebook playground
Best viewed on nbviewer.
- bitcoin/dumbcoin/dumbcoin.ipynb : A bitcoin-like educational blockchain implementation.
- perceptron/perceptron.ipynb : A single unit perceptron implementation in python, with a nice video of the training if you run the notebook locally.
- perceptron/perceptron_theano.ipynb : Perceptron but with Theano this time
keras (deep learning)
- keras/convmnist/keras_cnn_mnist.ipynb : Keras' CNN example on MNIST with weights and convolutions visualization
- keras/convmnist/keras_conv_autoencoder_mnist.ipynb : Convolutional autoencoder on MNIST
- keras/learning_cosine.ipynb: Learning a cosine with a simple NN using keras
strava API (GPS sport tracking service)
- strava/strava_get_activities.ipynb : Getting your activities from strava
- strava/analytics.ipynb : Loading them and doing some basics analytics
misc_ml (Some notes about machine learning)
- misc_ml/curse_dimensionality.ipynb : Plots about the curse of dimensionality
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