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Notes on Text Editing

Why Modality and Chording?

Note: When I say chording here, I’m talking about using modifiers not chords like in steno or key-chord.el.

Modality and chording are not mutually exclusive. They both have a good use case and can be used together. Even if they don’t realize it, Emacs and Vim generally don’t exclusively stick to one model.

Modality saves keystrokes by reducing the number of required modifier keys (usually to zero). Even if you don’t care about the number of modifiers required (e.g. you have a well-placed thumbcluster on your keyboard), modality saves keypresses by allowing the same keys to be used for different actions in different contexts. Trying to jam every command into one context quickly results having to further contextualize keybindings using prefix keys (i.e. longer sequences of keys are required for common actions). This is not ideal any time you want to take related actions in sequence. With modality, instead of using a prefix every time, you only need to use it the first time. There are plenty of commonly used Emacs packages that embrace some form of modality like hydra, lispy, org speed keys/worf, etc.

The downside of modality is that context switching is not always automatic and usually requires explicit keypresses. Modality still manages to save keypresses for the following reasons:

  • Any time you need to take several related actions in sequence, you can potentially trade pressing a prefix key every time for only pressing it once to enter a new mode/context and pressing one key later to leave the mode/context, thereby saving keystrokes.
  • Actions can sometimes be grouped together with mode switching (e.g. vim’s o, O, a, A, etc. which insert a newline or take a navigational action and then switch to insert mode).
  • Mode switching does not always need to take place right before an action. Vim users generally prefer to stay in normal mode, meaning that pressing ESC right before pressing normal mode keys is often unnecessary. For example, if I stop typing because I’m done writing the current paragraph or function and am thinking about what change to make next, need to leave my computer, or am doing anything else besides typing, I’ll often enter normal mode by reflex. When I come back to editing, I’m already in normal mode and can immediately use editing commands or navigate to where I want using non-modified keypresses and start typing again. One the other hand, if I plan to keep typing in the same place, I may stay in insert mode. Depending on the person and usage, this may not come into play as often as the previous points, but it is worth pointing out that mode changes can happen during idle time.

That all said, it’s clear that modality is (only) suited for situations where related actions are taken in sequence. You can get away with binding some one-off actions in normal mode if you default to it (e.g. I dedicate certain prefix keys to window/buffer/file navigation in normal mode), but using modality for all one-off actions will of course be inefficient and potentially jarring. This is where chords come in. Chords are perfectly suited for triggering the most commonly used one-off actions. When typing text, chords are much better suited for any action that is taken once before returning to typing. This might include actions like deleting the current word (e.g. after a typo), deleting the current line, and basic navigation commands. It’s worth noting that even vim binds chords in insert mode (e.g. C-u to delete to the beginning of the current insertion).

People may prefer to mainly stick to one style or the other, but normal vs. visual vs. insert vs. etc. mode is not the only type of modality. A lot of the benefits of modality can be had without using Vim’s style of having multiple editing modes by default. Some Emacs users prefer to not use evil but still make uses of hydras for grouping related keybindings. Some Vim users rely on chords for one-off navigational/editing tasks in insert mode. The best system is not one or the other but a compromise between the two.

Why Vim’s Modal System?

Vim is by no means perfect, but it provides a good model for modal editing, and newer “replacements” are arguably not improvements despite what they may claim.

To reiterate on the previously listed benefits of modality:

  • modality reduces the number of required modifiers
  • modality can reduce the number of required keystrokes by allowing for key reuse in different modes/contexts, so that fewer or no prefix keys (modified or unmodified) are required for commands

Vim-style modality can also save keystrokes through composability (though this can be done without modality).

As previously discussed, modality also has downsides. Taking advantage of modality’s benefits while avoiding its downsides involves first identifying a context where only certain actions make sense and then creating a new mode for that context. This context should usually either involve executing actions multiple times in sequence (e.g. normal mode) or be automatically entered and/or exited (e.g. operator-pending mode) in order to make up for or eliminate the extra keypresses required for mode switching.

Further benefiting from modality involves identifying new contexts that meet these requirements. Having more modes, not less, is arguably better. Consider lispy and worf which create modes based on the context of the cursor position for lisp structural editing and org mode commands respectively. Hydra and vim-submode let you create new modes any time you find you can prevent redundant keypresses by grouping together related functionality. Evil also lets you define new states/modes.

The more modes, the more keys can be reused. o can perform a different action in insert mode, normal mode, visual mode, in a special location with lispy-mode, when navigating a file’s history with git-timemachine, etc. Another good example is operator-pending mode. While its not like other traditional modes in that it is automatically entered/exited, it facilitates both composability and key reuse (e.g. i can be used for both insertion in normal mode and as a prefix key for text objects in operator-pending mode).

While some of vim’s default modes are arguably less useful, they don’t get in your way. You can simply choose to not use them. On the other hand, any new modal system that eliminates useful modes or allows for only a single modes is not taking full advantage of modality’s benefits and is arguably a step backwards.

A lot of people think that ergonomics is a (or the) primary benefit of modality (e.g. modalka claims “Modal editing is more efficient, but most importantly, it is better for your health.”). This is an incidental benefit of modality not an inherent one. When using an intelligently designed keyboard, I doubt modality gives any significant benefit or helps much with preventing pain/RSI.

In summary, there is not just one benefit to modality. Any modal system that only focuses on potential ergonomic benefits or doesn’t optimize for key reuse is incomplete.

Why not Kakoune?

Note that this section only refers to kakoune’s modal model (i.e. the reversal of verbs and objects and the default normal/visual hybrid mode) and not to its other functionality. See kakoune’s section on Improving the editing model from this page for reference. To summarize the listed benefits of kakoune’s model:

  • It allows for automatic visual feedback in order to correct mistakes without the need to explicitly enter visual state using v
  • It provides automatic selections when navigating

Kakoune’s system has clear downsides though, and in my opinion, it is a broken solution to a non-issue.

Reversing the Verb Object Grammar Hurts Key Reuse

Kakoune removes visual mode and, more importantly, operator-pending mode. In vim, you can, for example, use o in visual mode to switch to the other side of the selection, and you can use i and a in visual or operating-pending mode to access text objects (even though these keys would insert in normal mode). You can bind keys like dp, coc, etc. because operator-pending mode is a separate context. This is not the case in kakoune. To use text objects, you now have to use modifiers (M-i and M-a for inner/outer text objects). This means that for a lot of common operations, kakoune actually requires more modifiers than vim (e.g diw vs. <a-i>wd).

Navigation and Selection Are Not the Same

Automatic selections are not an enticing feature to me. If I want to delete to the next word, I’ll type dw. I’ve never actually made the mistake of using a motion before realizing that I actually wanted to perform an operation with that motion. Combining navigation and selection is non-intuitive to me. Not only are automatic selections potentially distracting if you aren’t used to them, but kakoune’s model of additionally distinguishing between extending and replacing the selected region (as the result of combining normal and visual mode) requires binding twice as many keys for every motion. This eats up keys that could potentially be put to better use.

Instantaneous Feedback is Usually Unnecessary

Kakoune claims that the lack of visual feedback is a big problem with vim’s modal model. It really isn’t. The example kakoune gives on the previously linked page is that if users used dtf in vim they might accidentally delete to the wrong f, have to undo, go back to the original position, and then try again with d2tf.

This is an extremely misleading example for several reasons. For one, dtf. is sufficient. There is no need to undo, and there is no need to move the cursor/point back to the initial position. You’d only have to undo if you gave a count too large, and even then, you wouldn’t have to move the cursor after undoing. Not only is the example wrong about how to handle this case in vim, it’s also wrong about how to handle this case in kakoune. Like tf in vim, tf in kakoune will only move the point if not already before f character. This could be changed, but currently Tf will do nothing after a tf in kakoune, so kakoune actually requires tfLTfd to handle this mistake, which is actually much worse than dft. in vim. Kakoune does support repeating a motion with <a-.>, but as far as I know, there is currently no equivalent that extends the selection. Even if there was, and even if t did always move past the current character, tf<a-s-.>d still requires modifiers unlike dtf.. Repeating an operation might be jarring to some (it’s not to me personally) since the buffer is altered after each operation, but it’s just one possible solution in vim.

Furthermore, the effect of many motions and text objects is obvious; visual confirmation is often completely unnecessary. Deleting the current word, sentence, or parentheses block does not involve uncertainty. t and f are basically the “dumbest” motions in that they don’t move by clear units like paragraphs or words but instead jump to arbitrary characters. The majority of my operator usage has no possibility for mistakes apart from mistyping. It doesn’t make sense to me to optimize a modal model around rarer cases like the dtf example, even if I thought a visual selection was the ideal way to handle these cases.

Visual mode is one keypress away in vim if you do need it for whatever reason. Why force a pseudo-visual mode as the default when visual feedback usually isn’t necessary and can be already used on demand in vim? Ignoring the possibility of repeating full operations or motions, compare vtftfd in vim to tfTfd (assuming it did work) in kakoune. The vim version is merely one keypress longer, and the kakoune version requires a modifier key because kakoune introduces a whole new concept of whether or not the current selection should be extended. If a text object is used instead of a motion, kakoune still requires using a modifier because of the elimination of operator-pending mode.

Finally, and most importantly, visual selections are arguably an inferior method for feedback when dealing with tricky motions and text objects.

Visual Selections Don’t Prevent Mistakes; Overlays Do

Kakoune’s visual feedback won’t prevent you from making mistakes. Compared to normal mode, all visual mode or kakoune’s default mode do is give you the opportunity to correct a mistaken count before running an operator. I think this is fundamentally a wrong approach to the issue. A much better approach is to prevent mistakes in the first place by, for example, putting overlays on all possible locations a motion or text object could affect. Using overlays, there is no need to guess or check a count.

Using avy (e.g. evil-easymotion for motions or targets.el for text objects) or a similar overlay plugin makes mistakes impossible (apart from mistyping). It may require an extra keypress, but you can immediately know what keys to press instead of manually counting, and correcting mistakes requires extra keypresses anyway.

Multiple Selections

If there is something that I am missing, feel free to correct me, but I don’t think that kakoune’s normal/visual hybrid model really enhances multiple cursors/selections. You still have to use a command to create multiple selections (e.g. %). For the same reasons I listed before, I don’t think automatic selections help much in this regard either. I do think kakoune’s decision to eliminate usage of ex commands by using selection for everything is certainly interesting, but that design choice is separable from a hybrid normal/visual mode.

Why not other Emacs packages?

The main problem with a lot of alternative “modal” packages in Emacs is that they only provide one mode or only focus on “ergonomics” as a benefit. Because of this, they only provide a small portion of what modality has to offer.

For example, the only benefit provided by god-mode is that it makes modifiers unnecessary. It requires an extra prefix key for commands that would normally require a non-control modifier, does not facilitate key reuse by providing modes tailored towards different contexts, does not provide composability or prefer editing commands that make sense to take in sequence, and does not address any of the downsides of modality (e.g. it does not provide commands that do something useful and switch modes simultaneously). Getting a keyboard with well-placed thumbkeys is a arguably a better solution if the only thing you care about is ergonomics.

Another popular package is modalka. While modalka lets you customize all your keybindings from the beginning, it doesn’t really have any other advantages over god mode as far as modality goes. It is modal, but it doesn’t focus on the actual advantages of modality, and because you can only have one mode (at the time of writing), it does not allow for you to customize it yourself to take full advantage of the benefits of modality. Modalka has this to say about evil:

What’s wrong with it? Well, you see, Emacs is very flexible and can be Vim, of course, with sufficient effort, but Emacs is not Vim. Emacs has different traditional keybindings and other parts of Emacs ecosystem follow these conventions (mostly). Then if you are using evil-mode to edit text you will need to either accept that you edit text with different set of key bindings than key bindings used everywhere else or try to “convert” Emacs further.

To convert Emacs further you will need sort of bridge package for every more-or-less complex thing: evil-org, evil-smartparens, et cetera.

Evil by itself is fairly complex and hooks deep into Emacs internals and can cause incompatibilities with other packages. It also makes it harder (or at least intricate) to hack Emacs.

Modalka feels vanilla, it lets you use Emacs how it is supposed to be used, but adds modal interface when you need to edit text, that looks like a more natural solution (at least for me).

I disagree with this for the following reasons:

  • Vim vs. Emacs editing conventions may be very different, but text editing is also very different from using an application like elfeed. Differences in conventions matter much less often when using some non-editing application’s default keybindings. The main difference in conventions that is still relevant is j and k vs. n and p, and it is trivial to bind j and k to act as n and p in any number of modes en masse. There are other convention differences (like killing vs deleting), but they matter less often. Evil provides great tools that make simple “bridging” easy and automatic.
  • Emacs editing conventions have to be altered if the goal is to maximize efficiency (e.g. composability). To me, Emacs is great because compatibility with the default editing style is unnecessary.
  • Different Emacs packages use different keybindings for actions like sorting and filtering. Using something like evil-collection is potentially more consistent than using vanilla keybindings.
  • I don’t understand the point about Evil making it harder to hack on emacs or causing incompatibilities. I’d have to see an example.

There are other packages like boon that allow for multiple modes and are more similar to evil (e.g. focus on composability). These are better, but there really is no other alternative that is as developed as Evil. As for creating new modes, I think hydra is generally a better alternative.

Vis is interesting in that it pretty much takes the opposite approach of kakoune while still focusing on multiple selection support. Instead of de-emphasizing ex mode, it extends it to make it suitable for more easily creating multiple selections. Selection is not line based like it is in vim. I didn’t even know that vim had this limitation because you can operate on the visually selected part of a line in evil using :`<,`>; vim ex commands cannot operate on a subsection of a line.

Vis takes the same approach as vim for modality (insert, normal, operator-pending, etc.), so I don’t have anything new to say about its model.

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Joyk means Joy of geeK