Narrativ - A marketplace for advertisers to buy talent likeness | Product Hunt

 5 months ago
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A marketplace for advertisers to buy talent likeness

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Narrativ is a marketplace for talent to sell, manage, and protect their likeness, while giving advertisers the ability to easily purchase that likeness for ad creation. Today, we're launching with real talent, including the legendary broadcaster, James Brown.
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The Narrativ team noticed about a year ago that talent was having their likeness misused with generative AI. There were stories everywhere, from Tom Hanks, to Gayle King, to Emma Watson. We thought that there might be an appetite for talent to sell, manage, and protect their own likeness; as a result, we created Narrativ: a marketplace for talent to do just that. Now talent can work with advertisers at scale, and advertisers have the ability to generate audio and video ads with specific likeness that is as flexible as written / display ad copy. For advertisers, this means a greater ability to experiment with audio and video ad copy, yielding higher ROIs. For talent, this is passive income generation by selling their likeness to (largely), small and medium businesses. Today we're launching with real talent, including the Hall of Fame sports broadcaster, James Brown, and Joe Gannascoli from The Sopranos.
Really interesting business model. I can’t imagine how difficult it must be to onboard celebrities or their agents. Great job 👏🏻

Narrativ's launch is a game-changer for talent and advertisers alike. Your platform fills a crucial gap in the market but to truly maximize its potential, a solid digital and organic marketing strategy is essential. Here's how I can elevate Narrativ:

* **Boost Engagement**: Implement targeted social media strategies to enhance interaction and visibility. * **Enhance Visibility**: Utilize SEO and content marketing to improve your online presence, attracting more talent and advertisers. * **Competitive Edge**: Many of your competitors are likely underutilizing digital marketing. A robust strategy will set you apart and position Narrativ as the go-to marketplace.

My expertise in boosting digital footprints for similar businesses positions me uniquely to drive Narrativ's success. Let's connect to discuss a tailored strategy that can propel your platform to new heights.

Congratulations on the launch of Narrativ! This platform fills a crucial gap in the advertising world by empowering both talent and advertisers.

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Joyk means Joy of geeK