Expresso - AI driven workplace wellbeing solution | Product Hunt

 1 year ago
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"P.S. We're eager to hear your thoughts! If you've got feedback, please don't hold back. We're all ears and excited to improve."

The makers of Expresso
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Hey Product Hunters,

I'm Kuhu, founder of Expresso. We're using AI to help companies and their teams better understand mental well-being.

Join our waitlist here - https://expresso.bio/

Let's make work better, together.

Questions? I'm here to chat.

Stay connected here: Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/company... Twitter - https://twitter.com/kuhusingh6

@kuhu_singh3 It would be great to hear a little more detail about how your product will work, what criteria it will take into account, and how the data will be collected for later analysis (will it be entered by someone alone, or will each employee enter it once/few times a day on their own?)

@maria_anosova Hi, thanks for the question, here's a detailed answer for you:

Criteria Considered: We assess various facets related to mental well-being, such as stress indicators, burnout signs, and overall mood. These metrics are subsequently analyzed to provide actionable insights.

Data Collection: Instead of using traditional surveys, Expresso leverages an AI-powered chatbot that engages with employees through interactive modules and regular check-ins. This facilitates a more organic conversation, providing real-time and relevant feedback.

Anonymity and Privacy: All interactions and data inputs remain completely anonymous. We're committed to ensuring genuine responses while protecting the individual's privacy.

Data Entry Responsibility: Employees engage with their personalized dashboard, promoting decentralized and precise data entry.

Frequency of Data Entry: While daily interactions offer the most holistic insights, the frequency can be customized to suit an organization's preferences.

Data Aggregation: All collected data is aggregated and presented to the organization leaders or team managers. This aggregated overview assists leaders in identifying patterns, concerns, or areas of improvement.

AI-Powered Recommendations: One of the standout features is our AI's capability to suggest recommendations. Based on the analyzed data, the AI proposes actionable steps to both employees for self-improvement and leaders for fostering a supportive environment.

Hope this clears things a bit!

This is what everyone needs until Neuralink goes main stream. I'll be sure to feed all of my information into my Espresso app while drinking a plain Jane black coffee on my 15 year old Macbook pro.
Work-Life balance and workplace stress have been major points of discussion now a days. Great to see people finally looking into these issues.
Expresso is a cutting-edge AI-driven workplace wellbeing solution designed to revolutionize how organizations prioritize and enhance the overall health and happiness of their employees. With a focus on both physical and mental wellness, Expresso leverages advanced artificial intelligence to create a comprehensive, personalized, and engaging experience for individuals within the workplace.
@mae_armstrong Hi Mae, are you on Expressos team or is your organization using it? Curious if you have any experience with the adoption. In my previous company we had a similar tool and I saw participation rates drop significantly, especially for the mood checks.

@wintoniak , she isn't on Expresso's team or a user.

Thanks for bringing this up! It's a valid concern. What sets Expresso apart is our AI-driven approach that personalizes the experience, making it more engaging and less repetitive than traditional tools. We've also found that the interactive nature of our AI chatbot, combined with actionable insights and recommendations, keeps the participation rates more consistent. Additionally, the emphasis we place on privacy and anonymity ensures employees feel safe and understood. We're continually iterating based on feedback to ensure high adoption and consistent participation. I'd really appreciate a deeper chat on this topic. Would you be open to discussing further? Your insights could be invaluable to us.

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