Percona 线程池行为验证

 10 months ago
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看到 plantegg 大佬的文章 MySQL线程池导致的延时卡顿排查 中提到 MySQL 线程池中 oversubscribe 的行为。也看到有小伙伴wych42尝试复现文章里提到的现象。

自己也尝试复现(基于 Percona 8.0.29-21),但现象和 wych42 的结果有细节上的差异,引申发现自己对 Percona 线程池模型的理解有问题,记录一下。

假想的 oversubscribe 模型

我们知道 oversubscribe 是用来限制 thread group 内同时运行的线程数量的,于是猜想工作原理(类比 Java 中的 ThreadPoolExecutor,oversubscribe 类比 corePoolSize):

  1. 由 thread group 中的 listener 线程将任务从网络连接挪到 thread group 中的队列
  2. 在需要时创建若干个 worker 来消费队列,此时如果数量超过 oversubscribe 则停止创建
  3. worker 在空闲若干时间后退出


仿照在 wych42 的 执行方案一中,设置如下:

| thread_handling                         | pool-of-threads |
| thread_pool_high_prio_mode | transactions |
| thread_pool_high_prio_tickets | 4294967295 |
| thread_pool_idle_timeout | 60 |
| thread_pool_max_threads | 100000 |
| thread_pool_oversubscribe | 1 |
| thread_pool_size | 1 |
| thread_pool_stall_limit | 500 |
  • 执行SQL select sleep(2)
  • 执行并发:8

按前一节的假想模型,预期 thread group 每次有 2 个线程执行(1+oversubscribe),结果是每批次 2 个 SQL 输出,耗时分别是 2s, 4s, 6s, 8s。

实测发现并不总是符合预期,各种情况都有,比如会有两批次就跑完的(4 个SQL 2s 加上 2 个 SQL 4s):

16:05:08.765+08:00: thread 0 iteration 1 start
16:05:08.765+08:00: thread 7 iteration 1 start
16:05:08.765+08:00: thread 3 iteration 1 start
16:05:08.765+08:00: thread 4 iteration 1 start
16:05:08.765+08:00: thread 1 iteration 1 start
16:05:08.765+08:00: thread 5 iteration 1 start
16:05:08.766+08:00: thread 2 iteration 1 start
16:05:08.766+08:00: thread 6 iteration 1 start
16:05:10.985+08:00: thread 4 iteration 1 took 2220 ms
16:05:10.985+08:00: thread 0 iteration 1 took 2220 ms
16:05:10.985+08:00: thread 3 iteration 1 took 2220 ms
16:05:11.029+08:00: thread 5 iteration 1 took 2264 ms
16:05:11.029+08:00: thread 7 iteration 1 took 2264 ms
16:05:13.080+08:00: thread 6 iteration 1 took 4313 ms
16:05:13.080+08:00: thread 1 iteration 1 took 4314 ms
16:05:13.085+08:00: thread 2 iteration 1 took 4320 ms
16:05:13.086+08:00: thread 2 iteration 2 start
16:05:13.086+08:00: thread 6 iteration 2 start
16:05:13.086+08:00: thread 5 iteration 2 start
16:05:13.086+08:00: thread 3 iteration 2 start
16:05:13.086+08:00: thread 1 iteration 2 start
16:05:13.086+08:00: thread 4 iteration 2 start
16:05:13.086+08:00: thread 0 iteration 2 start
16:05:13.086+08:00: thread 7 iteration 2 start
16:05:15.167+08:00: thread 6 iteration 2 took 2081 ms
16:05:15.167+08:00: thread 1 iteration 2 took 2081 ms
16:05:17.165+08:00: thread 2 iteration 2 took 4080 ms
16:05:17.165+08:00: thread 3 iteration 2 took 4079 ms
16:05:19.170+08:00: thread 5 iteration 2 took 6084 ms
16:05:19.170+08:00: thread 4 iteration 2 took 6084 ms
16:05:21.164+08:00: thread 0 iteration 2 took 8078 ms
16:05:21.164+08:00: thread 7 iteration 2 took 8078 ms
16:05:21.165+08:00: thread 1 iteration 3 start
16:05:21.165+08:00: thread 4 iteration 3 start
16:05:21.165+08:00: thread 7 iteration 3 start
16:05:21.165+08:00: thread 2 iteration 3 start
16:05:21.165+08:00: thread 3 iteration 3 start
16:05:21.165+08:00: thread 6 iteration 3 start
16:05:21.165+08:00: thread 5 iteration 3 start
16:05:21.165+08:00: thread 0 iteration 3 start
16:05:23.252+08:00: thread 6 iteration 3 took 2087 ms
16:05:23.252+08:00: thread 7 iteration 3 took 2087 ms
16:05:25.271+08:00: thread 2 iteration 3 took 4106 ms
16:05:25.271+08:00: thread 4 iteration 3 took 4106 ms
16:05:27.252+08:00: thread 3 iteration 3 took 6087 ms
16:05:27.251+08:00: thread 1 iteration 3 took 6086 ms
16:05:29.243+08:00: thread 0 iteration 3 took 8078 ms
16:05:29.243+08:00: thread 5 iteration 3 took 8078 ms
16:05:29.244+08:00: thread 5 iteration 4 start
16:05:29.244+08:00: thread 2 iteration 4 start
16:05:29.244+08:00: thread 6 iteration 4 start
16:05:29.244+08:00: thread 7 iteration 4 start
16:05:29.244+08:00: thread 4 iteration 4 start
16:05:29.244+08:00: thread 1 iteration 4 start
16:05:29.244+08:00: thread 3 iteration 4 start
16:05:29.244+08:00: thread 0 iteration 4 start
16:05:31.342+08:00: thread 7 iteration 4 took 2098 ms
16:05:31.343+08:00: thread 5 iteration 4 took 2099 ms
16:05:33.324+08:00: thread 2 iteration 4 took 4080 ms
16:05:33.324+08:00: thread 1 iteration 4 took 4080 ms
16:05:33.411+08:00: thread 3 iteration 4 took 4167 ms
16:05:33.417+08:00: thread 6 iteration 4 took 4173 ms
16:05:35.424+08:00: thread 0 iteration 4 took 6180 ms
16:05:35.424+08:00: thread 4 iteration 4 took 6180 ms

这说明要么是我们的假想模型有问题,要么是 Percona 实现有 BUG。那实际情况是怎么样的呢?拉代码看半天也看不出所以然,只能自行编译并加了很多 debug 日志,大概是明白了。

Percona thread group 模型

这里只说明 thread group 内的机制(不考虑全局的限制)。

  1. 线程有两种状态:active & waiting,执行 SQL 过程中阻塞则记为 waiting,如等锁或 SLEEP
  2. 线程的角色分成 listener 和 worker。listener 将网络上的请求挪到队列中, worker 从队列中获取任务来执行。一些情况下 listener 会自己变成worker 执行任务,worker 发现没有 listener 时也会变成 listener
  3. 每个 group 内部有两个队列,高优队列和低优队列。如默认模式下,处于 XA 事务、持有表锁等情形下会被认为高优[1]
  4. thread_pool_oversubscribe 用来限制同时运行的线程数量,它是通过限制从队列获取任务来达到目的:
    1. active 线程数 >= 1 + oversubscribe 时 worker 不取任务,直接休眠,取任务时额外考虑下面规则
    2. active + waiting 线程数 > 1 + oversubscribe 时 worker 不取任务,但只限制低优队列中的任务
  5. 为了防止各种假死的情况,会有专门的定时线程,检测两次执行间是否有进展,如果没有进展则会创建新的 worker(且此时规则 4.1 失效)。如 listener 变成 worker 后创建新的线程承担工作
  6. worker 线程在空闲一段时间(thread_pool_idle_timeout)后会退出


  1. thread group 的线程数可能大于 1+oversubscribe。没有机制限制线程的生成
  2. 同时运行的任务可能会大于 1+oversubscribe。一方面 listener 变成 worker 时接任务不通过队列,因此不受限制;另一方面 waiting 的任务不参与计算规则 4.1;再者高优任务不参与计算规则 4.2.
  3. 即使允许执行,任务的开始时间也可能会有延迟。如当前 listener 在干活,新任务只能等定时任务生成新的 worker 来执行,运气差的,延时可能会接近 2*thread_pool_stall_limit


结合更新后的模型以及实际的 debug 日志,差异一解释如下:

  1. SELECT SLEEP 语句在执行时,线程会变成 waiting 状态
  2. 由于 active 线程为 0, 很多代码位置上会尝试创建新的线程
  3. 新的 worker 线程由于规则 4.2 的限制会取不到任务,进入休眠
  4. 但由于某些时刻所有线程都在做任务,没有 listener,此时 worker 不休眠,而进入 listener 模式
  5. 进入 listener 模式的的线程在一些情况(发现有新任务且已有的队列为空)下会决定自己执行任务
  6. 当 listener 决定自己执行任务,它会直接从网络连接中获取任务而不经过任务队列,因此不受限制
  7. listener 开始执行任务时变成 worker 角色,有可能重新触发情况 #4

差异一补充 case:高优队列不受规则 4.2 限制

已知锁表能让事务成为高优,我们把负载改成两句 SQL:

LOCK TABLES t? READ ; 这里每个线程锁不同的表

测试的结果如下,可以看到在第一个迭代中创建了 N 个 worker,第二个迭代中每个 worker 都实际执行了任务,因此结果只有一个批次,都是 2s 左右。

11:47:36.251+08:00: thread 0 iteration 0 start
11:47:36.251+08:00: thread 7 iteration 0 start
11:47:36.251+08:00: thread 5 iteration 0 start
11:47:36.251+08:00: thread 2 iteration 0 start
11:47:36.251+08:00: thread 1 iteration 0 start
11:47:36.251+08:00: thread 6 iteration 0 start
11:47:36.251+08:00: thread 4 iteration 0 start
11:47:36.251+08:00: thread 3 iteration 0 start
11:47:39.059+08:00: thread 0 iteration 0 took 2808 ms
11:47:39.162+08:00: thread 5 iteration 0 took 2911 ms
11:47:39.425+08:00: thread 7 iteration 0 took 3174 ms
11:47:41.282+08:00: thread 1 iteration 0 took 5031 ms
11:47:41.352+08:00: thread 6 iteration 0 took 5101 ms
11:47:41.463+08:00: thread 2 iteration 0 took 5212 ms
11:47:41.613+08:00: thread 4 iteration 0 took 5362 ms
11:47:43.532+08:00: thread 3 iteration 0 took 7281 ms
11:47:43.533+08:00: thread 3 iteration 1 start
11:47:43.533+08:00: thread 5 iteration 1 start
11:47:43.533+08:00: thread 7 iteration 1 start
11:47:43.533+08:00: thread 0 iteration 1 start
11:47:43.533+08:00: thread 2 iteration 1 start
11:47:43.533+08:00: thread 4 iteration 1 start
11:47:43.533+08:00: thread 1 iteration 1 start
11:47:43.533+08:00: thread 6 iteration 1 start
11:47:45.727+08:00: thread 3 iteration 1 took 2194 ms
11:47:45.751+08:00: thread 7 iteration 1 took 2218 ms
11:47:45.751+08:00: thread 2 iteration 1 took 2218 ms
11:47:45.751+08:00: thread 4 iteration 1 took 2218 ms
11:47:45.755+08:00: thread 5 iteration 1 took 2222 ms
11:47:45.756+08:00: thread 1 iteration 1 took 2223 ms
11:47:45.760+08:00: thread 0 iteration 1 took 2227 ms
11:47:45.765+08:00: thread 6 iteration 1 took 2232 ms

差异二:SELECT SLEEP 可能不是好负载

通过源码我们知道执行 SLEEP 的线程是 waiting 状态,会绕过某些 oversubscribe 的限制。我们尝试使用下面的负载:

MySQL> select benchmark(9999999, md5('when will it end?'));
1 row in set
Time: 2.079s


16:58:01.905+08:00: thread 2 iteration 0 start
16:58:01.905+08:00: thread 6 iteration 0 start
16:58:01.905+08:00: thread 1 iteration 0 start
16:58:01.905+08:00: thread 4 iteration 0 start
16:58:01.905+08:00: thread 7 iteration 0 start
16:58:01.905+08:00: thread 5 iteration 0 start
16:58:01.905+08:00: thread 3 iteration 0 start
16:58:01.905+08:00: thread 0 iteration 0 start
16:58:05.757+08:00: thread 0 iteration 0 took 3852 ms
16:58:06.679+08:00: thread 5 iteration 0 took 4774 ms
16:58:08.376+08:00: thread 1 iteration 0 took 6471 ms
16:58:10.425+08:00: thread 2 iteration 0 took 8520 ms
16:58:11.620+08:00: thread 6 iteration 0 took 9715 ms
16:58:13.604+08:00: thread 4 iteration 0 took 11699 ms
16:58:14.413+08:00: thread 3 iteration 0 took 12508 ms
16:58:16.843+08:00: thread 7 iteration 0 took 14938 ms

但是,我们预期仍是一个批次执行两个 SQL,为什么第二个请求 4774ms 才返回?下面我们看看在 Percona 中增加的 debug 信息,来了解内部工作的机制

   time         thread id       message
16:58:02.197 123145417097216 command: 3: select benchmark(9999999, md5('when will it end?'));
16:58:02.206 4863544832 add connection(active: 1, waiting: 0, stalled: 0)
① 16:58:02.899 123145390891008 check_stall #1> wake_or_create(active: 1, waiting: 0, stalled: 0)
16:58:02.899 123145390891008 wake or create thread
16:58:02.899 123145390891008 thread waked (active: 1, waiting: 0, stalled: 0)
16:58:02.899 123145418162176 get_event > after wakeup(active: 2, waiting: 0, stalled: 0)
② 16:58:02.899 123145418162176 get_event poll (active: 2, waiting: 0, stalled: 0, oversubscribed: 1)
16:58:02.899 123145418162176 get_event current listener(0)
③ 16:58:02.899 123145418162176 get_event become listener(active: 1, waiting: 0, stalled: 0)
16:58:02.899 123145418162176 get_event become listener get lock(active: 1, waiting: 0, stalled: 0)
16:58:02.899 123145418162176 listener #0(active: 1, waiting: 0, stalled: 0)
④ 16:58:03.402 123145390891008 check_stall #2> wake_or_create(active: 1, waiting: 0, stalled: 1)
16:58:03.402 123145390891008 wake or create thread
16:58:03.402 123145390891008 waked failed (active: 1, waiting: 0, stalled: 1)
16:58:03.402 123145390891008 throttle create worker #2(active: 1, waiting: 0, stalled: 1)
16:58:03.402 123145390891008 create worker called(active: 1, waiting: 0, stalled: 1)
16:58:03.402 123145419227136 worker main start (active: 2, waiting: 0, stalled: 1)
16:58:03.402 123145419227136 get_event start (active: 2, waiting: 0, stalled: 1)
16:58:03.402 123145419227136 get_event poll (active: 2, waiting: 0, stalled: 1, oversubscribed: 0)
⑤ 16:58:03.402 123145419227136 queue_get #0 (active: 2, waiting: 0, stalled: 1, toomany: 0)
16:58:03.402 123145419227136 queue_get #2 (active: 2, waiting: 0, stalled: 1)
16:58:03.402 123145419227136 get_event connection = 8c148620(active: 2, waiting: 0, stalled: 1, oversubscribed: 0)
16:58:03.402 123145419227136 get_event end (active: 2, waiting: 0, stalled: 1)
⑥ 16:58:03.402 123145419227136 command: 3: select benchmark(9999999, md5('when will it end?'));
  • 由于第一个 listener 线程执行了第一个任务,① 处 check stall 线程触发,尝试创建一个新的 worker。
  • 在 ② 处,该 worker 尝试获取任务,但因为此时 active 为 2 (>= 1+oversubscribed=2),触发了限制,因此从队列中获取不到任务。
  • 接着 ③ 中,worker 发现当前没有 listener,于是自己成为 listener,但此时网络上没有数据,进入休眠。
  • ④ 中 check stall 第二次唤醒,发现有 listener,但队列不为空,于是尝试唤醒或新建线程。此时没有 waiting 中的线程,于是创建新的线程。
  • ⑤ 中新建的线程从队列中获取任务,虽然当前 oversubscribed,但由于状态是 stalled,于是不受规则 4.1 限制,而此时 (active+waiting = 2 <= 1+oversubscribed=2),也不受规则 4.2 限制,于是获取任务并执行。看到 ⑥ 中执行命令,此时距离接受到命令过去了 1s+,也因此整个请求是 4s+。


  1. waiting 和 active 的负载对 thread group 调度来说是有差异的
  2. 由于创建线程的滞后性(由 check stall 定时线程),任务执行会有延迟,且延迟不低


Percona 实际的线程模型显然没有我们假想模型简单,那能不能简化呢?

例如为什么不用全职 listener,listener 完成不参与执行任务?这是因为直接让 listener 处理任务效率更高,listener 刚从等待网络中被唤醒,不需要从再唤醒一个 worker,减少线程切换。但 listener 擅离职守会造成后续任务的延时,因此 listener 一方面只在当前任务队列为空时才转为 worker,另一方面有定时的check_stall 线程来保底。但如差异二中看到的,还是会造成任务执行的延时[2]

再例如能不能只用一个 queue?早期的实现其实就没有区分高优低优队列,Percona 后来实现优先队列是为了缩短服务端内部的 XA 事务[3]。对表锁的高优操作也是后来才添加的。

还有为什么不在创建线程时就限制总数不能超过 oversubscribed?(以下是猜想) oversubscribe 从设计来看不应该是一个硬限制,它要达到的目的是在全局限制线程数的前提下,防止某个 thread group 疯狂创建吃掉所有限额,造成其它 group 创建不了线程的情况。但是适当允许某个 group 创建超过 oversubscribe 的线程数是有助于提高整体效率的。而且绝对限死线程数也更可能造成 group 内的死锁,保持弹性能应对更多异常的情况。

  • Percona thread pool 对 threadpool 的行为有一些说明,但并不是很全面
  • 添加 debug 信息的源码文件,有兴趣的可以自己编译验证

  • MySQL 线程组实现文档 oversubscribed 实现不同,但其它的如线程创建方面可以参考

另外关于 Percona 线程机制的描述一搜一大把,可以结合本文案例理解。

  1. 参考 connection_is_high_prio 中定义了各种条件。除了要满足条件,Percona 会给每个 connection 发放 N 个高优的 ticket,只有ticket 有剩余,其中的 SQL 才会认为是高优。另外除了默认的 transactions 模式,还有 statement 模式,则每个 statement 都认为是高优。

  2. 参考原代码的注释 https://github.com/percona/percona-server/blob/8.0/sql/threadpool_unix.cc#L656

  3. 这个 commit 提到目标是 “minimize the number of open transactions in the server”,结合代码看到 open transactions 指的是 XA 的事务。

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