GitHub - bitair-org/parser.js: Language recognition tool for JavaScript RTEs

 1 year ago
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Parser.js is a text parser for JavaScript RTEs. Parser.js can be used for data extraction and creating transpilers and interpreters.

Technical facts

  • Implements a top-down recursive parser with both lookback and lookahead functionalities.
  • Uses the JavaScript's RegExp object for tokenization.
  • Provides a fluent API for grammar creation.
  • Is pure JavaScript (library/framework free) and can be used in all JavaScript RTEs.
  • Bundled as an ES5 ESM library.
  • Written in TypeScript with the strictest ESNext config.
  • Uses no recursive function (uses the stack to implement recursion).
  • Returns a JSON object instead of a parse-tree.


npm i @bitair/parser.js



import { r, Combinator, Quantifier, Assertion, EventType, Parser } from '@bitair/parser.js'

Sample calculator

import { r, Parser, Combinator } from '@bitair/parser.js'
import { equal } from 'node:assert'

const NUMBER = /[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?/
const soloOp = r(/sin|cos/).as('op')
const pairOp = r(/\+|-|\/|\*|\^/).as('op')
const grammar = r(
  [r(NUMBER).as('a'), pairOp, r(NUMBER).as('b')],
  [soloOp, r(NUMBER).as('a')]

const parser = new Parser(grammar, {
  skip: /\s*/

let equation = parser.parse('2+2')
equal(interpret(equation), 4)
equation = parser.parse('2-2')
equal(interpret(equation), 0)
equation = parser.parse('2/2')
equal(interpret(equation), 1)
equation = parser.parse('2*2')
equal(interpret(equation), 4)
equation = parser.parse('2^2')
equal(interpret(equation), 4)
equation = parser.parse('sin 0')
equal(interpret(equation), 0)
equation = parser.parse('cos 0')
equal(interpret(equation), 1)


function interpret({ a, b, op }) {
  a = parseFloat(a)
  b = parseFloat(b)
  switch (op) {
    case '+':
      return a + b
    case '-':
      return a - b
    case '*':
      return a * b
    case '/':
      return a / b
    case '^':
      return a ** b
    case 'sin':
      return Math.sin(a)
    case 'cos':
      return Math.cos(a)

  return NaN

r(...subrules: RegExp | Callback | Rule | Array<RegExp | Callback | Rule>) : RuleFactory

Creates a rule from single or multiple subrules. Returns a RuleFactory instance for configuring the rule.
  • Example:

    const input = 'Name:Apple\nColor:Yellow'
    const expected = [
      { key: 'name', value: 'APPLE' },
      { key: 'color', value: 'YELLOW' }
    const END_OF_LINE = /\n|$/
    const COLON = /:/
    const key = r(/[a-zA-Z]+/, /[a-zA-Z0-9]*/).as('key')
    const value = r(/.+/).as('value')
    const grammar = r(key, COLON, value, END_OF_LINE).quantify('+').as('list')
    const listener = (event: ParserEvent) => {
      if (event.type === ParserEventType.RuleSucceeded) {
        // Transforming the parsed data
        const rule = event.data
        if (rule.name === 'list') {
          return rule.data.map(({ key, value }: { key: string; value: string }) => ({
            key: key.toLowerCase(),
            value: value.toUpperCase()
    const parser = new Parser(grammar, { listener })
    const actual = parser.parse(input)
    assert.deepEqual(actual, expected)
  • ...subrules: Callback : A callback can be used for creating recursive rules and manual scanners.

    type Callback = (...args: any[]) => any
    • Example: Recursive rule

      const input = '[[[[1]]]]'
      const expected = [[[[1]]]]
      const array = r([/\[/, (): Rule => array, /\]/], NUMBER)
      const listener = (event: ParserEvent) => {
        if (event.type === ParserEventType.RuleSucceeded) {
          const { name, data } = event.data
          if (name === 'array') return data.array ? [data.array] : parseInt(data)
      const parser = new Parser(array, { listener })
      const actual = parser.parse(input)
      assert.equal(actual, expected)
    • Example: Manual scanner

      const input = "'It\\'s Ok!'"
      const expected = "It's Ok!"
      const scanner = function (this: IParser): string | undefined {
        let text = ''
        const parser = this
        while (!parser.lexer.isEof) {
          const char = parser.lexer.scan(/[\w\W\s\S]/)
          if (char === "'") {
            // If the quotation mark has been escaped then remove the \ char
            if (text[text.length - 1] === '\\') text = text.slice(0, -1) + "'"
            // Otherwise the quotation mark is an enclosing mark and should be dropped
          text += char
        return text
      const grammar = r(() => scanner).as('text')
      const parser = new Parser(grammar)
      const actual = parser.parse(input)
      assert.equal(actual, expected)


Provides a method chaining instance for configuring a rule.
  • .combine(Combinator: Combinator) : RuleFactory Combines the subrules. When is not configuring, the subrules will be sequentially combined.

    enum Combinator {
  • .quantify(quantifier: Quantifier) : RuleFactory

    enum Quantifier {
      Optional, // ?
      ZeroOrMore, // *
      OneOrMany // +
  • .capture(value: false): RuleFactory

    Is used for dropping the parsed data from the final output.
    • Example:

      const input = '#This is a comment!\nprint("Hello World!")#This is another comment\n'
      const expected = [{ statement: 'print("Hello World!")' }]
      const comment = r(/#[^\n]+(\n|$)/)
      const statement = r(/[^#\n]+(\n|$|)/).as('statement')
      const grammar = r(comment, statement)
      const parser = new Parser(grammar)
      const actual = parser.parse(input)
      assert.equal(actual, expected)
  • .skip(pattern: RegExp): RuleFactory

    Skips tokens between subrules. (E.g.: skipping whitespace tokens)
  • .assert(assertion: Assertion) : Rule

    Asserts a rule without consuming the input. This function should be called as the last chain function.
    enum Assertion {
  • .as(name: string) : Rule

    Configures and returns the rule. This function should be called as the last chain function.
    • name: string: name of the rule.

class Parser implements IParser

  • constructor (grammar: Rule, settings?: ParserSettings) : IParser

    Creates a reusable parser for parsing multiple inputs.
    • grammar: Rule: The top-level rule.

    • setting?: ParserSettings: Global parser settings

      type ParserSettings = Partial<{
        skip: RegExp
        listener: ParserListener
      • skip: RegExp: The default skipping pattern that would be applied to the rules that haven't specified the skip pattern.
      • listener: ParserListener: Is used for extending the parser process. (E.g: transforming the parsed data.)
      type ParserListener = (this: IParser, event: ParserEvent) => unknown
      type ParserEvent = RuleSucceededEvent | RuleFailedEvent
      type RuleSucceededEvent = {
        type: 0
        data: { name?: string; data: any }
      type RuleFailedEvent = {
        type: 1
        data: { name?: string }
export interface IParser {
  lexer: ILexer

export interface ILexer {
  isEof: boolean
  jump: (length: number) => void
  scan(pattern: RegExp): string | undefined
  lookahead(pattern: RegExp): string | undefined
  lookback(pattern: RegExp): string | undefined


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