23 Electrician Websites for Design Inspiration

 1 year ago
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23 Electrician Websites for Design Inspiration

ByKaitlyn Greenfield PublishedMay 2, 2023May 2, 2023

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For an electrician or business owner to achieve success and growth, it’s necessary to have a professional electrician website that showcases their services and expertise in the field. Proper organization and inclusion of essential details on your website can give your business a competitive edge.

Creating a website that’s effective can be a challenging task, but seeking inspiration is beneficial in guiding the process. These websites display a range of design styles and methods, providing ideas for layout options, font choices, and information to include. They can help you create a website that accurately represents your brand and attracts new customers.

Building your own website? We highly recommend Squarespace. They offer a huge selection of beautiful templates and endless customization options so you can create your own site, no coding required.

Electrician Website Examples

When creating an excellent website design, finding inspiration to use as a guide can be extremely helpful. A website should be visually appealing, informative, and easy to navigate. As you browse through this list of electrician websites for inspiration, take notes of design elements you like and use them as a guide when designing your own.

And you may be interested in some of our other showcases, like roofing websites, plumbing websites, home builder websites, and contractor websites.

Blitz Electrical

Using a consistent color scheme throughout your site makes the pages and elements flow together and provides an overall enjoyable experience for visitors. Blitz Electrical, built with the user-friendly website builder site Squarespace, does a great job of this.

Alternating between white and darker backgrounds, the orange accent colors make action buttons and primary elements and information pop.

They display services offered with custom illustrations, from lighting services to security and switchboard works. We can find contact information and action buttons to get a quote in the top menu bar and throughout the site in noticeable ways.

Ridgeline Electric

The textured white background on Ridgeline Electrics’ website adds a touch of interest and a nice touch to the overall design. Throughout the site, they highlight all action buttons with a bright green color that pops out to the viewer and is impossible to miss.

We can easily find services and contact information using the minimal menu at the top of the page, or by scrolling through the home page.

Potential customers can be assured of the quality of work to expect by using the image slider near the bottom of the home page with high-quality photography of previous and current works by the company.

Platinum Electricians

Platinum Electricians opens with a large full-width header video that auto-plays when the site loads. Below the header they show off their expertise to potential clients with a display of the number of projects and happy customers they’ve serviced since the start of the business.

The menu bar includes detailed options for precise browsing and a large action button that directs you to a page with all contact options.

Scrolling to the site’s footer we find a large section showing off a passion for giving back to their community. The banner has extraordinary elements, but the bright red background can be hard on the eyes of some viewers.

O’Connell Electric Company

For large electric companies that have a lot of information to present on their website, O’Connell Electric Company is a great spot to find some design inspiration. Their home page has various action buttons that have a custom hover-over animation matching their brand logo.

The sticky menu bar includes detailed drop-down options for effective navigation of the site for users looking for a particular service.

The site also has different areas for potential clients to find certain services or even find career opportunities for skilled electricians. 

181 Electrical

The website for 181 Electrical does a great job of influencing visitors to take action. They implement unique design elements to draw attention to action buttons to book appointments or get a quote from the company.

On the home page, they display a wide range of elements showing off positive past client experiences and images of the electrical team and completed projects.

The “book now” page has a large banner showing a price reduction for booking online. This is a great way to aid in turning visitors into customers.

Randy’s Electric

Randy’s Electric opens with a full-width header video, showing positive images and past projects that give the impression of a positive customer experience.

Potential clients can use one of the many action buttons to reach out to the company or use the pop-out chat feature in the bottom right corner of the page. They also displayed the simple form to request electrical service on the home page, making it even easier for users to reach out to the company.

The site also features a blog with article-sharing features, perfect for sharing advice and tips with friends or loved ones.

Eagle Electric

Eagle Electric takes a simple yet impactful approach with its website design. All the content displayed is center-aligned, with a large amount of white space on either side. The strategic use of white space and center alignment directs the potential customer’s attention toward important elements on the website, such as blog posts and inquiry forms.

The minimal design of the site makes the use of parallax scrolling features an impressive visual element as users browse the site.  

Arnold Electrical Services

Arnold Electrical Services features a memorable color scheme, with an almost pastel green and orange color to highlight action buttons and primary elements on top of a clear white background.

Their home page has clutter-free content, keeping text and illustrators separated with plenty of white space between them. This is a good way to keep your user engaged and not overwhelmed when visiting your site.

Potential clients can use the detailed sticky menu to select a particular service or use the large action button and clickable phone number to quickly reach out to the company. 

Rio Electric

Rio Electric uses a more creative visual design with its website. With a dark blue background and quality images, they show off their skill and dedication to their work.

Their blog and a display of their Instagram feed show off detailed photos and descriptions of their previous work. This gives interested customers an idea of what to expect when working with this company.

Their header features a small display of their business logo, which can appear a little fuzzy. Displaying a high-quality and possibly vectorized version of your logo on your site ensures that there will be no lack of quality no matter what size it’s being displayed at.

Green Electrical

Green Electrical Company uses large high-quality photography to create an appealing design for their site. On the home page, most photos double as a large action button. This allows online users to select which service they’re interested in by looking at an engaging visual image.

They show all action buttons and illustrations with a bright color scheme, using a green that stands out boldly on top of the black and white backgrounds.

Interested visitors can reach out to the company using the large clickable phone number in the sticky menu, or by filling out the short form near the footer of the site.

Hardt Electric

Visiting the Hardt Electrics website is a full experience that appeals to visitors. The mouse cursor changes from a standard arrow to a custom circular cursor that changes colors depending on the background.

They show off their social proof with large displays of previous projects and a list of their impressive past client base.

Users can find the off-canvas menu using the button in the top right corner of the page. The menu allows for navigation to find a range of content options or find contact information. We can also find contact information and their social icons displayed in the sites’ footer.

All in One Electric

The website for All in One Electric was built with the custom website builder Squarespace. Squarespace offers a range of premium templates that make it easy to find the perfect starting point for creating the perfect site for your business. The home page features a range of engaging elements, from large action buttons to engaging reviews and illustrations.

The bright yellow and white color scheme used throughout the site makes the business memorable. They display clickable contact information like the business email address and phone number in the sites’ footer and the top menu bar.

JTM Electrical and Technology

JTM Electrical and Technology uses bright colors and strategic content placement to make its site engaging and user-friendly. Their home page opens with large action buttons that turn a bright yellow once hovered over.

Just below the header, they have a link to an engaging YouTube video introducing the brand to their potential customers.

The sticky header includes links to view their services like electrical installations, a page dedicated to news and their blog, and a dedicated contact page. Along with the contact page, online viewers can find phone numbers, emails, and business hour information in the site’s footer.

Penna Electric

Penna Electric’s site is full of engaging content, with an introductory video in the header and a larger version towards the footer.

They show their memorable lightning bolt logo in various areas throughout the site, helping users become familiar with the brand and their services.

Users can find many action buttons displayed on bright color sections, letting them easily learn more about their services and reach out to get a quote.

Melbourne Wiring Services

The Melbourne Wiring Services website was built with Squarespace. Squarespace allows you to build a custom electrical website design for your business from scratch or from the best-converting templates they provide.

Their site uses a soft but memorable color palette, mixing a baby blue with a contrasting white or black background.

They showcase their contact information and social icons in the site’s sticky menu, footer, and in a section displaying their Instagram feed.

The site’s header also includes a large, clickable phone number along with an action button to get a quote, making it easy for all users to get in touch.

Staywired Electrical

Staywired Electrical’s awesome web design features bold typography and engaging animations on its site. As users browse, new content flows in from off-screen, catching the users’ attention.

When hovered over, the large phone number and booking action buttons wiggle, which can be a fun element for some viewers. They filled the site with engaging content and information, from detailed service descriptions to nice coupon options.

The color palette throughout the site is sporadic, some areas have a bright blue color while others have a yellow or red. Keeping a consistent and cohesive color palette throughout your site can help create a more positive and less overwhelming experience for the user.

Mister Sparky

Mister Sparky is a great example of a business that has its brand identity down to a science. The site’s home page opens with a large humorous header image, with catchy typography and a call to action. The color choices are cohesive throughout the site, which helps tie the entire experience together.

They display a range of content, from helpful blog posts to details about their electrical services.

A helpful feature of this site is the detailed menu shown at the top of the page and also in the site’s footer. The menu includes options to view services, franchise options, contact information, and bold calls to action.

Electric City Corp.

When creating your electrical business website, having a responsive design is crucial. This allows users to access the site in its entirety from any device, desktop or mobile. Electric City Corp designed their website with this in mind. As the screen size gets smaller or larger, elements and organization on the site automatically adjust, creating a positive appeal to visitors no matter what device they’re using.

From the home page, they greet viewers with a large custom illustration that matches the site’s color scheme. The menu bar turns into a simple quote form to fill out for a free consultation, and this form stays put as you browse the site.

Mel Carr Electric

Mel Carr Electric keeps its brand identity front and center with the design on its site. Potential customers can view information about services offered, learn more about the business or read their code of ethics by using one of the many action buttons placed throughout the site.

We can find contact information in the site’s sticky menu, with the clickable phone number in the top right corner of the page. A helpful chat feature pops up upon opening the site, letting users reach out and get their questions answered quickly.

Any Hour Services

Any Hour Services features a bold color scheme that helps primary content and action buttons stand out to the online visitor.

Aside from the large header typography, the rest of the text is smaller and bleeds together. This can make readers less engaged. Eye-catching phrases and well-organized text can help users stay engaged and want to read through the range of content presented on the site.

We can find contact information, social icons, and a bright red book now button in the site’s menu and in the footer. The book now option opens a pop-up that guides users through booking an appointment that works for them.

Contract Electrical

Contract Electrical displays a wide range of action buttons and blog posts dedicated to showcasing past projects with quality images. Upon opening the page, they list contact information above the main menu. We can also view contact information and social icons in the site’s footer.

Potential clients can find previous customer testimonials on a slider towards the bottom of the home page, which is a great way to build high expectations.

They separated the services tab into four categories: residential, commercial, maintenance, and regional services. This lets customers easily browse for any specific service.

Reefcosa Electrical

Reefcosa Electrical promotes its site with large orange and blue buttons and many notable features. A large pop-up appears while browsing the site, asking for feedback and suggestions on the design of the site. This is a great way to get organic feedback and learn what customers expect from an electrician’s website.

They show a detailed services section with engaging images that give a floating illusion when hovered over. Potential customers can reach out for a quote or find contact information in the sticky menu, in the footer, or by navigating to the dedicated contact page.

Puckett Electric

The website for Puckett Electric is short and memorable. The site features a bold color palette with a bright red shown on top of a white background.

Visitors can book a service call using the action button at the top of the page, or by using the user-friendly form near the site’s footer. We can also find a clickable phone number above the menu bar.

They have a dedicated page to display past projects. When clicked on, each project has its own page with high-quality images to scroll through.

Essential Elements of Electrician Website Design

1. Easy-to-Find Contact Information

As an electrician, including easy-to-find contact information is crucial for your website. This ensures that potential customers can get in touch with you to inquire about services or schedule an appointment.

Including an accessible phone number, email address, and social icons on your website is a great start, but including a user-friendly contact form that visitors can fill out is also important.

By making it easier for visitors to contact you, you’re more likely to generate leads and grow your business.

2. Calls to Action

Including clear calls to action on your website guides visitors towards taking a desired action, such as scheduling an appointment or requesting a quote. Without an effective call to action displayed on your site, you risk losing opportunities for potential business.

Place prominent action buttons in places such as in the header, footer, or on primary landing pages. Ensure they are mobile-friendly and easy to click on. Of course, make sure the buttons are all linked and work so that users don’t end up lost on your site.

3. List of Services Offered

Listing the quality services your business provides in an organized way is crucial to provide potential customers with a clear understanding of what you offer. Whether your services are appliance installation or you offer larger projects for commercial businesses, displaying them makes it so customers can identify if your business can meet their specific needs.

Using bullet points or sectioning your lists with card designs with a brief description of your services is a great way to do this. Providing a comprehensive list of services can attract more customers can increase your business’s online visibility.

4. List of Locations Served

Including an organized list of locations that your business serves helps customers decide whether your business is a good fit for their needs. Include the names of locations in your title tags, descriptions, and other areas of content on your site so that it’s clear and easily visible.

You can also create separate pages for each location including specific information that matches the needs of customers in that area. Having a dedicated contact page with an interactive Google map is also a great way to do this. Include pins and even an option for visitors to enter their desired zip code for an easy search.

5. Company/Team Bio

To help establish credibility and build trust with your potential customers, including a company and team biography on your site is important. By sharing information about your team and company experience and expertise, you can give viewers reassurance that you know the skills and knowledge to provide quality services. 

Include information about the history of your business, qualifications, and certifications your team members may have, and any notable projects or accomplishments. Including high-quality photography of your team is also a great way to build trust and familiarity with your customers.

6. High-Quality Photos

Including attractive images on your site enhances the overall look and feel of your website. High-quality photography helps establish professionalism and can make your business stand out from your competitors.

It may be worth investing in a professional photographer to take photos of your completed projects and of your team. Always be mindful when adding photography to your site that they are the proper size and quality. Otherwise, on larger screens, they can appear pixelated or blurry. 

7. Customer Reviews or Testimonials

Having a dedicated area for potential clients to read customer reviews or testimonials from satisfied customers can help build trust and credibility. When people are searching for an electrician, they want to know that they’ve found one they can trust with their project. Being able to read through the experiences of previous clients is a great way to do just that.

There are many ways to display reviews and testimonials. You can do so by including a slider on your home page, choosing a few of your top reviews, or even dedicating an entire page to them.

Final Thoughts on Electrician Websites

Having a well-designed electrician website is crucial for success in the saturated market. Whether you choose to use the premium templates provided by Squarespace or opt for a custom website design, prioritizing a positive user experience for your potential customers is important.

Take inspiration from this list of electrician websites and use them as a helpful guide to feel confident in designing your own. Investing in a quality website for your business can help take your success to the next level.

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