abap2UI5 – (7/7) Technical Background: Under the Hood of abap2UI5

 1 year ago
source link: https://blogs.sap.com/2023/04/26/abap2ui5-7-7-technical-background-under-the-hood-of-abap2ui5/
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April 26, 2023 23 minute read

abap2UI5 – (7/7) Technical Background: Under the Hood of abap2UI5

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Welcome to the final part of this blog series introducing abap2UI5 — an open-source project for developing standalone UI5 apps in pure ABAP.

This post will focus on the technical background and summarize all the project’s key ideas by covering topics such as its architecture, codebase and compatibility.

Find all the information about the project on GitHub and stay up-to-date by following on Twitter.

Blog Series

Technical Background

Abap2UI5 is designed as an open-source project. My goal in doing this is not only to make it accessible to everyone, but also allow for exchange of ideas. Therefore, this last blog post contains all technical details: It shares the underlying concept behind this approach, explains its adaptation to the ABAP Environment, its differences to RAP and finally focuses on its code line. While my background is mostly in traditional SAP areas such as Selection Screens, ALVs, UI5 and RAP, I am not an expert in all of the topics I will touch upon, but I was interested in what they can bring to the project. This being said, if you catch any mistakes, please feel free to correct me. As always, I welcome all feedback.

(1) HTML Over the Wire

Let’s start by taking a closer look at the concept of “HTML Over the Wire”, an approach that influenced abap2UI5 and is very well explained in this blog post:

You can write fast, modern, responsive web applications by generating your HTML on the server, and delivering that (with a little help) directly to the browser. You don’t need JSON as an in-between format. You don’t need client-side MVC frameworks. You don’t need complicated bundling and transpiling pipelines. But you do need to think different. […]

This is what HTML Over The Wire is all about. It’s a celebration of the simplicity in HTML as the format for carrying data and presentation together, whether this is delivered on the first load or with subsequent dynamic updates.

I came across this concept on SCN when I read this blog post, which explained how to use htmx to create Fiori-like apps. Over-the-wire approaches include server-side rendering (SSR) similar to that of a multi-page application (MPA). However, after the initial request, the browser retrieves only HTML fragments asynchronously via Ajax, so the entire page is not re-rendered anymore. Unlike a single-page application (SPA), the server handles also the application’s logic and state:


HTML “Over the Wire” Lifecycle (Quelle)

The idea of combining View & Data and transferring them together to the frontend is significantly distinct from most of the current approach where HTML, CSS & JavaScript are strictly separated and stored at the frontend whereas the model is sent by the backend.

(2) Hypermedia Driven Application (HDA)

This leads to a concept that we could refer to as a hypermedia-driven application (HDA), which is introduced here. Let’s compare this approach to that of multi-page applications (MPA) and single-page applications (SPA):


MPA vs. SPA vs. HDA (Quelle)

In a hypermedia-driven application (HDA), the browser is limited to displaying HTML, processing JavaScript and CSS, but has no knowledge of the application’s state (i.e., what has happened before and what will happen next). The application’s logic is completely maintained on the server, and after every request, it is like an entire new app is sent to the client, along with a fresh set of options for navigation that were not available in the previous request. In contrast, in a single-page application (SPA), all routes and potential actions are defined upfront and implemented at the frontend. As a result, any modifications to the application requires rebuilding the frontend app (more information here).

(3) Separation of Concerns

In a HDA, the idea of separation of concerns is not highly prioritized. CSS, JavaScript, and HTML are not cleanly separated, and the backend is responsible not only for the data model but also for generating the UI and the program flow. However, the advantage of this approach is that we can maintain and customize everything in one place, as we’re accustomed to in the past for example in former SAP GUI applications (more information here).

(4) Dive Deeper

The first approaches in this direction were introduced back in Phoenix LiveView (2018) and in Laravel Livewire (2019). Now, there are several frameworks that work on similar principles, such as htmx, hotwire or unpoly (check out newer blog posts here and here).

In the end, all of these concepts share the belief that it’s possible to develop apps with much less complexity, but only slightly lower level of UI fidelity compared to SPAs. Or, when we try to illustrate it visually, they aim to find a “sweet spot” between MPAs and SPAs:


“Sweet Spot” between SPA and MPA (Quelle)

Most of my knowledge about this subject comes from this blog series, and it’s still relatively new to me (so I don’t consider myself an expert). However, it’s fascinating to see the existing frameworks and to contemplate what might be achievable in the future, such as selectively re-rendering specific parts of the view or implementing smoother page transitions. I strongly recommend taking an hour to watch this video, where all of these concepts are presented very well.

But now let’s start to ask what we can bring of this concept to UI5 and the ABAP environment?

(5) UI5 Architecture

UI5 differs significantly from frameworks like htmx and unpoly. In an UI5 app, all of the logic is handled at the frontend, while the backend utilizes an OData-Implementation. This means that ABAP is only used for delivering data and has no opportunities to implement its own logic or UI. We have a “heavy javascript” approach here in a classic SPA architecture (we’ll take a closer look at RAP later).

But one specific characteristic we should examine closely is how the UI5 framework creates views. Each HTML is rendered from an XML-View (let’s ignore the former HTML/JS/JSON-Views), with its associated view model already bound to it. The view is stored at the frontend as part of the app:


UI5 normally – ABAP delivers only Data

(6) “UI5 Over the Wire” Architecture

And here is now the trick: what if, in addition to sending data from the backend, we also send the XML?


“UI5 Over the Wire” – ABAP delivers Data & View together

Despite still relying on frontend HTML rendering, all necessary information (View & Model) is now retrieved via AJAX from the backend. As a result, the UI5 app remains a SPA, but its role is now reduced to that of a HDA, which is responsible solely for displaying the view and binding its model:


UI5 app downgraded to an HDA – Displaying View & Model received from the server

This means that the frontend app is not aware of what it is currently displaying (whether it’s a table, list or input) and neither is it aware of what actions will be taken next. Instead, each event is sent back to the server for determination of the next action and output. This process is somewhat similar to the PAI/PBO process used in former SAP GUI apps.

We use an AJAX roundtrip logic similar to “HTML Over the Wire” approaches, but in this case, we cannot send HTML directly. Instead, we send an XML-View combined with its View-Model. This results in a concept that we could refer to as “UI5 XML-View Over the Wire” or let’s shorten it to “UI5 Over the Wire”.

(7) Carrying Data and Presentation together

A typical “UI5 Over the Wire” response looks like this:


“UI5 Over the Wire” Response – XML-View and JSON-View-Model together

But is this maybe just the same like RAP, but in a different format?

(8) RAP

RAP also aims to find a “sweet spot” between a SPA and MPA. I am not certain of the exact approach they use to bring their View and Model to the frontend, but they enrich responses either within the JSON itself or within the metadata of the initial OData-Request and the view and the model is defined previously in CDS Views in the backend:


RAP – Definition of Views with UI Annotations


RAP – Definition of Data Models with DDL

This approach also leads to an architecture with a thin frontend and a strong backend similar to an HDA. But RAP aims to achieve this in a well-organized and controlled manner: Every API is based on an OData-Protocol, Views are defined with UI Annotations, Data Models are defined in DDL, Model updates are developed in local implementations of RAP classes and everything is separated in separated layers that are orchestrated in a Virtual Data Model. Overall, this approach ensures a highly organized development process which is effective in most use cases.

However, in situations where significant Model and View changes are needed, especially at runtime, this approach can be a bit too unflexibel. Model changes with RTTI are not supported, and extending the view quickly goes beyond the functional scope of backend annotations, requiring development of Apps with Fiori Elements (with the need for extra deployment again).

Overall RAP does not mix View, Model and Logic as radically as the “Over the Wire” approaches, which involve replacing entire sections of Views or sending additional JavaScript via AJAX to avoid frontend artifacts.

(9) Decouple View & Model from the HTTP-Service

Luckily in an open-source project we do not need to take care of any conventions and can also be more radical. As we have seen in (6) where the first trick was sending XML-Views from the backend instead of storing them at the frontend app, we can now further enhance flexibility:

First, we do not define a specific HTTP-Service for transmitting the XML-View and the View-Model. Instead, every app uses the same generic HTTP-Handler including two strings (one for the XML-View and one for the JSON-View-Model) eliminating the need to develop individual OData-Services with SEGW or CDS. Second, this enables the possibility to define XML-Views and View-Models not only at design time but also at runtime. It allows us to dynamically modify the model using RTTI or replace entire view sections based on the application’s current status.

In the end, the View & Model are decoupled from the HTTP-Service and we are no longer forced to deliver a predefined static OData-Service for every app, as is the case in RAP. The number of backend artifacts is significantly reduced:


RAP vs. Model & View decoupled from the (single & generic) HTTP-Service

During runtime the ABAP variables & tables are transformed into a JSON-Model and transmitted as a string to the frontend. In JavaScript it is parsed again into a JSON-Model and binded to the UI5-View:


Data Transfer in abap2UI5 – ABAP variables & tables are automatically synchronized with the UI5-View

The user doesn’t have to do any extra work because abap2UI5 handles the entire process in the background during every AJAX request:


abap2UI5 – Dynamic Data Binding compatible to a generic HTTP-Service

(10) Replace the Data Model at Runtime

We can use RTTI now again in a way that is similar to how it was used with ALVs. This means that there is no need to create separated apps for each model. In this demo, you can see an abap2UI5 app with a view including a table output that displays a generic table and its type is created and modified at runtime (similar to SE16):


Replacing the Data Model at Runtime

(11) Replace UI Controls at Runtime

In RAP, only certain predefined control attributes can be modified at runtime, while the view is defined in CDS artifacts with UI annotations previously. However, in an abap2UI5 app, it is possible to replace entire view controls. For example, in the following app, a table control is replaced with a list control and vice versa:


Replacing UI Controls at Runtime

Let’s take a look to the HTTP-Handler that provides us with this flexibility.

(12) HTTP-Service

All apps and data models use the same single generic HTTP-Handler, which can be observed by setting a breakpoint in your app and examining the call stack.


Call stack of an abap2UI5 app

Every app implementation is a REST-based HTTP-Post implementation, in which no session is maintained between two requests.

(13) REST

This makes it compatible with all mobile use cases and devices, as well as with ‘RESTful’ Environments such as the BTP ABAP Environment and the new language version ‘ABAP Cloud’. Similar to an OData-Implementation, where data changes are reflected in the app without requiring an app restart, it is now possible to develop the entire application and modify its view without restarting the frontend app. Take a look at this demo:


Developing the ABAP class without restarting the frontend app

We get also the advantage shared by all over-the-wire approaches that there is no need for cache busting anymore, as the frontend app remains unchanged during the development process.

Up until now, we have observed that the abap2UI5 frontend app is unaware of the specific application, just like the generic HTTP-Service on the server, which has also no knowledge of the particular model and view it is transmitting. So, which layer ultimately defines what happens in this architecture?

(14) The abap2UI5 App

The only non-generic part of this concept is the app of the user implementing the interface z2ui5_if_app:


abap2UI5 app – one place for everything

In this architecture, the app has complete freedom in creating the view and the model, but it also has to take full responsibility for everything else. The app must handle the program logic, application states, and remember where it was coming from and where it want to go next. All of this is concentrated in this single app layer.

However, this is not a big deal for ABAP! From an ABAP perspective, this is similar to past practices of using selection screens or working with ALVs. Every SAP GUI app was, in a way, an HDA where ABAP performs all the necessary functions (it was just not a browser-based environment). Moreover, in this architecture, we are not limited to implementing an OData-Service or confined to a local implementation of a global RAP class with restrictions, such as commit sequences, anymore. We can now leverage the full capabilities of the ABAP stack again. Creating data models based on internal tables is straightforward, working with generic data models, as seen in (10), is easily achievable at runtime with RTTI and extended ABAP concepts like serialization are also applicable, as we will see in the next section.

(15) Draft

With RAP, users can save interim results in drafts, giving them the opportunity to interrupt their work and continue later. The HDA architecture works as if we send a completely new app to the frontend after every event, but we still want to preserve the inputs and state that the user has made before. To achieve this, the z2ui5_if_app interface includes the if_serializable_object interface, which enables us to serialize and persist all important information to every request (such as the current view or its status):


z2ui5_t_draft – the abap2UI5 persistence for interim results

Furthermore, these drafts help us jump back to previous states with minimal effort, reducing the complexity that we would typically encounter in an HDA scenario when implementing a cancel or exit event for a view. Similar to the HTTP-Service, these drafts are also defined only in a generic way, eliminating the need to manually create typed draft tables for every data model, as required in RAP, and reducing again the number of backend artifact:


RAP vs. Single (generic) Draft Table in abap2UI5

With this approach, we achieve a cozy ‘stateful like’ PAI/PBO feeling similar to SAP GUI apps, even though we are still operating within the AJAX roundtrip logic. Furthermore since every request can be made to a different application server, abap2UI5 is compatible with scalable cloud environments, ensuring compatibility for future use:


SAP GUI (stateful) vs. abap2UI5 (restful)

However, it is important to note that this feature should only be used for interim results and be cautious when serializing other parts of your app.

We have gained a lot of flexibility with (9) (10) (11) (15), now the next sections will focus more on how the framework tries to reduce its complexity. Let’s begin by taking a look at the initial request.

(16) Initial Request

The first GET request sends the artifacts of the UI5 (HDA) app to the browser. Typically, we would deploy a BSP to the ABAP stack for this, but in abap2UI5, the code is copied as a string into the implementation of the initial request of the HTTP-Handler:


index.html stored in ABAP Source Code instead of using a BSP

This provides us a 100% abapGit project that solely uses ABAP source code, making it easily installable on every ABAP system by eliminating the need for separated frontend artifacts or deployments.

(17) Everything is maintained & developed in the Backend

Considering the fact that all user apps are also in pure ABAP, we can now maintain and develop everything in the backend. Duplicating apps, making changes, renaming or other refactoring takes only a few moments. The deployment process is reduced to just activating an ABAP class, enabling us to create many apps in a short amount of time. For example, all the apps of the demo section were created rapidly using mostly copy-pasting, which would have been unfeasible for separately developed and deployed frontend apps. This represents a significant reduction in complexity and an advantage of all ‘Over the Wire’ apps, as we observed in (3).

(18) No Extra Layer

Another way to reduce complexity is by avoiding the creation of extra customizing layers. As shown in (12), there is only one stack call between the user’s app and the HTTP-Handler, and there are no additional layers such as OData, SADL or Gateway. This allows us to bring the UI5 frontend framework and its functionality as pure as possible to the abap2UI5 apps in the backend.

UI5 is evolving rapidly, and additional layers can quickly become outdated. With this approach, all UI5-Controls which will be released in the future will also be automatically useable in abap2UI5. However, a potential downside is that we have to deal with the complexity of the frontend UI5 API and learn the concepts of XML-Views and UI5 Controls. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference whether you prefer to learn UI Annotations or directly learn the concepts of SAP UI5.

(19) No Hiding of Complexity

But not having an extra layer also means that the framework does not necessarily abstract away complexity, unlike what other frameworks aim for. In abap2UI5, the user directly sends his XML-View to the frontend and is responsible for ensuring that it is valid and executable:


XML-View created by the user and ready for the ‘Wire’

Luckily, we can significantly simplify the creation process by creating utility classes. For instance, by offering with z2ui5_cl_xml_view a class-based approach to create views that provide access to the UI5 API via ADT code completion:


z2ui5_cl_xml_view – UI5 API (frontend) used for Code Completion in ADT (backend)

This is in contrast to RAP, where you benefit of well-documented and organized extra layers, but sometimes they have limited functionality. Take side effects for example. In RAP, you are restricted to use the +, -, and * operators. Here you have to write JavaScript directly, which requires a lot more knowledge, but it provides the benefit of accessing the full expression binding functionality available at the frontend:


Expression Binding (Side Effects) in abap2UI5 – Mixture of ABAP and JavaScript

(20) Separated _bind and _event method

In the first approach of this framework the event and data binding were included in every method call:


First approach – Data binding and events are not separated from the view

In the current approach, they are separated from the view and created using additional methods. Moreover, the entire process of data binding and transfer is automatically handled by the framework (9):


Actual Approach – extra methods for the event and binding

This is a difference from many other UI rendering processes, where data and UI are usually imported together. Separating them here simplifies the view creation process, avoids data redundancies, and will prevent the framework from becoming messy in the future. The current approach has fewer lines of code than the first approach that only focused on selection screens, because the entire view creation process is clearly separated from the rest now and kept outside of the framework.

(21) “Over the Wire” sending JS, HTML & CSS 

Furthermore we can also add extra functionality (JS, HTML, CSS) without extending the framework itself or changing the abap2UI5 frontend app. For instance, let’s take the Upload Files App as an example, which has its own custom control that is not part of the framework and is sent “Over the Wire” after calling the app:


App delivering its own JavaScript “Over the Wire”

(22) As simple as possible

So, we have seen in (22), apps can be made very complex, but the opposite is also possible – we can make them extremely simple. One beautifully minimalistic approach is the use of if_oo_adt_classrun. By implementing just one method, we can generate an output with a single click (F9). This is extremely efficient and was one of the role models for abap2UI5. Here’s a comparison of both approaches:


if_oo_adt_classrun vs. abap2UI5

To summarize what we have covered so far, abap2ui5 is built in a highly generic manner, placing most of the responsibility on the user’s apps. As a result, we gain a a lot of flexibility and freedom in the app implementation, but we also have full responsibility for the view creation and the program flow. Furthermore we have to keep the following downsides in mind.

(23) Downsides compared to UI5 & RAP

Most notably, compared to UI5, we cannot implement offline capabilities because in such a situation we cannot continuously ask the server after every event to determine what will happen next.

Furthermore, using HANA DB capabilities directly at the frontend leads to problems. By using the same generic HTTP-Service for every app, we have decoupled the UI from the rest. However, in a RAP scenario, they use a typed OData and can directly touch HANA capabilities via a CDS View (and skip the ABAP layer). With this approach, pagination or fuzzy searchs can be easily integrated in UI5 freestyle or RAP apps. The combination of OData-Service directly calling a CDS View of HANA is extremely effective here.

Of course, we can also select from CDS Views in our app and send the result to the frontend. But implementing this manually requires a lot more effort, and we cannot render a fuzzy search help at the frontend, because we are forced to replace the entire view after every request with our approach.

In the end and as always, every advantage we gain, such as flexibility in creating models, comes with a corresponding trade-off of lower functionality in other areas. Now, let’s continue to the last part of this blog post and take a closer look at the framework’s code line.

(24) System Footprint

The system footprint is kept as small as possible, abap2UI5 is based only on ABAP classes without the use of CDS and RAP artifacts. Most of the coding is outside of the framework delegated to the user (20) (21). In total the framework consists only around of 2,300 lines of code, spread over one HTTP-Handler, two interfaces and one database table:


System footprint of abap2UI5

The entire framework logic is implemented in the HTTP-Handler class:


This is all that abap2UI5 does

The functionality focuses solely on the communication between the backend and frontend, controlling the application flow, and creating the view model. We saw the initial GET request in (16). The POST request is handled by this implementation:


AJAX Post Handler

In the end, we get a pure source code-based framework, which offers us the following possibility.

(25) Running Everywhere Apps

Essentially, abap2UI5 generates two strings, one containing an XML-View and the other containing the JSON-View-Model. These strings are then transmitted to and from the frontend. As a result, there is no need for a high ABAP release, as this can be accomplished even with very old releases. This approach allows us to run on both the latest ABAP Cloud stack and on-premise systems, as well as very old releases, making it a release-independent solution. Additionally, we do not necessarily lose access to new UI5 features, as we have the option to bootstrap the UI5 framework at the frontend from a Content Delivery Network (CDN) and use the latest UI5 version even on very old releases:


Local Bootstrapping – UI5 version depends on the SAP release


CDN Bootstrapping – UI5 version independent from the SAP release

As a result, abap2UI5 apps can also be developed to be portable across various SAP systems, releases, and environments. If an app is developed once on ABAP Cloud 2305, it can also be used on lower releases. Similarly, apps developed on older Netweaver releases can run on BTP ABAP Environment or S/4 Public Cloud ABAP Environment. During the migration period between on-premise and cloud in the next years, maybe abap2UI5 apps running in both environments can provide a little support.

However, for this compatibility to be possible, abap2UI5 and its apps need to be designed to work with both language versions, ‘ABAP Cloud’ and ‘Standard ABAP’. To avoid redundancy, abap2UI5 tries to achieve this by using a single code line.

(26) One-Code-Line

With this approach, the use of dependencies is limited to cloud-released APIs and functions available in lower Netweaver releases simultaneously. To handle this, abap2UI5 only uses SAP dependencies when it is really needed — for instance in the GUID creation:


GUID creation compatible to ABAP Cloud and Standard ABAP

As you can see, creating methods that are compatible with both ‘ABAP Cloud’ and ‘Standard ABAP’ is considerably more complex. Fortunately, abapUI5 only requires GUIDs as a dependency. However, when developing apps, you must be aware of this (and I have no experience if this is feasable). But in the end, it does have a key advantage: abap2UI5 runs on ABAP 2305 and is still portable down to NetWeaver v702.

(27) Compatibility & Downporting

Downporting abap2UI5 code normally would result in a release that is difficult to maintain and debug. To avoid this, abap2UI5 is divided into two branches: a main branch (compatible from NW 7.50 to ABAP 2305) and a low-syntax branch (compatible down to NW 7.02).

The low-syntax branch is automatically generated using abaplint. The separate branch enables development with all new ABAP expressions available since ABAP v750 while still ensuring that all abap2UI5 features added in the future are automatically downported and available for ABAP v702.

I’d like to extend a thank you to Lars Hvam here — he both recommended using a separated low syntax version and kindly helped to set abaplint up for this project. At a point when I was tediously downporting everything manually, this was a great shortcut. The functionality of automated ABAP downporting is impressive and greatly improves efficiency. Check out the abap2UI5 dashboard, his tool abaplint and and if you’ve not already seen his newest ideas, see here.

(28) Contribution

Furthermore it has been great merging every PR that has worked with and improved the project. Thank you at this point to the following who contributed their code: Jacques Nomssi Nzali, Marc Bernard, Sun-Tassein, Christian Guenter, Axel Mohnen And, thank you to those who featured the project in their channels: Rich Heilman, Thomas JungJelena Perfiljeva, Paul Modderman And also let’s not forget, besides abaplint this framework uses abapGit and benefits from the work of the people who built it:


abap2UI5 runs on every system with abapGit & abaplint

Lastly, I’d like to say that abap2UI5 did not just emerge out of thin air. Since I’ve started developing in ABAP I’ve been looking to SCN blog posts on topics like serialization, JSON parsing, HTTP-Communication, OData and UI5. I’d like to express my gratitude to those who’ve devoted time to sharing their knowledge, this project certainly wouldn’t have been possible without it.

(29) Finish & Begin

This was the explanation of the technical background. If you are interested in more information, take a look at the previous version of this project. It provides a more in-depth explanation of the server-client communication and you can see how it all started: abap2UI5 – Development of UI5 Selection Screens in pure ABAP.


Long blog post short: Inspired by “HTML Over the Wire” (1)(2)(3) we mixed UI and Data together (7) and created an “UI5 Over the Wire” approach by sending the XML-View from the server (6). Then we used a single generic HTTP-Service for all apps (12) decoupling it from the View and Data Model (9). It provides us with great flexibility allowing us to dynamically create Data Models (10) and Views (11) at runtime, resulting in a significantly reduced number of backend artifacts.

Next, we explored various ideas on how the framework reduces its own complexity by avoiding frontend artifacts (16), eliminating extra customizing layers (18), and separating the view from the framework (20), as well as app-specific JS or HTML (21). Finally, we got a pure source code approach with only one database table, two interfaces, one class and just 2,300 lines of code (24). It is developed in a single code line (26), making it cloud and on-premises ready and downportable to old releases (27). Its apps in combination with abapGit can be developed that they are running on nearly every release (25).

All in all, with abap2UI5, you need to disregard some common rules: there is no separation between View and Model in the HTTP communication (12), HTML & JavaScript are stored directly in the source code (16) (21), we don’t use OData or RAP (8) and there are other downsides to consider (23). However, if you accept all of this, you get a very minimalistic approach where you only need to implement a single method to develop standalone UI5 applications (14).

Going into this, I had no idea whether or not this idea would be interesting or find its audience. It surprised me how many people were installing it, and it really inspired me to keep putting ideas into the project over the past couple months.

I’m not sure how many of these apps will find themselves in a productive system or if they’ll just stay as testing or tooling for developers, but regardless I hope working with abap2UI5 has been fun. I’d like to thank everyone who was willing to give this approach a try and ‘hop over the wire’. 😉

Final Words

On my end, that’s all for now. If you’ve somehow made it through this whole blog series without installing abap2UI5, now is your time!

I hope you liked this blog series and this project! 🙂

About Joyk

Aggregate valuable and interesting links.
Joyk means Joy of geeK