halide metal 初体验

 1 year ago
source link: https://zhen8838.github.io/2023/04/10/halide-metal/
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买了m2 mac pro之后, 一直想把m2的计算能力应用起来, 发现还是halide的功能比较完备, 支持metal后端.

0. Setup

我使用的是halide 14.0, 编译好之后配置好python bindings.

1. PyHalide CodeGen

简单写了一个代码, 验证metal后端的指令生成有效且正确.

⚠️ : halide本身没有导出ParamMap的接口, 我这里简单添加了一下, 后面有机会考虑做一下pr.

我对于metal gpu架构了解的比较少, 没太理解halide为什么对于metal后端调度也是和cuda gpu类似, 因为Apple的简单介绍里面并没有提到有block的层级.

import halide as hl
import numpy as np
host = hl.get_host_target().with_feature(hl.TargetFeature.Metal).with_feature(hl.TargetFeature.Debug)
assert hl.host_supports_target_device(host)

brighter = hl.Func("brighter")
x, y = hl.Var("x"), hl.Var("y")

input = hl.ImageParam(hl.Float(32), 2, "input")
input_value = hl.Buffer(hl.Float(32), [16, 16])

# Define the hl.Func.
brighter[x, y] = input[x, y] * 3

# Schedule it.
xo, yo, xi, yi = hl.Var("xo"), hl.Var("yo"), hl.Var("xi"), hl.Var("yi")

brighter.gpu_tile(x, y, xo, yo, xi, yi, 8, 8)
brighter.compile_to_file("brighter", [hl.Argument(input)], "brighter", host)

# test the schedule
reference_output = hl.Buffer(hl.Float(32), [16, 16])
brighter.realize([reference_output], host, hl.ParamMap([hl.ParamMapping(input, input_value)]))
for i in range(16):
for j in range(16):
assert reference_output[j, i] == 3.0
halide_metal_device_malloc (user_context: 0x0, buf: 0x16d8e3f48)
allocating buffer(0, 0x0, 0x104268800, 1, uint8, {0, 8, 1}, {0, 8, 8}, {0, 3, 64})
Metal - Allocating: MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice
Metal - Allocating: new_command_queue
Time: 4.000000e-03 ms
halide_metal_copy_to_device dev = 0x124041160 metal_buffer = 0x124058e10 host = 0x104268800
Time for halide_metal_copy_to_device: 1.070000e-01 ms
halide_metal_device_free called on buf 0x16d8e3f48 device is 4899213664
Time: 1.883300e-02 ms
produce brighter:
gpu_block y.yo<Default_GPU>:
gpu_block x.xo<Default_GPU>:
gpu_thread y.yi in [0, 7]<Default_GPU>:
gpu_thread x.xi in [0, 7]<Default_GPU>:
brighter(...) = ...
Entering Pipeline brighter
Target: arm-64-osx-debug-jit-metal-user_context
Input Buffer input: buffer(0, 0x0, 0x114008280, 1, float32, {0, 16, 1}, {0, 16, 16})
Input (void *) __user_context: 0x16d8e2b40
Output Buffer brighter: buffer(0, 0x0, 0x127077e80, 0, float32, {0, 16, 1}, {0, 16, 16})
Caching compiled kernel: 0x133e4dc00 id 2 context 0x1248a6e00
Time for halide_metal_initialize_kernels: 4.945000e-01 ms
halide_metal_device_malloc (user_context: 0x16d8e2b40, buf: 0x112b511a0)
allocating buffer(0, 0x0, 0x127077e80, 0, float32, {0, 16, 1}, {0, 16, 16})
Time: 2.945900e-02 ms
halide_metal_device_malloc (user_context: 0x16d8e2b40, buf: 0x113e307b0)
allocating buffer(0, 0x0, 0x114008280, 1, float32, {0, 16, 1}, {0, 16, 16})
Time: 6.083000e-03 ms
halide_metal_copy_to_device dev = 0x133e52d10 metal_buffer = 0x112b9f2c0 host = 0x114008280
Time for halide_metal_copy_to_device: 9.870800e-02 ms
Metal - supports setBytes
Total args size is 44 and with padding, size is 44
Setting shared memory length to 0
Dispatching threadgroups (number 0) blocks(2, 2, 1) threads(8, 8, 1)
Time for halide_metal_device_run: 6.777500e-01 ms
Exiting Pipeline brighter
Time for halide_metal_copy_to_host: 6.170410e-01 ms
halide_metal_device_free called on buf 0x113e307b0 device is 5165624592
Time: 1.229200e-02 ms
halide_metal_device_free called on buf 0x112b511a0 device is 5165682976
Time: 4.417000e-03 ms

2. Cpp Using Generated Kernel


#include "brighter.h"
#include <HalideBuffer.h>
#include <iostream>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int dim = 16;
size_t length = (size_t)dim * dim;
float a[length];
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
a[i] = 1;
std::cout << a[i] << ", ";
std::cout << std::endl;
float b[length];
Halide::Runtime::Buffer<float, 2> input_buffer(a, dim, dim);
input_buffer.set_host_dirty(); // for async buffer
Halide::Runtime::Buffer<float, 2> output_buffer(b, dim, dim);
brighter(input_buffer, output_buffer);
output_buffer.copy_to_host(); // copy to host
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
std::cout << b[i] << ", ";
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;


❯ clang++ -std=c++17 -stdlib=libc++ -Iout/build/debug/include/ -fno-objc-arc -framework Metal -framework Foundation -framework MetalKit brighter.o main.cpp && ./a.out
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Entering Pipeline brighter
Target: arm-64-osx-debug-metal
Input Buffer input: buffer(0, 0x0, 0x16b35a770, 1, float32, {0, 16, 1}, {0, 16, 16})
Output Buffer brighter: buffer(0, 0x0, 0x16b35a370, 0, float32, {0, 16, 1}, {0, 16, 16})
Metal - Allocating: MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice
Metal - Allocating: new_command_queue
Caching compiled kernel: 0x143611bd0 id 2 context 0x14480ca00
Time for halide_metal_initialize_kernels: 6.449170e-01 ms
halide_copy_to_device validating input buffer: buffer(0, 0x0, 0x16b35a370, 0, float32, {0, 16, 1}, {0, 16, 16})
halide_device_malloc validating input buffer: buffer(0, 0x0, 0x16b35a370, 0, float32, {0, 16, 1}, {0, 16, 16})
halide_device_malloc: target device interface 0x104acb260
halide_metal_device_malloc (user_context: 0x0, buf: 0x16b35abe8)
allocating buffer(0, 0x0, 0x16b35a370, 0, float32, {0, 16, 1}, {0, 16, 16})
Time: 8.459000e-03 ms
halide_copy_to_device 0x16b35abe8 skipped (host is not dirty)
halide_copy_to_device validating input buffer: buffer(0, 0x0, 0x16b35a770, 1, float32, {0, 16, 1}, {0, 16, 16})
halide_device_malloc validating input buffer: buffer(0, 0x0, 0x16b35a770, 1, float32, {0, 16, 1}, {0, 16, 16})
halide_device_malloc: target device interface 0x104acb260
halide_metal_device_malloc (user_context: 0x0, buf: 0x16b35ac60)
allocating buffer(0, 0x0, 0x16b35a770, 1, float32, {0, 16, 1}, {0, 16, 16})
Time: 3.375000e-03 ms
halide_copy_to_device 0x16b35ac60 host is dirty
halide_copy_to_device 0x16b35ac60 calling copy_to_device()
halide_metal_copy_to_device dev = 0x1436206f0 metal_buffer = 0x143621d00 host = 0x16b35a770
Time for halide_metal_copy_to_device: 1.747500e-01 ms
Metal - supports setBytes
Total args size is 44 and with padding, size is 44
Setting shared memory length to 0
Dispatching threadgroups (number 0) blocks(2, 2, 1) threads(8, 8, 1)
Time for halide_metal_device_run: 7.601670e-01 ms
Exiting Pipeline brighter
halide_copy_to_host validating input buffer: buffer(5425404128, 0x104acb260, 0x16b35a370, 2, float32, {0, 16, 1}, {0, 16, 16})
copy_to_host_already_locked 0x16b35abe8 dev_dirty is true
Time for halide_metal_copy_to_host: 4.510420e-01 ms
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halide_device_free validating input buffer: buffer(5425404128, 0x104acb260, 0x16b35a370, 0, float32, {0, 16, 1}, {0, 16, 16})
halide_metal_device_free called on buf 0x16b35abe8 device is 5425404128
Time: 1.316700e-02 ms
halide_device_free validating input buffer: buffer(5425465072, 0x104acb260, 0x16b35a770, 0, float32, {0, 16, 1}, {0, 16, 16})
halide_metal_device_free called on buf 0x16b35ac60 device is 5425465072
Time: 4.042000e-03 ms

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