Stopping evaluation from blocking in Nix

 1 year ago
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Stopping evaluation from blocking in Nix

April 02, 2023 14 minute read

Nix has a feature called "import from derivation", which is sometimes called "such a nice foot gun" (grahamc, 2022). I can't argue with its usefulness; it lets Nix do amazing things that can't be accomplished any other way, and avoid pointlessly checking generated files into git. However, it has a dirty secret: it can atrociously slow down your builds.

The essence of this feature is that Nix can do operations such as build derivations whose result is used in the evaluation stage, before more evaluation takes place.

Nix build staging

It's a reasonable mental model to consider that Nix, in its current implementation, can do one of two things at a given time:

  • Evaluate: run Nix expressions to create some derivations to build. This stage outputs .drv files, which can then be instantiated.
  • Build: given some .drv files, fetch the result from a binary cache or build from scratch.

Nix evaluation happens in a lazy order, and with neither concurrency nor parallelism. When Nix is working on evaluating something that is blocked on a build, it cannot go evaluate something else.

There are efforts such as tvix to rewrite the Nix evaluator so it can simultaneously evaluate and build, but they are not shipped yet.

How does import-from-derivation fit in?

Import-from-derivation (IFD for short) lets you do magical things: since Nix builds can do arbitrary computation in any language, Nix expressions or other data can be generated by external programs that need to do pesky things such as parse cursed file formats such as cabal files.

Features like IFD are useful in build systems because they allow build systems to be Monadic, in the words of the Hadrian paper: build things to decide what to build. By comparison, an Applicative build system such as Bazel can only take in things that are known statically; in Bazel it is thus common to check in generated build instructions. This property in category theory is illustrated in the type signatures of the operations of Monad and Applicative:

  • apply :: Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> a -> f b
    which means that something outside the f box can be put into a computation a -> b inside the box.

  • bind :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
    which means that if you have a value of type a in a m box, you can get the a out of the box and create a further computation in a box depending on its actual value.

    Import-from-derivation is bind for Nix builds: imagine that we wrote a derivation that generated the Nix language source for the glibc package definition, then we import (make-glibc-definition someArgs) in the dependencies of hello. To evaluate hello, we need to build glibc-definition to remove it from the box to put it into the hello definition, which means that IFD is equivalent to bind.

In order to achieve IFD, the evaluation stage can demand builds be run. This would, by nature, block evaluating things that directly depend on building something, but since Nix's evaluator can only work on one thing at a time, it blocks everything else too.

N.B. I've heard that someone wrote a PureScript compiler targeting the Nix language, which was then used to parse a Cabal file to do cabal2nix's job entirely within Nix without IFD. Nothing is sacred.

What blocks evaluation?

Doing anything with a derivation that depends on the contents of its output, for example:

  • import someDrv
  • builtins.readFile "${someDrv}/blah"

Any use of builtin fetchers blocks evaluation, which is why they are banned in nixpkgs:

  • builtins.fetchGit
  • builtins.fetchTree
  • builtins.fetchTarball
  • builtins.fetchurl

Here is what it looks like for a build to block on import-from-derivation on the new-style nix build command. The sign that it's doing an IFD is that it's building one thing at a time, it may or may not be punctuated by an occasional empty line (while running evaluation), and the last number in "1/2/3 built" keeps going up.


This is a much less clear sign than the old nix-build CLI, which would print "building '/nix/store/...'" for several lines before the typical "this derivation will be built" obtained when evaluation is done:

building '/nix/store/c11sidylvwss1xn2b159imk2li6flphq-delay.drv'...
building '/nix/store/2g0rglrimm2p4j4gj7j3n4mlgqfghqic-delay.drv'...
building '/nix/store/ywppgzc698pb979rwmavnmn9wf3hzvcb-delay.drv'...
this derivation will be built:

Here's the Nix code I used to create these demos. It's using IFD because of the builtins.readFile on a derivation.

pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { };
wait = n: builtins.readFile (pkgs.runCommand "delay" { } ''
sleep ${toString n}
echo $((${toString n} * 5)) > $out
pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "blah";
dontUnpack = true;
doInstall = false;
dontConfigure = true;
buildPhase = ''
echo ${wait 1}
echo ${wait 2}
echo ${wait 3}
touch $out
doBuild = true;

Builtin fetchers

Use of builtin fetchers is a surprisingly common problem of blocking in evaluation. Sometimes it is done by mistake, but other times it is done for good reason, with unfortunate tradeoffs. I think it's reasonable to use a builtin fetcher plus IFD to import libraries such as nixpkgs, since fundamentally the thing needs to be fetched for evaluation to proceed, but other cases are more questionable.

One reason one might use the builtin fetchers is that there is no way to use a fixed-output derivation such as is produced by nixpkgs.fetchurl to download a URL without knowing the hash ahead of time.

An example I've seen of this being done on purpose is wanting to avoid requiring contributors to have Nix installed to update the hash of some tarball, since Nix has its own bespoke algorithm for hashing tarball contents that nobody has yet implemented outside Nix. So the maintainers used an impure network fetch (only feasible with a builtin), at the cost of slow Nix build times. I wound up writing gridlock to serve the use case of needing to maintain a lockfile of Nix compatible hashes without needing Nix, allowing the use of fixed-output derivation based fetchers.

The reason that impure fetching needs to be a builtin is because Nix has an important purity rule for derivations: either input is fixed and network access is disallowed, or output is fixed and network access is allowed. In the Nix model as designed (content-addressed store aside), derivations are identified only by what goes into them, but not the output.

Let's see why that is. Assume that network access is allowed in normal builders. If this were the case, builds could have arbitrarily different inputs without changing the store path. Such an impurity would force Nix to either rebuild the derivation every time since its actual inputs could arbitrarily change at any time (implemented as impure derivations!) or following the popular strategy of assuming that it didn't change, making a "clean build" necessary to have any confidence in the build output.

If one is doing an network fetch without knowing the hash, one needs to first download the file to know its eventual store path. Therefore the fetcher has to serialize any evaluation depending on the store path while waiting for the download. Nix doesn't know how to resume evaluating something else in the meantime, so it serializes all evaluation.

That said, it is, in my opinion, a significant design flaw in the Nix evaluator that it cannot queue all the derivations that are reachable, rather than stopping and building each in order.

Story: some-cabal-hashes

I worked at a Haskell shop which made extensive use of Nix. One day I pulled the latest sources and yet again ran into the old bug in their Nix setup where Nix would go and serially build derivations called "all-cabal-hashes-component-*". For several minutes, before doing anything useful. I decided enough was enough and went bug hunting.

I fixed it in a couple of afternoons by refactoring the use of import-from-derivation to result in fewer switches between building and evaluating, which I will expand on in a bit.

The result of this work is available on GitHub.

Background on nixpkgs Haskell

The way that the nixpkgs Haskell infrastructure works is that it has a Stackage-based package set based on some Stackage Long-Term Support release, comprising package versions that are all known to work together. The set is generated via a program called hackage2nix, which runs cabal2nix against the entirety of Hackage. What one gets in this package set is a snapshot of Hackage when it was committed by the nixpkgs maintainers, with both the latest version and the Stackage stable version of each package available (if that's different from the latest).

cabal2nix is a program that generates metadata, input hashes, and wires together a set of Nix derivations for Haskell packages automatically, using Nix instead of Cabal to orchestrate builds of packages' dependencies.

Often the package set is for an older compiler, and while there are some per-compiler-version overrides in the nixpkgs Haskell distribution, these may not switch the version of a package you need, or the package set just plain has too old a version.

In that case, you can use overlays which can apply patches, override sources, introduce new packages, and do basically any other arbitrary modification to packages.

Each package build will be provisioned with a GHC package database with everything in its build inputs, using Nix exclusively for dependency version resolution and avoiding Cabal doing it.

Since Nix orchestrates the build of the package dependency graph, caching of dependencies for development shells, parallelism across package builds, remote builds, and other useful properties simply fall out for free.

Where's the IFD?

nixpkgs Haskell provides a wonderfully useful function called callCabal2nix, which executes cabal2nix to generate the Nix expression for some Haskell source code at Nix evaluation time. Uh oh.

It also provides another wonderfully useful function called callHackage. This is a very sweet function: it takes a package name and a version and gives you a Nix derivation for that package which knows how to download it from Hackage.

Wait, how does that work, since you can't just download stuff for fun without knowing its hash? Well, there's your problem.

"Figuring out hashes of stuff on Hackage" was solved by someone publishing a comically large GitHub repo called all-cabal-hashes with hashes of all of the tarballs on Hackage and CI to keep it up to date. Using this repo, you only have to deal with keeping one hash up to date: the hash of the version of all-cabal-hashes you're using, and the rest are just fetched from there.

This repository has an obscene number of files in it, such that it takes dozens of seconds to unpack it. So it's simply not unpacked. Fetching a file out of it involves invoking tar to selectively extract the relevant file from the giant tarball of this repo.

That, in turn, takes around 7 seconds on a very fast computer, for each and every package, in serial. Also, Nix checks the binary caches for each and every one, further compounding the oopsie.

In my fixed version, it takes about 7 seconds total to gather all the hashes, and I think this is instructive in how a Nix expression can be structured to behave much better.

Making IFD go fast

Nix is great at building big graphs of dependencies in parallel and caching them. So what if we ask Nix to do that?

How can this be achieved?

What if you only demand one big derivation be built with IFD then reuse it across all the usage sites? You then only block evaluation once and can appropriately use parallelism.

Details of some-cabal-hashes

My observation was that hot-cache builds with a bunch of IFD are fine; it's refilling it that's horribly painful since Nix spends a lot of time doing pointless things in serial. What if we warmed up the cache by asking it to build all that stuff in one shot? Then, the rest of the IFD would hit a hot cache.

The fix, some-cabal-hashes and some-cabal2nix, is that Nix builds one derivation with IFD that contains everything that will be needed for further evaluation, then all the following imports will complete immediately.

Specifically, my build dependency graph now looks like:

                /-> cabal2nix-pkg1 -\
some-cabal2nix -+-> cabal2nix-pkg2 -+-> some-cabal-hashes -> all-cabal-hashes
                \-> cabal2nix-pkg3 -/

There are two notable things about this graph:

  1. It is (approximately) the natural graph of the dependencies of the build assuming that the Nix evaluator could keep going when it encounters IFD.

  2. It allows Nix to parallelize all the cabal2nix-* derivations.

Then, all of the usage sites are import "${some-cabal2nix}/pkg1 or similar. In this way, one derivation is built, letting Nix do what it's good at. Another trick is that I made some-cabal2nix have no runtime dependencies by copying all the resulting cabal files into the output directory instead of symlinking them. Thus, the whole thing can be fetched from a cache server and not built at all.

Figuring out what will be required is the other piece of the puzzle. Initially, I wrote a drop in solution: extract the information from the overlays that were actually using callHackage, without invoking callHackage and causing an IFD! The way I did this is by making a fake version of the package set with stubs for callHackage, callCabal2nix and such, then invoking the overlay with this fake package set as the value of super. Once the overlays are evaluated with these stubs, I extracted the versions requested by the overlay, and used that to create the real callHackage.

This kind of trick is also used by maintainer scripts to extract metadata from overlays that nixpkgs Haskell uses for compiler-specific overrides.

However, nixpkgs has something nicer for overriding versions of Hackage libraries, which the published version of some-cabal-hashes imitates instead: haskell.lib.packageSourceOverrides. It constructs an overlay that overrides package versions with a nice clean input of what's required.

The last and very important optimization I did was to fix the tar invocation, which was quite slow. tar files have a linear structure that is perfect for making tape archives (hence the name of the tool) which can be streamed to a tape: one file after the other, without any index. Thus, finding a file in the tarball takes an amount of time proportional to the number of files in the archive.

If you call tar invocations times for the number of files you need, then it does do files-in-archive * invocations work. However, if you call tar once with a set of files that you want such that it can do one parse through the file, then the overall execution time is just proportional to the number of files in the archive. I can assume that is what tar actually does, since it does the entire extraction in basically the same time with a long file list as with one file.

I also found that if you use the --wildcards option, tar is extremely slow and it seems worse with more files to extract, so it's better to use exact file paths. If you need to get those for a tarball from GitHub, there's a pesky top level directory that everything is below, which needs to be included in the file paths; it can be found by using tar tf and grabbing the first line.

At extraction time, the extra directory name can be removed with --strip-components=1, and using --one-top-level to dump everything below the desired directory.

The source code for some-cabal-hashes is available here: https://github.com/lf-/nix-lib/blob/main/lib/some-cabal-hashes.nix

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