Telegram finally lets you sign up without a phone number

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.neowin.net/news/telegram-finally-lets-you-sign-up-without-a-phone-number/
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Telegram finally lets you sign up without a phone number

An image showing a telegram user wearing a mask

Telegram has received another feature update packed with numerous improvements. The messenger finally lets you sign up without a phone number, which was a long-standing privacy issue in a privacy-focused service. Also, it now features reworked topics, enhanced anti-spam protections, better storage controls, and more.

The new SIM-less registration process is powered by the Fragment platform, which is not free—you need to purchase a combination you want on an auction or get a randomly-generated number for much less (still not free).

A GIF showing how to sign up in Telegram without a phone number

Speaking of privacy, the messenger now allows generating temporary QR codes to let other people start a conversation with you without knowing your username or phone number.

An example of QR code for a profile in Telegram

Another improvement in the latest Telegram update is the option to auto-delete all chats. You can remove individual messages for both sides without a trace since 2013, and now the messenger can purge all the conversations started after setting up the timer.

Those hosting groups with more than 200 users can start using Telegram's aggressive anti-spam tools without relying on third-party bots that sometimes compromise privacy in favor of better spam protection.

A GIF showing Telegram Storage settings on Android

Finally, there is an improved UI for managing Telegram storage on Android, showing how much space each individual chat consumes, emoji search on iOS, new custom emoji for Telegram Premium subscribers, and a new set of interactive emojis that play whacky animations when you tap them.

You can learn more about Telegram's latest update, which is now available on all platforms, in a post on the official website.

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