复现MySQL的索引选择失误以及通过OPTIMIZER_TRACE分析过程 - starmoon1900

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.cnblogs.com/starmoon1994/p/16942181.html
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验证环境:MySQL 5.7.39 windows-pc



CREATE TABLE `TM_ACCOUNT` ( `account_id` bigint(20) NOT null , `name` varchar(32) DEFAULT '', `address` varchar(32) DEFAULT '', `org_first_id` int(10) DEFAULT 0, `org_second_id` int(10) DEFAULT 0, `biz_date` date DEFAULT null, `last_modify_dt` datetime DEFAULT null, PRIMARY KEY (`account_id`), KEY IDX_org_id_combine(org_first_id,org_second_id), KEY IDX_last_modify_dt_org_first_id_name(last_modify_dt,org_first_id,org_second_id)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4;

1. 构造数据



  1. org_first_id和org_second_id字段都是在1-100间随机分布
  2. last_modify_dt在25天间随机分布




show index from TM_ACCOUNT ; -- 看索引


Table Non_unique Key_name Seq_in_index Column_name Collation Cardinality Sub_part Packed Null Index_type Comment Index_comment
tm_account 0 PRIMARY 1 account_id A 1408599 BTREE
tm_account 1 IDX_org_id_combine 1 org_first_id A 101 YES BTREE
tm_account 1 IDX_org_id_combine 2 org_second_id A 10611 YES BTREE
tm_account 1 IDX_last_modify_dt_org_first_id_name 1 last_modify_dt A 24 YES BTREE
tm_account 1 IDX_last_modify_dt_org_first_id_name 2 org_first_id A 2497 YES BTREE
tm_account 1 IDX_last_modify_dt_org_first_id_name 3 org_second_id A 251724 YES BTREE
show table status like '%TM_ACCOUNT%'; -- 看表状态,有数据大小、索引大小、大概行数


Name Engine Version Row_format Rows Avg_row_length Data_length Max_data_length Index_length Data_free Auto_increment Create_time Update_time Check_time Collation Checksum Create_options Comment
tm_account InnoDB 10 Dynamic 1408599 83 118128640 0 128253952 7340032 2022-09-13 10:49:36 utf8mb4_general_ci


explain SELECT * from TM_ACCOUNT where ACCOUNT_ID = '10'; -- 典型的主键字段查询,非常快,type=const

explain SELECT * from TM_ACCOUNT where ACCOUNT_ID = '10'; -- 典型的主键字段查询,非常快,type=const

explain SELECT * from TM_ACCOUNT where NAME = 'name-11'; -- 典型的非索引字段查询,全表扫描

explain SELECT * from TM_ACCOUNT where ADDRESS = 'QR3xHEOpaLAVNFCtAKXY'; -- 典型的非索引字段查询,全表扫描

explain SELECT * from TM_ACCOUNT where LAST_MODIFY_DT = '2100-09-13 00:00:00' and ACCOUNT_ID > 100 LIMIT 2; -- 典型的范围查询,扫描索引。单速度也很快



-- SQL-1 explainSELECT * from TM_ACCOUNT where org_first_id >= 99 and org_second_id in (1,2,3,60) and BIZ_DATE in ('2100-09-01','2100-09-02')and ACCOUNT_ID > '120306' order by ACCOUNT_ID desc LIMIT 5000;


id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra
1 SIMPLE TM_ACCOUNT range PRIMARY,IDX_org_id_combine IDX_org_id_combine 18 33942 4.0 Using index condition; Using where; Using filesort
-- SQL-2 坏案例-全表扫描; explainSELECT * from TM_ACCOUNT where org_first_id >= 90 and org_second_id in (1,2,3,60) and BIZ_DATE in ('2100-09-01','2100-09-02') and ACCOUNT_ID > '120306' order by ACCOUNT_ID desc LIMIT 5000;


id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra
1 SIMPLE TM_ACCOUNT range PRIMARY,IDX_org_id_combine PRIMARY 8 704299 1.68 Using where
-- SQL-3 与SQL-1基本相同,但limit数量减少。explain SELECT * from TM_ACCOUNT where org_first_id >= 99 and org_second_id in (1,2,3,60) and BIZ_DATE in ('2100-09-01','2100-09-02') and ACCOUNT_ID > '120306' order by ACCOUNT_ID desc LIMIT 500;

查询结果:与SQL-1基本相同,但limit数量减少,即查询条件范围缩小,劣化成主键大范围扫描。 直接查询耗时1210ms。

id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra
1 SIMPLE TM_ACCOUNT range PRIMARY,IDX_org_id_combine PRIMARY 8 704299 0.19 Using where



/* 打开optimizer_trace,只对本线程有效 */SET optimizer_trace='enabled=on'; #你的sql-- select ......; SELECT * from TM_ACCOUNT where org_first_id >= 90 and org_second_id in (1,2,3,60) and BIZ_DATE in ('2100-09-01','2100-09-02') and ACCOUNT_ID > '120306' order by ACCOUNT_ID desc LIMIT 5000;#查看优化器追踪链select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.OPTIMIZER_TRACE;#关闭优化器追踪SET optimizer_trace='enabled=off';



  1. PRIMARY,范围是"120306 < account_id"
  2. IDX_org_id_combine,范围是"90 <= org_first_id"


// 分析可供选择的范围条件 "analyzing_range_alternatives": { "range_scan_alternatives": [ { "index": "PRIMARY", "ranges": [ "120306 < account_id" ], "index_dives_for_eq_ranges": true, "rowid_ordered": true, "using_mrr": false, "index_only": false, "rows": 704299, "cost": 141880, "chosen": true }, { "index": "IDX_org_id_combine", "ranges": [ "90 <= org_first_id" ], "index_dives_for_eq_ranges": true, "rowid_ordered": false, "using_mrr": false, "index_only": false, "rows": 295138, "cost": 354167, "chosen": false, "cause": "cost" } ], "analyzing_roworder_intersect": { "usable": false, "cause": "too_few_roworder_scans" } }, // 最终选择的路径 "chosen_range_access_summary": { "range_access_plan": { "type": "range_scan", "index": "PRIMARY", "rows": 704299, "ranges": [ "120306 < account_id" ] }, "rows_for_plan": 704299, "cost_for_plan": 141880, "chosen": true }

这里怀疑是order by ACCOUNT_ID影响了优化器选择,但通测试发现,即使移除了'order by ACCOUNT_ID desc LIMIT 5000',explain结果仍然是走PRIMARY索引。由此可见,还有些隐藏的信息,OPTIMIZER_TRACE没有展示全。这里暂不深入讨论。

explainSELECT * from TM_ACCOUNT where org_first_id >= 90 and org_second_id in (1,2,3,60) and BIZ_DATE in ('2100-09-01','2100-09-02') and ACCOUNT_ID > '120306' ;
id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra
1 SIMPLE TM_ACCOUNT range PRIMARY,IDX_org_id_combine PRIMARY 8 704299 1.68 Using where

结果:实际查询耗时912ms。在【## 附录2 OPTIMIZER_TRACE原始信息2】中也能看到选择实际索引,仍然是PRIMARY,与explain结果一致。



  1. 通过配置、distinct org_first_id等方式,将org_first_id的范围固定下来,并缓存
  2. 改写SQL,将org_first_id >= 90 改写为 org_first_id IN (xxxxx)


explainSELECT * from TM_ACCOUNT where org_first_id in ('90','91','92','93','94','95','96','97','98','99') and org_second_id in (1,2,3,60) and BIZ_DATE in ('2100-09-01','2100-09-02') and ACCOUNT_ID > '120306' order by ACCOUNT_ID desc LIMIT 5000;
id select_type table partitions type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra
1 SIMPLE TM_ACCOUNT range PRIMARY,IDX_org_id_combine IDX_org_id_combine 18 5543 20.0 Using index condition; Using where; Using filesort





  1. 数据归档。 建立历史表、大数据抽数归档冷数据。
  2. 引入专门的OLAP系统,不在OLTP系统做复杂的业务查询。引入ES、hive、HBASE等组件,专业的事交给专业的人去做。
  1. 打开optimizer_trace,只对本线程有效。建议使用命令行窗口,直连db。通过Navicat等客户端,可能会记录失败。
  2. 一般optimizer_trace只在root用户下才能使用
  3. mariadb直到10.4版本才有Optimizer Trace, 之前的版本执行'SET optimizer_trace='enabled=on'; '会返回错误 。官网链接https://mariadb.com/resources/blog/optimizer-trace-in-mariadb-server-10-4/


SELECT * from TM_ACCOUNT where org_first_id >= 90 and org_second_id in (1,2,3,60) and BIZ_DATE in ('2100-09-01','2100-09-02') and ACCOUNT_ID > '120306' order by ACCOUNT_ID desc LIMIT 5000;

{ "steps": [ { "join_preparation": { "select#": 1, "steps": [ { "IN_uses_bisection": true }, { "IN_uses_bisection": true }, { "expanded_query": "/* select#1 */ select `tm_account`.`account_id` AS `account_id`,`tm_account`.`name` AS `name`,`tm_account`.`address` AS `address`,`tm_account`.`org_first_id` AS `org_first_id`,`tm_account`.`org_second_id` AS `org_second_id`,`tm_account`.`biz_date` AS `biz_date`,`tm_account`.`last_modify_dt` AS `last_modify_dt` from `tm_account` where ((`tm_account`.`org_first_id` >= 90) and (`tm_account`.`org_second_id` in (1,2,3,60)) and (`tm_account`.`biz_date` in ('2100-09-01','2100-09-02')) and (`tm_account`.`account_id` > 120306)) order by `tm_account`.`account_id` desc limit 5000" } ] } }, { "join_optimization": { "select#": 1, "steps": [ { "condition_processing": { "condition": "WHERE", "original_condition": "((`tm_account`.`org_first_id` >= 90) and (`tm_account`.`org_second_id` in (1,2,3,60)) and (`tm_account`.`biz_date` in ('2100-09-01','2100-09-02')) and (`tm_account`.`account_id` > 120306))", "steps": [ { "transformation": "equality_propagation", "resulting_condition": "((`tm_account`.`org_first_id` >= 90) and (`tm_account`.`org_second_id` in (1,2,3,60)) and (`tm_account`.`biz_date` in ('2100-09-01','2100-09-02')) and (`tm_account`.`account_id` > 120306))" }, { "transformation": "constant_propagation", "resulting_condition": "((`tm_account`.`org_first_id` >= 90) and (`tm_account`.`org_second_id` in (1,2,3,60)) and (`tm_account`.`biz_date` in ('2100-09-01','2100-09-02')) and (`tm_account`.`account_id` > 120306))" }, { "transformation": "trivial_condition_removal", "resulting_condition": "((`tm_account`.`org_first_id` >= 90) and (`tm_account`.`org_second_id` in (1,2,3,60)) and (`tm_account`.`biz_date` in ('2100-09-01','2100-09-02')) and (`tm_account`.`account_id` > 120306))" } ] } }, { "substitute_generated_columns": {} }, { "table_dependencies": [ { "table": "`tm_account`", "row_may_be_null": false, "map_bit": 0, "depends_on_map_bits": [] } ] }, { "ref_optimizer_key_uses": [] }, { // 行数预估 "rows_estimation": [ { "table": "`tm_account`", "range_analysis": { "table_scan": { "rows": 1408599, "cost": 288932 }, "potential_range_indexes": [ { "index": "PRIMARY", "usable": true, "key_parts": [ "account_id" ] }, { "index": "IDX_org_id_combine", "usable": true, "key_parts": [ "org_first_id", "org_second_id", "account_id" ] }, { "index": "IDX_last_modify_dt_org_first_id_name", "usable": false, "cause": "not_applicable" // 直接标明不适用 } ], "setup_range_conditions": [], "group_index_range": { "chosen": false, "cause": "not_group_by_or_distinct" }, // 分析可供选择的范围条件 "analyzing_range_alternatives": { "range_scan_alternatives": [ { "index": "PRIMARY", "ranges": [ "120306 < account_id" ], "index_dives_for_eq_ranges": true, "rowid_ordered": true, "using_mrr": false, "index_only": false, "rows": 704299, "cost": 141880, "chosen": true }, { "index": "IDX_org_id_combine", "ranges": [ "90 <= org_first_id" ], "index_dives_for_eq_ranges": true, "rowid_ordered": false, "using_mrr": false, "index_only": false, "rows": 295138, "cost": 354167, "chosen": false, "cause": "cost" } ], "analyzing_roworder_intersect": { "usable": false, "cause": "too_few_roworder_scans" } }, "chosen_range_access_summary": { "range_access_plan": { "type": "range_scan", "index": "PRIMARY", "rows": 704299, "ranges": [ "120306 < account_id" ] }, "rows_for_plan": 704299, "cost_for_plan": 141880, "chosen": true } } } ] }, { "considered_execution_plans": [ { "plan_prefix": [], "table": "`tm_account`", "best_access_path": { "considered_access_paths": [ { "rows_to_scan": 704299, "access_type": "range", "range_details": { "used_index": "PRIMARY" }, "resulting_rows": 11806, "cost": 282740, "chosen": true } ] }, "condition_filtering_pct": 100, "rows_for_plan": 11806, "cost_for_plan": 282740, "chosen": true } ] }, { "attaching_conditions_to_tables": { "original_condition": "((`tm_account`.`org_first_id` >= 90) and (`tm_account`.`org_second_id` in (1,2,3,60)) and (`tm_account`.`biz_date` in ('2100-09-01','2100-09-02')) and (`tm_account`.`account_id` > 120306))", "attached_conditions_computation": [ { "table": "`tm_account`", "rechecking_index_usage": { "recheck_reason": "low_limit", "limit": 5000, "row_estimate": 11806, "range_analysis": { "table_scan": { "rows": 1408599, "cost": 1690000 }, "potential_range_indexes": [ { "index": "PRIMARY", "usable": true, "key_parts": [ "account_id" ] }, { "index": "IDX_org_id_combine", "usable": false, "cause": "not_applicable" }, { "index": "IDX_last_modify_dt_org_first_id_name", "usable": false, "cause": "not_applicable" } ], "setup_range_conditions": [], "group_index_range": { "chosen": false, "cause": "cannot_do_reverse_ordering" }, "analyzing_range_alternatives": { "range_scan_alternatives": [ { "index": "PRIMARY", "ranges": [ "120306 < account_id" ], "index_dives_for_eq_ranges": true, "rowid_ordered": true, "using_mrr": false, "index_only": false, "rows": 704299, "cost": 141880, "chosen": true } ] }, "chosen_range_access_summary": { "range_access_plan": { "type": "range_scan", "index": "PRIMARY", "rows": 704299, "ranges": [ "120306 < account_id" ] }, "rows_for_plan": 704299, "cost_for_plan": 141880, "chosen": true } } } } ], "attached_conditions_summary": [ { "table": "`tm_account`", "attached": "((`tm_account`.`org_first_id` >= 90) and (`tm_account`.`org_second_id` in (1,2,3,60)) and (`tm_account`.`biz_date` in ('2100-09-01','2100-09-02')) and (`tm_account`.`account_id` > 120306))" } ] } }, { "clause_processing": { "clause": "ORDER BY", "original_clause": "`tm_account`.`account_id` desc", "items": [ { "item": "`tm_account`.`account_id`" } ], "resulting_clause_is_simple": true, "resulting_clause": "`tm_account`.`account_id` desc" } }, { "reconsidering_access_paths_for_index_ordering": { "clause": "ORDER BY", "steps": [], "index_order_summary": { "table": "`tm_account`", "index_provides_order": true, "order_direction": "desc", "index": "PRIMARY", "plan_changed": false } } }, { "refine_plan": [ { "table": "`tm_account`" } ] } ] } }, { "join_execution": { "select#": 1, "steps": [] } } ] }


SELECT * from TM_ACCOUNT where org_first_id >= 90 and org_second_id in (1,2,3,60) and BIZ_DATE in ('2100-09-01','2100-09-02') and ACCOUNT_ID > '120306' ;

{ "steps": [ { "join_preparation": { "select#": 1, "steps": [ { "IN_uses_bisection": true }, { "IN_uses_bisection": true }, { "expanded_query": "/* select#1 */ select `tm_account`.`account_id` AS `account_id`,`tm_account`.`name` AS `name`,`tm_account`.`address` AS `address`,`tm_account`.`org_first_id` AS `org_first_id`,`tm_account`.`org_second_id` AS `org_second_id`,`tm_account`.`biz_date` AS `biz_date`,`tm_account`.`last_modify_dt` AS `last_modify_dt` from `tm_account` where ((`tm_account`.`org_first_id` >= 90) and (`tm_account`.`org_second_id` in (1,2,3,60)) and (`tm_account`.`biz_date` in ('2100-09-01','2100-09-02')) and (`tm_account`.`account_id` > 120306))" } ] } }, { "join_optimization": { "select#": 1, "steps": [ { "condition_processing": { "condition": "WHERE", "original_condition": "((`tm_account`.`org_first_id` >= 90) and (`tm_account`.`org_second_id` in (1,2,3,60)) and (`tm_account`.`biz_date` in ('2100-09-01','2100-09-02')) and (`tm_account`.`account_id` > 120306))", "steps": [ { "transformation": "equality_propagation", "resulting_condition": "((`tm_account`.`org_first_id` >= 90) and (`tm_account`.`org_second_id` in (1,2,3,60)) and (`tm_account`.`biz_date` in ('2100-09-01','2100-09-02')) and (`tm_account`.`account_id` > 120306))" }, { "transformation": "constant_propagation", "resulting_condition": "((`tm_account`.`org_first_id` >= 90) and (`tm_account`.`org_second_id` in (1,2,3,60)) and (`tm_account`.`biz_date` in ('2100-09-01','2100-09-02')) and (`tm_account`.`account_id` > 120306))" }, { "transformation": "trivial_condition_removal", "resulting_condition": "((`tm_account`.`org_first_id` >= 90) and (`tm_account`.`org_second_id` in (1,2,3,60)) and (`tm_account`.`biz_date` in ('2100-09-01','2100-09-02')) and (`tm_account`.`account_id` > 120306))" } ] } }, { "substitute_generated_columns": {} }, { "table_dependencies": [ { "table": "`tm_account`", "row_may_be_null": false, "map_bit": 0, "depends_on_map_bits": [] } ] }, { "ref_optimizer_key_uses": [] }, { "rows_estimation": [ { "table": "`tm_account`", "range_analysis": { "table_scan": { "rows": 1408599, "cost": 288932 }, "potential_range_indexes": [ { "index": "PRIMARY", "usable": true, "key_parts": [ "account_id" ] }, { "index": "IDX_org_id_combine", "usable": true, "key_parts": [ "org_first_id", "org_second_id", "account_id" ] }, { "index": "IDX_last_modify_dt_org_first_id_name", "usable": false, "cause": "not_applicable" } ], "setup_range_conditions": [], "group_index_range": { "chosen": false, "cause": "not_group_by_or_distinct" }, "analyzing_range_alternatives": { "range_scan_alternatives": [ { "index": "PRIMARY", "ranges": [ "120306 < account_id" ], "index_dives_for_eq_ranges": true, "rowid_ordered": true, "using_mrr": false, "index_only": false, "rows": 704299, "cost": 141880, "chosen": true }, { "index": "IDX_org_id_combine", "ranges": [ "90 <= org_first_id" ], "index_dives_for_eq_ranges": true, "rowid_ordered": false, "using_mrr": false, "index_only": false, "rows": 295138, "cost": 354167, "chosen": false, "cause": "cost" } ], "analyzing_roworder_intersect": { "usable": false, "cause": "too_few_roworder_scans" } }, "chosen_range_access_summary": { "range_access_plan": { "type": "range_scan", "index": "PRIMARY", "rows": 704299, "ranges": [ "120306 < account_id" ] }, "rows_for_plan": 704299, "cost_for_plan": 141880, "chosen": true } } } ] }, { "considered_execution_plans": [ { "plan_prefix": [], "table": "`tm_account`", "best_access_path": { "considered_access_paths": [ { "rows_to_scan": 704299, "access_type": "range", "range_details": { "used_index": "PRIMARY" }, "resulting_rows": 704299, "cost": 282740, "chosen": true } ] }, "condition_filtering_pct": 100, "rows_for_plan": 704299, "cost_for_plan": 282740, "chosen": true } ] }, { "attaching_conditions_to_tables": { "original_condition": "((`tm_account`.`org_first_id` >= 90) and (`tm_account`.`org_second_id` in (1,2,3,60)) and (`tm_account`.`biz_date` in ('2100-09-01','2100-09-02')) and (`tm_account`.`account_id` > 120306))", "attached_conditions_computation": [], "attached_conditions_summary": [ { "table": "`tm_account`", "attached": "((`tm_account`.`org_first_id` >= 90) and (`tm_account`.`org_second_id` in (1,2,3,60)) and (`tm_account`.`biz_date` in ('2100-09-01','2100-09-02')) and (`tm_account`.`account_id` > 120306))" } ] } }, { "refine_plan": [ { "table": "`tm_account`" } ] } ] } }, { "join_execution": { "select#": 1, "steps": [] } } ]}

附录3 java构造数据

public final class JdbcUtils { private static String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/xxxx?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8&zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull&serverTimezone=GMT%2B8"; private static String user = "root"; private static String password = "123"; private JdbcUtils() { } static { try { Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(e); } } public static void main(String args[]) { insertBatch(); } public static void insertBatch() { Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement pst = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { String sql = "INSERT into TM_ACCOUNT values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?);"; // 1. 获取链接,预处理语句 conn = getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); pst = conn.prepareStatement(sql); // 2. 开始插入,总插入150万 Random random = new Random(); int a_id_start = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 5 * 150; i++) { // 每2000条执行一次批量插入 for (int loop = 0; loop < 2000; loop++) { a_id_start++; pst.setInt(1, a_id_start); pst.setString(2, "name-" + a_id_start); pst.setString(3, RandomString.make(20)); pst.setInt(4, random.nextInt(100)); pst.setInt(5, random.nextInt(100)); pst.setDate(6, new Date(200, 8, random.nextInt(25) + 1)); pst.setDate(7, new Date(200, 8, random.nextInt(25) + 1)); pst.addBatch(); } pst.executeBatch(); conn.commit(); System.out.println(" done !!!!!!" + i); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { free(rs, pst, conn); } } public static Connection getConnection() throws SQLException { return DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password); } public static void free(ResultSet rs, Statement st, Connection conn) { try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (st != null) st.close(); } catch (Exception e2) { e2.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { conn.close(); } catch (Exception e3) { e3.printStackTrace(); } } } }}

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