StartIsBack Trial reset · GitHub
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There is no key in that name. Is this still up to date?
No such key. This is outdated.
Turns out the location is the same, just the key ID is different.
When I looked into HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\CLSID\ there was one key which has single "default" string in it without any value.
When I deleted it and restarted PC the StartIsBack app shows that "Your License is Active" message, and everything works fine :)
What was the key you found?
I forgot to note it, but it was only "empty" key in that location, meaning it had only a default string without any value.
It also (I think) started with a bunch of zeros, so it was first on top.
IMHO, do full registry backup, and target a key with looks like it has no purpose, meaning it has default string without any value. If you delete something, and it turns out it wasn't it, you can just bring it back from backup, or just reinstall app.
Turns out the location is the same, just the key ID is different. When I looked into HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\CLSID\ there was one key which has single "default" string in it without any value. When I deleted it and restarted PC the StartIsBack app shows that "Your License is Active" message, and everything works fine :)
It works. Thank you
Go to HKCU/Software/Classes/CLSID, and take note of all the CLSIDs that are blank and have nothing in them. Delete one of them, then logoff. If at logon the notice appears, re-add the CLSID and remove the next one from your list, until you find the one that resets StartIsBack trial.
The key differs between installations (not sure if of Windows, or of StartIsBack)
Does not seem to working in Win 11
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