Google rolls out new $30 Chromecast for users that haven't made the jump to 4K |...
source link: https://www.techspot.com/news/96071-google-rolls-out-30-chromecast-users-havent-made.html
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Google rolls out new $30 Chromecast for users that haven't made the jump to 4K
Many were hoping for a new flagship instead
By Shawn Knight September 22, 2022, 11:56 AM
In a nutshell: Google has announced a new version of its Chromecast with Google TV at a more affordable price point. The new Google Chromecast with Google TV (HD) features the same overall design as the Chromecast with Google TV (4K) that launched in 2020 and even comes with the same voice-enabled remote. As the name suggests, however, it is limited to 1080p HDR resolution at up to 60 frames per second.
The dongle comes loaded with the full Google TV platform, affording access to 10,000+ apps including big players like HBO Max, Prime Video and Disney+, just to name a few. The dedicated Google Assistant button on the remote can help find something to watch or answer everyday questions, just as it does on other equipped devices.
Google's new Chromecast is a budget offering designed for people that have not yet made the jump to 4K, or perhaps those looking to add smarts to a secondary television in a guest room, on the back patio or in a garage.
While there will no doubt be plenty of folks interested in the new offering, many were hoping Google would announce a new flagship Chromecast with more powerful hardware and additional storage instead. Both it and the new Chromecast HD include just 8GB of onboard storage which is near the low end of the scale for a streaming device in 2022. An updated flagship model could still be in the pipeline, but we'll have to wait a while longer for it.
Google's new Chromecast with Google TV (HD) is available to purchase from writing priced at $29.99, which is five bucks cheaper than the original Chromecast. It is only available in one color – white – whereas you can get the 4K variant in white, blue or pink.
For a limited time, Google is also tossing in a free six-month subscription to Peacock Premium. The streaming service normally retails for $4.99 per month and grants access to more than 80,000 hours of content from NBCUniversal.
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