Five Crucial Ways to Keep the Developers on Your Team Motivated and Productive
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To ensure your team of developers remains motivated and productive, you need to actively come up with ways of boosting morale and making the workplace a positive place to work.
Get started with ideas by checking out the following five great ways to enhance motivation and productivity among your developers.
1. Say Thank You for a Job Well Done
The first way in which you can keep your team motivated and productive is easy and simple: say thank you whenever a developer goes above and beyond what is expected to complete milestones or projects.
A simple thank you goes a long way. It indicates that you are genuinely thankful for the hard work the developer has put in, and the developer will then feel proud and more motivated. In turn, he or she will continue to work productively.
2. Hold Regular Meetings, But Don’t Go Overboard
Your developers should always be kept up to date on targets, goals, company changes, and so on. If they’re kept out of the loop or don’t feel they have enough communication with managers and other departments, your developers can soon feel unmotivated.
In turn, that means they can become less productive. If face-to-face meetings are tricky to hold regularly, ensure your developers are involved in virtual meetings.
However, you don’t want to go overboard and drown your developers in meetings, as that can have the reverse effect of what you intended.
Too many meetings can become frustrating, and can also lead to non-motivation and unproductivity. So, get the balance right.
3. Give Out Custom Awards for Great Work
Employee recognition is key to keeping your developers, and any other workers, motivated and productive.
As mentioned above, a simple thank you goes a long way in recognizing a developer’s hard work and commitment. But there will be times when you should recognize your developers’ efforts in more tangible ways.
For instance, it’s a good idea to give out custom awards for great work.
When developers receive awards or trophies, they’re sure to feel valued and will continue to work in a motivated and productive manner; especially if you customize the awards you give out, to make them more personal.
For ideas, check out FineAwards’ customizable plaques and engraved awards, which range from acrylic awards to crystal plaques.
4. Provide Flexibility
Today’s workers want more flexibility so that they can gain a greater work/life balance. So, to keep your developers happy, motivated and productive, consider providing more flexible working options.
For instance, you could enable your team to work flexible hours that suit them or to work remotely.
The key is to find out what your developers want and then find ways of accommodating them as best as you can.
When your team feels like it has more flexible options, each member is sure to be more motivated and productive.
5. Create a Great Environment
When your team is in the office, each member of your team is sure to feel more positive and motivated if they’re working in a positive environment.
Simple things like painting the walls colorful colors, letting more light into the workplace, adding plants around the office, and letting your team personalize their desks can go a long way to enhancing the mood and productivity of the workplace.
You could also provide free coffee and healthy snacks.
Or you could look at more inventive ways of ensuring your workplace is a positive environment that will breed motivation and high productivity. For example, you could provide free massages on Fridays.
Also Read: The Ultimate Guide to Hiring Front-End Developers in 2022
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