PlayCode Javascript Sandbox

 1 year ago
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Ranked #10 for today

PlayCode Javascript Sandbox

Start coding within seconds

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PlayCode is a website where you can type in code and it immediatly shows you what you programmed in a little extra tab. All you need to do is select a programming language or a framework and you can start without needing to set up anything.
Get 3 meetings of work done with just 1

Hi ProductHunt.

Thanks for your attention to my product.

I've always wanted to make my own startup/business.

From the first day I started programming. I've been looking for a long time, what could I do alone? As a result, I decided on a program that facilitates the process of learning programming. How? Build a website where you can type in code and it automatically shows you what you programmed in a little extra tab. All you need to do is select a programming language or a framework and you can start without needing to set up anything.

Newbie programmers learn from videos on YouTube or elsewhere, and use playcode to practice. Recently, I decided to go further and not only give a ready-to-use programming environment, but also help learn through interactive courses where you can start from the beginning. Courses give a lesson and challenge to solve. Code, check the result and move on.

The most difficult thing was to launch node.js modules directly in the browser without node.js.

I researched it for 3-4 years, tried, abandoned, started over. It was very hard mentally, it didn't work out. It got to the point that I took Rollup (a library for building javascript code, like webpack) and literally rewrote it to work in the browser. It worked even faster than the original library. I was very happy. A little later I rewrote it differently and it became even 3 times faster. Thanks to this, you can write code and instantly see the result.

I wanted to stop a million times.

A super hard problem to solve and super taugh to get motivation to move forward. I got cold many times, depressions, burned out, yet still alive and keep going.

Many guys helped me with an advice. Many users give a lot of positive feedback. There are 200,000 monthly unique users.

I work full time now.

Thanks to the freemium business model. To be honest - I am a bit more happier after many years of hard work.

About Joyk

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Joyk means Joy of geeK