Create YOLOv3 using PyTorch from scratch (Part-6)

 1 year ago
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3. PyTorch implementation

3.1. Quick recap

Let’s do a quick recap on the format of model outputs and target labels.

We have the following snippet in the training iteration:

for ii, (imgii, labelii) in enumerate(dataloader):
    imgii = imgii.to(device)
    labelii = labelii.to(device)
    yhatii = model(imgii)
    lossii = compute_loss(yhatii, labelii, model)


  • imgii is a 4D tensor, with shape [batch_size, 3, 416, 416].
  • labelii is a 2D tensor, with shape [n_labels, 6]. The 6 columns are:

      [batch_idx, x_center, y_center, w, h, cls]
  • yhatii is the model output in training mode. It is a list of 3 tensors, corresponding to predictions at 3 size scales. Each tensor has a shape of [batch_size, n_anchors, h, w, 5 + n_classes].

More details about these are given in Part-2, Build the model backbone, and Part-5, Training data preparation.

3.2. The compute_loss() function

Code first:

def compute_loss(yhat, label, model, bbox_loss='iou', obj_label='1'):
    '''Compute multi-task losses

        yhat (list of tensors): YOLO model output at 3 scales in a list. Each
            tensor has shape [B, na, h, w, 5 + n_classes]. Where:
            B: batch_size. na: number of anchors.
            h: number of rows. w: number of columns.
            Columns of last dimension: [x_center, y_center, w, h, obj, c1, ..., ck].
        label (tensor): ground truth label, in shape (n, 6). n: number of labeled
            objects in the batch. Columns: [batch_idx, x_center, y_center, w, h, cls].
        model (nn.Module): YOLO model.
    Keyword Args:
        bbox_loss (str): 'mse': use MSE loss for the x,y centers and w,h sizes.
            'iou': use IoU with label bbox as loss.
        obj_label (str): '1': use 1 as the target objectness score in label
            locations. 'iou': use IoU between prediction and ground truth as
            target objectness score in label locations.
        loss_box (nn.Variable): loss term from bounding box prediction.
        loss_obj (nn.Variable): loss term from objectness score prediction.
        loss_cls (nn.Variable): loss term from classification prediction.

    n_class = model.n_classes
    device = label.device

    # compute a factor to counter unbalanced object labels
    n_labels = len(label)   # num of objects in label
    n_preds = 0             # total num of predictions
    for yhatii in yhat:
        b, na, h, w, _ = yhatii.shape
        n_preds += na * h * w

    obj_weights = torch.tensor([(n_preds - n_labels)/n_labels*0.5]).to(device)

    # prepare loss terms
    loss_box = torch.zeros(1, device=device)
    loss_obj = torch.zeros(1, device=device)
    loss_cls = torch.zeros(1, device=device)
    if bbox_loss == 'mse':
        loss_xy = torch.zeros(1, device=device)
        loss_wh = torch.zeros(1, device=device)

    # BCE loss func for objectness score and classification
    obj_bce = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(pos_weight=obj_weights)
    cls_bce = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()

    if bbox_loss == 'mse':
        # MSE loss func for x,y,w,h
        xy_mse = nn.MSELoss()
        wh_mse = nn.MSELoss()

    # loop through 3 scales
    for yhatii, yoloii in zip(yhat, model.yolo_layers):

        b, na, h, w, _ = yhatii.shape
        stride = float(yoloii.stride)
        anchors = (yoloii.anchors / stride).float().to(device) # [n_anchors, 2]
        grid_size = torch.tensor([w, h]).float().to(device)

        # w, h from labels, convert to feature map scale
        wh_lb = label[:, 3:5] * grid_size  # [n_label, 2]

        # find matches between labels and anchors
        ratio = wh_lb[:, None, :] / anchors[None, :, :]  # [n_label, n_anchors, 2]
        ratio = torch.abs(ratio - 1).sum(2)  # [n_label, n_anchors]
        # select anchor boxes with closest ratios
        ratio = torch.min(ratio, dim=1)
        # labeled object index
        label_idx = ratio[0] < 2     # 2 is empirical
        # anchor index
        anchor_idx = ratio[1][label_idx]

        # get batch indices of labeled objects
        batch_idx = label[label_idx, 0].long()

        # get cell indices of labeled objects
        xy_lb = label[label_idx, 1:3] * grid_size
        xy_idx = torch.floor(xy_lb).long()
        x_idx = xy_idx[:,0].clamp(0, int(grid_size[0])-1)
        y_idx = xy_idx[:,1].clamp(0, int(grid_size[1])-1)

        # get target objectness scores
        obj_lb = torch.zeros(yhatii.shape[:-1]).float().to(device=device)
        if obj_label == '1':
            obj_lb[batch_idx, anchor_idx, y_idx, x_idx] = 1

        # predicted objectness scores
        obj_pd = yhatii[..., 4]

        # if there are target objects in this scale:
        if len(batch_idx) > 0:
            # relative offsets wrt to cells of labels
            relxy_lb = xy_lb - xy_idx

            # x,y offests of predictions
            xy_pd = torch.sigmoid(yhatii[batch_idx, anchor_idx, y_idx, x_idx, 0:2])

            # w,h sizes of labels
            wh_lb = label[label_idx, 3:5] * grid_size

            # w,h sizes of predictions, in feature map coordinate
            wh_pd = torch.exp(yhatii[batch_idx, anchor_idx, y_idx, x_idx, 2:4]) * anchors[anchor_idx, :]
            wh_pd = wh_pd.clamp(0, grid_size.max())

            if bbox_loss == 'mse':
                # x,y mse loss
                loss_xy += xy_mse(xy_pd, relxy_lb)
                # w,h mse loss
                loss_wh += wh_mse(wh_pd, wh_lb) / 10   # scale size loss down
                loss_box += (loss_xy + loss_wh)

            if bbox_loss == 'iou' or obj_label == 'iou':
                # compute IoUs
                pbox = torch.cat([xy_pd, wh_pd], dim=1)
                box_lb = torch.cat([relxy_lb, wh_lb], dim=1)
                iou = compute_IOU(pbox, box_lb, x1y1x2y2=False, change_enclose=False)
                loss_box += (1.0 - iou).mean()

                if obj_label == 'iou':
                    # Use cells with iou > 0 as object targets
                    obj_lb[batch_idx, anchor_idx, y_idx, x_idx] = iou.detach().clamp(0).type(obj_lb.dtype)
            # classification predictions
            cls_pd = yhatii[batch_idx, anchor_idx, y_idx, x_idx, 5:]

            # one-hot encode classes
            cls_one_hot_lb = F.one_hot(label[label_idx, -1].long(), n_class).float().to(device)
            # classification loss
            loss_cls += cls_bce(cls_pd, cls_one_hot_lb)

        # objectness score loss
        loss_obj += obj_bce(obj_pd, obj_lb)

    loss = loss_box + loss_obj + loss_cls

    return loss, loss_box , loss_obj , loss_cls

More explanations:

  • The bbox_loss input argument has 2 choices: 'mse' or 'iou'. These are the 2 ways of formulating the localization loss mentioned above. I added this only for experiment purposes.

    If this is set to 'mse', an MSELoss() loss function is created for the x, y coordinates, and another one for the w, h sizes:

      if bbox_loss == 'mse':
          # MSE loss func for x,y,w,h
          xy_mse = nn.MSELoss()
          wh_mse = nn.MSELoss()

    Later, the loss_box term is computed as the sum of the 2:

                if bbox_loss == 'mse':
                    # x,y mse loss
                    loss_xy += xy_mse(xy_pd, relxy_lb)
                    # w,h mse loss
                    loss_wh += wh_mse(wh_pd, wh_lb) / 10   # scale size loss down
                    loss_box += (loss_xy + loss_wh)

    If bbox_loss is set to 'iou', loss_box is computed using:

                if bbox_loss == 'iou' or obj_label == 'iou':
                    # compute IoUs
                    pbox = torch.cat([xy_pd, wh_pd], dim=1)
                    box_lb = torch.cat([relxy_lb, wh_lb], dim=1)
                    iou = compute_IOU(pbox, box_lb, x1y1x2y2=False, change_enclose=False)
                    loss_box += (1.0 - iou).mean()
  • The obj_label input argument has 2 choices '1' or 'iou'. These are the 2 ways of setting the objectness target values mentioned above. Again, for test purposes only.

    If obj_label == '1', set objectness target values to 1:

            # get target objectness scores
            obj_lb = torch.zeros(yhatii.shape[:-1]).float().to(device=device)
            if obj_label == '1':
                obj_lb[batch_idx, anchor_idx, y_idx, x_idx] = 1

    where batch_idx, anchor_idx, y_idx, x_idx correspond to the (b,a,i,j) coordinates talked about earlier. More on this later.

    If obj_label == 'iou', set objectness target values to IoU:

                if bbox_loss == 'iou' or obj_label == 'iou':
                    # compute IoUs
                    pbox = torch.cat([xy_pd, wh_pd], dim=1)
                    box_lb = torch.cat([relxy_lb, wh_lb], dim=1)
                    iou = compute_IOU(pbox, box_lb, x1y1x2y2=False, change_enclose=False)
                    loss_box += (1.0 - iou).mean()
                    if obj_label == 'iou':
                        # Use cells with iou > 0 as object targets
                        obj_lb[batch_idx, anchor_idx, y_idx, x_idx] = iou.detach().clamp(0).type(obj_lb.dtype)
  • I counted the number of objects/labels in the batch: n_labels = len(label). And the total number of predictions made by the model:

        n_preds = 0             # total num of predictions
        for yhatii in yhat:
            b, na, h, w, _ = yhatii.shape
            n_preds += na * h * w

    Recall that using standard settings, this is (52 * 52 + 26 * 26 + 13 * 13) * 3 = 10647. So there would be a big imbalance between positive and negative samples. To counter this, YOLOv1 used the λnoobj scaling factor mentioned above. I think a more specific number could actually be worked out from data:

      obj_weights = torch.tensor([(n_preds - n_labels)/n_labels*0.5]).to(device)

    The *0.5 scaling is to tune down the ratio a bit, and it’s purely empirical.

    This obj_weights variable works with PyTorch’s BCEWithLogitsLoss, to give weights to positive samples:

      # BCE loss func for objectness score and classification
      obj_bce = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(pos_weight=obj_weights)
  • We then loop through the 3 size scales of YOLO prediction, and get some size information first:

        # loop through 3 scales
        for yhatii, yoloii in zip(yhat, model.yolo_layers):
            b, na, h, w, _ = yhatii.shape
            stride = float(yoloii.stride)
            anchors = (yoloii.anchors / stride).float().to(device) # [n_anchors, 2]
            grid_size = torch.tensor([w, h]).float().to(device)

    Note that anchors are convert to feature map coordinate (see Part-1), and grid_size is by definition feature map sizes.

  • The association between ground truth labels and “responsible” anchor boxes in this scale is achieved by comparing their width/height ratios:

            # w, h from labels, convert to feature map scale
            wh_lb = label[:, 3:5] * grid_size  # [n_label, 2]
            # find matches between labels and anchors
            ratio = wh_lb[:, None, :] / anchors[None, :, :]  # [n_label, n_anchors, 2]

    The best matches are those with smallest absolute width+height ratios from 1.0:

            ratio = torch.abs(ratio - 1).sum(2)  # [n_label, n_anchors]
            # select anchor boxes with closest ratios
            ratio = torch.min(ratio, dim=1)
            # labeled object index
            label_idx = ratio[0] < 2     # 2 is empirical
            # anchor index
            anchor_idx = ratio[1][label_idx]

    label_idx is a tensor of indices, denoting those ground truth labels that found associations with any anchor box in this scale. This is the n coordinate mentioned in The 1 term sub-section.

    anchor_idx is a tensor of indices, denoting the anchor boxes in this scale that were associated with any ground truth labels. This is the a coordinate mentioned in The 1 term sub-section.

    These 2 index arrays will be used to select the relevant predictions.

  • To select the relevant predictions, we need these coordinates:


    The iteration through scales implicitly gives s.

    We just got n and a as shown above.

    b is obtained by:

            # get batch indices of labeled objects
            batch_idx = label[label_idx, 0].long()

    And i,j:

            # get cell indices of labeled objects
            xy_lb = label[label_idx, 1:3] * grid_size
            xy_idx = torch.floor(xy_lb).long()
            x_idx = xy_idx[:,0].clamp(0, int(grid_size[0])-1)
            y_idx = xy_idx[:,1].clamp(0, int(grid_size[1])-1)

    These define the ground truth – anchor box associations.

  • Objectness prediction is not restricted to those “responsible” anchor boxes. Rather, all predictions are included (this is why we needed a obj_weights to balance the positive/negative samples):

            # predicted objectness scores
            obj_pd = yhatii[..., 4]
  • Labels may not be associated with anchors of a specific scale. To check this:

            # if there are target objects in this scale:
            if len(batch_idx) > 0:
  • The x, y location predictions are obtained using:

                # x,y offests of predictions
                xy_pd = torch.sigmoid(yhatii[batch_idx, anchor_idx, y_idx, x_idx, 0:2])

    And w, h predictions:

                # w,h sizes of predictions, in feature map coordinate
                wh_pd = torch.exp(yhatii[batch_idx, anchor_idx, y_idx, x_idx, 2:4]) * \
                    anchors[anchor_idx, :]
                wh_pd = wh_pd.clamp(0, grid_size.max())

    Note that we use the (b,a,i,j) coordinates ([batch_idx, anchor_idx, y_idx, x_idx]) to take the correct values.

  • Classification loss is computed by first selecting the correct values as before, and constructing one-hot encoded target values:

                # classification predictions
                cls_pd = yhatii[batch_idx, anchor_idx, y_idx, x_idx, 5:]
                # one-hot encode classes
                cls_one_hot_lb = F.one_hot(label[label_idx, -1].long(), n_class).float().to(device)
                # classification loss
                loss_cls += cls_bce(cls_pd, cls_one_hot_lb)

    Note that torch.nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss expects values without taking the sigmoid, so don’t pass cls_pd to the sigmoid function, similar for obj_pd.

  • Having gone through all 3 scales, we sum up all the loss terms and return them:

        loss = loss_box + loss_obj + loss_cls
        return loss, loss_box , loss_obj , loss_cls

3.3. An alternative compute_loss2() function

Spoiler alert: this function doesn’t work properly. So feel free to skip this.

The above compute_loss() function selects the “responsible” anchor boxes by comparing ground truth labels with anchor box priors.

Note that in this workflow, it is possible for more than 1 anchors in different scales to be associated with a same label. I’m not sure whether this would cause any practical harm.

The compute_loss2() shown here is a closer-to-the-paper version: it computes the IoU scores between labels and all 9 anchor boxes, and selects the anchor with the highest IoU. This way, it is ensured that only 1 anchor box is associated with any label.

3.3.1. select_anchor() function

To do this association, first create a select_anchor() function:

def select_anchor(yhat, label, model):

    n_labels = len(label)
    n_scales = len(yhat)
    n_anchors = yhat[0].shape[1]
    device = label.device
    batch_idx = label[:, 0].long()

    best_iou_scales = torch.zeros([n_scales, n_labels], device=device)
    best_iou_xy_pd = torch.zeros([n_scales, n_labels, n_anchors, 2], device=device)
    best_iou_wh_pd = torch.zeros([n_scales, n_labels, n_anchors, 2], device=device)
    best_iou_xy_lb = torch.zeros([n_scales, n_labels, 2], device=device)
    best_iou_wh_lb = torch.zeros([n_scales, n_labels, 2], device=device)

    best_iou_ancidx = torch.zeros([n_scales, n_labels], dtype=torch.long, device=device)
    label_x_idx = torch.zeros([n_scales, n_labels], dtype=torch.long, device=device)
    label_y_idx = torch.zeros([n_scales, n_labels], dtype=torch.long, device=device)

    # loop through 3 scales
    for ii, (yhatii, yoloii) in enumerate(zip(yhat, model.yolo_layers)):

        b, na, h, w, _ = yhatii.shape
        stride = float(yoloii.stride)
        anchors = (yoloii.anchors / stride).float().to(device) # [n_anchors, 2]
        grid_size = torch.tensor([w, h]).float().to(device)

        # get cell indices of labeled objects
        xy_lb = label[:, 1:3] * grid_size.unsqueeze(0)
        xyidx = torch.floor(xy_lb).long()
        xidx = xyidx[:,0].clamp(0, int(grid_size[0])-1)
        yidx = xyidx[:,1].clamp(0, int(grid_size[1])-1)

        # relative offsets wrt to cells of labels
        relxy_lb = xy_lb - xyidx

        # w, h from labels, convert to feature map scale
        wh_lb = label[:, 3:5] * grid_size  # [n_label, 2]

        # x,y offests of predictions
        relxy_pd = torch.sigmoid(yhatii[batch_idx, :, yidx, xidx, 0:2])

        # w,h sizes of predictions, in feature map coordinate
        wh_pd = torch.exp(yhatii[batch_idx, :, yidx, xidx, 2:4]) * anchors.unsqueeze(0)
        wh_pd = wh_pd.clamp(0, grid_size.max())

        # compute IoUs
        pbox = torch.cat([relxy_pd, wh_pd], dim=2).view([-1, 4])
        box_lb = torch.cat([relxy_lb, wh_lb], dim=1).view([-1, 1, 4])
        box_lb = box_lb.repeat(1, na, 1).view(-1, 4)
        iou = compute_IOU(pbox, box_lb, x1y1x2y2=False, change_enclose=False)
        iou = iou.view([-1, na])

        best_iou, best_ancidx = torch.max(iou, dim=1)

        best_iou_scales[ii] = best_iou
        best_iou_ancidx[ii] = best_ancidx

        best_iou_xy_pd[ii] = relxy_pd
        best_iou_wh_pd[ii] = wh_pd

        best_iou_xy_lb[ii] = relxy_lb
        best_iou_wh_lb[ii] = wh_lb

        label_x_idx[ii] = xidx
        label_y_idx[ii] = yidx

    # stack along the new scale dimension
    label_scale_idx = torch.max(best_iou_scales, dim=0)[1]
    label_anc_idx = best_iou_ancidx[label_scale_idx, torch.arange(n_labels)]
    label_y_idx = label_y_idx[label_scale_idx, torch.arange(n_labels)]
    label_x_idx = label_x_idx[label_scale_idx, torch.arange(n_labels)]

    return label_scale_idx, label_anc_idx, label_y_idx, label_x_idx, best_iou_scales,\
            best_iou_xy_pd, best_iou_wh_pd, \
            best_iou_xy_lb, best_iou_wh_lb

Some explanations:

  • We initialize some placeholder tensors, then go into the iteration through scales:

        best_iou_scales = torch.zeros([n_scales, n_labels], device=device)
        best_iou_xy_pd = torch.zeros([n_scales, n_labels, n_anchors, 2], device=device)
        best_iou_wh_pd = torch.zeros([n_scales, n_labels, n_anchors, 2], device=device)
        best_iou_xy_lb = torch.zeros([n_scales, n_labels, 2], device=device)
        best_iou_wh_lb = torch.zeros([n_scales, n_labels, 2], device=device)
        best_iou_ancidx = torch.zeros([n_scales, n_labels], dtype=torch.long, device=device)
        label_x_idx = torch.zeros([n_scales, n_labels], dtype=torch.long, device=device)
        label_y_idx = torch.zeros([n_scales, n_labels], dtype=torch.long, device=device)
        # loop through 3 scales
        for ii, (yhatii, yoloii) in enumerate(zip(yhat, model.yolo_layers)):
  • We construct bounding boxes from labels and predictions in a similar manner as in compute_loss(), except that we broadcast the bbox shapes to [n_labels, n_anchors, 4], then reshape to [n_labels * n_anchors, 4]. This way, we vectorize the IoU computations between all pairs of labels and anchors in this scale.

    The computed iou term has a shape of [n_labels, n_anchors].

            # compute IoUs
            pbox = torch.cat([relxy_pd, wh_pd], dim=2).view([-1, 4])
            box_lb = torch.cat([relxy_lb, wh_lb], dim=1).view([-1, 1, 4])
            box_lb = box_lb.repeat(1, na, 1).view(-1, 4)
            iou = compute_IOU(pbox, box_lb, x1y1x2y2=False, change_enclose=False)
            iou = iou.view([-1, na])
  • We then select the best IoU score across anchors in this scale, and store the winner anchor indices and the IoU scores into the placeholder tensors:

            best_iou, best_ancidx = torch.max(iou, dim=1)
            best_iou_scales[ii] = best_iou
            best_iou_ancidx[ii] = best_ancidx
            best_iou_xy_pd[ii] = relxy_pd
            best_iou_wh_pd[ii] = wh_pd
            best_iou_xy_lb[ii] = relxy_lb
            best_iou_wh_lb[ii] = wh_lb
            label_x_idx[ii] = xidx
            label_y_idx[ii] = yidx
  • After going through all 3 scales, best_iou_scales is a tensor of [3, n_labels]. Findng its maximum across scales gives us these indices, for each label in the batch:

        label_scale_idx = torch.max(best_iou_scales, dim=0)[1]
        label_anc_idx = best_iou_ancidx[label_scale_idx, torch.arange(n_labels)]
        label_y_idx = label_y_idx[label_scale_idx, torch.arange(n_labels)]
        label_x_idx = label_x_idx[label_scale_idx, torch.arange(n_labels)]


    • label_scale_idx: an array of 0–2 indices for each label in the batch. This is the s coordinate.
    • label_anc_idx: an array of 0–2 indices for each label in the batch. This is the a coordinate.
    • label_y_idx: an array of 0–I indices for each label in the batch. This is the i coordinate.
    • label_x_idx: an array of 0–J indices for each label in the batch. This is the j coordinate.

    The b coordinate can be easy obtained from batch_idx = label[:, 0].long(). So we don’t have to worry about it now.

3.3.2. compute_loss2() function

Now the compute_loss2() function:

def compute_loss2(yhat, label, model, bbox_loss='iou', obj_label='1'):
    '''Compute multi-task losses

        yhat (list of tensors): YOLO model output at 3 scales in a list. Each
            tensor has shape [B, na, h, w, 5 + n_classes]. Where:
            B: batch_size. na: number of anchors.
            h: number of rows. w: number of columns.
            Columns of last dimension: [x_center, y_center, w, h, obj, c1, ..., ck].
        label (tensor): ground truth label, in shape (n, 6). n: number of labeled
            objects in the batch. Columns: [batch_idx, x_center, y_center, w, h, cls].
        model (nn.Module): YOLO model.
    Keyword Args:
        bbox_loss (str): 'mse': use MSE loss for the x,y centers and w,h sizes.
            'iou': use IoU with label bbox as loss.
        obj_label (str): '1': use 1 as the target objectness score in label
            locations. 'iou': use IoU between prediction and ground truth as
            target objectness score in label locations.
        loss_box (nn.Variable): loss term from bounding box prediction.
        loss_obj (nn.Variable): loss term from objectness score prediction.
        loss_cls (nn.Variable): loss term from classification prediction.

    n_class = model.n_classes
    device = label.device

    # compute a factor to counter unbalanced object labels
    n_labels = len(label)   # num of objects in label
    n_preds = 0             # total num of predictions
    for yhatii in yhat:
        b, na, h, w, _ = yhatii.shape
        n_preds += na * h * w

    obj_weights = torch.tensor([(n_preds - n_labels)/n_labels*0.5]).to(device)

    # prepare loss terms
    loss_box = torch.zeros(1, device=device)
    loss_obj = torch.zeros(1, device=device)
    loss_cls = torch.zeros(1, device=device)
    if bbox_loss == 'mse':
        loss_xy = torch.zeros(1, device=device)
        loss_wh = torch.zeros(1, device=device)

    # BCE loss func for objectness score and classification
    obj_bce = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(pos_weight=obj_weights)
    cls_bce = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()

    if bbox_loss == 'mse':
        # MSE loss func for x,y,w,h
        xy_mse = nn.MSELoss()
        wh_mse = nn.MSELoss()

    batch_idx = label[:,0].long()
    label_scale_idx, label_anc_idx, label_y_idx, label_x_idx, best_iou,\
            best_iou_xy_pd, best_iou_wh_pd, \
            best_iou_xy_lb, best_iou_wh_lb = select_anchor(
            yhat, label, model)

    # loop through scales
    for ii, (yhatii, yoloii) in enumerate(zip(yhat, model.yolo_layers)):

        s_idxii = torch.where(label_scale_idx==ii)[0]
        b_idxii = batch_idx[s_idxii]
        anc_idxii = label_anc_idx[s_idxii]
        y_idxii = label_y_idx[s_idxii]
        x_idxii = label_x_idx[s_idxii]
        iouii = best_iou[ii, s_idxii]

        obj_lb = torch.zeros(yhatii.shape[:-1]).float().to(device=device)

        # get target objectness scores
        if obj_label == '1':
            obj_lb[b_idxii, anc_idxii, y_idxii, x_idxii] = 1
            obj_lb[b_idxii, anc_idxii, y_idxii, x_idxii] = iouii.detach().clamp(0).type(obj_lb.dtype)

        # predicted objectness scores
        obj_pd = yhatii[..., 4]
        # objectness score loss
        loss_obj += obj_bce(obj_pd, obj_lb)

        if len(s_idxii) == 0:

        if bbox_loss == 'mse':
            relxy_pd = best_iou_xy_pd[ii, s_idxii, anc_idxii]
            relxy_lb = best_iou_xy_lb[ii, s_idxii]
            wh_pd = best_iou_wh_pd[ii, s_idxii, anc_idxii]
            wh_lb = best_iou_wh_lb[ii, s_idxii]
            # x,y mse loss
            loss_xy += xy_mse(relxy_pd, relxy_lb)
            # w,h mse loss
            loss_wh += wh_mse(wh_pd, wh_lb) / 10   # scale size loss down
            loss_box += (loss_xy + loss_wh)

        elif bbox_loss == 'iou':
            loss_box += (1.0 - iouii).mean()

        # classification predictions
        cls_pd = yhatii[b_idxii, anc_idxii, y_idxii, x_idxii, 5:]

        # one-hot encode classes
        cls_one_hot_lb = F.one_hot(label[s_idxii, -1].long(), n_class).float().to(device)
        # classification loss
        loss_cls += cls_bce(cls_pd, cls_one_hot_lb)

    loss = loss_box + loss_obj + loss_cls

    return loss, loss_box , loss_obj , loss_cls

Some more explanations:

  • Having set up some preparations, we call the above select_anchor() function, and go into the scales loop as before:

        batch_idx = label[:,0].long()
        label_scale_idx, label_anc_idx, label_y_idx, label_x_idx, best_iou,\
                best_iou_xy_pd, best_iou_wh_pd, \
                best_iou_xy_lb, best_iou_wh_lb = select_anchor(
                yhat, label, model)
        # loop through scales
        for ii, (yhatii, yoloii) in enumerate(zip(yhat, model.yolo_layers)):
  • Now get the label coordinates in this scale:

            s_idxii = torch.where(label_scale_idx==ii)[0]
            b_idxii = batch_idx[s_idxii]
            anc_idxii = label_anc_idx[s_idxii]
            y_idxii = label_y_idx[s_idxii]
            x_idxii = label_x_idx[s_idxii]
            iouii = best_iou[ii, s_idxii]


    • s_idxii is the s coordinate, and denotes labels associated with some anchors in this scale.
    • b_idxii is the b coordinate, and denotes which images in the batch the selected labels are in.
    • anc_idxii is the a coordinate, and denotes the matched anchor boxes in this scale.
    • y_idxii and x_idxii are the i,j coordinates, and denote the feature map cell locations of the selected labels.
    • iouii is the best IoU scores of the selected labels.
  • With these coordinates ready, we then compute the objectness loss. Again, depending on obj_label, I tried different target values:

            obj_lb = torch.zeros(yhatii.shape[:-1]).float().to(device=device)
            # get target objectness scores
            if obj_label == '1':
                obj_lb[b_idxii, anc_idxii, y_idxii, x_idxii] = 1
                obj_lb[b_idxii, anc_idxii, y_idxii, x_idxii] = iouii.detach().clamp(0).type(obj_lb.dtype)
            # predicted objectness scores
            obj_pd = yhatii[..., 4]
            # objectness score loss
            loss_obj += obj_bce(obj_pd, obj_lb)
  • Depending on bbox_loss argument, the loss_box term:

            if bbox_loss == 'mse':
                relxy_pd = best_iou_xy_pd[ii, s_idxii, anc_idxii]
                relxy_lb = best_iou_xy_lb[ii, s_idxii]
                wh_pd = best_iou_wh_pd[ii, s_idxii, anc_idxii]
                wh_lb = best_iou_wh_lb[ii, s_idxii]
                # x,y mse loss
                loss_xy += xy_mse(relxy_pd, relxy_lb)
                # w,h mse loss
                loss_wh += wh_mse(wh_pd, wh_lb) / 10   # scale size loss down
                loss_box += (loss_xy + loss_wh)
            elif bbox_loss == 'iou':
                loss_box += (1.0 - iouii).mean()

    Note that we don’t need to re-compute everything from ground up again. We can query the returned values of select_anchor() to save some efforts.

  • Classification loss is computed much as in compute_loss():

            # classification predictions
            cls_pd = yhatii[b_idxii, anc_idxii, y_idxii, x_idxii, 5:]
            # one-hot encode classes
            cls_one_hot_lb = F.one_hot(label[s_idxii, -1].long(), n_class).float().to(device)
            # classification loss
            loss_cls += cls_bce(cls_pd, cls_one_hot_lb)

3.4. The train.py script

Now create a train.py script and put it into the YOLOv3_pytorch project folder. Fill it with the following content:

from __future__ import print_function
import os
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

from config import load_config
from model import Darknet53
from utils import compute_IOU, batch_NMS, compute_mAP
from loader import create_loader

    from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter

def lr_schedular(optimizer, iteration, warmup_iter, initial_lr, peak_lr, power=1):
    return lr

def compute_loss(yhat, label, model, bbox_loss='iou', obj_label='1'):
    return loss, loss_box , loss_obj , loss_cls

def compute_loss2(yhat, label, model, bbox_loss='iou', obj_label='1'):
    return loss, loss_box , loss_obj , loss_cls

def select_anchor(yhat, label, model):
    return label_scale_idx, label_anc_idx, label_y_idx, label_x_idx, best_iou_scales,\
            best_iou_xy_pd, best_iou_wh_pd, \
            best_iou_xy_lb, best_iou_wh_lb

if __name__=='__main__':

    #--------------------Load model config--------------------
    CONFIG_FILE = './config/yolov3.cfg'
    net_config, module_list = load_config.parse_config(CONFIG_FILE)

    config = {'net': net_config}
    config['module_list'] = module_list
    config['width'] = 416
    config['height'] = 416
    config['n_classes'] = 80
    config['max_data_size'] = 100
    config['batch_size'] = 4
    config['is_train'] = True
    config['conf_thres'] = 0.3
    config['nms_iou_thres'] = 0.5
    config['map_iou_thres'] = 0.5

    # experiment parameters
    BBOX_LOSS = 'iou'  # 'iou' or 'mse'
    OBJ_LABEL = 'iou'  # 'iou' or '1'
    EXP = '%s-%s' %(BBOX_LOSS, OBJ_LABEL)

    # training parameters
    LR0 = 1.0*1e-4
    PEAK_LR = 8.*1e-4
    WEIGHT_DECAY = 1e-4
    EPOCHS = 150
    WARMUP_ITER = 4e3

    # folders
    DATA_FOLDER = './data/coco'
    CKPT_FOLDER = './ckpt/' + EXP
    LOG_DIR = './runs/' + EXP

    #-------------------Create model-------------------
    model = Darknet53(config)

    #--------------Get dataset and dataloader--------------
    dataset, dataloader = create_loader(DATA_FOLDER, config, shuffle=False)
    id2class = dataset.id2class

    #--------------------Load model--------------------
    model = Darknet53(config)
    device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
    print('######### Using device:', device, '############\n')

    opt = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=LR0, weight_decay=WEIGHT_DECAY)

    #------------------Output folder------------------
    os.makedirs(CKPT_FOLDER, exist_ok=True)
    ckpt_file = os.path.join(CKPT_FOLDER, 'ckpt.pt')

    # load check point if exists
    if os.path.exists(ckpt_file):
        print('####### Load ckpt #########')
        print('ckpt file:', ckpt_file)
        ckpt = torch.load(ckpt_file)
        epoch0 = ckpt['epoch']
        epoch0 = 0

        writer = SummaryWriter(log_dir = LOG_DIR)

    #------------------Start training------------------
    total_iters = 0   # total number of iterations

    for ee in range(epoch0, epoch0+EPOCHS):
        print('\n#### Entering epoch: %d ########' %ee)

        # keep track of training loss
        train_loss_bbox = []
        train_loss_obj = []
        train_loss_cls = []
        train_loss_total = []
        # store for mAP computation
        pred_epoch = []
        label_epoch = []

        for ii, (imgii, labelii) in enumerate(dataloader):

            total_iters += ii
            total_seen = len(dataset) * ee + len(imgii)

            # run model
            imgii = imgii.to(device)
            labelii = labelii.to(device)
            yhatii = model(imgii)

            # compute loss, back-prop
            lossii, loss_bboxii, loss_objii, loss_clsii = compute_loss(
                yhatii, labelii, model, bbox_loss=BBOX_LOSS, obj_label=OBJ_LABEL)

            # update learning rate
            lr = lr_schedular(opt, total_iters, WARMUP_ITER, LR0, PEAK_LR)


            # evaluate
            if ii % EVAL_INTEVAL == 0:

                with torch.no_grad():
                    yhatii = model(imgii)

                # compute NMS
                labelii = labelii.cpu().numpy()
                yhatii = yhatii.detach().cpu().numpy()
                yhatii = batch_NMS(yhatii, config['conf_thres'], config['nms_iou_thres'])
                if len(yhatii):
                    # convert to fractional coordinates and sizes, to match with labels
                    yhatii[:, [1,3]] /= config['width']
                    yhatii[:, [2,4]] /= config['height']

                # print loss
                print('ii = %d, Total loss = %.1f, box loss = %.2f, Obj loss = %.2f, Cls loss = %.2f'\
                        %(ii, lossii.item(), loss_bboxii.item(), loss_objii.item(), loss_clsii.item()))

                if HAS_TENSORBOARD:
                    # training loss every iteration
                    writer.add_scalar('iLoss/train_bbox', train_loss_bbox[-1], total_iters)
                    writer.add_scalar('iLoss/train_obj', train_loss_obj[-1], total_iters)
                    writer.add_scalar('iLoss/train_cls', train_loss_cls[-1], total_iters)
                    writer.add_scalar('iLoss/train_loss', train_loss_total[-1], total_iters)
                    writer.add_scalar('iLearning_rate/lr', lr, total_iters)

        # compute mAP of epoch
        if len(pred_epoch):
            pred_epoch = np.vstack(pred_epoch)
            label_epoch = np.vstack(label_epoch)
            mAP_ee = compute_mAP(pred_epoch, label_epoch, 0, config['map_iou_thres'])
            mAP_ee = 0

            # training loss every epoch
            writer.add_scalar('eLoss/train_bbox', np.mean(train_loss_bbox), ee+1)
            writer.add_scalar('eLoss/train_obj', np.mean(train_loss_obj), ee+1)
            writer.add_scalar('eLoss/train_cls', np.mean(train_loss_cls), ee+1)
            writer.add_scalar('eLoss/train_loss', np.mean(train_loss_total), ee+1)
            writer.add_scalar('eLearning_rate/lr', lr, ee+1)
            writer.add_scalar('emAP/map', mAP_ee, ee+1)

        print('\n############ Save model #############')
        print('Save to', ckpt_file)
        torch.save({'epoch': ee,
                    'model_state_dict': model.state_dict(),
                    'optimizer_state_dict': opt.state_dict(),
                    'loss': lossii.item(),},

I’ve omitted the compute_loss(), compute_loss2() and select_anchor() definitions.

There is a lr_schedular() function that updates the learning rate:

def lr_schedular(optimizer, iteration, warmup_iter, initial_lr, peak_lr, power=1):

    if iteration == 0:
        iteration += 1

    lr = min(1 / iteration**power, iteration / warmup_iter**(power + 1)) *\
            warmup_iter**power * (peak_lr - initial_lr) + initial_lr

    lr = max(lr, 1e-7)

    for param_group in optimizer.param_groups:
        param_group['lr'] = lr

    return lr

It increases the learning rate from the initial value of initial_lr to peak_lr during a warm-up phase of warmup_iter iterations, and slowly decreases exponentially afterwards.

The script uses tensorboard to record the training losses across iterations and epochs, and uses our previously developed compute_mAP() to measure the performance every epoch.

Note that for test purposes, I’m using only a tiny fraction of the entire dataset (config['max_data_size'] = 100), and computing the mAP on the training data itself.

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