Define your naming convention

 1 year ago
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Define your naming convention

  • Article
  • 01/03/2022
  • 6 minutes to read

In this article

An effective naming convention composes resource names from important information about each resource. A good name helps you quickly identify the resource's type, associated workload, deployment environment, and the Azure region hosting it. For example, a public IP resource for a production SharePoint workload in the West US region might be pip-sharepoint-prod-westus-001.

Diagram that shows the components of an Azure resource name.

Diagram 1: Components of an Azure resource name.

Naming scope

All Azure resource types have a scope that defines the level that resource names must be unique. A resource must have a unique name within its scope.

For example, a virtual network has a resource group scope, which means that there can be only one network named vnet-prod-westus-001 in a given resource group. Other resource groups could have their own virtual network named vnet-prod-westus-001. Subnets are scoped to virtual networks, so each subnet within a virtual network must have a distinct name.

Some resource names, such as PaaS services with public endpoints or virtual machine DNS labels, have global scopes, so they must be unique across the entire Azure platform.

Diagram that shows the scope levels for Azure resource names.

Diagram 2: Scope levels for Azure resource names.

Resource names have length limits. Balancing the context embedded in a name with its scope and length limit is important when you develop your naming conventions. For more information, see Naming rules and restrictions for Azure resources.

Recommended naming components

When you construct your naming convention, identify the key pieces of information that you want to reflect in a resource name. Different information is relevant for different resource types. The following list provides examples of information that are useful when you construct resource names.

Keep the length of naming components short to prevent exceeding resource name length limits.

Naming component Description
Resource type An abbreviation that represents the type of Azure resource or asset. This component is often used as a prefix or suffix in the name. For more information, see Recommended abbreviations for Azure resource types.
Examples: rg, vm
Business unit Top-level division of your company that owns the subscription or workload the resource belongs to. In smaller organizations, this component might represent a single corporate top-level organizational element.
Examples: fin, mktg, product, it, corp
Application or service name Name of the application, workload, or service that the resource is a part of.
Examples: navigator, emissions, sharepoint, hadoop
Subscription type Summary description of the purpose of the subscription that contains the resource. Often broken down by deployment environment type or specific workloads.
Examples: prod, shared, client
Deployment environment The stage of the development lifecycle for the workload that the resource supports.
Examples: prod, dev, qa, stage, test
Region The Azure region where the resource is deployed.
Examples: westus, eastus2, westeu, usva, ustx

Example names for common Azure resource types

The following section provides some example names for common Azure resource types in an enterprise cloud deployment.

Some of these example names use a three-digit padding scheme (###), such as mktg-prod-001.

Padding improves readability and sorting of assets when those assets are managed in a configuration management database (CMDB), IT Asset Management tool, or traditional accounting tools. When the deployed asset is managed centrally as part of a larger inventory or portfolio of IT assets, the padding approach aligns with interfaces those systems use to manage inventory naming.

Unfortunately, the traditional asset padding approach can prove problematic in infrastructure-as-code approaches which might iterate through assets based on a non-padded number. This approach is common during deployment or automated configuration management tasks. Those scripts would have to routinely strip the padding and convert the padded number to a real number, which slows script development and run time.

Choose an approach that's suitable for your organization. The padding shown here illustrates the importance of using a consistent approach to inventory numbering, rather than which approach is superior. Before choosing a numbering scheme, with or without padding, evaluate what will affect long-term operations more, CMDB and asset management solutions or code-based inventory management. Then consistently follow the padding option that best fits your operational needs.

Example names: General

Asset type Scope Format and examples
Management group Business unit and/or
environment type
mg-<business unit>[-<environment type>] mg-mktg mg-hr mg-corp-prod mg-fin-client
Subscription Account / enterprise agreement <business unit>-<subscription type>-<###> mktg-prod-001 corp-shared-001 fin-client-001
Resource group Subscription rg-<app or service name>-<subscription type>-<###> rg-mktgsharepoint-prod-001 rg-acctlookupsvc-shared-001 rg-ad-dir-services-shared-001
API management service instance Global apim-<app or service name>

Managed identity Resource group id-<app or service name>-<environment type>-<region name>-<###> id-appcn-keda-prod-eastus2-001

Example names: Networking

Asset type Scope Format and examples
Virtual network Resource group vnet-<subscription type>-<region>-<###> vnet-shared-eastus2-001 vnet-prod-westus-001 vnet-client-eastus2-001
Subnet Virtual network snet-<subscription>-<region>-<###> snet-shared-eastus2-001 snet-prod-westus-001 snet-client-eastus2-001
Network interface (NIC) Resource group nic-<##>-<vm name>-<subscription>-<###> nic-01-dc1-shared-001 nic-02-vmhadoop1-prod-001 nic-02-vmtest1-client-001
Public IP address Resource group pip-<vm name or app name>-<environment>-<region>-<###> pip-dc1-shared-eastus2-001 pip-hadoop-prod-westus-001
Load balancer Resource group lb-<app name or role>-<environment>-<###> lb-navigator-prod-001 lb-sharepoint-dev-001
Network security group (NSG) Subnet or NIC nsg-<policy name or app name>-<###> nsg-weballow-001 nsg-rdpallow-001 nsg-sqlallow-001 nsg-dnsblocked-001
Local network gateway Virtual gateway lgw-<subscription type>-<region>-<###> lgw-shared-eastus2-001 lgw-prod-westus-001 lgw-client-eastus2-001
Virtual network gateway Virtual network vgw-<subscription type>-<region>-<###> vgw-shared-eastus2-001 vgw-prod-westus-001 vgw-client-eastus2-001
Site-to-Site connection Resource group cn-<local gateway name>-to-<virtual gateway name> cn-lgw-shared-eastus2-001-to-vgw-shared-eastus2-001 cn-lgw-shared-eastus2-001-to-vgw-shared-westus-001
VPN connection Resource group cn-<subscription1>-<region1>-to-<subscription2>-<region2>- cn-shared-eastus2-to-shared-westus cn-prod-eastus2-to-prod-westus
Route table Resource group route-<route table name> route-navigator route-sharepoint
DNS label Global <DNS A record for VM>.<region>.cloudapp.azure.com dc1.westus.cloudapp.azure.com web1.eastus2.cloudapp.azure.com

Example names: Compute and Web

Asset type Scope Format and examples
Virtual machine Resource group vm<policy name or app name><###> vmnavigator001 vmsharepoint001 vmsqlnode001 vmhadoop001
VM storage account Global stvm<performance type><app name or prod name><region><###> stvmstcoreeastus2001 stvmpmcoreeastus2001 stvmstplmeastus2001 stvmsthadoopeastus2001
Web app Global app-<app name>-<environment>-<###>.azurewebsites.net app-navigator-prod-001.azurewebsites.net app-accountlookup-dev-001.azurewebsites.net
Function app Global func-<app name>-<environment>-<###>.azurewebsites.net func-navigator-prod-001.azurewebsites.net func-accountlookup-dev-001.azurewebsites.net
Cloud service Global cld-<app name>-<environment>-<###>.cloudapp.net} cld-navigator-prod-001.azurewebsites.net cld-accountlookup-dev-001.azurewebsites.net
Notification Hubs namespace Global ntfns-<app name>-<environment> ntfns-navigator-prod ntfns-emissions-dev
Notification hub Notification Hubs namespace ntf-<app name>-<environment> ntf-navigator-prod ntf-emissions-dev

Example names: Databases

Asset type Scope Format and examples
Azure SQL Database server Global sql-<app name>-<environment> sql-navigator-prod sql-emissions-dev
Azure SQL database Azure SQL Database sqldb-<database name>-<environment> sqldb-users-prod sqldb-users-dev
Azure Cosmos DB database Global cosmos-<app name>-<environment> cosmos-navigator-prod cosmos-emissions-dev
Azure Cache for Redis instance Global redis-<app name>-<environment> redis-navigator-prod redis-emissions-dev
MySQL database Global mysql-<app name>-<environment> mysql-navigator-prod mysql-emissions-dev
PostgreSQL database Global psql-<app name>-<environment> psql-navigator-prod psql-emissions-dev
Azure Synapse Analytics Global syn-<app name>-<environment> syn-navigator-prod syn-emissions-dev
SQL Server Stretch Database Azure SQL Database sqlstrdb-<app name>-<environment> sqlstrdb-navigator-prod sqlstrdb-emissions-dev

Example names: Storage

Asset type Scope Format and examples
Storage account (general use) Global st<storage name><###> stnavigatordata001 stemissionsoutput001
Storage account (diagnostic logs) Global stdiag<first 2 letters of subscription name and number><region><###> stdiagsh001eastus2001 stdiagsh001westus001
Azure StorSimple Global ssimp<app name>-<environment> ssimpnavigatorprod ssimpemissionsdev
Azure Container Registry Global cr<app name><environment><###> crnavigatorprod001

Example names: AI and machine learning

Asset type Scope Format and examples
Azure Cognitive Search Global srch-<app name>-<environment> srch-navigator-prod srch-emissions-dev
Azure Cognitive Services Resource group cog-<app name>-<environment> cog-navigator-prod cog-emissions-dev
Azure Machine Learning workspace Resource group mlw-<app name>-<environment> mlw-navigator-prod mlw-emissions-dev

Example names: Analytics and IoT

Asset type Scope Format and examples
Azure Data Factory Global adf-<app name>-<environment> adf-navigator-prod adf-emissions-dev
Azure Stream Analytics Resource group asa-<app name>-<environment> asa-navigator-prod asa-emissions-dev
Data Lake Analytics account Global dla<app name><environment> dlanavigatorprod dlanavigatorprod
Data Lake Storage account Global dls<app name><environment> dlsnavigatorprod dlsemissionsdev
Event hub Global evh-<app name>-<environment> evh-navigator-prod evh-emissions-dev
HDInsight - HBase cluster Global hbase-<app name>-<environment> hbase-navigator-prod hbase-emissions-dev
HDInsight - Hadoop cluster Global hadoop-<app name>-<environment> hadoop-navigator-prod hadoop-emissions-dev
HDInsight - Spark cluster Global spark-<app name>-<environment> spark-navigator-prod spark-emissions-dev
IoT hub Global iot-<app name>-<environment> iot-navigator-prod iot-emissions-dev
Power BI Embedded Global pbi-<app name>-<environment> pbi-navigator-prod pbi-emissions-dev

Example names: Integration

Asset type Scope Format and Examples
Service Bus Global sb-<app name>-<environment>.servicebus.windows.net sb-navigator-prod sb-emissions-dev
Service Bus queue Service Bus sbq-<query descriptor> sbq-messagequery
Service Bus topic Service Bus sbt-<query descriptor> sbt-messagequery

Next steps

Review recommended abbreviations to use for various Azure resource types when naming your resources and assets.

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