Public preview: Event Grid enables user authorization to create partner topics

 2 years ago
source link: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates/public-preview-event-grid-enables-user-authorization-to-create-partner-topics/?WT_mc_id=DOP-MVP-4025064
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  1. Updates
  2. Public preview: Event Grid enables user authorization to create partner topics

Public preview: Event Grid enables user authorization to create partner topics

Published date: May 03, 2022

Azure Event Grid’s Partner Events enables users to grant authorization to partners in order to create partner topics or partner destinations in their Azure subscription. You need to opt-in to use this feature prior to July 2022. Event Grid will start requiring authorizations to create partner topics or partner destinations around June 30th, 2022. At that point, any attempt from a partner to create a partner topic or partner destination will fail. This authorization model does not apply to custom topic, domains, or system topics. 

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  • Event Grid
  • Features
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