
 2 years ago
source link: http://entere.github.io/2019/11/11/go-micro%E5%BE%AE%E6%9C%8D%E5%8A%A1%E6%95%99%E7%A8%8B%E4%B8%89%EF%BC%9A%E5%AE%9E%E7%8E%B0%E7%94%A8%E6%88%B7%E4%BF%A1%E6%81%AF%E5%BE%AE%E6%9C%8D%E5%8A%A1/
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3层服务架构:micro api->api service->backend service

  • 网关 micro api: (localhost:8080) - http访问入口网关
  • API层 api service: (io.github.entere.api.user) - 对外暴露的API服务
  • 服务层 backend service: (io.github.entere.srv.user) - 内网的后台服务
    本节,我们先实现backend service 以下简称 srv

在 定义User原型


cd micro-examples/part2
micro new user/srv --type=srv --alias=user --namespace=io.github.entere --gopath=false

修改vi user/srv/proto/user/user.proto中的内容,定义User原型

syntax = "proto3";

package io.github.entere.srv.user;
// import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
service User {
rpc QueryUserByID(QueryRequest) returns (QueryResponse) {}


message UserInfo {
string user_id = 1;
string nickname = 2;
string mobile = 3;
string avatar_url = 4;
int32 gender = 5;
uint32 created_at = 6;
uint32 updated_at = 7;
// google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 6;
// google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 7;

message Error {
string msg = 1;
string info = 2;

message QueryRequest {
string user_id = 1;


message QueryResponse {
uint32 code = 1;
Error error = 2;
UserInfo data = 3;



cd user/srv
protoc --proto_path=${GOPATH}/src:. --micro_out=. --go_out=. proto/user/user.proto


vi handler/user.go


package handler

import (

user "github.com/entere/micro-examples/part2/user/srv/proto/user"

type User struct{}

// Call is a single request handler called via client.Call or the generated client code
func (e *User) QueryUserByID(ctx context.Context, req *user.QueryRequest, rsp *user.QueryResponse) error {

userID := req.UserId
if userID == "" {
userID = "xxxxxx"
userInfo := &user.UserInfo{
UserId: userID,
Nickname: "匿名",
Mobile: "138********",
AvatarUrl: "avatar.jpg",
Gender: 1,
rsp.Code = 200
rsp.Error = nil
rsp.Data = userInfo

return nil

修改main.go 注册微服务

vi main.go

package main

import (

user "github.com/entere/micro-examples/part2/user/srv/proto/user"

func main() {
// 新建服务
service := micro.NewService(

// 初始化服务


// 注册服务
user.RegisterUserHandler(service.Server(), new(handler.User))

// 启动服务
if err := service.Run(); err != nil {
make build

micro call io.github.entere.srv.user User.QueryUserByID '{"user_id":"543987654"}'
"code": 200,
"data": {
"user_id": "543987654",
"nickname": "匿名",
"mobile": "138********",
"avatar_url": "avatar.jpg",
"gender": 1

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