horovod 实现分析

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horovod 实现分析


2019-08-30 更新于 2019-09-01

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Horovod 是一个兼容主流计算框架的分布式机器学习训练框架,主要基于的算法是 AllReduce,这个是 baidu-research 在17年做的一个实现,这个东西原来是高性能计算范畴里的东西应用了 MPI 并行计算接口来实现,这是并行计算里的一个框架,已经很老了,这里有一个介绍 MPI 的 tutorial 写的比较好。

在介绍 horovod 的之前需要解释一下 AllReduce。在 MapReduce 里面 reduce 被翻译成了规约,在上面提到的 MPI tutorial 里面的解释是

Reduce is a classic concept from functional programming. Data reduction involves reducing a set of numbers into a smaller set of numbers via a function. For example, let’s say we have a list of numbers [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. Reducing this list of numbers with the sum function would produce sum([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) = 15. Similarly, the multiplication reduction would yield multiply([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) = 120.

就是说把一个大的集合“缩减”成了小的集合,这里要注意的是这种缩减的计算是要满足交换律的,也就是减法或者除法是不行的,因为在并行计算当中不太好去控制计算的顺序。Reduce 就是这个意思,具体到 MPI_Reduce 就是把不同节点的数字“缩减”到一个节点上,支持的计算方式有加法乘法和取大小值等。

教程中给出的 Reduce 是求和。

AllReduce 就是在每个节点都获得 Reduce 的结果

基于这个标准就有很多的 All-Reduce 的实现,比如 Ring-Reduce,这个实现分两部分,一部分是 Scatter-Reduce 另一部分是 All-Gather。最早是在这篇 post里提到的。这个算法的好处是可以摆脱之前 PS 非常依赖 Parameter-Server 的带宽,Parameter-Server 的带宽会成为计算瓶颈的问题,而 AllReduce 可以让每个节点在带宽传输中的位置是对等的,并且减少传输次数。具体的算法可以看文章的解释,scatter-reduce 就是让每个节点有 K/N 的一个 reduce(也就是 sum),然后把自己的一个 K/N 的 reduce 再传递给其他节点,每个节点只和自己相邻的节点通信。

In the system we described, each of the N GPUs will send and receive values N-1 times for the scatter-reduce, and N-1 times for the allgather. Each time, the GPUs will send K / N values, where K is the total number of values in array being summed across the different GPUs. Therefore, the total amount of data transferred to and from every GPU is

Data Transferred=2(N−1)KN

数据传输量在 N 比较大的时候越没有影响,这就消弭了多节点给 Parameter-Server 造成的瓶颈。

还有一些其他术语,假设有 4 台 4 卡的 GPU 服务器。size 是工作进程(GPU)的数量(6),rank 是所有工作进程的 id(0-15),local rank 是当前服务器上的 id(0-3)。

Horovod 的介绍

使用 horovod 有一定的侵入性,代码需要一定的修改才能变成适配分布式训练,但是有一个好处就是适配的成本不高,并且 horovod 提供的各种框架的支持可以让 horovod 比较好的在各个框架的基础上使用,他支持 tensorflow/keras/mxnet/pytorch,MPI 的实现也有很多,比如 OpenMPI 还有 Nvidia 的 NCCL,还有 facebook 的 gloo,他们都实现了一种并行计算的通信和计算方式。而且 horovod 的本身的实现也很简单。

Keras 用 ResNet50 训练 ImageNet 为例,主要侵入了几部分 hvd.init() 这个是 MPI 的初始化,让并行进程能够知道自己的 rank/local_rank 等信息。

第二部根据 local_rank(相当于单节点上的第n张卡),并且设置不占用全部显存,按需分配(可能因内没有统一管理导致显存碎片),然后传递给 keras 设置 session。

# Horovod: pin GPU to be used to process local rank (one GPU per process)
config = tf.ConfigProto()
config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
config.gpu_options.visible_device_list = str(hvd.local_rank())

然后在 rank 0 上恢复一个 checkpoint 并且广播给其他节点,这里的 broadcast 后面会介绍。

# If set > 0, will resume training from a given checkpoint.
resume_from_epoch = 0
for try_epoch in range(args.epochs, 0, -1):
if os.path.exists(args.checkpoint_format.format(epoch=try_epoch)):
resume_from_epoch = try_epoch

# Horovod: broadcast resume_from_epoch from rank 0 (which will have
# checkpoints) to other ranks.
resume_from_epoch = hvd.broadcast(resume_from_epoch, 0, name='resume_from_epoch')

# Horovod: print logs on the first worker.
verbose = 1 if hvd.rank() == 0 else 0

设定传输的压缩函数,具体的压缩后面会提到,然后要么从之前的模型恢复要么重新训练。关键的 wrapper 在 opt 上,会给本地的 opt 包装一个 DistributedOptimizer

# Horovod: (optional) compression algorithm.
compression = hvd.Compression.fp16 if args.fp16_allreduce else hvd.Compression.none

# Restore from a previous checkpoint, if initial_epoch is specified.
# Horovod: restore on the first worker which will broadcast both model and optimizer weights
# to other workers.
if resume_from_epoch > 0 and hvd.rank() == 0:
model = hvd.load_model(args.checkpoint_format.format(epoch=resume_from_epoch),
# ResNet-50 model that is included with Keras is optimized for inference.
# Add L2 weight decay & adjust BN settings.
model_config = model.get_config()
for layer, layer_config in zip(model.layers, model_config['layers']):
if hasattr(layer, 'kernel_regularizer'):
regularizer = keras.regularizers.l2(args.wd)
layer_config['config']['kernel_regularizer'] = \
{'class_name': regularizer.__class__.__name__,
'config': regularizer.get_config()}
if type(layer) == keras.layers.BatchNormalization:
layer_config['config']['momentum'] = 0.9
layer_config['config']['epsilon'] = 1e-5

model = keras.models.Model.from_config(model_config)

# Horovod: adjust learning rate based on number of GPUs.
opt = keras.optimizers.SGD(lr=args.base_lr * hvd.size(),

# Horovod: add Horovod Distributed Optimizer.
opt = hvd.DistributedOptimizer(opt, compression=compression)

metrics=['accuracy', 'top_k_categorical_accuracy'])

然后设置一些回调函数,hvd.callbacks.BroadcastGlobalVariablesCallback(0) 保证的是 rank 0 上的所有参数只在 rank 0 初始化,然后广播给其他节点,后面是学习率 decay 的设置和一些统计信息的回调打印。

callbacks = [
# Horovod: broadcast initial variable states from rank 0 to all other processes.
# This is necessary to ensure consistent initialization of all workers when
# training is started with random weights or restored from a checkpoint.

# Horovod: average metrics among workers at the end of every epoch.
# Note: This callback must be in the list before the ReduceLROnPlateau,
# TensorBoard, or other metrics-based callbacks.

# Horovod: using `lr = 1.0 * hvd.size()` from the very beginning leads to worse final
# accuracy. Scale the learning rate `lr = 1.0` ---> `lr = 1.0 * hvd.size()` during
# the first five epochs. See https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.02677 for details.
hvd.callbacks.LearningRateWarmupCallback(warmup_epochs=args.warmup_epochs, verbose=verbose),

# Horovod: after the warmup reduce learning rate by 10 on the 30th, 60th and 80th epochs.
hvd.callbacks.LearningRateScheduleCallback(start_epoch=args.warmup_epochs, end_epoch=30, multiplier=1.),
hvd.callbacks.LearningRateScheduleCallback(start_epoch=30, end_epoch=60, multiplier=1e-1),
hvd.callbacks.LearningRateScheduleCallback(start_epoch=60, end_epoch=80, multiplier=1e-2),
hvd.callbacks.LearningRateScheduleCallback(start_epoch=80, multiplier=1e-3),

最后直接用 allreduce 计算一个 evaluation score。

# Evaluate the model on the full data set.
score = hvd.allreduce(model.evaluate_generator(input_fn(False, args.train_dir, args.val_batch_size),NUM_IMAGES['validation']))


horovod 的实现主要分几部分,第一部分是一个适配层,用于兼容各种框架,比如 tensorflow 的适配就是实现一个新的 Op,这个可以参考 add new op,里面规范了 Tensorflow 自定义算子的实现。

请注意,生成的函数将获得一个蛇形名称(以符合 PEP8)。因此,如果您的操作在 C++ 文件中命名为 ZeroOut,则 Python 函数将称为 zero_out。

C++ 的定义是驼峰的,生成出来的 python 函数是下划线小写的,所以最后对应的是,适配Op的代码在 horovod/tensorflow 目录下面

C++ Python
HorovodAllgather horovod_allgather
HorovodAllreduce horovod_allreduce
HorovodBroadcast horovod_broadcast

另外在适配层可以加入一些压缩算法(在 horovod/[framework]/compression.py),我觉得压缩算法和框架无关的,放到适配层下面可能有别的原因,比如 tensorflow 默认带了一个 float16 压缩,具体的其他压缩算法比如3LC,可以通过有损压缩或者无损压缩提高带宽利用率。

这一层的实现是统一的,所有的适配层最后都是发出一些 Op+Tensor 的 Message 到队列中,后台初始化的时候会有一个专门的线程专门消费这个队列。他有一个同步消息的过程,相当于这个 tensor 在所有节点上都就绪以后就可以开始计算了,主体的流程是:

// The coordinator currently follows a master-worker paradigm. Rank zero acts
// as the master (the "coordinator"), whereas all other ranks are simply
// workers. Each rank runs its own background thread which progresses in ticks.
// In each tick, the following actions happen:
// a) The workers send a Request to the coordinator, indicating what
// they would like to do (which tensor they would like to gather and
// reduce, as well as their shape and type). They repeat this for every
// tensor that they would like to operate on.
// b) The workers send an empty "DONE" message to the coordinator to
// indicate that there are no more tensors they wish to operate on.
// c) The coordinator receives the Requests from the workers, as well
// as from its own TensorFlow ops, and stores them in a [request table]. The
// coordinator continues to receive Request messages until it has
// received MPI_SIZE number of empty "DONE" messages.
// d) The coordinator finds all tensors that are ready to be reduced,
// gathered, or all operations that result in an error. For each of those,
// it sends a Response to all the workers. When no more Responses
// are available, it sends a "DONE" response to the workers. If the process
// is being shutdown, it instead sends a "SHUTDOWN" response.
// e) The workers listen for Response messages, processing each one by
// doing the required reduce or gather, until they receive a "DONE"
// response from the coordinator. At that point, the tick ends.
// If instead of "DONE" they receive "SHUTDOWN", they exit their background
// loop.

简单来讲就是说 coordinator 集 size 个 request DONE,然后找出就绪的 tensor (在 message_table 里面查找)构造出一个 read_to_reduce 的列表,然后发出 size 个 request 告知进程进行计算,然后 worker 接受到 response 开始真正的计算过程(通过 op_manager 具体执行)。

这是整体同步的过程,如果打开 horovod 的 trace log(HOROVOD_LOG_LEVEL=trace) 就能看到同步的过程。horovod 的主要 Op 除了 AllReduce 之外还有 allgather 和 broadcast。


具体的 op 在 common/op 可以看到有 NCCL/Gloo/MPI 等等的,这些由 op_manager 管理,他会根据优先级找到可以用来计算的 op 进行计算,比如 MPI 用的就是 MPI_Allreduce,具体 scatter-gather 和 all-gather openMPI 有现成的实现,NCCL 就直接调用 ncclAllReduce,比较新的 nccl 也支持跨节点的 allreduce 了,不用自己再套一层。

除了 allreduce 之外,还有两个比较重要的算子。

allgather 主要是比 allreduce 少一层 reduce,所有数据被发送到所有进程就可以。allreduce 的第二步就是把每个进程的 scatter-reduce 的 reduce 结果发送到所有进程。

broadcast 的作用是一对多的广播,主要是把初始化的参数同步给其他进程的时候使用。

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