Three Ways To Start Your Public Speaking Career On February 3

 2 years ago
source link: https://emptysqua.re/blog/public-speaking-workshops-february-2018/
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Three Ways To Start Your Public Speaking Career On February 3

There’s a surplus of great public-speaking workshops next Saturday, February 3rd. If you’re in New York and want to attend a live event about proposing talks to tech conferences, go to the Global Diversity CFP Day workshop at General Assembly. If you’re not in New York, you can take an online workshop with me about the same subject. And if you want rigorous instruction in public-speaking skills from an expert, without the focus on tech, go to Melissa Collom’s Public Speaking Skills for Progressive Leadership.

Global Diversity CFP Day NYC

“CFP” stands for “Call for Proposals”: it’s the process that tech conferences use to receive your proposals for tech talks and select which speakers to include in their programs. If you’re in New York and you want to write great proposals for tech conferences, go to General Assembly at 9am for a one-day workshop. Craft your speaker bio, write your first proposal with the help of a mentor, and present it for feedback to the whole group. The event is focused on promoting the conference speaking careers of people who are underrepresented in tech.

Global Diversity CFP Day

If you’re not in New York City, I’m teaching a one-hour online workshop with the same goal: to begin or advance your speaking career. The I’ll explain where to find speaking opportunities, how to write a winning proposal, techniques for writing and rehearsing your presentation, and how to maximize the value of your conference talk.

Public Speaking Skills for Progressive Leadership

If I hadn’t promised to present an online workshop next Saturday, then this is where I’d be: my own speaking coach Melissa Collom is giving a three-hour workshop in New York City about public speaking. Current events got you fired up? Inspired by the Women’s March? Want to get involved but don’t know where to start? This workshop will give you the skills you need to speak up and advocate for the things you care about.

Image: Sarah Bernhardt as Hamlet

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