A Dive into React Storybook

 2 years ago
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A Dive into React Storybook

April 22nd, 2022 · 5 min read

When it comes to development testing and documenting components, Storybook is the best tool, in my opinion. Storybook is an awesome tool to help you build, demo, and document component libraries.

Components are files that make up the application. Though they make up the main application(App.js), they need to be in the application for it to be rendered in the browser because they don’t have Index.js files attached to them. Unlike the main application, this would be a problem if the project is massively built with numerous functionalities.

This is where Storybook comes in handy. It helps highlight components with various tools available for your use and makes our life much easier. Storybook provides you with the runtime environment to bring components to life with change detection, providing a nice-looking user interface for your components.

In this article, I will elaborate on how we can use Storybook with React and how to best integrate Storybook into any React project. For this tutorial to make sense, you need to understand that Storybook can be used with many frameworks like Vue, Angular, and even plain vanilla Javascript. However, within the scope of this tutorial, we will be using React only. You need prior knowledge of React and how to use prop types. These are the tools to be installed ;

  • Node.js and npm Node ≥v14.0.0 and npm ≥v5.6
  • React version 18.0
  • StoryBook
  • Proptype

Setting up the Development Environment

Open up your command line, and create a folder with a name of your choice; we’ll use stories-article. Then, move into the folder and follow these steps to start up your project quickly:

1npx create-react-app stories-article

We do not need all the dependencies that come with React application, but we need the components. After the React application is installed, we have to remove some scripts. To take off the nugatory scripts, do this in the folder:

1npm uninstall - -save react-scripts

Clear up the App.js file and return anything. Yes, this must have left you thinking because there is no place to render our code in the browser. This is because we do not have a main application but a component, and we haven’t installed Storybook yet.

The next thing to install is Proptype.

1npm install - -save prop-types

Then, install Storybook.

1npx sb init

If you run into warning errors, please install these plugins.

1npm install --save-dev webpack webpack-cli html-webpack-plugin webpack-dev-server webpack-dev-middleware

Inside package.json, replace the script we deleted with Storybook just like this;

1"scripts": {
2 "start": "start-storybook -p 6006",
3 "build": "build-storybook"

To start up Storybook, run:

1npm start

Now Storybook is up and running.

We should  get this after properly installing Storybook

You can always refer here for more instructions.

Button Component

Let’s create a basic Story. For instance, we have a full-stack application, and one of the activities of the components is to call a function that increments whenever it is clicked. We want to see this working before importing the function to our main App.js file. Let’s create the button and add functionalities on React. First, create a component, and name it Button.js.

1import React, { useState } from "react";
3function Button() {
4 const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
6 const increment = () => {
7 setCount((prev) => prev + 1);
10 return (
11 <div>
12 <h2>counter:{count}</h2>
13 <input
14 type="button"
15 value="increment"
16 onClick={increment}
17 />
18 </div>
22export default Button;

We could picture this component as an actor performing on a stage without a spotlight. You would think variably if the performer is backstage or on stage, but you are sure he is performing.

Just like the components, the increment function could be working fine if you console.log it. Still, there is no place to see it as a user to help the user-interface experience unless we do something: either we import it in our App.js file, or we deploy the use of Storybook. The latter is why this article was written. We may create a basic Story right now.

First, we need to create our own story, and we will do that by going to the Stories folder and creating one. I will name mine Button.stories.js. Adding stories" before the .js` tells Storybook what this file is.

Secondly, we need to import the Button component and export our stories. We will also need to export a default object that carries the actual Story, and carries a title, and the component to be rendered.

1import Button from "../component/Button";
3export default {
4 title: "Button",
5 component: Button,

Finally, we need to tell Storybook what our stories are, as we had primary and secondary stories in our button category. To implement a clear-cut named story, we have to export a function that will return our component, and whatever name we give this function, that’s the name of our story in our button component.

1export const increment = () => <Button/>;

As we can see, this works just fine. That’s how you can create a basic story.

Stack component

For the advanced story, we will create a brand new folder named Stack.js. Our Stack.js component takes in children, direction, and a wrap variable with a bit of CSS styling.

1function Stack({
2 children,
3 spacing = 2,
4 direction = "row",
5 wrap = false,
7 const style = {
8 display: "flex",
9 gap: `${spacing * 0.3}px`,
10 flexWrap: wrap ? "wrap" : "nowrap",
11 flexDirection: direction,
13 return <div style={style}>{children}</div>;
16export default Stack;

We also need a stack.stories.js folder, which we should create right away. In the stack Story, we need to add children to it. We should be able to change the number of children being passed into our stack by adding an argument that we could pass into the Storybook to control how many children elements we see in a storybook. This is where argTypes comes into place. First, we need to export the default title and components we will see.

1import Stack from "../component/Stack";
3export default {
4 title: "Component/stack",
5 component: Stack,
6 argTypes: {
7 childrenNumber: { type: "number", defaultValue: 5 },

Component/stack makes Stack a child that pops up when clicking the component. We can name our argument whatever we want. In my case, I called it childrenNumber, and I gave it a type of number, so we can choose and control how many children we desire. I gave it a default value of 5.

Open Source Session Replay

OpenReplay is an open-source alternative to FullStory and LogRocket. It gives you full observability by replaying everything your users do on your app and showing how your stack behaves for every issue. OpenReplay is self-hosted for full control over your data.


Happy debugging for modern frontend teams - start monitoring your web app for free.


We need to configure our story so that controls quit displaying “this story is not configured to handle controls”. To fix this, we need to add some code. This may not be very clear, but hang on.

A problem: the story is not configured to handle controls

We need to set up a plinth function which we will call a paradigm (because it serves as a model for what our various stories shall follow). The paradigm function will return our Stack and pass our argument childrenNumber into it. Here we need an array with the value of childrenNumber. We need to map it, so we get a number(any number), and inside the number, we want to return a string with the value love in a div.

1const paradigm = ({ ChildrenNumber, ...args }) => (
2 <Stack {...args}>
3 {[...Array(ChildrenNumber).keys()].map((n) => (
4 <div>{"love"}</div>
6 </Stack>

Now we can export our Story as a horizontal component baring our control arguments.

1export const Horizontal = paradigm.bind({});
3Horizontal.args = {
4 direction: "",
5 spacing: 2,
6 wrap: false,

We get this displayed on our screen.

this is what is rendered on our Storybook

Let’s style the div.

1style = {{
2 width: "70px",
3 height: "70px",
4 backgroundColor: "blue",
5 display: "flex",
6 justifyContent: "center",
7 alignItems: "center",

after styling the div

The important thing to note about all of this, as you could see here,

1export default {
2 title: "Component/stack",
3 component: Stack,
4 argTypes: {
5 childrenNumber: { type: "number", defaultValue: 5 },

We needed to pass an additional argument that is not needed anywhere in our component, but only needed for Storybook. We defined that inside our argtypes and then applied it in our paradigm, using that argument to pass all the additional arguments that the Stack needs.


Proptypes help ensure the passed value is of a correct data type. Proptypes used to be included in React, but now it is separate. That’s why it was individually installed. What’s the benefit of Proptype in Storybook? Proptypes inform Storybook on descriptions and tell Storybook what values are being passed. Automatically, Storybook is built to integrate and display these functionalities.

This is a little outside the scope of our tutorial, but it’s needed, and here is why. Even after configuring our controls, we got a few errors (our controls are not all functional). That’s probably because our values passed in the stack.js component have not been described to Storybook, and Storybook doesn’t know what they are. That’s why using Proptypes is essential. If this is confusing to you, you could read this article on Proptype.

To describe our values, so we can manipulate our controls and Storybook knows what is renderable, we need to add this in our stack.Js component right above the export default.

1Stack.propTypes = {
2 spacing: PropTypes.number,
3 wrap: PropTypes.bool,
4 direction: PropTypes.oneOf(["row"]),

before the proptype was added

Now we can return to Storybook and see that everything is interactive. We can wrap our div and increase or decrease spacing.

after the proptype was added


One of the peculiarities of being a developer is keeping up to date on new technologies in the development space because they help immensely, just like Storybook. Knowing how to use them could ease stress, and one of the keys to being at the pick of your development career is finding tools for fast and efficient delivery.

Further Reading

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Joyk means Joy of geeK