Inferring C# from JSON with T4

 2 years ago
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Inferring C# from JSON with T4

C# from JSON in T4

A microblog with minimal prose and maximum amount of code

Inspired by the release notes in VS about "copy JSON to C#" I tinkered with making a T4 template to do so.

The T4 template uses some new C# language feautures + System.Text.Json so it won't work with T4 bundled with Visual Studio (still on .NET framework).

However it works fine from command line:

How to run

  1. Save 1_Sample.tt as Sample.tt
  2. Save 3_JsonSchemaInferrer.ttinclude as JsonSchemaInferrer.ttinclude
  3. Install t4 by running: dotnet tool install -g dotnet-t4
  4. Generate Sample.cs by running: t4 Sample.tt

F# is great for these kind of things

While F# don't work out in T4 I used F# to create the initial schema inferrer, this I later ported to C#.

See: 4_InferSchema.fs

<# // The namespace for the generated classes var Namespace = "MyNamespace" ; // Name of the outer class // The other class names are inferred from the member name // This approach is not fool proof but good enough to start with var RootClass = "Customer" ; // Sample JSON var Json = """ { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "age": 25, "address": { "streetAddress": "21 2nd Street", "city": "New York", "state": "NY", "postalCode": "10021" }, "phoneNumber": [ { "type": "home", "number": "212 555-1234" }, { "type": "fax", "number": "646 555-4567" } ] } """;

// Include the inferrer code to generate the C# code #> <#@ include file="JsonSchemaInferrer.ttinclude" #>

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // THIS FILE IS AUTO-GENERATED, EDITS IN THE FILE WILL BE LOST ON REGENERATION // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

namespace MyNamespace; using System.Text.Json.Serialization;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BEGIN - Address // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- partial class Address { [JsonPropertyNameAttribute("city")] public string City { get; set; }

[JsonPropertyNameAttribute("postalCode")] public string PostalCode { get; set; }

[JsonPropertyNameAttribute("state")] public string State { get; set; }

[JsonPropertyNameAttribute("streetAddress")] public string StreetAddress { get; set; }

} // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // END - Address // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BEGIN - Customer // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- partial class Customer { [JsonPropertyNameAttribute("address")] public Address Address { get; set; }

[JsonPropertyNameAttribute("age")] public int Age { get; set; }

[JsonPropertyNameAttribute("firstName")] public string FirstName { get; set; }

[JsonPropertyNameAttribute("lastName")] public string LastName { get; set; }

[JsonPropertyNameAttribute("phoneNumber")] public PhoneNumber[] PhoneNumber { get; set; }

} // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // END - Customer // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BEGIN - PhoneNumber // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- partial class PhoneNumber { [JsonPropertyNameAttribute("number")] public string Number { get; set; }

[JsonPropertyNameAttribute("type")] public string Type { get; set; }

} // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // END - PhoneNumber // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

<#@ template langversion="preview" #> <#@ import namespace="System.Collections.Generic" #> <#@ import namespace="System.Linq" #> <#@ import namespace="System.Text" #> <#@ import namespace="System.Text.Json" #> <#@ output extension=".cs" #> // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // THIS FILE IS AUTO-GENERATED, EDITS IN THE FILE WILL BE LOST ON REGENERATION // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

namespace <#=Namespace#>; using System.Text.Json.Serialization;

<# var schema = InferredSchema.Undefined.Infer(Json); var objects = GetObjects(new (), RootClass, schema); #> <# foreach (var kv in objects.OrderBy(kv => kv.Value)) { #> <# var className = ToCSharpName(kv.Value); var clazz = kv.Key; #> // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BEGIN - <#=className#> // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- partial class <#=className#> { <# foreach (var m in clazz.Members.OrderBy(kv => kv.Key)) { #> [JsonPropertyNameAttribute("<#=m.Key#>")] public <#=ToCSharpType(objects, m.Value)#> <#=ToCSharpName(m.Key)#> { get; set; }

<# } #> } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // END - <#=className#> // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

<# } #>

<#+ static string ToCSharpType( Dictionary<InferredObjectSchema, string> objects , InferredSchema s ) { static string ToType( Dictionary<InferredObjectSchema, string> objects , InferredSchema s ) { if (s.HasBooleanValues) return "bool"; if (s.HasNumberValues is not null) { return s.HasNumberValues switch { NumberKind.Float => "double" , NumberKind.Integer => "int" , var k => throw new Exception($"Unexpected IntegerKind: {k}") }; } if (s.HasStringValues) return "string"; if (s.HasObjectValues is not null) return ToCSharpName(objects[s.HasObjectValues]); if (s.HasArrayValues is not null) return ToType(objects, s.HasArrayValues) + "[]";

return "object"; }

switch(s.Kind) { case InferredSchemaKind.Empty: return "object"; case InferredSchemaKind.Singleton: var t = ToType(objects, s); return s.HasNullValues ? t + "?" : t; case InferredSchemaKind.Union: throw new Exception($"Discriminated Union types not supported yet"); case var k: throw new Exception($"Unexpected InferredSchemaKind: {k}"); } }

static string ToCSharpName(string nm) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nm)) return "<EMPTY NAME>"; var c = char.ToUpperInvariant(nm[0]); return c + nm.Substring(1); }

static Dictionary<InferredObjectSchema, string> GetObjects( Dictionary<InferredObjectSchema, string> objects , string key , InferredSchema value ) { switch(value.Kind) { case InferredSchemaKind.Empty: break; case InferredSchemaKind.Singleton: var a = value.HasArrayValues; if (a is not null) { GetObjects(objects, key, a); } var o = value.HasObjectValues; if (o is not null) { objects.Add(o, key); foreach (var m in o.Members) { GetObjects(objects, m.Key, m.Value); } } break; case InferredSchemaKind.Union: throw new Exception($"Discriminated Union types not supported yet: {key}"); case var k: throw new Exception($"Unexpected InferredSchemaKind: {k}"); } return objects; }

enum NumberKind { Float , Integer , }

enum InferredSchemaKind { Empty , Singleton , Union , }

sealed record InferredObjectSchema( Dictionary<string, InferredSchema> Members ) { public bool Equals( InferredObjectSchema? o ) { if (o is null) return false;

if (Members.Count != o.Members.Count) return false;

foreach (var m in Members) { if (o.Members.TryGetValue(m.Key, out var v)) { if (!m.Value.Equals(v)) { return false; } } else { return false; } } return true; }

public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { var hc = 0x55555555; foreach (var m in Members) { hc += m.Key.GetHashCode(); hc += m.Value.GetHashCode(); } return hc; } }

public override string ToString() { var sb = new StringBuilder("InferredObjectSchema {"); var prefix = ""; foreach (var m in Members.OrderBy(kv => kv.Key)) { sb .Append(prefix) .Append(" '") .Append(m.Key) .Append("' : ") .Append(m.Value) ; prefix = ","; } sb.Append("}"); return sb.ToString(); } }

sealed record InferredSchema( bool HasNullValues , bool HasBooleanValues , NumberKind? HasNumberValues , bool HasStringValues , InferredObjectSchema? HasObjectValues , InferredSchema? HasArrayValues ) { public InferredSchemaKind Kind { get { static int AsInt(bool b) => b ? 1 : 0; var c = 0 + AsInt(HasNullValues) + AsInt(HasBooleanValues) + AsInt(HasNumberValues is not null) + AsInt(HasStringValues) + AsInt(HasObjectValues is not null) + AsInt(HasArrayValues is not null) ; return c switch { 0 => InferredSchemaKind.Empty , 1 => InferredSchemaKind.Singleton , _ => InferredSchemaKind.Union }; } }

public static InferredSchema Undefined = new InferredSchema( false , false , null , false , null , null );

public static InferredSchema Nullable = Undefined with { HasNullValues = true }; public static InferredSchema Boolean = Undefined with { HasBooleanValues = true }; public static InferredSchema Integer = Undefined with { HasNumberValues = NumberKind.Integer }; public static InferredSchema Float = Undefined with { HasNumberValues = NumberKind.Float }; public static InferredSchema String = Undefined with { HasStringValues = true };

public static InferredSchema Object(InferredObjectSchema s) => Undefined with { HasObjectValues = s }; public static InferredSchema Array(InferredSchema s) => Undefined with { HasArrayValues = s };

static InferredSchema GetMember( InferredObjectSchema c , string nm ) => c.Members.TryGetValue(nm, out var v) ? v : Nullable;

static InferredObjectSchema MergeObjects( InferredObjectSchema c , InferredObjectSchema o ) => new InferredObjectSchema(c.Members.Keys.Union(o.Members.Keys).ToDictionary( k => k , k => GetMember(c, k).MergeWith(GetMember(o, k)) ));

public InferredSchema MergeWith(InferredSchema o) { var hasNumberValues = (HasNumberValues, o.HasNumberValues) switch { (null , null ) => null , (null , var oo ) => oo , (var cc , null ) => cc , (NumberKind.Integer , NumberKind.Integer ) => NumberKind.Integer , (_ , _ ) => NumberKind.Float }; var hasObjectValues = (HasObjectValues, o.HasObjectValues) switch { (null , null ) => null , (null , var oo ) => oo , (var cc , null ) => cc , (var cc , var oo ) => MergeObjects(cc, oo) }; var hasArrayValues = (HasArrayValues, o.HasArrayValues) switch { (null , null ) => null , (null , var oo ) => oo , (var cc , null ) => cc , (var cc , var oo ) => cc.MergeWith(oo) }; return new InferredSchema( HasNullValues || o.HasNullValues , HasBooleanValues || o.HasBooleanValues , hasNumberValues , HasStringValues || o.HasStringValues , hasObjectValues , hasArrayValues ); }

public InferredSchema Infer(string json) => Infer(JsonDocument.Parse(json).RootElement);

public InferredSchema Infer(JsonElement e) { switch(e.ValueKind) { case JsonValueKind.Undefined : return MergeWith(Undefined); case JsonValueKind.String : return MergeWith(String); case JsonValueKind.True : return MergeWith(Boolean); case JsonValueKind.False : return MergeWith(Boolean); case JsonValueKind.Null : return MergeWith(Nullable); case JsonValueKind.Number : { var d = e.GetDouble(); var a = d == Math.Floor(d) ? Integer : Float; return MergeWith(a); } case JsonValueKind.Object : { var a = new InferredObjectSchema(e .EnumerateObject() .ToDictionary( kv => kv.Name , kv => Undefined.Infer(kv.Value) )); return MergeWith(Object(a)); } case JsonValueKind.Array : { var a = e .EnumerateArray() .Aggregate(Undefined, (s,v) => s.Infer(v)) ; return MergeWith(Array(a)); } case var jkv : throw new Exception($"Unexpected JsonValueKind: {jkv}"); } }

} #>

module InferSchema = open System open System.Text.Json

// We infer numbers to be either integer or float [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] type NumberKind = Integer|Float

// The inferred schema can either be // Empty - No non-null values seen // Singleton - Seen one kind of non-null values values // Union - Seen several kind of non-null values [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] type InferredSchemaKind = Empty|Singleton|Union

// A union of all possible json value schemas type InferredSchema = { HasNullValues : bool HasBooleanValues : bool HasNumberValues : NumberKind option HasStringValues : bool HasObjectValues : Map<string, InferredSchema> option HasArrayValues : InferredSchema option } member x.Kind = let inc b s = if b then s + 1 else s let c = 0 // Null not considered to contribute union count |> inc x.HasBooleanValues |> inc x.HasNumberValues.IsSome |> inc x.HasStringValues |> inc x.HasObjectValues.IsSome |> inc x.HasArrayValues.IsSome match c with | 0 -> InferredSchemaKind.Empty | 1 -> InferredSchemaKind.Singleton | _ -> InferredSchemaKind.Union

module Schemas = let undefined : InferredSchema = { HasNullValues = false HasBooleanValues = false HasNumberValues = None HasStringValues = false HasObjectValues = None HasArrayValues = None } let nullable = { undefined with HasNullValues = true } let boolean = { undefined with HasBooleanValues = true } let integer = { undefined with HasNumberValues = Some NumberKind.Integer } let float = { undefined with HasNumberValues = Some NumberKind.Float } let string = { undefined with HasStringValues = true } let object s = { undefined with HasObjectValues = Some s } let array s = { undefined with HasArrayValues = Some s }

module Details = let inline mergeOptions a b ([<InlineIfLambda>] m) = match a, b with | _ , None -> a | None , _ -> b | Some a, Some b-> Some (m a b)

open Details

// merges two schemas let rec mergeSchemas (current : InferredSchema) (other : InferredSchema) : InferredSchema = let hasNumberValues = mergeOptions current.HasNumberValues other.HasNumberValues ( fun a b -> match (a, b) with // Int and Int is Int | NumberKind.Integer , NumberKind.Integer -> NumberKind.Integer // Other default to float | _ ,_ -> NumberKind.Float ) let hasObjectValues = mergeOptions current.HasObjectValues other.HasObjectValues ( fun c o -> let all = Set.union (c.Keys |> Set.ofSeq) (o.Keys |> Set.ofSeq) let inline getMember nm m= match m |> Map.tryFind nm with | Some v -> v // If the member don't exist we assume nullable // It makes sense because in order for this to happen // this member exists in the other schema // We therefore like the merged schema to be nullable | None -> Schemas.nullable let mapper nm = let ca = c |> getMember nm let oa = o |> getMember nm let a = mergeSchemas ca oa (nm, a) all |> Seq.map mapper |> Map.ofSeq ) let hasArrayValues = mergeOptions current.HasArrayValues other.HasArrayValues mergeSchemas

{ HasNullValues = current.HasNullValues || other.HasNullValues HasBooleanValues = current.HasBooleanValues || other.HasBooleanValues HasNumberValues = hasNumberValues HasStringValues = current.HasStringValues || other.HasStringValues HasObjectValues = hasObjectValues HasArrayValues = hasArrayValues }

// Infers a json schema from JsonElement let rec infer (current : InferredSchema) (json : JsonElement) : InferredSchema = // Traverses through the json element and infers the type // of the element then merge with current let inline mergeWith other = mergeSchemas current other match json.ValueKind with | JsonValueKind.Undefined -> mergeWith Schemas.undefined | JsonValueKind.Object -> let a = json.EnumerateObject () |> Seq.map (fun v -> (v.Name, infer Schemas.undefined v.Value)) |> Map.ofSeq mergeWith (Schemas.object a) | JsonValueKind.Array -> let a = json.EnumerateArray () |> Seq.fold infer Schemas.undefined mergeWith (Schemas.array a) | JsonValueKind.String -> mergeWith Schemas.string | JsonValueKind.Number -> let f = json.GetDouble() let a = if f = floor f then Schemas.integer else Schemas.float mergeWith a | JsonValueKind.True -> mergeWith Schemas.boolean | JsonValueKind.False -> mergeWith Schemas.boolean | JsonValueKind.Null -> mergeWith Schemas.nullable | jkv -> failwithf "Unexpected JsonValueKind: %A" jkv

let json = """ { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "age": 25, "address": { "streetAddress": "21 2nd Street", "city": "New York", "state": "NY", "postalCode": "10021" }, "phoneNumber": [ { "type": "home", "number": "212 555-1234" }, { "type": "fax", "number": "646 555-4567" } ] } """

open System.Text.Json open InferSchema

[<EntryPoint>] let main args = let doc = JsonDocument.Parse json let schema = infer Schemas.undefined doc.RootElement printfn "%A" schema 0

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