Divinity Chronicles: Journey to the West

 2 years ago
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Divinity Chronicles: Journey to the West is a rogue-like deck building game. You will play as one of the heroes, with unique powers modeled as cards, consumables, and relics, and decide the fate of the Realm of Divinity under the omen of darkness.

During your journey, you will encounter various monsters, spirits, celestials, demons, and legendary creatures, with their own stories deeply intertwined yours. Make up your mind to work with them to conserve your strength for later, or to defeat them in an intensive turn based combat. Beware, you only have one life during the journey. Therefore it is crucial to make careful moves and choices, in order to safely reach your final destination and accomplish your mission.

Our demo includes the first chapter of the story mode gameplay. Numerous new contents, heroes, features, and game modes will be added as we develop the game. Stay tuned to our latest builds for the best experience.

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