Sneak preview: Writing Ruby gem native extensions in Rust – Brian Kung

 2 years ago
source link: https://briankung.dev/2022/01/31/sneak-preview-writing-ruby-gem-native-extensions-in-rust/
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Sneak preview: Writing Ruby gem native extensions in Rust

Note: anytime you see 🙋‍♂️ RFC, that’s a “Request For Comments” about a topic I didn’t understand or take the time to look into. Please feel free to add what you know!

If this post tickles your fancy, check out the follow-up post: Writing a Rust gem from scratch

In December 2021, Ian Ker-Seymer (@ianks) submitted a pull request to enable native extensions in Rust!

I was so excited, I had to try it out, even though it hadn’t been merged yet. A lot of maintainers are showing interest and pitching in, so I have high hopes for it being merged into main. So here are my notes on writing a Rust gem extension.


Requirements / dependencies / utilities I used and their versions on macOS Monterey v12.1 (21C52) as of 2022-01-29:

  • Bundler version 2.4.0.dev
  • gem version 3.4.0.dev
  • cargo 1.58.0 (f01b232bc 2022-01-19)
  • rustc 1.58.1 (db9d1b20b 2022-01-20)

Using a rubygems fork

Warning! The following is based on ianks’s development branch of Rubygems. The feature may have changed – or not exist at all – by the time you read this. I’ll modify this warning if the feature ends up being merged.

Find somewhere cozy to clone @ianks’s cargo-builder branch of rubygems and run the following:

$ git clone –branch cargo-builder [email protected]:ianks/rubygems.git Cloning into 'rubygems'… remote: Enumerating objects: 224785, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (5/5), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done. remote: Total 224785 (delta 3), reused 3 (delta 3), pack-reused 224780 Receiving objects: 100% (224785/224785), 191.82 MiB | 38.18 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (124370/124370), done.

$ cd rubygems

Aliasing your default rubygems

We need to be able to use the gem and bundle commands from the cargo-builder branch of rubygems. As per the directions in the CONTRIBUTING.md:

To run commands like gem install from the repo:

ruby -Ilib bin/gem install

To run commands like bundle install from the repo:

ruby bundler/spec/support/bundle.rb install

But this is a hassle, so we’ll use aliases instead of typing all of this up every time. cd into your rubygems directory and alias these commands with the following:

export RUBYGEMS_PATH="$(pwd)" alias gem="ruby -I$RUBYGEMS_PATH/lib $RUBYGEMS_PATH/bin/gem" alias bundle="ruby $RUBYGEMS_PATH/bundler/spec/support/bundle.rb"

We’re going to use the RUBYGEMS_PATH variable later on, so keep that handy! Now if you check the version numbers of your default gems, they should be as follows:

$ gem –version 3.4.0.dev

$ bundler –version Bundler version 2.4.0.dev

Note that these aliases won’t be present in a new terminal shell!

Compiling an example gem

We’re ready to test the functionality of a Rust-based gem. For starters, let’s use the rust_ruby_example gem that I’ve extracted from @ianks’s pull request:

Let’s confirm that it does, indeed, allow us to run Rust code from Ruby.

First, we need to build the gem. We do this by pointing the gem command at a .gemspec file. Luckily, the repo has one of those:

$ gem build rust_ruby_example.gemspec –output rust_ruby_example.gem WARNING: licenses is empty, but is recommended. Use a license identifier from http://spdx.org/licenses or 'Nonstandard' for a nonstandard license. WARNING: no homepage specified WARNING: See https://guides.rubygems.org/specification-reference/ for help Successfully built RubyGem Name: rust_ruby_example Version: 0.1.0 File: rust_ruby_example.gem

We also explicitly name the output file, otherwise we get something like rust_ruby_example-0.1.0.gem, which is just a tad bit more awkward.

And we’re done!

…well, not exactly. As it turns out, extensions aren’t compiled until you install the gem. It makes sense that building the gem and installing the gem are two separate steps. So next we need to install it:

$ gem install rust_ruby_example.gem Building native extensions. This could take a while… Successfully installed rust_ruby_example-0.1.0 1 gem installed

Firing up cargo took a minute or so on my machine.

Potential errors

Speaking of cargo, if you don’t have it installed, you may see a message that looks like this:

$ gem install rust_ruby_example.gem Building native extensions. This could take a while… ERROR: Error installing rust_ruby_example.gem: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.

current directory: /Users/brian/.rbenv/versions/3.0.0/lib/ruby/gems/3.0.0/gems/rust_ruby_example-0.1.0 cargo rustc –target-dir /Users/brian/.rbenv/versions/3.0.0/lib/ruby/gems/3.0.0/extensions/x86_64-darwin-21/3.0.0/rust_ruby_example-0.1.0 –manifest-path /Users/brian/.rbenv/versions/3.0.0/lib/ruby/gems/3.0.0/gems/rust_ruby_example-0.1.0/Cargo.toml –lib –release –locked — -C linker\=clang -C link-arg\=-fdeclspec -L native\=/Users/brian/.rbenv/versions/3.0.0/lib -L native\=/Users/brian/.rbenv/versions/3.0.0/lib -L native\=/usr/local/opt/icu4c/lib -C link_arg\=-Wl,-undefined,dynamic_lookup -C link_arg\=-Wl,-multiply_defined,suppress -C debuginfo\=1 cargo failedNo such file or directory – cargo

Gem files will remain installed in /Users/brian/.rbenv/versions/3.0.0/lib/ruby/gems/3.0.0/gems/rust_ruby_example-0.1.0 for inspection. Results logged to /Users/brian/.rbenv/versions/3.0.0/lib/ruby/gems/3.0.0/extensions/x86_64-darwin-21/3.0.0/rust_ruby_example-0.1.0/gem_make.out

This means that you don’t have cargo installed, or rubygems couldn’t find cargo in your $PATH. Make sure to install Rust and come back when you’re done!

You may also see an error like this:

$ gem install rust_ruby_example.gem Building native extensions. This could take a while… ERROR: Error installing rust_ruby_example.gem: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.

No builder for extension 'Cargo.toml'

Gem files will remain installed in /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.6.0/gems/rust_ruby_example-0.1.0 for inspection. Results logged to /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.6.0/extensions/universal-darwin-21/2.6.0/rust_ruby_example-0.1.0/gem_make.out

The key here being the message "No builder for extension 'Cargo.toml'." If that’s the case, double check your bundler --version and gem --version to make sure they match the versions above. Your current version of the gem utility is missing @ianks’s CargoBuilder addition.

Inspecting rust_ruby_example code

rust_ruby_example includes some sample code in src/lib.rs:

#[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn pub_reverse(_klass: VALUE, mut input: VALUE) -> VALUE { let ruby_string = cstr_to_string(rb_string_value_cstr(&mut input)); let reversed = ruby_string.to_string().chars().rev().collect::<String>(); let reversed_cstring = CString::new(reversed).unwrap(); let size = ruby_string.len() as c_long;

rb_utf8_str_new(reversed_cstring.as_ptr(), size) }

If you’ve never seen Ruby internal code before, a few of these methods look like exactly what you’d call in C code, courtesy of a library called rb-sys. The key here is in the name of the method – pub_reverse reverses strings. Here’s where the reversal actually happens:

let reversed = ruby_string.to_string().chars().rev().collect::<String>();

There’s also an initialization function, Init_rust_ruby_example, to actually define the Ruby modules and methods. Let’s piece together what it’s doing. Here are the relevant lines for declaring a Ruby module:

let name = CString::new("RustRubyExample").unwrap(); // … let klass = unsafe { rb_define_module(name.as_ptr()) };

…and the rest is all adding the reverse method to the module:

// Name of the function let function_name = CString::new("reverse").unwrap();

// transmute the function for unknown reasons let callback = unsafe { std::mem::transmute::< unsafe extern "C" fn(VALUE, VALUE) –> VALUE, unsafe extern "C" fn() –> VALUE, >(pub_reverse) }; // …Bind the transmuted function as a module function on the RustRubyExample module unsafe { rb_define_module_function(klass, function_name.as_ptr(), Some(callback), 1) }

Note that it needs to translate everything into Matz’s Ruby compatible data structures. That includes the module, the module function, and even the string name for the function.

(🙋‍♂️ RFC: what is the purpose of std::mem::transmute here?)

💡Click to read more about the purpose of std::mem::transmute

Trying out rust_ruby_example

Alright, if you’ve seen this message:

$ gem install rust_ruby_example.gem Building native extensions. This could take a while… Successfully installed rust_ruby_example-0.1.0 1 gem installed

…you’re ready to go! Fire up IRB and require rust_ruby_example to take it for a test drive:

$ irb irb(main):001:0' require 'rust_ruby_example' => true irb(main):002:0> RustRubyExample.reverse("rust_ruby_example") => "elpmaxe_ybur_tsur"

It reverses the string, as promised. It works!

…or does it? Let’s see if it’s really doing our bidding by modifying the code.

Adding a lowercase method

Let’s add a RustRubyExample#lowercase method. It will be exactly the same as RustRubyExample#reverse, except it converts case-convertible text to lower case.

It should work like this:

$ irb irb(main):001:0' require 'rust_ruby_example' => true irb(main):002:0> RustRubyExample.lowercase("RustRubyExample") => "rustrubyexample"

And we can confirm that it currently does not work:

$ irb irb(main):001:0> require 'rust_ruby_example' => true irb(main):002:0> RustRubyExample.lowercase("RustRubyExample") Traceback (most recent call last): 4: from /Users/brian/.rbenv/versions/3.0.0/bin/irb:23:in `<main>' 3: from /Users/brian/.rbenv/versions/3.0.0/bin/irb:23:in `load' 2: from /Users/brian/.rbenv/versions/3.0.0/lib/ruby/gems/3.0.0/gems/irb-1.3.0/exe/irb:11:in `<top (required)>' 1: from (irb):2:in `<main>' NoMethodError (undefined method `lowercase' for RustRubyExample:Module)

So let’s add it. Once again we need #[no_mangle] to tell the compiler not to alter the name of the function once it’s been compiled. Mangling essentially namespaces function names so there are no name collisions in the final binary. However, in our case, we want to be able to refer to it by the name we give it in C Ruby, so we don’t want our function name to be mangled

Add this block of code between the pub_reverse and Init_rust_ruby_example functions in src/lib.rs:

// in src/lib.rs


We’re also going to copy the function signature:

// in src/lib.rs

#[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn pub_lowercase(_klass: VALUE, mut input: VALUE) -> VALUE { // … }

(🙋‍♂️ RFC: why does this need the _klass argument?)

💡Click to read more about _klass argument

Next we take the Ruby VALUE input and cast it to a Rust string, then lowercase it using standard Rust String methods:

// in src/lib.rs

#[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn pub_lowercase(_klass: VALUE, mut input: VALUE) -> VALUE { let ruby_string = cstr_to_string(rb_string_value_cstr(&mut input)); let lowercased = ruby_string.to_lowercase(); // … }

…and the rest is all glue code to convert it to a C string and then to a Ruby string:

// in src/lib.rs

#[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn pub_lowercase(_klass: VALUE, mut input: VALUE) -> VALUE { let ruby_string = cstr_to_string(rb_string_value_cstr(&mut input)); let lowercased = ruby_string.to_lowercase(); let lowercased_cstring = CString::new(lowercased).unwrap(); let size = ruby_string.len() as c_long;

rb_utf8_str_new(lowercased_cstring.as_ptr(), size) }

We also need to add the method to the Ruby module. We can do that by duplicating the relevant code in Init_rust_ruby_example:

// in src/lib.rs

#[allow(non_snake_case)] #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Init_rust_ruby_example() { let name = CString::new("RustRubyExample").unwrap();

// …Code for defining "RustRubyExample#reverse" omitted

let function_name = CString::new("lowercase").unwrap(); let callback = unsafe { std::mem::transmute::< unsafe extern "C" fn(VALUE, VALUE) –> VALUE, unsafe extern "C" fn() –> VALUE, >(pub_lowercase) }; let klass = unsafe { rb_define_module(name.as_ptr()) };

unsafe { rb_define_module_function(klass, function_name.as_ptr(), Some(callback), 1) } }

Now to build and reinstall it:

$ gem build rust_ruby_example.gemspec –output rust_ruby_example.gem // Warnings omitted Successfully built RubyGem Name: rust_ruby_example Version: 0.1.0 File: rust_ruby_example.gem

$ gem install rust_ruby_example.gem Building native extensions. This could take a while… Successfully installed rust_ruby_example-0.1.0 1 gem installed

Finally, let’s test our new functionality:

$ irb irb(main):001:0> require 'rust_ruby_example' => true irb(main):002:1* RustRubyExample.lowercase("RustRubyExample") => "rustrubyexample"



This is all possible due to Ian’s long, hard slog to get this into rubygems proper: https://github.com/rubygems/rubygems/pull/5175. This could be a hugely impactful addition to rubygems that’s been stewing since 2019 and it’s mostly been Ian’s efforts to get it there. Thanks, Ian!

If you got this far, check out the follow-up post: Writing a Rust gem from scratch

About Joyk

Aggregate valuable and interesting links.
Joyk means Joy of geeK