percona-server-mongodb-operator/container.go at main · percona/percona-server-mo...

 2 years ago
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percona-server-mongodb-operator/container.go at main · percona/percona-server-mongodb-operator · GitHub


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package psmdb

import ( "fmt" "math" "strconv"

corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"

api "github.com/percona/percona-server-mongodb-operator/pkg/apis/psmdb/v1" )

func container(cr *api.PerconaServerMongoDB, replset *api.ReplsetSpec, name string, resources corev1.ResourceRequirements, ikeyName string, useConfigFile bool, livenessProbe *api.LivenessProbeExtended, readinessProbe *corev1.Probe, containerSecurityContext *corev1.SecurityContext) (corev1.Container, error) { fvar := false

volumes := []corev1.VolumeMount{ { Name: MongodDataVolClaimName, MountPath: MongodContainerDataDir, }, { Name: ikeyName, MountPath: mongodSecretsDir, ReadOnly: true, }, { Name: "ssl", MountPath: sslDir, ReadOnly: true, }, { Name: "ssl-internal", MountPath: sslInternalDir, ReadOnly: true, }, }

if useConfigFile { volumes = append(volumes, corev1.VolumeMount{ Name: "config", MountPath: mongodConfigDir, }) }

if *cr.Spec.Mongod.Security.EnableEncryption { volumes = append(volumes, corev1.VolumeMount{ Name: cr.Spec.EncryptionKeySecretName(), MountPath: mongodRESTencryptDir, ReadOnly: true, }, ) } if cr.CompareVersion("1.8.0") >= 0 { volumes = append(volumes, corev1.VolumeMount{ Name: "users-secret-file", MountPath: "/etc/users-secret", }) } container := corev1.Container{ Name: name, Image: cr.Spec.Image, ImagePullPolicy: cr.Spec.ImagePullPolicy, Args: containerArgs(cr, replset, resources, useConfigFile), Ports: []corev1.ContainerPort{ { Name: mongodPortName, HostPort: cr.Spec.Mongod.Net.HostPort, ContainerPort: cr.Spec.Mongod.Net.Port, }, }, Env: []corev1.EnvVar{ { Name: "SERVICE_NAME", Value: cr.Name, }, { Name: "NAMESPACE", Value: cr.Namespace, }, { Name: "MONGODB_PORT", Value: strconv.Itoa(int(cr.Spec.Mongod.Net.Port)), }, { Name: "MONGODB_REPLSET", Value: replset.Name, }, }, EnvFrom: []corev1.EnvFromSource{ { SecretRef: &corev1.SecretEnvSource{ LocalObjectReference: corev1.LocalObjectReference{ Name: cr.Spec.Secrets.Users, }, Optional: &fvar, }, }, }, WorkingDir: MongodContainerDataDir, LivenessProbe: &livenessProbe.Probe, ReadinessProbe: readinessProbe, Resources: resources, SecurityContext: containerSecurityContext, VolumeMounts: volumes, }

if cr.CompareVersion("1.5.0") >= 0 { container.EnvFrom = []corev1.EnvFromSource{ { SecretRef: &corev1.SecretEnvSource{ LocalObjectReference: corev1.LocalObjectReference{ Name: api.InternalUserSecretName(cr), }, Optional: &fvar, }, }, } container.Command = []string{"/data/db/ps-entry.sh"} }

return container, nil }

// containerArgs returns the args to pass to the mSpec container func containerArgs(m *api.PerconaServerMongoDB, replset *api.ReplsetSpec, resources corev1.ResourceRequirements, useConfigFile bool) []string { mSpec := m.Spec.Mongod // TODO(andrew): in the safe mode `sslAllowInvalidCertificates` should be set only with the external services args := []string{ "--bind_ip_all", "--auth", "--dbpath=" + MongodContainerDataDir, "--port=" + strconv.Itoa(int(mSpec.Net.Port)), "--replSet=" + replset.Name, "--storageEngine=" + string(replset.Storage.Engine), "--relaxPermChecks", "--sslAllowInvalidCertificates", }

if m.Spec.UnsafeConf { args = append(args, "--clusterAuthMode=keyFile", "--keyFile="+mongodSecretsDir+"/mongodb-key", ) } else { args = append(args, "--sslMode=preferSSL", "--clusterAuthMode=x509", ) }

// sharding switch replset.ClusterRole { case api.ClusterRoleConfigSvr: args = append(args, "--configsvr") case api.ClusterRoleShardSvr: args = append(args, "--shardsvr") }

// operationProfiling if mSpec.OperationProfiling != nil { switch mSpec.OperationProfiling.Mode { case api.OperationProfilingModeAll: args = append(args, "--profile=2") case api.OperationProfilingModeSlowOp: args = append(args, "--slowms="+strconv.Itoa(int(mSpec.OperationProfiling.SlowOpThresholdMs)), "--profile=1", ) } if mSpec.OperationProfiling.RateLimit > 0 { args = append(args, "--rateLimit="+strconv.Itoa(mSpec.OperationProfiling.RateLimit)) } }

// storage if replset.Storage != nil { switch replset.Storage.Engine { case api.StorageEngineWiredTiger: if *m.Spec.Mongod.Security.EnableEncryption { args = append(args, "--enableEncryption", "--encryptionKeyFile="+mongodRESTencryptDir+"/"+EncryptionKeyName, ) if m.Spec.Mongod.Security.EncryptionCipherMode != api.MongodChiperModeUnset { args = append(args, "--encryptionCipherMode="+string(m.Spec.Mongod.Security.EncryptionCipherMode), ) } } if limit, ok := resources.Limits[corev1.ResourceMemory]; ok && !limit.IsZero() { args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf( "--wiredTigerCacheSizeGB=%.2f", getWiredTigerCacheSizeGB(resources.Limits, replset.Storage.WiredTiger.EngineConfig.CacheSizeRatio, true), )) } if replset.Storage.WiredTiger.CollectionConfig != nil { if replset.Storage.WiredTiger.CollectionConfig.BlockCompressor != nil { args = append(args, "--wiredTigerCollectionBlockCompressor="+string(*replset.Storage.WiredTiger.CollectionConfig.BlockCompressor), ) } } if replset.Storage.WiredTiger.EngineConfig != nil { if replset.Storage.WiredTiger.EngineConfig.JournalCompressor != nil { args = append(args, "--wiredTigerJournalCompressor="+string(*replset.Storage.WiredTiger.EngineConfig.JournalCompressor), ) } if replset.Storage.WiredTiger.EngineConfig.DirectoryForIndexes { args = append(args, "--wiredTigerDirectoryForIndexes") } } if replset.Storage.WiredTiger.IndexConfig != nil && replset.Storage.WiredTiger.IndexConfig.PrefixCompression { args = append(args, "--wiredTigerIndexPrefixCompression=true") } case api.StorageEngineInMemory: args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf( "--inMemorySizeGB=%.2f", getWiredTigerCacheSizeGB(resources.Limits, replset.Storage.InMemory.EngineConfig.InMemorySizeRatio, false), )) } if replset.Storage.DirectoryPerDB { args = append(args, "--directoryperdb") } if replset.Storage.SyncPeriodSecs > 0 { args = append(args, "--syncdelay="+strconv.Itoa(replset.Storage.SyncPeriodSecs)) } }

// security if mSpec.Security != nil && mSpec.Security.RedactClientLogData { args = append(args, "--redactClientLogData") }

// replication if mSpec.Replication != nil && mSpec.Replication.OplogSizeMB > 0 { args = append(args, "--oplogSize="+strconv.Itoa(mSpec.Replication.OplogSizeMB)) }

// setParameter if mSpec.SetParameter != nil { if mSpec.SetParameter.TTLMonitorSleepSecs > 0 { args = append(args, "--setParameter", "ttlMonitorSleepSecs="+strconv.Itoa(mSpec.SetParameter.TTLMonitorSleepSecs), ) } if mSpec.SetParameter.WiredTigerConcurrentReadTransactions > 0 { args = append(args, "--setParameter", "wiredTigerConcurrentReadTransactions="+strconv.Itoa(mSpec.SetParameter.WiredTigerConcurrentReadTransactions), ) } if mSpec.SetParameter.WiredTigerConcurrentWriteTransactions > 0 { args = append(args, "--setParameter", "wiredTigerConcurrentWriteTransactions="+strconv.Itoa(mSpec.SetParameter.WiredTigerConcurrentWriteTransactions), ) } if mSpec.SetParameter.CursorTimeoutMillis > 0 { args = append(args, "--setParameter", "cursorTimeoutMillis="+strconv.Itoa(mSpec.SetParameter.CursorTimeoutMillis), ) } }

// auditLog if mSpec.AuditLog != nil && mSpec.AuditLog.Destination == api.AuditLogDestinationFile { if mSpec.AuditLog.Filter == "" { mSpec.AuditLog.Filter = "{}" } args = append(args, "--auditDestination=file", "--auditFilter="+mSpec.AuditLog.Filter, "--auditFormat="+string(mSpec.AuditLog.Format), ) switch mSpec.AuditLog.Format { case api.AuditLogFormatBSON: args = append(args, "--auditPath="+MongodContainerDataDir+"/auditLog.bson") default: args = append(args, "--auditPath="+MongodContainerDataDir+"/auditLog.json") } }

if useConfigFile { args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("--config=%s/mongod.conf", mongodConfigDir)) }

return args }

// The WiredTiger internal cache, by default, will use the larger of either 50% of // (RAM - 1 GB), or 256 MB. For example, on a system with a total of 4GB of RAM the // WiredTiger cache will use 1.5GB of RAM (0.5 * (4 GB - 1 GB) = 1.5 GB). // // In normal situations WiredTiger does this default-sizing correctly but under Docker // containers WiredTiger fails to detect the memory limit of the Docker container. We // explicitly set the WiredTiger cache size to fix this. // // https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/configuration-options/#storage.wiredTiger.engineConfig.cacheSizeGB // func getWiredTigerCacheSizeGB(resourceList corev1.ResourceList, cacheRatio float64, subtract1GB bool) float64 { maxMemory := resourceList[corev1.ResourceMemory] var size float64 if subtract1GB { size = math.Floor(cacheRatio * float64(maxMemory.Value()-gigaByte)) } else { size = math.Floor(cacheRatio * float64(maxMemory.Value())) } sizeGB := size / float64(gigaByte) if sizeGB < minWiredTigerCacheSizeGB { sizeGB = minWiredTigerCacheSizeGB } return sizeGB }

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