Ask HN: I’d like to hire a personal/executive assistant – any tips or advice?

 2 years ago
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Ask HN: I’d like to hire a personal/executive assistant – any tips or advice? Ask HN: I’d like to hire a personal/executive assistant – any tips or advice? 179 points by jw1224 7 hours ago | hide | past | favorite | 140 comments I’m a CEO with very limited free time/capacity. I would love to recruit someone to help out with “everything else” — that means personal tasks first and foremost, but involvement with the administrative/day-to-day tasks in my business too.

Whilst I’ve recruited and managed plenty of “traditional” roles in the office, this area is new to me.

Has anyone hired a PA/EA before, who can share any tips or advice?


Throughout my 20s (in my 30s now) I worked as a film composer in Hollywood, land of personal assistants.

One thing I took to heart was that the best personal assistants weren't looking to use the opportunity get elsewhere. What you want is someone who wants to stay in that role, because as a lot of other comments here point out, it takes a lot of time for the person to learn enough about you to become truly useful rather than a time suck or a liability. I.e. you want someone who just wants "a job" and doesn't necessarily want to move on from it. If they want to use this job as a rung on the ladder on the way to where they really want to be, they'll be gone before they're super useful.

Meaning: you must pay them quite well, and not work them too terribly hard. Remember that this is someone who works to live. Give them firm boundaries and time off. Make them feel valued; you get out what you put in in this regard.

This should of course go without saying, and for any employee, not just a personal assistant. But it seems to apply extra here.

I hired one early this year through a "virtual assistant" company in the UK (Virtalent), as I don't need enough help for a full time person to be sensible, and they did a nice job of matchmaking. I had an initial call with one of their folks who spent some time going through with me what I'd want done, and then they set me up with someone pre-screened who I had an intro call with and liked. I'd previously tried FancyHands, and that required way too much micromanaging on my part.

paulcole's comment "Are you really ready to stop doing the things you're hiring this person to do?" is a bit on the nose. Learning to let go and delegate is key.

The biggest value I'd say I get is outsourcing decisions that aren't really important but are likely to cause my to spiral into "analysis paralysis". For example, hiring movers - if I tried to do it myself I'd end up spending hours fussing over reviews.

Another major thing is figuring out things I hate doing (phoning people, filling out expense reports, etc) and let my PA handle them.

It's also nice for me that she's British (I'm an American expat living in the UK) and is fairly experienced as an PA/EA and generally knows lots of things that I don't know I don't know. For example, when my partner and I wanted to have a special celebratory meal, she arranged a completely custom menu with a high-end restaurant, which didn't occur to me as something that I could ask for.

CEOs should be experts in delegation otherwise they'll get bogged down in some thing they really shouldn't even be thinking about, let alone doing.

Letting go should be a common response, "How do I systematize this?" should be an almost instant reflex.

> custom menu with a high-end restaurant

Can you please expand on this?

Almost all high end restaurants (think $200-$300 for a meal) will customise their menu for you, just tell them what you want ahead of time.
I’ve had an EA for three years dedicated to me (before that in my career it was always shared). They are definitely a super power, but only if you trust them. They really have to have a lot of context to do things you’d normally be doing. Without that trust you aren’t going to be getting the full potential out of the role.

I’ll give one example. My EA is aware that I have a desire to take some time off through the rest of the year. She knows what planned family vacations are of course and I gave her carte blanche to clear my schedule so I can take a day off here or there through the rest of the year. She knows my preferences in terms of ideal days of the week, which meetings are easy to reschedule vs which aren’t, what projects are especially hot right now, which execs I meet with that are usually flexible, etc. I keep her up to date on my priorities so she can always shift things appropriately. Project Take Time Off wouldn’t really be possible for me to delegate to her if she didn’t have all that context.

EAs on a mission for their boss are a major pain in the behind, they tend to act as though their boss is the most important person in the universe, which inside the company they work for may well be the case, but they tend to project that well outside the company as well. They also tend to consume a disproportionate amount of time in others to save their precious boss a few minutes.

The main function of EAs for people that aren't all that important is to make them feel more important. "I'll have my EA contact your EA to set up a date for a five minute phone call".

That's interesting. Are you saying that instead of telling her "I want to take next Friday off," she tells you "I cleared your schedule for next Friday so you can take off?"
I wouldn't bother hiring a PA that wasn't proactive to the point of doing that sort of thing
Maybe thats the 'executive' part of 'executive assistant'? They are taking action based on a abstract goal rather than a concrete wish. At least, that is my interpretation!
If you think about it, this feels like the assistant version of a good developer. From a good senior developer I expect initiative. I expect them to have a high level view of the system while still working on the 'in the weeds' stuff. They proactively create a ticket for later to do that refactoring they think is really needed but we don't have time for right now and they ninja it in on Friday afternoon because they were done early with the work on the feature. Did I have to say anything about that? Nope! They just did it and I give them positive feedback about it when I notice it on Monday.
It seems like you want one person to be willing and eager to fill the role several employees, including half of your own. Or a genie.
I get that you want to down vote this, no worries there.

I respectfully disagree with your assessment though. I work with many such individuals and it's exactly how I got where I am today. By being one of those guys that care. I love working with these guys. It's a pleasure to do so. I really love that I'm at a company right now where we have a lot of these kinds of individuals working together.

Yes I have a label of "manager" on my forehead. All that means is that I have to do some stuff most guys would rather not deal with and that's fine. It means I code less. That's fine. I enjoy the mix. They code more and I enjoy seeing them make decisions by themselves, create tasks to make visible what they are doing and why, so that I can defend them against upper management easily. I can shield them and I do so with pleasure.

On the other hand there are developers that I need to basically do the work for. What's the point of doing 80% of the work myself and then transferring over to them to spend 80% of the time for a task to do 20% of the work? At that point I'd rather not have that person on the team and do the work myself.

And to tie this back to the exec assistant topic: if the CEO has to do 80% of the work, what's the point of the executive assistant?

A personal friend is this form of executive assistant. I think that's effectively exactly what they signed up for - a very wealthy couple pays them to do whatever needs to be done. Delegating everything explicitly seems like it would significantly reduce the value of an assistant.

My understanding is once the trust is built in these kind of roles, the assistant is a professional/personal boundary crossing extension of the employer and is prized for their ability to resolve concerns without those concerns having to surface. Agreed that it can be a demanding, temperamental, unpredictable job.

There are a lot of people in this thread who seem outraged because someone is expected to have skills they don't have. I personally know both people who are, and people who have, this type of help.

There are people in this world who are very good at empathizing and very good at organizing, and those people can make a ton of money as what used to be known as being a majordomo.


This is definitely a weird thread in that regard. Maybe people aren't appreciating how many people will do all sorts of things for money? The more outrageous requirements require a more trusting relationship between employer and employee, certainly, and a skilled EA (or majordomo, it seems) is hugely valuable.

My EA-style friend is in a major US city right now supervising the construction of a house - that absolutely wasn't in their employment contract, is not something they have experience in, but it's something their employer wanted. It's hard to get too up in arms when the position is well paid, exciting, and voluntary.

What about that story implies that it is the work of several people?
No, the 'executive' part of 'executive assistant' refers to the assistant typically working for an executive, or performing more advanced executive duties as opposed to an administrative assistant, whose role may be more general across a company. No one's livelihood should depend on having to read the room like a geisha.
>No one's livelihood should depend on having to read the room like a geisha.

Why not? Isn't that most jobs?

Seems to me a lot of jobs require you to "read the room" in one way or another. If some work doesn't need that, then a machine should just do it since that's what human excel at.

People who expect EAs to read minds are watching too many movies with butlers or pepper pots like secretaries.

Imagine asking your EA why they didn't do something you expected them to do without being explicit about what you want.

Maybe some people are flexible and just like to have a random day off every once in a while and don't care so much exactly if it's a certain day or not
Why would they do that in this scenario? There is a world of difference between trusting someone to clear your schedule and tell you that you are taking a day off, and silently expecting them to do that on a specific day.
>Why not? Isn't that most jobs?

No. In most jobs, employees know specifically what their employers' requirements are, they have specific tasks and itineraries and boundaries. "Know what I want before I want it" isn't an appropriate expectation to have of any assistant.

At a certain price point, it certainly is an appropriate expectation.

Even at my job, where all my work is laid out for me in the form of Jira tickets, fulfilling unsaid (or unknown) desires is hugely beneficial for my team, company, and career. Sure, I’m technically paid to solve problems, but really I’m paid for the ability to think creatively and execute autonomously.

I certainly would expect, for example, a senior or staff engineer to have far more autonomy in setting the requirements, specific tasks, and boundaries. Being able to predict the technical needs of the company before they are needed is a big part of those roles.
Well, I want days off when I want days off, and I wouldn't want that.
She doesn’t schedule things on Fridays and if it were required for something important she would communicate it to you.
If it takes great effort to bestow this institutional knowledge on the EA, is it buying you that much of your time back? You already know the algorithm for when free time can be most easily made. Just a matter of flipping through the calendar for a brief, few moments, versus the hours spent with the EA getting them up to speed on these nuances.
Decision fatigue is a thing and if you're an executive then there's more important decisions to be made.
The calendar flips don't scale as well as the EA does. The holidays are just an example, there are a million similar things that the EA can do with the same training.
Not to mention some people are just better at that than others. When I’m operating at my full personal capacity, ‘just spend a few minutes’ is the siren’s call. I’m not an executive but I’d pay out of my own pocket if i could find the right person for that job.
Yeah, the proactive part of it could become so much more than "it's been two months since you took a long weekend— I cleared your calendar so you can have next Friday off," it might also be "and here are 2-3 possible options for gifts for your spouse / activities to do with the kids that weekend / options for date night / birthday cards to send to Aunt Flo / etc etc"

I've never had someone be this role for me, but I definitely know I waste a lot of time during the day (both working and non-working) thinking/fretting/researching these kinds of things, and I could imagine it being a real boon to be able to fully set that all aside, knowing it was in good hands. Nothing is a silver bullet on being able to focus on the things we want to focus on, of course, but it would be one more set of excuses to remove.

Sounds like once there is an initial brain dump, the rest of the year you can unload that stress
I want to plug a friend's company that she bootstrapped: https://www.chatterboss.com/. They offer remote executive assistants on demand. There is no commitment. You pay for the hours they work for you.

They care very deeply about the personality match between you and your assistants. On top of that, they strongly believe in documentation and a cover system so you'll always have coverage even if your primary assistant is unavailable.

They specialize in supporting entrepreneurs. They are a small company so every client is valued and given a personal touch.

This looks great, and I see they have a good reputation on Glassdoor and appear to pay the workers a decent percentage of the fees. Thank you!
Hey!! Thanks for noticing the Glassdoor reviews we work really hard to make sure assistants are happy and focus on highest possible retention:)

I bootstrapped ChatterBoss for past 5 years after being a personal assistant/chief of staff myself.

If you have any questions about working with VA’s happy to answer, whether you go with us or end up somewhere else: https://calendly.com/chatterbossapp/chatterboss-valerie-trap...

Cool website. The site appears to be EA-focused. Do you also have a PA-focused product for things like help scheduling my personal flights, workouts, managing my calendar, doing random research for restaurants, collecting all my tax documents, etc.?
Thanks! It’s a really good question because most assistants are really happy to do both personal and business support, but some will have a preference for one or the other. We can definitely provide support on the personal side of things, and in fact have a number of assistants that specialize in personal support. When we do an intake we understand your needs and then do a pairing based on experience required and personality match. Hope that helps!!
OP here. While the company is focused on helping entrepreneurs with their businesses, setting up their processes, and planning their roadmaps, I've gotten help with such tasks too. I've had doctors appointments scheduled, a gym membership cancelled, research buying gifts etc. I'm also not the strongest writer so I had help drafting letters.

Disclaimer: I am a friend of the founder. I have no financial interest in the company.

Thanks! This looks perfect, and look forward to supporting them.
Hire someone with experience and professionalism over someone who is more inexperienced but enthusiastic/ambitious.

You need someone who you can absolutely trust to do something and get it done, and someone that won’t complain that something is ‘beneath them’ when you are genuinely in a pinch and need some help (ie you want someone that is skilled enough at communications to talk to clients, good enough at numbers that they can help with invoicing, but that won’t turn their nose up if you ask them to run an errand - and in my experience, people earlier in their careers can find it difficult to span different jobs that they consider different ‘statuses’).

For the most part I would agree with you. But at one startup, we hired an EA when she was 18. She won us over with her can-do attitude. A exceptional fast learner and would charm difficult clients and resolve problems without even having to be asked.

To use sports metaphors: you want a PA who runs interference; skates to where the puck will be; dives to block shots at the goal.

I sideproject an afforable VA business so take my advice with a grain of salt.

Build a framework or guideline set. Be as descriptive as possible. Have room for errors but don't expect them to come up with creative solutions. Subsitute expectation with pleasant surprise and instrucions with needs.

You want someone to be an extent of yourself but that doesn't mean they are going extend you, unless you are super forgiving of mistakes and you are extra ordinary in your communication.

Always try to document communication if possible. Helps you to control their mistakes and helps them to remind you when you are being forgetful. Balance postive phrasing, directness and empathy.

This advice set seems a bit too exaggerated but in our remote work setting that is fundamental. But for irl there is some leeway.

I have hired a number of EAs before. Some general suggestions:

* if you are flexible about location, consider areas other than the Bay Area. Top talent here is expensive. A top flight EA might run 125k/year in the bay. * great EAs tend to have long stable tenures. Ideally they have at least a few roles with 4+ years in role. * For the same reason, EAs through temp agencies tend to be weaker. You can find some gems there but it is usually special circumstances - like they took time off for health or the company folded. (Effectively much worse signal to noise ratio) * Good EAs have the core part of the job (time management) completely down pat and often are hungry for additional projects and can talk about them. Another sign is that they have successfully supported multiple execs simultaneously. They have strong opinions about how they work and the tools they use. * when possible, call references. You should get absolutely glowing ones for great EAs. * interview to make sure they are a culture fit too and aligned with your values. I’ve had EAs who were competent but really brusque/rude and that impacts their ability to be successful.

Less a hiring signal but more of how to think about them: A great EA should see around corners for you. Reach out to me in my profile if you’d like more tips about managing them.

Oversight is extremely important for a PA. We had one at one of my old firms charging 10k of personal charges to her boss' cards and then just approving it herself because she did the invoicing and his approvals.

If I recall, she billed a $470 custom tiered birthday cake for her boyfriend to the card and also had her Equinox membership on it.

EAs are safer ground and less risk but with PAs they can become too entrenched in personal tasks which tends to breeds resentment and bring on the "fraud triangle" of pressure, opportunity, rationalization.

I did not know there was a “fraud triangle.” Interesting.
Fidelity bonding can mitigate some of the risk here, if the EA is a W2 FTE.
And yet expensing $470 for a custom cake for an important client who's birthday party you have to miss because you're heading up the shareholder meeting may be money very well spent.

As long as most of the $470's are well spent, and total value for money is better than someone else could achieve, I don't actually mind who's boyfriend gets a fancy cake. But I do need to have confidence that I'm seeing enough of the picture to know that money is being well spent overall, even if that doesn't apply to every individual dollar.

WTF? I would absolutely NOT be OK with blatant, unambiguous theft from my PA.
I think most people assume it's okay to for example, use the office printer to print a return slip for a package you're going to mail back on your lunch break.

If the volume for your line of work is tens of thousands of pages, maybe printing 470 return slips is just y'know, fine, gets lost in the noise and makes everyone's life easier to just let it happen.

My take is that the difference here that makes this socially acceptable is that there is a large reduction in total cost when the employee uses the office printer. If an employee uses a printer, the cost is the ink and paper. If the employee did it themselves, they would either need to take a special trip to a print shop or invest in a printer themselves. The total cost of the latter is much higher, maybe $5-$10 of the employee's time vs $0.03-$0.05 in ink and paper. We imagine whether the employer would be willing to make this trade (give $0.05 so the employee would gain $5) and assume the employer would, so the "theft" isn't really a theft.

On the other hand, buying a $470 cake with your boss's money is no more efficient than paying yourself. It's "just" stealing.

BS. Either is stealing and your attempt at rationalization does not make it something else. We just tolerate some things and level of tolerance varies greatly. There are bosses who would nail you to the wall should you take a pen with you and I also know bosses who would tolerate that $500 cake taken by PA.
I don't think it's as black and white, and I don't think the single dimension of "toleration" works to explain the complexity.

Consider napkins at a fast food restaurant. Nobody would say you're "stealing" if you take one napkin and use it to clean your hands after eating. On the other hand, most people would call it "stealing" or at least ethically wrong if you took all the napkins that were available, far more than what you need. In this case, there's more to our ethical intuition than just "stealing" vs "not stealing". Factors include how much you need the napkins, how much you deprive others of the napkins, whether or not the restaurant would be ok with your behavior, whether or not the behavior is a cultural norm, etc.

I would probably be ok with a few $470 cakes here and there… if I was in the position to have a PA that is
Oversight of cash expensing is a basic financial control. Nobody, even the CEO, should be approving their own expensing with no oversight.

An assistant pretending to be their own boss, so they can approve their own expenses, is fraud and a clear fireable offense.

It wasn't just 1 $470 cake, it was $10k of personal charges for herself over 6 months including a revolving $250 a month gym membership.
This kind of analysis may make sense with an employee who handles cash like a bartender or a waitress but I'd think twice about applying it to a trusted position like personal assistant.
Fraud, schmaud! It's the holidays, for pete's sake!
Hire someone from roughly your own socioeconomic class and cultural background who won't be tempted to defraud you and just wants a low stress part time job while they work on some personal creative project that requires a high level of intelligence and expertise but pays little (e.g. literary translation, experimental opera, etc), respect their time boundaries, and you'll have a loyal and capable ally for as long as you need one
Wow, don't tell my boss. (Physicist by day, jazz musician at night). Fortunately, my class and cultural background haven't been a barrier -- I try not to make people feel inferior. It helps to have a job that's vital, but that nobody understands.
Check out Squared Away.

Military spouses working remotely.

Great way to make a diff.

Very, very happy with the results.

After speaking to a friend who lost a lot of money due to a PA that purposely scammed them - make sure they are trustworthy and check their work. They will really be in a good position to cause a lot of harm (even if by accident).
How does one manage this risk? Presumably they need your credit card number pretty immediately, and bank or other sensitive information (SSN) within the first year or so. They would have all the necessary bits to open credit lines at that point.

And in the meantime, they could run all sorts of unauthorized charges. Do you review the monthly credit card bills for a couple months, a couple years, or forever?

How do credit card companies treat charges that were not authorized by the cardholder but were run by someone who was authorized by the cardholder to use the card? I assume they don't treat them the same as fraud resulting from a stolen card.

Consider an office manager instead. It better describes the requirements that extend into your organization, and it’s one of the best early hires a growing org can make. If they shine, consider letting them take on HR tasks if you don’t already have an internal HR resource.
Please don’t hire people for business roles where part of their responsibilities are to you individually.
random thought on that, at least not unless you're a super wealthy person or very high ranking politician who literally needs the services of a "body man"



Everyone I know who does this is very successful actually. And they have high retention.
You've made two posts negging this idea without providing any actual rationale whatsoever.
I recorded a thorough guide based on weeks of research about how I hired an English-fluent VA from the Philippines: https://share.getcloudapp.com/8Luog9qo
The problem you’re describing is exactly why we started Double a few years ago. We’ll match you with a vetted EA based in the US, we’ll help you learn what and how to delegate, and we’ll even give you the tools to do it effectively, so you can focus on what you’re uniquely qualified to do.

You can check our website to learn more: https://withdouble.com/

Do you want an EA or a PA? They aren’t necessarily the same.

An experienced EA isn’t going to be pleased when you ask them to get your dry cleaning or pick up your kids.

You get what you pay for. A bargain EA is more of a burden than a blessing.
Fellow CEO here and runner of about 20 contractors with 3 VAs.

1 EA who has come through a referral who happened to have worked under another CEO is the only one I think will work out. I have had two other EAs but realized they are VAs.

Referrals play a big key for an EA. Not worth it otherwise based on experience with UpWork. I am paying upto $20/hour and will convert them to full-time in a bit.

I would say first and foremost... decide if you want a PA, or if you want an EA. They are different, require different skillsets, and should be managed differently.
The Founder and the Force Multiplier is a good read (and quick too) - it's real estate related but has a lot of good tips/guidance on the questions you are asking.

Be very explicit with expectations and be willing to follow through with firm guidance on missed goals. You can get lost in being nice or forgiving missed goals because reason X. Reason X can become a crutch and an outlier becomes the normal.

Trust is a key measure. It sound simple... it's not. Trust is hard. Especially at the CEO level.

I have a pa from the Phillipines who is honestly very helpful for rote data entry tasks, which I have a lot of. Not great for anything that doesn't have explicit instructions.
Disclaimer- Wife works as a consultant for them [0]

I would recommend you consider platforms that do all the hunting, vetting and training for you. This gives you some liability protection as well as saves you the hassle of looking and interviewing multiple people.

The platform I have in mind does all that, and has a pay as you go model, dealing with US based VAs.

The costs are in line with what others recommend, starting at 30$/hour. They only hire VAs who have more than 3 years of experience being an EA/PA so it should fit the bill. Plus you can always change or get more VAs as you need, depending on the skill set required for that task.

From what I know, most of the clients are CEOs who want much of their non essential chores (calendar management, email management, personal shopping etc) taken care of. And once you train one VA, they document it and you don’t have to train new ones anymore.

[0] https://www.hibyron.com

In my experience, aim to hire someone who is really passionate about the role and loves to enable executives. You want someone you can 100% trust, and who really truly cares about you and your wellbeing.

I have interviewed many EAs to assist me, and one obviously had those traits. She was a fantastic hire, specifically because of those traits. Other people we hired at our company for other executives didn't have that passion and were significantly weaker.

I know it sounds fluffy, but if you can find someone like that, you're already halfway there. Look for EAs who participate in EA-related stuff (groups, conferences, etc). These are the folks who are really passionate about the field. I've also never been able to get the same experience/output from a virtual/remote EA.

This seems obvious, but you have to be willing to do a bit more work at the beginning before the assistant can help you do less work.

Like, you have to have the time to explain processes to them soup-to-nuts, and then also occasional periods of time for them to check in.

Some people hire assistants or temps because they're overwhelmed and/or there are tasks that they have mental blocks about (as opposed to tasks that they would just like to have taken off their plates). But then their mental blocks are too strong for them to train the person in the task that's triggering them. Or they're too busy to train somebody to help them become less busy. So just make sure to avoid those pitfalls.

This is the most important question to answer honestly:

Are you really ready to stop doing the things you’re hiring this person to do?

If not, that’s fine. It’s your money and your time after all, but you’ll just end up burning through assistant after assistant and wondering why it’s so hard to find good people.

There are companies that offer this as well. It’s useful if you don’t need a full-time assistant. The downside is you’re sharing them.
Go through a staffing agency. They will manage background checks and can introduce you to many people across a variety of skill sets.
Background checks only tell you if they've been caught before. It's the first step, but it shouldn't be the only step.
Fellow CEO here. I've tried a few things over the years and have now had an EA for at least 5 years so I think I've got a good grasp on what works and what doesn't.

Many years ago, I tried a remote VA. I'm on my second in-person EA. I've tried delegating a lot of different stuff - some works, some doesn't.

In no particular order:

* Remote VA. Don't even bother. They're of limited usefulness and it will come down to more work in communication for you in the end. They don't know your local environment, city, employees, customers.

* Personality. You want someone that's competent, smart and capable, but also humble. Would you be proud to have them talk to your best client to reschedule a meeting - would it be a great customer service experience? Do they make people feel welcome and offer them coffee? Is nothing beneath them - they're just as willing to put coffee cups in the dishwasher as well as update a spreadsheet? You want a great, friendly attitude and competence.

* Trust. You have to trust them. This depends on them as well as you: will they do the right thing? They will require time to figure out what your preferences are. It's unfair to expect them to read your mind. You need to coach them on that. But they also need to have an innate sense of what good looks like.

* Some things delegate well and some don't. Especially some personal items. An EA is ace at scheduling a 12 person meeting, venue, lunch, catering, and making sure it suits you. But it's a pain in the ass to get them to update your auto insurance, because they won't have authority on your account and it's such a pain to get it.

* Letting go of the small stuff. Do you care about exactly what kind of wine a client gets as a gift? That's hard to delegate time effectively. Or is it a price range and the EA's choice? Much easier. Similarly with scheduling meetings. You need to give your EA carte blanche on your calendar - within the expectations you agree. I don't do meetings before 9am or after 4pm. But within that, she is fine to schedule what is needed.

* Training yourself. You need to learn to use an EA if you haven't had one before. Surprisingly, this takes a while. It's much harder to delegate control your personal items - including your calendar - than delegating other items. You might think that because you have staff you're already ace at delegation, but this is different. You're actually giving up some personal choices in order to get more time. It was also much harder for me to ask someone to go out and buy X gift for my wife urgently than to delegate other functions. But you get used to it.

Hope that helps. Overall EA's are a massive time saver and make some administrative tasks just disappear. Really valuable for me.

I'm using a throwaway account because this post includes some personal information, but I'm a regular HN reader.

I found that an actual CPA is very helpful to me. She has an accounting degree from a top notch school and years of experience working for a Fortune 500 company. However, she wanted more control over her schedule because of her young children so she worked for me a couple days for a few hours each time. She had other clients as well, but I know very little about them since she doesn't talk about them. She has worked for me for at least ten years. I don't need her every day and she comes and goes on her own schedule.

She picks up and opens my mail, pays bills, does my business bookkeeping, works with my tax accountant at tax time, files paperwork and keeps track of contracts, investments, property taxes, franchise taxes, partnerships, trusts, charities, real estate, etc. I can trust her to handle these sort of things correctly. Now, I can always find any finance related document I'm looking for because of her.

I do trust her completely. She grew up and lives in the area and has a family that has ties to many of my social contacts. Nevertheless, I'm careful about security: I maintain control of all check signing, I'm notified electronically of all non-trivial charges and account transfers, I maintain exclusive control of all of my accounts, I own and control the computers that she uses, and require 2-factor authentication for logins to access business mail addressed to her account (I'm the administrator of the email system). She prepares deposit slips for me, but I'm the one that makes the deposits. I could let her do more, but I do all of the interactions with my financial institutions downloading statements, checking balances, setting up direct deposits and so forth. I just give her piles of pdfs to go through that I have downloaded or scanned.

Having an accountant that takes care of all of my personal and business financial affairs makes my life much easier.

I didn't start out this way; I started out with more traditional personal assistants. These were usually younger people that I trusted enough to babysit my elementary school age daughter, pick up my dry cleaning, and perhaps do some shopping for me. This was helpful, but I wouldn't have trusted them to do the things my accountant does. I've discovered that having a real accountant working for me saves much more time. I've also had a few more problems with "personal assistants" because the relationship is inherently a bit personal. One may have to deal with requests like "It's my boyfriend's birthday next month, do you think I could have a party for 25 people on your boat?"

The cost of a having a personal accountant is higher, but she does a great deal of work that I don't enjoy. Because she does some of the work that my tax accountant would have to do anyway, I end up with somewhat lower tax preparation bills.

I found my personal assistant on Craigslist. Very happy I found her. I put up a simple posting, ‘computer programmer seeking personal assistant’. Turns out she was tired of being an au pair and decided this would be a better fit. It’s really life changing. I highly recommend it. She pays my bills, responds to emails, cleans up the apartment, walks my dog, manages grocery shopping and occasionally cooks, etc. It’s not that different from what I imagine having a stay-at-home wife was like in the 1950s, except she leaves every evening.
As a counterpoint to the flak you seem to be getting for this comment, I am awful at admin stuff and my partner is better at it and has more free time than I do. since we moved in together, and especially post-pandemic, I have been surprised at how much we have fallen into traditional gender roles - I had never wanted or expected that in a relationship. To the point where I've been considering hiring a PA for exactly those kinds of misc tasks you mention, precisely to prevent my relationship from further developing such '1950s' dynamics. I really don't see what is cringeworthy about that.
I'm a former homemaker and I've studied women's history to try to figure out how to make my life work.

I think we need to rethink how we configure work. Serious jobs almost always implicitly assume it is designed for a male breadwinner with a full-time homemaker wife.

I think it's refreshing to see some of the comments here acknowledge that.

This is really interesting. I wish if I can hire someone to clean my house and do grocery shopping for me. If you don't mind me asking, how many hours/per week she works for you?
Housecleaning is a very common stand alone service, and grocery shopping/delivery is fairly easy now too.

Do you really want an individual, or just a service?

Is instacart going to find the exact brand of kombucha you want and be able to substitute it when it's gone? Will they put it in your fridge for you and leave one out on your desk?

An EA/PA is low touch and avoids all the context switching. They're a dependable person you have a working relationship with rather than hit or miss gig for hire.

True, I already have a cleaning service. They come every two weeks and clean the house. Honestly, I'm not satisfied with instacart and all the hidden fees they have/had (last time I used). What is interesting about an individual is they will learn your preferences and have more context in ones preferences as time goes.
It varies based on her schedule. We aim for 25-30 hours per week. There is a lot of downtime on her end, which I am fine with.
What sort of salary are you paying her? Interesting idea but a tough sell on handing someone the keys to my bills and personal life knowing it would be tough to recover if they go rogue.
You usually don't have a sentimental relationship with her, that's another difference
> It’s not that different from what I imagine having a stay-at-home wife was like in the 1950s, except she leaves every evening.

good for you, but yikes, man, that made me cringe.

you might want to re-think if you'd be comfortable giving the same tasks to a male personal assistant, or if you've somehow unconsciously engineered a large financial/power imbalance, in the disparity between your gross yearly income and what you pay your assistant to do the duties of a "stay-at-home wife". and exactly what you think her role really is.

An interesting note is that small business couples, where the man runs the trade-end of things (physician, skilled trades, etc.), and the woman runs the "managerial"-end (billing, paperwork, etc.) seem to be the most stable of couples.

In matters of money, there are less secrets/unexpected swings; and you both have to be invested in the success of the business, ergo one's livelihood and goal-achievement-vehicle (e.g. for vacations, new cars and appliances, better house, etc.).

Plus, if you cannot tolerate one another and cannot work well together, then you'll know soon enough that perhaps the two of you are not compatible in a partnership (and really, that's all a marriage is if you work for a living -- a partnership to help you both reach your goals).

An added bonus, is that it breads closeness, rather than only seeing your significant other for a few hours every night/morning, and the weekends.

Massive financial/power imbalance? Very. Are both people getting what they want from the arrangement? I would imagine so. The ones that weren't have left/had everything crash and burn, or are on their way.

> small business couples

so in my opinion two people in a romantic relationship that also own/run their business together is a completely different thing than what the 'helsinki' poster described, unless their paid assistant they found on craigslist also has other, uhhh.... duties

Absolutely. It was mostly a tangent I wanted to write out.

On "other duties," I think a lot of people have that mindset in a partner: mechanically do these things that benefit my emotional state, while I mechanically do my things that benefit their emotional state, and repeat until death.

With the common form of payment being money and material goods, for material services. Transactional.

A disheartening state of affairs, but more common than not.

Aren't most who employ the labor of others for things they could do themselves (e.g., getting coffee at Starbucks) leveraging a "financial/power imbalance"?
I'd think anyone hiring a personal assistant would be on the advantageous end of a financial power imbalance. Are you just saying a young man wouldn't be hired to clean a house so it's embarrassing when a woman cleans a house? I think the important thing is to pay cleaners enough and make reasonable requests, not refuse to work with them. (I don't have a cleaner, if it matters.)
I'm saying this person seems to have specifically chosen a person for the duties of what they described as a 1950s housewife, which is rather suspicious in my opinion.
Ah, I think you just misread, then. They seem to have realized what the arrangement looks like after the fact.
this is why I said "unconsciously", I'm asking them to reflect on whether or not they would have hired an equally-or-better qualified male for the same duties. or whether they went straight to "i'm gonna hire a housewife" without thinking about it as a specific choice.

if by some chance the original poster here is not a dude, it's a whole lot less sketchy in my opinion.

Ah, I figured the housewife comment would wreak some havoc, but I can’t really think of a better way to describe. There is no emotional or romantic attachment. If anything, it is friendly, at best. Nothing to really read between the lines on this. It’s a transactional, platonic relationship.
I'm a woman. I've worked in office jobs. I frequently have noticed that getting "life" stuff done is very hard because office jobs were created in the 1950's, when they assumed everyone had a wife at home to take care of "everything else." It makes sense that helsinki is describing his assistant as a 1950's housewife, because all those tasks are the ones that are hard to do now, and where the gaps are these days.
Makes sense. Hopefully your comment was beneficial for them.
If you need a personal assistant for your day to day life due to how much you're working, consider the idea that perhaps you're working too much.

CEO or not, no one needs to let their work consume their life.

It's your job to set an example for the rest of the team. Others might see how much you're working and assume that they need to, too. I've seen it happen a few times.

EDIT: Sorry, I failed to mention, my comment is in response to "personal tasks first and foremost." Having someone arrange meetings is a perfect business use case.

My interpretation was that the person likes doing their work and wants to outsource distractions. For a fixed amount of work / day, it's better to spend as much as possible where you're most effective, imo. I have a cleaner and order takeout not because I'm theoretically too busy to clean and cook, but because I'd rather outsource so I can do other stuff.

Put another way, trade is better for everyone.

> My interpretation was that the person likes doing their work and wants to outsource distractions

This is true. For additional context, I’m also a single man in his late 20s, with the blessing/curse of ADHD.

Whilst I can throw myself into my work (and enjoy it very much), I have little interest/motivation to follow up all the other odds-and-ends in my life.

That might mean something trivial, like keeping the kitchen stocked with healthy food. Or more meaningful tasks — like expenses and invoicing — which are essential, but bore me to death…

As I’m lucky enough to be in a position to do so, if I can get some extra help to sort out everything that’s not my forte, I can focus my energy where it matters: on things I’m good at, and enjoy.

I'm certainly no doctor or authorized to give any diagnosis, but not being interested in running errands like grocery shopping, or tasks like invoicing, is not related to, or a sign of, ADHD. I think most people, including myself, find those tasks boring and tedious and would rather do other things.
OP doesn't imply he has ADHD because of not being interested in errands. Quite the opposite.
Nobody likes boring tasks but some people pathologically avoid them while simultaneously worrying about the fact they haven't done them.
Yes I identify completely. I spent most of the day today dealing with a bunch of address change stuff and other admin I'd been putting off for months and still have a huge stack of personal admin like that that I shudder and do something else every time I think about. If you can justify the cost, having someone to handle the boring stuff sounds awesome.
But it doesn't matter if you like doing your work. If you're working all the time, to the point where you can't arrange a doctor's appointment, you're working way too much. When you're in a leadership position, it's a matter of time until it impacts the rest of the team.

The one personal task that takes a lot of time that I'd consider outsourcing would be to go to the store to pick up my prescriptions. But even that gives me a chance to reflect. It's really quite hard to imagine that it's a significant loss not having a personal assistant.

What are some tasks that need to be outsourced?

(Another way to phrase it: The rest of their team probably don't have personal assistants. If it's a work necessity, they should consider making a personal assistant a company benefit.)

> If it's a work necessity, they should consider making a personal assistant a company benefit

I have seen workplaces with concierge service for employees to handle personal tasks - I'm actually surprised this isn't more popular. Tech companies definitely are known for meals and snacks and coffee being provided, I think that is in the same direction.

To your question, scheduling meetings and travel can be a huge time suck, especially for a CEO that would have lots of both and rapidly changing plans. Logistics for meetings - "party planning" can be a big job and depending on the size of the company there may not be someone separate to do that.

Personal stuff like changing addresses, filling forms for whatever, waiting to have a mattress delivered (I had a former boss send an EA for this), anything where you have to be on hold on the phone. All this admin stuff only increases as you get busy, and it would be great to have someone to deal with it.

Plus there are always special projects - pulling info together for a presentation or something, looking for a vendor for something. I think I'm talking myself into hiring one...

It's telling that most of your examples are business related, whereas OP said that personal tasks are first and foremost. But if you actually try to name some personal tasks, it becomes difficult. The sole realistic example seems to be "anything where you have to be on hold on the phone."

I don't think that life admin tasks increase as you get busy. Life stays the same, and work consumes proportionally more.

Would you use an EA to take your kid to school? Pick them up? Your life needs to be on hold for those things, but to me it feels really strange that some people would want to outsource it in the name of work.

> It's telling that most of your examples are business related, whereas OP said that personal tasks are first and foremost

Yeah that might be because I have no life and am mainly thinking about business :) I don't think anyone is talking about outsourcing family stuff. I agree that would be something to be concerned about.

I've had my PA arrange doctor's appointments, it's great. It's not a matter of working too much, it's that I only have so much mental energy to go around. Decisions can be draining. Dealing with people can be draining. These things aren't draining to the same extent for everyone.
These days with everybody understaffed, making a doctor's appointment can be very time-consuming, as well! You might on hold / re-routed and the whole call could take 15 or 20 minutes, which is a lot in the middle of the day.
Why is it that doctors appointments are something that you need to set aside time to make, personally? Why can't somebody else do that for OP?

I don't personally need an assistant, even though I work at the same company as my CEO (who has a personal assistant as well). Him having one doesn't mean everybody needs one.

They are working too much, so now they’re hiring someone to do some of that work, such that their overall work burden is reduced and more focused on the tasks they prefer to work on.
>If you need a personal assistant for your day to day life due to how much you're working, consider the idea that perhaps you're working too much.

Isn't that exactly the point? That OP did consider that they're working too much and are looking to delegate some of that work to someone else.

You're right, I phrased that poorly. I added an edit to clarify. My mistake.

What got to me was the idea that people want a personal assistant to run their lives, rather than their business. That seemed like a red flag, but it sounds like a lot of people disagree.

Arranging a dentist appointment and making your own fork is a very different amount of time commitment.
And yet both can be too much for some people.
Asinine, ignorant comment. Let people decide what's best for them and stop armchair quarterbacking.

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