Rockin’ The Code World with dotNetDave – Guest: Scott Hunter – dotNetTips.com

 2 years ago
source link: https://dotnettips.wordpress.com/2021/11/06/rockin-the-code-world-with-dotnetdave-guest-scott-hunter/
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Join me live on Saturday, November 13th, 2021 at 10:00 PST on C# Corner Live for show #42 where I will be interviewing for the second time Scott Hunter, Director Program Management .NET.  Learn the latest about .NET 6 from the person in charge of it! 

Send your questions for Scott by tweeting it to @RockinCodeWorld. You can also email your questions to: [email protected]


  • Introduction
  • The Interview: All things .NET 6!
  • Special Prize Give-A-Way!
  • Dogfooding with David McCarter

Dogfooding with David McCarter

Wrap up

I will also give away swag from C# Corner and everyone gets a free copy of CodeRush from DevExpress!

The interview: Scott Hunter

Scott Hunter: Director of Program Management, .NETScott Hunter: Director of Program Management, .NET

Scott Hunter is responsible for the Microsoft’s .NET platform, which includes the .NET Framework, .NET Core, ASP.NET, Entity Framework, .NET Tools, Web Tools and the managed languages (C#, F# and VB).

Prior to leading the .NET Platform, Hunter helped the Azure Developer Experience team build the Azure SDK’s, App Service Tooling, Azure Redis Cache, Azure API Management, ASP.NET, Entity Framework and the Web Tooling.

In his spare time he loves hiking mountains in Washington State and around the world.

Video from the Show

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Joyk means Joy of geeK