The AEGIS family of authenticated encryption algorithms

 2 years ago
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The AEGIS family of authenticated encryption algorithms

Workgroup: Network Working Group Internet-Draft: draft-denis-aegis-aead-latest Published:

24 October 2021 Intended Status: Informational Expires: 27 April 2022 Author:

F. Denis
Fastly Inc.

The AEGIS family of authenticated encryption algorithms


This document describes AEGIS-128L and AEGIS-256, two AES-based authenticated encryption algorithms designed for high-performance applications.

Discussion Venues

This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at https://github.com/jedisct1/draft-aegis-aead.

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This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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1. Introduction

This document describes the AEGIS-128L and AEGIS-256 authenticated encryption algorithms [AEGIS].

Both are constructed from the AES encryption round function [FIPS-AES].

  • AEGIS-128L has a 128-bit key, a 128-bit nonce, a 1024 bit state, a 128-bit authentication tag, and processes 256-bit input blocks.
  • AEGIS-256 has a 256-bit key, a 256-bit nonce, a 768-bit state, a 128-bit authentication tag, and processes 128-bit input blocks.

The AEGIS cipher family offers optimal performance on CPUs with hardware support for parallelizable AES block encryption.

2. Conventions and Definitions

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

3. Notation and Conventions


  • |x|: the length of x in bits
  • a ^ b: the bit-wise exclusive OR operation between a and b
  • a & b: the bit-wise AND operation between a and b
  • a || b: the concatenation of a and b
  • LE64(x): the little-endian encoding of 64-bit integer x
  • Pad(x, n): padding operation. Trailing zeros are concatenated to x until the total length is a multiple of n bits.
  • Truncate(x, n): truncation operation. The first n bits of x are kept.
  • Split(x, n): splitting operation. x is split into n-bit blocks.
  • AESRound(a, b): the AES encryption round function. a is the 128-bit AES input block, b is the 128-bit round key
  • Repeat(n, F): n sequential evaluations of the function F

AEGIS internal functions:

  • Update(M0, M1): the state update function
  • Init(k, iv): the initialization function
  • Enc(xi): the 256-bit block encryption function
  • Dec(ci): the 256-bit block decryption function
  • Finalize(adlen, mlen): the authentication tag generation function

AES blocks:

  • Si: the i-th 128-bit block of the current state
  • S'i: the i-th 128-bit block of the next state
  • C0: the 128-bit constant 0x000101020305080d1522375990e97962 as an AES block
  • C1: the 128-bit constant 0xdb3d18556dc22ff12011314273b528dd as an AES block

Input and output values:

  • k: the encryption key (128-bit for AEGIS-128L, 256-bit for AEGIS-256)
  • iv: the public nonce (128-bit for AEGIS-128L, 256-bit for AEGIS-256)
  • ad: the associated data
  • m: the cleartext input
  • c: the ciphertext
  • tag: the 128-bit authentication tag

4. The AEGIS-128L Algorithm

AEGIS-128L has a 1024 bit state, made of eight 128-bit blocks.

4.1. The Update Function

Update(M0, M1)

The Update function is the core of the AEGIS-128L algorithm. It updates the state {S0, ...S7} using two 128-bit values.


  • M0: the first 128-bit block to be absorbed
  • M1: the second 128-bit block to be absorbed


  • {S0, ...S7}: the state


S'0 = AESRound(S7, S0 ^ M0)
S'1 = AESRound(S0, S1);
S'2 = AESRound(S1, S2);
S'3 = AESRound(S2, S3);
S'4 = AESRound(S3, S4 ^ M1);
S'5 = AESRound(S4, S5);
S'6 = AESRound(S5, S6);
S'7 = AESRound(S6, S7);

S0  = S'0
S1  = S'1
S2  = S'2
S3  = S'3
S4  = S'4
S5  = S'5
S6  = S'6
S7  = S'7

4.2. The Init Function

Init(k, iv)

The Init function constructs the initial state {S0, ...S7} using the key k and the nonce iv.


  • k: the 128-bit encryption key
  • iv: the 128-bit nonce


  • {S0, ...S7}: the initial state


S0 = k ^ iv
S1 = C1
S2 = C0
S3 = C1
S4 = k ^ iv
S5 = k ^ C0
S6 = k ^ C1
S7 = k ^ C0

Repeat(10, Update(iv, k))

4.3. The Enc Function


The Enc function encrypts a 256-bit input block xi using the state {S0, ...S7}.


  • xi: the 256-bit encrypted input block


  • ci: the 256-bit decrypted output block


z0 = S6 ^ S1 ^ (S2 & S3)
z1 = S2 ^ S5 ^ (S6 & S7)

t0, t1 = Split(xi, 128)
out0 = t0 ^ z0
out1 = t1 ^ z1

Update(t0, t1)
ci = out0 || out1

4.4. The Dec Function


The Dec function decrypts a 256-bit input block ci using the state {S0, ...S7}.


  • ci: the 256-bit encrypted input block


  • xi: the 256-bit decrypted output block


z0 = S6 ^ S1 ^ (S2 & S3)
z1 = S2 ^ S5 ^ (S6 & S7)

t0, t1 = Split(ci, 128)
out0 = t0 ^ z0
out1 = t1 ^ z1

Update(out0, out1)
xi = out0 || out1

4.5. The Finalize Function

Finalize(adlen, mlen)

The Finalize function computes a 128-bit tag that authenticate the message as well as the associated data.


  • adlen: the length of the associated data in bits
  • mlen: the length of the message in bits


  • tag: the 128-bit authentication tag


t = S2 ^ (LE64(adlen) || LE64(mlen))

Repeat(7, Update(t, t))

tag = S0 ^ S1 ^ S2 ^ S3 ^ S4 ^ S5 ^ S6

4.6. Authenticated Encryption

The Encrypt function encrypts a message and returns the ciphertext along with an authentication tag that verifies the authenticity of the message and, optionally, of associated data.

Encrypt(m, ad, k, iv)


  • m: the message to be encrypted
  • ad: the associated data to authenticate
  • k: the encryption key
  • iv: the public nonce


  • c: the ciphertext
  • tag: the 128-bit authentication tag


Init(k, iv)

c = {}

ad_blocks = Split(Pad(ad, 256), 256)
for xi in ad_blocks:

m_blocks = Split(Pad(m, 256), 256)
for xi in m_blocks:
    c = c || Enc(xi)

tag = Finalize(|ad|, |m|)

4.7. Authenticated Decryption

The Decrypt function decrypts a ciphertext, verifies that the authentication tag is correct, and returns the message on success, or an error if tag verification failed.

Decrypt(c, tag, ad, k, iv)


  • c: the ciphertext to be decrypted
  • ad: the associated data to authenticate
  • k: the encryption key
  • iv: the public nonce


  • either m: the message, or an error indicating that the authentication tag is invalid for the given inputs.


Init(k, iv)

m = {}

ad_blocks = Split(Pad(ad, 256), 256)
for xi in ad_blocks:

c_blocks = Split(Pad(c, 256), 256)
for ci in c_blocks:
    m = m || Dec(ci)

m = Truncate(m, |c|)
expected_tag = Finalize(|ad|, |m|)

The comparison of the authentication tag tag with the expected tag should be done in constant time.

5. The AEGIS-256 Algorithm

AEGIS-256 has a 768 bit state, made of six 128-bit blocks.

5.1. The Update Function


The Update function is the core of the AEGIS-256 algorithm. It updates the state {S0, ...S5} using a 128-bit value.


  • M: the 128-bit block to be absorbed


  • {S0, ...S5}: the state


S'0 = AESRound(S5, S0 ^ M)
S'1 = AESRound(S0, S1);
S'2 = AESRound(S1, S2);
S'3 = AESRound(S2, S3);
S'4 = AESRound(S3, S4);
S'5 = AESRound(S4, S5);

S0  = S'0
S1  = S'1
S2  = S'2
S3  = S'3
S4  = S'4
S5  = S'5

5.2. The Init Function

Init(k, iv)

The Init function constructs the initial state {S0, ...S5} using the key k and the nonce iv.


  • k: the 128-bit encryption key
  • iv: the 128-bit nonce


  • {S0, ...S5}: the initial state


k0, k1 = Split(k, 128)
iv0, iv1 = Split(iv, 128)

S0 = k0 ^ iv0
S1 = k1 ^ iv1
S2 = C1
S3 = C0
S4 = k0 ^ C0
S5 = k1 ^ C1

  Update(k0 ^ iv0)
  Update(k1 ^ iv1)

5.3. The Enc Function


The Enc function encrypts a 128-bit input block xi using the state {S0, ...S5}.


  • xi: the 128-bit encrypted input block


  • ci: the 128-bit decrypted output block


z = S1 ^ S4 ^ S5 ^ (S2 & S3)

ci = xi ^ z


5.4. The Dec Function


The Dec function decrypts a 128-bit input block ci using the state {S0, ...S5}.


  • ci: the 128-bit encrypted input block


  • xi: the 128-bit decrypted output block


z = S1 ^ S4 ^ S5 ^ (S2 & S3)

xi = ci ^ z


It returns the 128-bit block out.

5.5. The Finalize Function

Finalize(adlen, mlen)

The Finalize function computes a 128-bit tag that authenticate the message as well as the associated data.


  • adlen: the length of the associated data in bits
  • mlen: the length of the message in bits


  • tag: the 128-bit authentication tag


t = S3 ^ (LE64(adlen) || LE64(mlen))

Repeat(7, Update(t))

tag = S0 ^ S1 ^ S2 ^ S3 ^ S4 ^ S5

5.6. Authenticated Encryption

Encrypt(m, ad, k, iv)

The Encrypt function encrypts a message and returns the ciphertext along with an authentication tag that verifies the authenticity of the message and, optionally, of associated data.


  • m: the message to be encrypted
  • ad: the associated data to authenticate
  • k: the encryption key
  • iv: the public nonce


  • c: the ciphertext
  • tag: the 128-bit authentication tag


Init(k, iv)

c = {}

ad_blocks = Split(Pad(ad, 128), 128)
for xi in ad_blocks:

m_blocks = Split(Pad(m, 128), 128)
for xi in m_blocks:
    c = c || Enc(xi)

tag = Finalize(|ad|, |m|)

5.7. Authenticated Decryption

The Decrypt function decrypts a ciphertext, verifies that the authentication tag is correct, and returns the message on success, or an error if tag verification failed.

Decrypt(c, tag, ad, k, iv)


  • c: the ciphertext to be decrypted
  • ad: the associated data to authenticate
  • k: the encryption key
  • iv: the public nonce


  • either m: the message, or an error indicating that the authentication tag is invalid for the given inputs.


Init(k, iv)

m = {}

ad_blocks = Split(Pad(ad, 128), 128)
for xi in ad_blocks:

c_blocks = Split(Pad(c, 128), 128)
for ci in c_blocks:
    m = m || Dec(ci)

m = Truncate(m, |c|)
expected_tag = Finalize(|ad|, |m|)

The comparison of the authentication tag tag with the expected tag should be done in constant time.

6. Encoding (c, tag) Tuples

Applications may keep the ciphertext and the 128-bit authentication tag in distinct structures, or encore both as a single string.

In the later case, the tag is expected to immediately follow the ciphertext:

combined_ciphertext = c || tag

7. Security Considerations

Both algorithms must be used in a nonce-respecting setting: for a given key k, a nonce must only be used once. Failure to do so would immediately reveal the bitwise difference between two messages.

The nonce iv doesn't have to be secret nor unpredictable. It can be a counter, the output of a permutation or a generator with a long period.

With AEGIS-128L, random nonces can safely encrypt up to 2^32 messages using the same key with negligible collision probability.

With AEGIS-256, random nonces can be used with no practical limits.

Under the assumption that the secret key is unknown to the attacker and the tag is not truncated, both AEGIS-128L and AEGIS-256 target 128-bit security against forgery attacks.

AEGIS-256 offers 256-bit message security against plaintext and state recovery. AEGIS-128L offers 128-bit security. They are both key-committing.

8. IANA Considerations

This document has no IANA actions.

9. Test Vectors

9.1. AEGIS-128L Test Vectors

9.1.1. Test Vector 1

key  : 00000000000000000000000000000000

nonce: 00000000000000000000000000000000

ad   :

m    : 00000000000000000000000000000000

c    : 41de9000a7b5e40e2d68bb64d99ebb19

tag  : f4d997cc9b94227ada4fe4165422b1c8

9.1.2. Test Vector 2

key  : 00000000000000000000000000000000

nonce: 00000000000000000000000000000000

ad   :

m    :

c    :

tag  : 83cc600dc4e3e7e62d4055826174f149

9.1.3. Test Vector 3

key  : 10010000000000000000000000000000

nonce: 10000200000000000000000000000000

ad   : 0001020304050607

m    : 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f

c    : 79d94593d8c2119d7e8fd9b8fc77845c

tag  : cc6f3372f6aa1bb82388d695c3962d9a

9.2. AEGIS-256 Test Vectors

9.2.1. Test Vector 1

key  : 00000000000000000000000000000000

nonce: 00000000000000000000000000000000

ad   :

m    : 00000000000000000000000000000000

c    : b98f03a947807713d75a4fff9fc277a6

tag  : 478f3b50dc478ef7d5cf2d0f7cc13180

9.2.2. Test Vector 2

key  : 00000000000000000000000000000000

nonce: 00000000000000000000000000000000

ad   :

m    :

c    :

tag  : f7a0878f68bd083e8065354071fc27c3

9.2.3. Test Vector 3

key  : 10010000000000000000000000000000

nonce: 10000200000000000000000000000000

ad   : 0001020304050607

m    : 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f

c    : f373079ed84b2709faee373584585d60

tag  : 8d86f91ee606e9ff26a01b64ccbdd91d

10. References

10.1. Normative References

[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997, <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2119>.

[RFC8174] Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174, May 2017, <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8174>.

Author's Address

Frank Denis
Fastly Inc.

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