Nacos 作为配置中心,微服务总是过段时间自行宕机下线

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.v2ex.com/t/809836
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nacos 环境

阿里云 ECS,8 核心 16G,CentOS 7.8,同时运行 nacos 和各种微服务。

nacos 运行的版本:2.0.3 。

nacos 为单机运行非集群,启动命令 ./startup.sh -m standalone (使用的是 dev 账户启动的,非 root)

nacos 的配置文件 nacos/conf/application.properties 中没有配置 mysql 链接信息。

含多个服务(约 7 个微服务),微服务中的依赖版本:


版本参考的是: https://github.com/alibaba/spring-cloud-alibaba/wiki/%E7%89%88%E6%9C%AC%E8%AF%B4%E6%98%8E

nacos 是正常启动的,微服务启动注册到使用的是 dev 账户启动的,非 root)

只用到了注册服务,服务发现,没有用到别的 nacos 功能


微服务都能够正常注册到 nacos,但是,过段时间(晚上 18 点重启微服务),次日早上微服务便会自动停机,nacos 后台管理系统中就看到微服务下线了(很多个微服务都下线),这些微服务的日志为:

2021-10-22 11:00:41.433  WARN 19068 --- [      Thread-10] c.a.nacos.common.notify.NotifyCenter     : [NotifyCenter] Start destroying Publisher
2021-10-22 11:00:41.433  WARN 19068 --- [      Thread-10] c.a.nacos.common.notify.NotifyCenter     : [NotifyCenter] Destruction of the end
2021-10-22 11:00:41.436  WARN 19068 --- [       Thread-4] c.a.n.common.http.HttpClientBeanHolder   : [HttpClientBeanHolder] Start destroying common HttpClient
2021-10-22 11:00:41.437  WARN 19068 --- [       Thread-4] c.a.n.common.http.HttpClientBeanHolder   : [HttpClientBeanHolder] Destruction of the end
2021-10-22 11:00:41.444  INFO 19068 --- [extShutdownHook] o.s.s.c.ThreadPoolTaskScheduler          : Shutting down ExecutorService 'Nacos-Watch-Task-Scheduler'
2021-10-22 11:00:41.445  INFO 19068 --- [extShutdownHook] c.a.c.n.registry.NacosServiceRegistry    : De-registering from Nacos Server now...
2021-10-22 11:00:41.448  INFO 19068 --- [extShutdownHook] c.a.c.n.registry.NacosServiceRegistry    : De-registration finished.
2021-10-22 11:00:49.101  WARN 19068 --- [extShutdownHook] o.s.b.f.support.DisposableBeanAdapter    : Destroy method 'close' on bean with name 'nacosServiceRegistry' threw an exception: java.lang.NullPointerException

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