How to Request an Invite to Buy the New Amazon Astro Home Robot

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.makeuseof.com/how-to-buy-amazon-astro/
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How to Request an Invite to Buy the New Amazon Astro Home Robot

By Brent Dirks

Published 1 day ago

We’ll show you the steps you need to take to request an invitation to purchase Amazon’s home robot when it is available for sale later this year.

Amazon recently unveiled a new hardware device. And the Amazon Astro is unlike anything we've ever seen from the e-commerce giant.

The new device is a home robot with a touchscreen on wheels that can bring Alexa to any room in your home and much more.

If you're interested in Amazon Astro, we'll show you how to request an invitation to buy the robot when it goes on sale later this year.

It's Time for a Survey

Amazon Astro order page

Unlike other products on Amazon, you'll need to go through a few extra steps to start the purchase process for the robot. It's currently $999.99 as an introductory price. That will eventually jump to $1,449.99.

Related: Amazon Announces a Robot Called Astro, But Does Anyone Need One?

First, log in to your Amazon account and head to the Amazon Astro page. On the right-hand side of the page select Request an Invitation. You'll then be taken to a survey page. All the questions need to be answered to complete the request.

Some of the questions tackle different features around your home and issues that might cause Astro not to function like ramps between spaces or over stairs or solid black glossy flooring. Finally, you'll select the top reason you're interested in Amazon Echo.

While Amazon doesn't state why you need to take the survey, it's likely that the company wants to send the first Astro units to homes where the robot has the best chance to work without running into any issues.

If Amazon selects you, you'll receive an invitation to purchase the Astro and can return to the product page to complete the purchase. The company does state that the robot has limited quantities and not all requests will be granted. So you'll need some luck to hopefully score the unique Alexa-enabled robot.

Related: Every Command You Can Say to Your Amazon Alexa

Step Into the World of Robotics With Amazon Astro

If you're willing to take the plunge into home robotics, now is the time to order the Amazon Astro.

While it offers a number of unique options, including some home security features, buyers will have to truly judge whether Astro is something useful.

About The Author


Brent Dirks (204 Articles Published)

Born and raised in sunny west Texas, Brent graduated from Texas Tech University with a BA in journalism. He's been writing about technology for more than 5 years and enjoys all things Apple, accessories, and security.

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