Arizona Vehicle Testing Site Rumored to Be Used by Apple Purchased for $125 Mill...

 3 years ago
source link: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/arizona-vehicle-testing-site-rumored-to-be-used-by-apple-purchased-for-125-million.2309645/
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Arizona Vehicle Testing Site Rumored to Be Used by Apple Purchased for $125 Million


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A former Chrysler proving grounds for automotive testing outside of Phoenix, Arizona, that has been rumored to be used by Apple was recently purchased for $125 million by the firm that has been leasing it for the past five years, according to AZ Big Media.
Back in 2017, it was reported that a company by the name of Route 14 Investment Partners LLC had signed a lease to use the facility, with rumors suggesting Apple was behind the deal, although there was no definitive proof of the link. Route 14 is represented by the Phoenix office of law firm Greenberg Traurig, hiding the true ownership of the company.

Route 14 has now exercised an option to purchase the property, which consists of 34 separate parcels, for $125 million in cash. The purchase agreement is dated June 25, 2021, with a deed and assumption of an existing development agreement with the City of Surprise both dated July 30 and seen by MacRumors.
We have still not been able to concretely tie Apple to Route 14, but it's clear that whoever is behind the firm has deep pockets and a long-term interest in the testing facility.

Rumors about Apple's work on both autonomous driving systems and actual electric vehicles have ebbed and flowed over the last several years. The most recent report just this week claimed that Apple has been visiting with Toyota as it seeks to develop a supplier network with an eye toward producing an Apple-branded car starting in 2024.

(Thanks, Jacob!)

Article Link: Arizona Vehicle Testing Site Rumored to Be Used by Apple Purchased for $125 Million
Last edited: Friday at 1:07 PM

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