DeFi 七点钟社区 | 助力波卡 Web3.0 生态聚集新一代基础架构 Saito

 2 years ago
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DeFi 七点钟社区 | 助力波卡 Web3.0 生态聚集新一代基础架构 Saito

7 月 2 日晚 6 点,DeFi 七点钟社区迎来第 125 期分享嘉宾 Richard Parris,CEO@Saito,分享主题:助力波卡 Web3.0 生态聚集新一代基础架构 SaitoDeFi 七点钟社区,DeFi 国内第一社区;由区块链技术的多位大咖…

· 3 小时前 ·阅读约 8 分钟

DeFi 七点钟社区 | 助力波卡 Web3.0 生态聚集新一代基础架构 Saito

7 月 2 日晚 6 点,DeFi 七点钟社区迎来第 125 期分享嘉宾 Richard Parris,CEO@Saito,分享主题:助力波卡 Web3.0 生态聚集新一代基础架构 Saito

DeFi 七点钟社区,DeFi 国内第一社区;


目的是学习 DeFi 区块链知识,推进区块链技术在各个行业的落地和应用。

DeFi 七点钟社区 | 助力波卡 Web3.0 生态聚集新一代基础架构 Saito


先简单介绍下 Saito 是一个面向用户的 Web3 开放网络层,Saito 上的应用可以在没有封闭插件、没有私有 API 或在开放基础设施的情况下运行。Saito 在 4/22 日已经在 Polkastarter 完成 IDO,并在 5/29 上线 Gate.io 交易所。

目前 Saito 推出的 https://saito.io/arcade/ 去中心化游戏场已经在海外市场大受好评,今天我们特别邀请到 CEO 来与我们分享 Saito 上线至今的成绩,和未来的动态!

Final question, what is your plan for the rest of 2021, and are there any upcoming events or good news that you can give us a sneaky peek?

我们先聊下 2021 下半年的计划,和最近有没有什么即将到来的活动或好消息可以先告诉大家的呢?

The web3/Polkadot engagement is right around the corner, which is huge. This both gives users a chance to use Polkadot Ecosystem tokens in applications on the Saito network, it also provides developers with a template for simply integrating Polkadot and Kusama ecosystem parachain tokens into applications on Saito.

Web3/Polkadot 的参与即将到来, 这既让用户有机会在 Saito 网络上的应用程序中使用 Polkadot 生态系统的 token,也为开发者提供了一个很好的例子,用于将 Polkadot 和 Kusama 生态系统平行链 token 简单地集成到 Saito 上的应用程序中

We are also excited to have announced earlier this week the Elrond have also partnered with us to provide the same benefits to developers in their ecosystem.

我们也很高兴在本周一宣布与 Elrond 达成战略合作,为其生态系统中的开发人员提供相同的便利

What is Saito long-term vision and ultimate goal, and what benefits can these goals bring to users?

Saito 的长期愿景和最终目标是什么,这些目标能给用户带来什么好处?

If you think about it - there is something special about any cryptocurrency wallets you have on your phone - compared to any of the other apps.


If you don't like a wallet you are using - you can change. You have the seed or keys, you can delete the wallet - install another one and import your keys.

如果您不喜欢正在使用的钱包 - 您可以换一个。您有种子或密钥,您可以删除钱包 - 安装另一个并导入您的密钥

The wallet developer - and company behind it can't trap you.

钱包开发商 - 及其背后的公司无法决定您用什么

You can't do that with 美团 or 微信 or any other app on your phone.


This is what web 3 is about - your chats, emails, short videos - should be yours…

这就是 web 3 的意义——你的聊天、电子邮件、短视频——都是属于你的 ......

Saito lets Developers create apps that give you this. AND, it creates an on chain economy that lets them get paid - without trapping and keeping your data.

Saito 让开发人员在其网络上创建应用程序。并且,它创造了一个链上经济,让他们获得报酬 - 不会获取或保留您的数据

You talked a lot about the Web3 Foundation grant this year, what has happened with that?

可以和我们分享下关于 Web3 基金会的资助的事么?

I am really happy to say we have submitted the work for Milestone One of the grant and had it accepted. We can now call ourselves ‘Web3 Foundation Grant Recipients’!

很高兴地和大家分享,我们已经提交了里程碑 1 并已被接受了。我们现在可以称自己为“Web3 基金会资助接受者”!

This is great because it demonstrates Saito’s ability to support Polkadot ecosystem projects build infrastructure that ‘keeps them web3’.

这表明了 Saito 有能力支持 Polkadot 生态系统项目构建“保持 web3”的基础设施

We have some great announcements and activities coming out around this soon. Giving a little away, we will be showing off Dot Ecosystem token support in Saito’s online wallets and in the arcade.

我们很快就会发布一些重要的公告和活动。我们将在 Saito 的在线钱包和游戏中展示 DOT 生态系统 token 支持

This is a powerful demonstration of how websites and apps built on Saito can support tokens from other chains.

这是构建在 Saito 上的网站和应用程序如何支持来自其他链的 token 的有力演示

In great news this week we have announced a similar collaboration with Elrond. Work will begin soon on enabling use of Elrond ecosystem assets.

本周的好消息是,我们宣布了与 Elrond 的合作。将很快开始启用 Elrond 生态系统资产的工作

Hello Richard, this must be your second time visiting our community, we still have a lot of new members don’t know about Saito, so can you briefly introduce Saito?

Hello, Richard 这应该是您第二次来到七点钟社区,我们社区还是有许多新朋友对 Saito 感兴趣,可以向大家介绍下 Saito 吗?

Saito is an open network layer that delivers web3 to users. What we mean is that where people often think of blockchains as a database or datastore, Saito is a blockchain as network.

Saito 是一个将 Web3 交付给用户的开放网络层。通常,人们将区块链视为数据库或数据存储,而 Saito 则是将区块链视为网络。

This is important because for all the decentralisation and trustlessnes in ETH/Polkadot/NEAR - all of these ecosystems relay on web 2 (client server) models to connect to users.

这点很重要,因为对于 ETH/Polkadot/NEAR 中的所有去中心化和去信任化——这些生态系统都是基于 Web 2 (客户端服务器)模型才连接到用户。

Saito is a blockchain and a new kind of network. Saito is not Proof of Work or Proof of Stake (or any other “Proof of” system). Saito consensus is completely new, and pays for nodes in the network to collect user transactions and route them into blocks.

Saito 是一个新型区块链网络,既不是 POW 也不是 POS (或其他「证明」机制)。Saito 的共识机制是全新的,它为网络中的节点付费来收集用户交易并将其路由到区块中。

This provides a real, profitable business model to node providers that breaks the ‘data for access’ web 2 business model.

这为节点提供商提供了一个真正的、有利可图的商业模式,打破了「数据访问」Web 2 的商业模式。

We know that Saito has some core strengths: efficiency, high security, low cost, user-friendly, etc. Saito is decentralized to enable micropayments, social, games, and other use cases. As a regular blockchain user, or as some developers, how can we participate in Saito? And just another question by myself, can we run a node for the Saito network to make earnings?

我们知道 Saito 区块链网络具有一些特质:高效、高安全性、低成本、易于用户参与 等特质,Saito 以去中心化的方式实现了微支付、社交、游戏等等用 途 。作为普通区块链用户,或是一些开发者们,怎么样参与 Saito?我们可以运行 Saito 网络吗?

Saito is different to other blockchains, Saito creates a business model for anyone who can attract users and their transactions. The most profitable nodes in the Saito network will be the ones providing the best access to users.

Saito 与其他公链不同的是,Saito 为任何可以吸引用户及其交易的人创建了一种商业模式,其网络中最有利可图的节点是为用户提供了最佳访问权限。

There are lots of great ways to participate now - and they are fun. Join the community on the arcade (https://saito.io/arcade/ ) or in the social channels, try things out and provide feedback.

现在有很多有趣的参与其中,比如说通过游戏(https://saito.io/arcade/ )或社交媒体加入我们的社区,试玩并给出反馈。

If you are a dev saito.io/developers is the place to go. We are looking for contributors in both the Rust and node.js implementations.

如果你是开发者,你可以在这里 saito.io/developers 找到志同道合者并在 Saito 上搭建应用。我们正在寻找 Rust 和 node.js 的贡献者,欢迎加入我们。

Mostly, pe deeply into our learning materials. We think they will change how you think about blockchain. And everyone knows that the early adopters do the best in the blockchain space.


Can you share with us about Saito's progress 2021 Q2? For example, some cooperation with other projects, or new product pipelines?

可以与我们和大家介绍下 Saito Q2 的进展吗?比如一些振奋人心的合作,或令人兴奋的产品迭代?

This last few months has been very busy and productive for the team. We have obviously run a successful IDO and listings, bringing Saito to ever more people.

过去几个月,我们的团队非常忙碌并且在技术进展上颇为显著。我们已经成功进行了 IDO 和上所,将从而你让更多人认识到了 Saito。

Importantly our community has grown really pleasingly and we have a lot of great activity in our social channels and on the network itself. (Not a lot of people realise there is P2P chat and forums available on the saito.io right now. https://saito.io/chat/)

过去一个季度,我们的社区发展速度非常惊人,在社交媒体上举办了很多用户参与度高的活动。saito.io 上现在已经有了 P2P 聊天和论坛(https://saito.io/chat/)。

A big part of this is the ambassador program which is really helping us connect with our community. Regular office hours where founders are available in Telegram, and regular updates.

此外,我们的全球大使计划有效地帮我们与社区建立联系,同时两位创始人也会在 Telegram 中与社群用户日常互动,并做定期更新。

We have established partnerships with Crust, StackOS and just recently Elrond. These all form a big part of our growth strategy moving forward and we hope to add to this list.

在合作伙伴方面,我们已经与 Crust、StackOS 以及 Elrond 建立了战略合作伙伴关系,这些都是我们未来实现全面增长的重要组成部分。

On the development front - work is moving quickly on the Rust ‘datacenter ready’ mainnet node implementation. This is a big project for us given above.

在技术方面,Rust 的「数据中心就绪」,主网节点实现工作也在快速推进。这对我们来说是一项重大进展。

And maybe most importantly we have submitted Milestone One of our web 3 foundation grant. This is a big step and makes Polkadot ecosystem currencies available on the saito arcade and in saito.io generally.

最重要的是,我们已经提交并获得了 Web 3 基金会 Grant 的第一个里程碑。这一进展,使 Polkadot 生态系统上的 token 可以在 Saito 游戏(https://saito.io/arcade/ )和 Saito.io 中普遍使用。

(We recommend using Westend test net tokens to test things out.)

我们建议使用 Westend 测试网络 token。

We will have announcements over the next week on how to get involved with this.


You just mentioned about “Arcade” and we‘re interested to know how many active users Arcade have? How do we get involved in Arcade? Can players get $Saito incentives for playing games on Arcade?

您刚刚提到了 Arcade (Saito 的游戏平台)我们想知道目前 Arcade 上大概有多少用户?我们怎么去参与 Arcade,或是说用户到 Arcade 玩游戏可以获得 $Saito 激励吗?

The arcade is handling about 35,000 transactions a day. As we are web 3 we don’t track users inpidually, but we see hundreds of wallets a day active on the network.

Saito Arcade 每天处理约 35,000 笔交易。Saito 网络是 Web 3,所以不会单独跟踪用户,但我们每天会看到数百个钱包在网络上活跃。

Right now that arcade is on our Canary Network and reward tokens are not permanent. As we move to Mainnet this will change.

现在 Arcade 在我们的 Canary 网络上,奖励 token 不是永久性的。随着我们转向主网,这将有所变化。

Early adopters have been allocated main-net tokens as part of an earlybird rewards program and we plan similar programs in the future.

作为早鸟奖励计划的一部分,早期采用者已获得主网 token,我们计划在未来推出类似计划。

One of the most rewarding things you can do with Saito is understand it and how it is changing the industry.

Saito 正在为整个区块链行业的发展做出努力和贡献,欢迎大家深入了解我们。


1.Will Saito adjust its development strategy based on China's regulations?

1、Saito 会根据中国地区政策调整发展策略吗?

We are a global project. And one focussed on technology. Of course we have seen the impact of the recent clarifications on the regulations in China. I hope these along with other forces help the industry mature. For us, the more people concentrate on blockchain design and fundamentals the better.


2.Hello, what functions do you think Saito is most likely to become a core competitiveness in the future? What do you think is the future direction of this project? Or which field do you prefer?

2、您认为 Saito 未来最有可能成为核心竞争力的功能是什么?您认为这个项目未来的发展方向是什么?或者说你更喜欢哪个领域?

Saito can do things that PoW and PoS systems cannot do. So we don't have trouble differentiating ourselves.Anyone who wants to build cool user facing apps and services can use Saito as infrastructure. That is our killer proposition.

Saito 可以做 PoW 和 PoS 系统做不到的事情。所以与众不同对我们来说不是难事。任何想建立面向用户的应用程序和服务的人都可以使用 Saito 作为基础设施。这就是我们的杀手锏。

3.Web 3.0 is a large scale. What's Saito's plan concerning this?

3、WEB3.0 是一个很大的范畴,看 Saito 在多个板块有所设涉及, 在 哪个领域会重点侧重么

This is a great question. In some ways Saito is like a toolkit - people ask 'what can you do with it' and it's hard to be specific - 'anything'?

这是个好问题。在某些方面,Saito 就像一个工具包--人们问 " 你能用它做什么 ",这很难具体说明--" 任何事情 "?

We are focussed on fixing market problems that break web3. How to provide massive infrastructure without needing web 2 business models....

我们专注于解决破坏 web3 的市场问题,以及如何在不需要 web2 商业模式的情况下提供大规模的基础设施 ....。

4.Where to buy your token?

4、请问在哪里可以购买 token?

Uniswap, Gate, Bkex...

5.How does Saito view the blockchain market? What are the different views on this market?

5、Saito 如何看待区块链市场?对这个市场有什么不同的看法?

I think the market is maturing - away from meme coins and speculation, toward looking at utility...Maybe that's 'wishful thinking'..

我认为市场正在走向成熟--远离 meme 币和投机,走向看重实用性 ...... 也许这是 " 一厢情愿 " 的想法 ...


DeFi 七点钟社区 | 助力波卡 Web3.0 生态聚集新一代基础架构 Saito

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