Test-Driven Algorithms - Sorting

 2 years ago
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Test-Driven Algorithms - Sorting

June 10, 2021

Sorting algorithms are heavily used in Software Development in one way or another. Depending on the language, you might have in handy some sorting functions at your disposal but depending on the use case, knowing which sorting algorithm is being applied under the hood can be key to measure the impacts of the change on the working Software.

In this article, I’d like to explore a couple of implementations of sorting algorithms but I’d like to do so driven by unit tests. I haven’t seen much content online that explore this approach so I hope this sparks your interest.

A recap on what Sorting Algorithms are

Most of the sorting algorithms definitions I’ll be using were extracted from the Wikipedia so here’s a summary to kick us off:

A sorting algorithm is an algorithm that puts elements of a list in a certain order.

borrowed from Wikipedia

How we will approach this

The idea here is to implement one or two sorting algorithms but doing so driven by tests. Basically, we’ll write a single test first, with a simple scenario with input and expected output. This will fail because there won’t be any code just yet. Then we will write the minimum necessary code to satisfy the test and repeat the process. The name of this technique is Test-Driven Development (TDD). If you’re curious about this process or if it doesn’t sound familiar to you, please visit this post.

The language I’ll use will be Go and using a single file with both test and implementation for simplicity.

If you are not familiar with the Go language, don’t worry. I will post different snippets of code to illustrate every step as we were scrolling up and down in a file. The idea here is to explore the technique, not the syntax or peculiarities of Go.

You might notice that I’ll be using the term Array although in Go there is a difference between Arrays and Slices and, technically, I’ll be using Slices during the code.

I’ll also try to describe each step, so pretend we’re doing some Pair Programming

Let’s kick it off

All right. As I mentioned below, I’d like to start with a simple test that would force me to add the least amount of code just to get things working, then we can add more to it. In terms of which algorithm I intend to chose, I’ll go with Bubble sort. Then we evaluate if this is good enough for us, if not, we refactor our code to choose a different implementation. The important thing here is: at the end, regardless of the algorithm we choose, the tests need to pass as we’ll still want to sort our elements.

Also, for simplicity, our sorting algorithm will only be going to handle numbers (integers to be more precise).

Let’s start with the simplest input possible, which would be an empty array. Why? Because if we want to sort an empty array, the result should be an empty array! The approach I’d like to follow is to get things going with minimal moves as possible because we need constant feedback. We could start with an array with 4 elements and write a test which would expect this array to be sorted, but this would require us spending more time writing code, less time writing test. I’d like to get some balance and make sure we don’t leave any edge case behind.

package sorting_test

import (


func TestSort(t *testing.T) {
	t.Run("should return same value when array is empty", func(t *testing.T) {
		is := is.New(t)
		elements := [0]int{}
		expected := [0]int{}

		is.Equal(Sort(elements), expected)

Running the test above with go test, it will fail:

go test ./.
2021/06/08 14:06:17 exit status 2
# alabeduarte.com_test [alabeduarte.com.test]
./sorting_test.go:15:12: undefined: Sort
FAIL    alabeduarte.com [build failed]
FAIL (0.22 seconds)

This is because Sort method is not defined anywhere. Let’s make the minimal effort to get this passing than by defining the method and make it return an empty array so our test will pass!

// Implementation file

func Sort(_elements []int) []int {

	return []int{}

Note that we’re always returning an empty array, no matter what

Running the tests:

go test ./.
ok      alabeduarte.com 0.940s
PASS (0.39 seconds)

Now let’s add another test scenario where it will force us to write something other than hardcoded response:

// Test file

func TestSort(t *testing.T) {

  // previous test scenario is omitted here ...

  t.Run("should return same value when array has only one element", func(t *testing.T) {
    is := is.New(t)
    elements := []int{1}
    expected := []int{1}

    is.Equal(Sort(elements), expected)
go test ./.
2021/06/08 14:04:49 exit status 1
        sorting_test.go:29: [] != [1]
--- FAIL: TestSort (0.00s)
    --- FAIL: TestSort/should_return_same_value_when_array_has_only_one_element (0.00s)
FAIL    alabeduarte.com 0.101s
FAIL (0.31 seconds)

This is expected since our implementation code is always returning an empty array. Let’s change that and make the test pass, but in a way that would require the minimal effort possible to achieve that:

// Implementation file

func Sort(elements []int) []int {

	return elements

Note that returning the elements themselves satisfies both scenarios we have so far

go test ./.
ok      alabeduarte.com 0.766s
PASS (0.39 seconds)

Now that our two scenarios are passing, let’s evaluate our code so far…

Ok, looking at the code, there’s no much I can think of to improve, except for the fact that our tests are a bit verbose at the moment. We’re defining variables elements and expected in our tests, then we’re doing the following evaluation:

is.Equal(Sort(elements), expected)

Considering how simple our test is at the moment, I feel we could do things inline, so let’s refactor it:

// Test file

func TestSort(t *testing.T) {
	t.Run("should return same value when array is empty", func(t *testing.T) {
		is := is.New(t)

		is.Equal(Sort([]int{}), []int{})

	t.Run("should return same value when array has only one element", func(t *testing.T) {
		is := is.New(t)

		is.Equal(Sort([]int{1}), []int{1})

Now, running the tests, they still should be passing, since we didn’t add anything new:

go test ./.
ok      alabeduarte.com (cached)
PASS (0.24 seconds)

Good. Now everything is “green” (a.k.a passing), let’s add a new scenario that would actually require us to apply any sort of algorithm. However, let’s add something really simple, like 2 numbers:

// Test file

func TestSort(t *testing.T) {
  // ...

	t.Run("should return the lowest element followed by the largest element", func(t *testing.T) {
		is := is.New(t)

		is.Equal(Sort([]int{2, 1}), []int{1, 2})

As expected, the test should fail:

go test ./.
2021/06/08 14:21:11 exit status 1
        sorting_test.go:31: [2 1] != [1 2]
--- FAIL: TestSort (0.00s)
    --- FAIL: TestSort/should_return_the_lowest_element_followed_by_the_largest_element (0.00s)
FAIL    alabeduarte.com 0.098s
FAIL (0.34 seconds)

Now, let’s make it pass!

// Implementation file

func Sort(elements []int) []int {

	if len(elements) <= 1 {
		return elements

	return []int{elements[1], elements[0]}
go test ./.
ok      alabeduarte.com 0.759s
PASS (0.37 seconds)

That’s great! The tests are all passing. You might be wondering… our implementation doesn’t sound very reliable isn’t it? A few things can go wrong there… also, it feels like we’re cheating because we’re always grabbing the first and second element and returning them into the reverse order, there’s no sorting going on, to be honest. Let’s break the code down and discuss it further what we can do next:

// Implementation file

func Sort(elements []int) []int {

  // here we are checking if the length is less or equal to 1
  // which means that if the array is empty we will return the elements
  // themselves (an empty array) and if the array has only one element, it will
  // also return itself.
	if len(elements) <= 1 {
		return elements

  // On this case, we're grabbing the second elemnt and the first element and
  // swapping the order of the two
	return []int{elements[1], elements[0]}

Basically, if the array has more than 2 elements, our code will only return the first two with reverse order. So here are a few things that can go wrong with this algorithm:

  • When the elements’ length is greater than 2, our sorting algorithm will ignore the rest, returning an array with fewer elements
  • When the elements are already sorted, our sorting algorithm will mess it up by swapping the first two elements

Should we fix them? Yes, but we should do so only we have tests.

It is pretty clear that our code is doing the wrong thing. But as tempting as it might sound, let’s only add a new code into our implementation if we have a test scenario that would justify its existence!

So let’s start with the following test scenario:

// Test file

func TestSort(t *testing.T) {
  // ...

	t.Run("should return an array with the same length as the one provided as an input", func(t *testing.T) {
		is := is.New(t)

		sortedElements := Sort([]int{2, 1, 4, 3})
		actualLength := len(sortedElements)

		is.Equal(actualLength, 4)

As expected, the tests will fail:

go test ./.
2021/06/08 14:40:57 exit status 1
        sorting_test.go:44: 2 != 4
--- FAIL: TestSort (0.00s)
    --- FAIL: TestSort/should_return_an_array_with_the_same_length_as_the_one_provided_as_an_input (0.00s)
FAIL    alabeduarte.com 0.101s
FAIL (0.34 seconds)

Now let’s make it pass:

// Implementation file

func Sort(elements []int) []int {

	if len(elements) <= 1 {
		return elements

  // take the elements from index 2 onward
	rest := elements[2:]

  // append the rest to the original array we had
	return append([]int{elements[1], elements[0]}, rest...)

The tests are passing:

go test ./.
ok      alabeduarte.com 0.801s
PASS (0.47 seconds)

Since we are making sure the array length will always be the same but we’re still compliant with the other test scenarios. However, the implementation now is a bit clunky and this is a sign that it is time to actually implement the algorithm!

Let’s add a scenario that is simple enough to illustrate that we can sort more than 2 elements without having a clunky implementation. So let’s use 3 elements this time:

// Test file

func TestSort(t *testing.T) {
  // ...

	t.Run("should sort all the elements from the lowest to the largest", func(t *testing.T) {
		is := is.New(t)

		is.Equal(Sort([]int{2, 3, 1}), []int{1, 2, 3})

And it should fail, of course:

go test ./.
2021/06/08 14:56:24 exit status 1
        sorting_test.go:51: [3 2 1] != [1 2 3]
--- FAIL: TestSort (0.00s)
    --- FAIL: TestSort/should_sort_all_the_elements_from_the_lowest_to_the_largest (0.00s)
FAIL    alabeduarte.com 0.099s
FAIL (0.40 seconds)

Now let’s implement some sorting algorithm here. For now, let’s use the the algorithm called Bubble Sort.

As stated on Wikipedia, bubble sort is one of the simplest sorting algorithms to understand and implement, but its efficiency decreases dramatically on larger lists. More details here.

If you want to know more about the implementation of this algorithm in Go, I also suggest this material: https://tutorialedge.net/courses/go-algorithms-course/21-bubble-sort-in-go/

// Implementation file

func Sort(elements []int) []int {

	n := len(elements)
	if n <= 1 {
		return elements

	swapped := true

	for swapped {
		swapped = false

		for i := 0; i < n-1; i++ {
			if elements[i] > elements[i+1] {
				elements[i], elements[i+1] = elements[i+1], elements[i]
				swapped = true

	return elements

With the implementation above, all the tests should pass:

go test ./.
ok      alabeduarte.com 0.858s
PASS (0.51 seconds)


Our algorithm (bubble sort) is not the most efficient out there. The complexity of the algorithm is O(n²), where n is the number of elements being sorted. This means that its efficiency decreases as the number of elements grow. There are other options we can use here such as insertion sort or selection sort that are considered my efficient.

Without necessarily changing anything, let’s do a benchmark with our current algorithm using Go testing benchmarks.

First, let’s create a small function (within our test file) to generate random elements with a given length:

// Test file

func generateRandomElements(n int) []int {

	// initialise a slice with length and capacity of "n"
	elements := make([]int, n, n)

	// populate the slice with random elements
	for i, _ := range elements {
		elements[i] = rand.Int()

	return elements

Now let’s create a function that will iterate over our method Sort taking the testing.B as a parameter:

// Test file

func benchmarkBubbleSort(n int, b *testing.B) {

for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
  elements := generateRandomElements(n)

  // sort elements

Finally, let’s create some benchmark functions to test the efficiency of our code:

// Test file

func BenchmarkBubbleSort3(b *testing.B)      { benchmarkBubbleSort(3, b) }
func BenchmarkBubbleSort10(b *testing.B)     { benchmarkBubbleSort(10, b) }
func BenchmarkBubbleSort20(b *testing.B)     { benchmarkBubbleSort(20, b) }
func BenchmarkBubbleSort50(b *testing.B)     { benchmarkBubbleSort(50, b) }
func BenchmarkBubbleSort100(b *testing.B)    { benchmarkBubbleSort(100, b) }
func BenchmarkBubbleSort1000(b *testing.B)   { benchmarkBubbleSort(1_000, b) }
func BenchmarkBubbleSort100000(b *testing.B) { benchmarkBubbleSort(100_000, b) }

When running the following command:

$ go test -bench=.

Here’s the result:

go test -bench=.
goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
pkg: alabeduarte.com
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz
BenchmarkBubbleSort3-12                 17688249                67.22 ns/op
BenchmarkBubbleSort10-12                 4173184               303.4 ns/op
BenchmarkBubbleSort20-12                 1228124              1031 ns/op
BenchmarkBubbleSort50-12                  240789              4240 ns/op
BenchmarkBubbleSort100-12                  90360             13976 ns/op
BenchmarkBubbleSort1000-12                  1626            733388 ns/op
BenchmarkBubbleSort100000-12                   1        14456783580 ns/op

As you can see, when having 100,000 elements in the array, my machine took 14456783580 nanoseconds to perform the sorting, which was equivalent to about 14 seconds.

Let’s try the same using the Go’s standard library implementation to sort our elements. Let’s create a small function that will generate random elements and call the method Ints from the package sort:

func benchmarkGoSort(n int, b *testing.B) {

	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
		elements := generateRandomElements(n)

		// sort elements

Now let’s create similar benchmark functions that will compare our Sort functin against sort.Ints function:

func BenchmarkGoSort3(b *testing.B)      { benchmarkGoSort(3, b) }
func BenchmarkGoSort10(b *testing.B)     { benchmarkGoSort(10, b) }
func BenchmarkGoSort20(b *testing.B)     { benchmarkGoSort(20, b) }
func BenchmarkGoSort50(b *testing.B)     { benchmarkGoSort(50, b) }
func BenchmarkGoSort100(b *testing.B)    { benchmarkGoSort(100, b) }
func BenchmarkGoSort1000(b *testing.B)   { benchmarkGoSort(1_000, b) }
func BenchmarkGoSort100000(b *testing.B) { benchmarkGoSort(100_000, b) }

Now let’s run the benchmark:

go test -bench=.
goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
pkg: alabeduarte.com
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz
BenchmarkBubbleSort3-12                 18284776                67.53 ns/op
BenchmarkBubbleSort10-12                 4207515               295.9 ns/op
BenchmarkBubbleSort20-12                 1201567              1006 ns/op
BenchmarkBubbleSort50-12                  276207              4262 ns/op
BenchmarkBubbleSort100-12                  89107             13813 ns/op
BenchmarkBubbleSort1000-12                  1620            755969 ns/op
BenchmarkBubbleSort100000-12                   1        14532398965 ns/op

BenchmarkGoSort3-12                      9781417               124.5 ns/op
BenchmarkGoSort10-12                     2595421               439.4 ns/op
BenchmarkGoSort20-12                     1000000              1108 ns/op
BenchmarkGoSort50-12                      357010              3252 ns/op
BenchmarkGoSort100-12                     160202              7618 ns/op
BenchmarkGoSort1000-12                     10000            100856 ns/op
BenchmarkGoSort100000-12                      75          16205598 ns/op

As we can see, our algorithm using bubble sort seems a little better until 20 elements, where go standard library start to shine being way faster than ours.

Since the go standard library is more efficient, let’s change our implementation to use that instead and re-run the tests:

// Implementation file

func Sort(elements []int) []int {


	return elements

All tests should still be passing:

go test -v
=== RUN   TestSort
=== RUN   TestSort/should_return_same_value_when_array_is_empty
=== RUN   TestSort/should_return_same_value_when_array_has_only_one_element
=== RUN   TestSort/should_return_the_lowest_element_followed_by_the_largest_element
=== RUN   TestSort/should_return_an_array_with_the_same_length_as_the_one_provided_as_an_input
=== RUN   TestSort/should_sort_all_the_elements_from_the_lowest_to_the_largest
--- PASS: TestSort (0.00s)
    --- PASS: TestSort/should_return_same_value_when_array_is_empty (0.00s)
    --- PASS: TestSort/should_return_same_value_when_array_has_only_one_element (0.00s)
    --- PASS: TestSort/should_return_the_lowest_element_followed_by_the_largest_element (0.00s)
    --- PASS: TestSort/should_return_an_array_with_the_same_length_as_the_one_provided_as_an_input (0.00s)
    --- PASS: TestSort/should_sort_all_the_elements_from_the_lowest_to_the_largest (0.00s)
ok      alabeduarte.com 0.920s

If you are interested to see the entire code we’ve built, please uncollapse the section below:

(click to expand)

Final thoughts

If you read the article and came this far, thank you very much. I hope I was able illustrate how would be like to develop a sorting algorithm driven by tests.

You might have noticed that I wasn’t too concerned about picking up the most performing algorithm implementation, to begin with, but rather, I was interested to go through the journey of having written code guided by tests. In other words, my intention was to have tests that would justify the existence of any kind of implementation and avoid adding any extra code if there is no test for it and I hope I could make it clear and enjoyable.

Thank you for reading

I hope you enjoy this post, if you have any feedback or questions, hit me up on [email protected], I’d be happy to hear your thoughts and be better next time!

Other References

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