Introducing Lyft Engineering: Kyiv! | by Katerina Kozlova | May, 2021 | Lyft Eng...

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Introducing Lyft Engineering: Kyiv!

Lyft was founded in 2012 by Logan Green and John Zimmer with the mission to improve people’s lives with the world’s best transportation. Lyft is available to approximately 95 percent of people living in the United States, as well as select cities in Canada.

We would not be able to provide people with access to the world’s best transportation if we did not hire the world’s best talent. With that, we are thrilled to announce that Lyft is opening an Engineering office in Kyiv which, along with Lyft Minsk, will enhance our engineering presence in Eastern Europe.

Ukraine has nurtured a culture of science, technology and engineering education for many decades. With a large base of highly-skilled technology professionals and a highly-developed IT sector, Ukraine, and Kyiv in particular, is an ideal location for Lyft Engineering. Although there are no current plans to offer Lyft rideshare services in the region, we expect that our employees in Kyiv will be an integral part of Lyft’s success.

At Lyft we build great teams. We focus on recruiting and developing exceptional talent, collaboration, and combining our powers to accomplish more than we could alone. Ukraine team members can expect to work cross-functionally with some of the smartest technical talent in cities around the world. This includes San Francisco, New York City, Mexico City, Minsk, Munich, Seattle, London and Montréal. Many of our engineers have worked in other top-tier tech companies including Google, Facebook, and Amazon. Our Kyiv engineers are expected to work closely with global colleagues to solve complex problems and improve a product used by millions of people each day.

Initially, the office in Kyiv will focus on Mapping. The Mapping team’s purpose is to collect and serve the most current and accurate mapping data possible, along with algorithms, models, and platform services to power Lyft’s current and future transportation offerings. Lyft’s core products depend on highly sophisticated digital maps in order to facilitate dynamic, real-world interactions. Lyft Mapping helps users find the closest driver, choose between a scooter or a bike, and navigate through the cities smartly and swiftly. We’re excited to welcome Ukraine’s talented engineers to help deliver the world’s best transportation.

We envision a world where cities feel small again. Where transportation and technology bring people together. We see the future as community-driven — and it starts with you.

If you’re interested in an opportunity to solve challenging technical problems in a supportive and positive environment, please consider applying to any of our full-time positions in Kyiv!

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