Apple Sort Of Fixes One of the Biggest Problems of the Apple Watch 3

 3 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/apple-sort-of-fixes-one-of-the-biggest-problems-of-the-apple-watch-3-533057.shtml
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iOS 14.6 includes a new prompt to reset the Appel Watch

Apple has already launched the Apple Watch Series 6 and is soon getting ready to launch the Series 7, but on the other hand, the company keeps selling the Apple Watch Series 3 as well.

And if you’re wondering why, it’s because the Apple Watch 3 still offers a pretty impressive price to feature lineup ratio, so the Cupertino-based tech giant has no reason to pull this model as long as it allows customers to join its ecosystem at a lower price as compared to new-gen models.

But on the other hand, the Apple Watch Series 3 comes with a problem that’s harder and harder to deal with.

The software updates that Apple releases on a regular basis have become a nightmare to install on the Apple Watch 3, pretty much because there’s not enough space to do it. So watchOS keeps requesting users to delete media and apps from their devices before installing a new software update, and most often than not, this doesn’t make any difference anyway.

New feature in iOS 14.6

For example, I’ve been having a hard time installing new software updates on my Series 3 for many months already, and in almost every single case, a full reset was the only way to go.

And now according to a report from 9to5mac, Apple is working on dealing with the whole thing by adding a prompt requesting users to reset the Apple Watch directly.

In other words, the arrival of iOS 14.6 has added a new prompt telling users that the correct way to install a new watchOS update is to unpair the device and then restore it in order to get the latest version.

This isn’t necessarily the most convenient workaround, but it should do the job until Apple officially drops support for the Series 3 altogether.

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