Github GitHub - subhashlamba/spring-boot-microservice-example

 2 years ago
source link: https://github.com/subhashlamba/spring-boot-microservice-example
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Spring boot microservice example

This is example of spring boot microservice example with Eureka Server + Eureka Client + Spring Cloud API Gateway + OAuth2.0 + Circuit breaker

  • Eureka Server : Eureka service registry
  • Spring Cloud API Gateway: API Gateway which is responsible to route the request to specific microservice
  • Spring OAuth2.0: Authentication service and responsible to secure the end points.
  • User Service: User microservice with a basic feature (Eureka client)
    • Supports circuit breaker at the time of calling order service
  • Order Service: Order microservice with a basic feature (Eureka client)

Checkout repository

> git clone https://github.com/subhashlamba/spring-microservices.git
> cd spring-boot-microservices-example

Step 1: Start all services

1.1 For windows:

mvn clean install -f .\spring-boot-cloud-eureka-server\pom.xml
mvn clean install -f .\spring-boot-cloud-zuul-routing\pom.xml
mvn clean install -f .\spring-boot-cloud-eureka-user-service\pom.xml
mvn clean install -f .\spring-boot-cloud-eureka-order-service\pom.xml
mvn clean install -f .\spring-boot-cloud-authentication-service\pom.xml

START "Server" java -jar spring-boot-cloud-eureka-server/target/eureka-server.jar 
START "API Gateway" java -jar spring-boot-cloud-zuul-routing/target/zuul-api-gateway.jar --server.port=8080 
START "User Service" java -jar spring-boot-cloud-eureka-user-service/target/user-service.jar --server.port=8181
START "Order Service" java -jar spring-boot-cloud-eureka-order-service/target/order-service.jar --server.port=8282
START "Authentication Service" java -jar spring-boot-cloud-authentication-service/target/authentication-service.jar --server.port=8383

Step 2: Check Eureka Server

Eureka server is running 8761 port, Now let's open it. Where we can check that:

  • 1 instance of API Gateway service is running.
  • 1 instance of User service is running.
  • 1 instance of Order service is running.
  • 1 instance of Authentication service is running.

Eureka server : http://localhost:8761/

Step 3: Configure Zipkin Server (Optional)

1. Download the [https://zipkin.io/pages/quickstart] Download zipkin
2. Start zipkin using following command:
java -jar zipkin-server-2.23.2-exec.jar
3. Open zipkin server : [http://localhost:9411/](http://localhost:9411/)

Step 4: Generate OAuth2.0 token

curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:8080/oauth/token \
  -H 'authorization: Basic amF2YWRldmVsb3BlcnpvbmU6c2VjcmV0' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW' \
  -H 'postman-token: d2629b30-a7cf-fa72-df64-d71118afb549' \
  -F grant_type=password \
  -F username=zone1 \
  -F password=mypassword


    "access_token": "imdUX2_t_WQLSTUlaLBTjVyHUTg",
    "token_type": "bearer",
    "refresh_token": "zLufOQtLQO1u-8JP7KN64Dsc3wc",
    "expires_in": 522,
    "scope": "read write"

Step 5: Create user using user microservice

curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:8080/user/ \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer imdUX2_t_WQLSTUlaLBTjVyHUTg' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'postman-token: d73bb63f-969c-4081-1dee-77fa2b0f1f5a' \
  -d '{"firstName":"subhash", "lastName": "Lamba"}'

Step 6: Create order using order microservice

curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:8080/order/ \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer DF977lxKiBzdWKTkZsE7XevqK40' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'postman-token: 2256b83e-30dc-3b8e-26f0-8d13c0dcfd44' \
  -d '{"userId":1, "orderDate": "2021-01-01"}'

Step 7: Get user and order using user microservice

curl -X GET \
  http://localhost:8080/user/1 \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer DF977lxKiBzdWKTkZsE7XevqK40' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'postman-token: 5163fb23-f54f-c793-9faa-e9df54eab9d5' \
  -d '{"userId":1, "orderDate": "2021-01-01"}'
    "user": {
        "id": 1,
        "firstName": "subhash",
        "lastName": "Lamba"
    "orders": [
            "id": 5,
            "orderDate": "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000+00:00",
            "userId": 1

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