「 Run short links service with AKA 」- 如何部署AKA

 2 years ago
source link: https://blog.186526.xyz/post/run-with-aka/
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「 Run short links service with AKA 」- 如何部署AKA


AKA 将会在近期使用 sw2express 进行重构。
KV 所存储的数据类型将不会兼容于旧版,届时会发布数据转换脚本。

AKA (Also Known As) 是一个简洁,快速,前后端分离,运行于 Cloudflare 的短网址服务。

Demo: 186.rip

AKA 分别有两个 Worker 组成,分别是其的的前端以及后端,你需要在本地安装 node > 12 的环境来支持其部署。


本次教程使用 node v12.19.0 wrangler 1.12.3 Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) in a Docker Container , The Host uses Archlinux



安装 wrangler

wrangler 是一个 Worker 部署工具,你可以使用其来部署 Worker

你可以和我一样,选择使用 npm 进行安装。

npm i @cloudflare/wrangler -g

如果你使用 Windows ,你可以选择下载并安装 wrangler二进制包

wrangler 中登陆帐号

使用 wrangler login 来进行授权。


这里推荐使用 git 来拉取本项目,并使用 npm 作为包管理

$ git clone https://github.com/186526/aka.git

Cloning into 'aka'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 157, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (157/157), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (96/96), done.
remote: Total 157 (delta 63), reused 148 (delta 54), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (157/157), 468.87 KiB | 23.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (63/63), done.

$ cd aka

$ cd frontend

$ npm i

打开 aka/backend 文件夹,你可以找到一个名为 wrangler.example.toml 的文件。
该文件是 aka/backendwrangler 默认配置文件。

将其重命名为 wrangler.toml ,并修改其内容

## Worker名称
name = "aka"
## 项目配置信息,不要修改
type = "javascript"
## accound_id 必须修改 可以在 「 Domain - API - Account ID 」 找到
account_id = "<account_id>"
## worker.dev 域名分配,可关闭
workers_dev = true
## cloudflare route,若绑定自己域名需修改<domain>为自己域名
route = "<domain>/*"
## zone_id 只有在需要绑定域名时填写,可以在 「 Domain - API - Zone ID 」找到。
zone_id = "<zone_id>"
## <kv id> 填写为下文挂载的 kv
kv_namespaces = [
{ binding = "__aka__", id = "<kv id>" }

新建 KV 并挂载到对应项目

这里使用 wrangler 新建 kv

$ wrangler kv:namespace create __aka__
🌀 Creating namespace with title "aka-__aka__"
✨ Success!
Add the following to your configuration file in your kv_namespaces array:
{ binding = "__aka__", id = "*********" }

id 的内容复制到上处 wrangler.toml<kv id>

部署后端 🚀


$ wrangler publish
✨ JavaScript project found. Skipping unnecessary build!
✨ Successfully published your script to
16sl.ga/* => stayed the same

这里使用 curl 请求api来测试部署是否成功

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":3,"method":"create","params":{"name":"186rip","url":"https://186.rip"}}' https://<your_domain>/api/jsonrpc | jq


"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": "/186rip",
"id": 3


打开 aka/frontend 文件夹,你可以找到一个名为 wrangler.example.toml 的文件。
该文件是 aka/frontendwrangler 默认配置文件。

将其重命名为 wrangler.toml ,并修改其内容

## 项目名称
name = "aka_frontend"
## 项目类型 不要修改
type = "webpack"
## 用户ID 看上文如何获取
account_id = "<account_id>"
## worker.dev域名 可修改
workers_dev = true
## Clouflare Route,请将 <domain> 修改为上面所用域名
routes = [
## zone_id 看上文进行修改
zone_id = "<zone_id>"

## Cloudflare Worker kv website的存储桶设置,不建议进行修改
bucket = "./build"
## 编译时所用worker,不要修改
entry-point = "workers-site"

部署前端 🚀

$ npm run build

> @ build /workspaces/aka/frontend
> snowpack build;mv ./build/_dist_/sw.js ./build/sw.js;node ./build.mjs

[snowpack] ! building source files...
[snowpack] ✔ build complete [0.06s]
[snowpack] ! installing dependencies...
[snowpack] ✔ install complete! [2.76s]
[snowpack] ! verifying build...
[snowpack] ✔ verification complete [0.01s]
[snowpack] ! writing build to disk...
[snowpack] ! optimizing build...
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
js/index.026479135f133c2ca9ad.js 121 KiB 0 [emitted] [immutable] index
js/index.026479135f133c2ca9ad.js.LICENSE.txt 95 bytes [emitted]
js/webpack-runtime.5072755c7971ba0e8aa3.js 1.46 KiB 1 [emitted] [immutable] webpack-runtime
manifest.json 223 bytes [emitted]
[snowpack] ✔ optimize complete [5.75s]
[snowpack] ▶ Build Complete! ## 当你看到该句时,表明编译成功

(node:16309) ExperimentalWarning: The ESM module loader is experimental.

$ wrangler publish

⚠️ The following routes in your configuration file should have a trailing * to apply the Worker on every path, otherwise your site will not behave as expected.
✨ Built successfully, built project size is 13 KiB.
🌀 Using namespace for Workers Site "__aka_frontend-workers_sites_assets"
✨ Success
🌀 Uploading site files
✨ Successfully published your script to
16sl.ga/cdn-sources/* => stayed the same
16sl.ga/sw.js => stayed the same
16sl.ga/js/* => stayed the same
16sl.ga/css/* => stayed the same
16sl.ga/ => stayed the same
16sl.ga/index.html => stayed the same
16sl.ga/assets/* => stayed the same
16sl.ga/web_modules/* => stayed the same
16sl.ga/_dist_/* => stayed the same
16sl.ga/__snowpack__/* => stayed the same


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Aggregate valuable and interesting links.
Joyk means Joy of geeK