鸿蒙内核源码分析(编译环境篇) | 编译鸿蒙看这篇或许真的够了 | 百篇博客分析HarmonyO...

 3 years ago
source link: https://my.oschina.net/weharmony/blog/5028613
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鸿蒙内核源码分析(编译环境篇) | 编译鸿蒙看这篇或许真的够了 | 百篇博客分析HarmonyOS源码 | v50.02 - 鸿蒙内核源码分析的个人空间 - OSCHINA - 中文开源技术交流社区

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  • 先安装 Docker Desktop 下载windows版本一直下一步.

  • 在windows下拉取openharmony-docker官方镜像,Docker方式获取编译环境 强烈推荐这么做.

    docker pull swr.cn-south-1.myhuaweicloud.com/openharmony-docker/openharmony-docker:0.0.3

    2.36G, 拉取看网速, 大概10分钟后成功了,有了镜像

    PS E:\harmony\kernel_liteos_a_note> docker images
    REPOSITORY                                                               TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED       SIZE  
    swr.cn-south-1.myhuaweicloud.com/openharmony-docker/openharmony-docker   0.0.3     50d0aa6ea9ba   2 weeks ago   2.36GB
  • vscode对docker的管理插件非常的强大,管理镜像和容器的工作就交给它了.

  • 启动docker,创建好容器,本文的选择是这样的,当然大家可以灵活处理,命名.

    容器创建成功后可以在 vscode 右键容器inspect查看到绑定的目录.

    "HostConfig": {
        "Binds": [


  • repo方式下载源码 进入容器,vscode右键容器 Attach shell

    root@5e3abe332c5a:/home/harmony#repo init -u https://gitee.com/openharmony/manifest.git -b master --no-repo-verify
    root@5e3abe332c5a:/home/harmony#repo sync -c


  • 下载完成之后的样子

    root@5e3abe332c5a:/home/harmony# ls
    applications  base  build  build.py  developtools  device  docs  domains  drivers  foundation  kernel  ohos_config.json   prebuilts  test  third_party  utils  vendor
  • 在源码的根目录执行如下命令安装hb

    root@5e3abe332c5a:/home/harmony#python3 -m pip install --user build/lite
  • 设置编译路径,选择当前路径

    root@5e3abe332c5a:/home/harmony#hb set
    [OHOS INFO] Input code path: .
    OHOS Which product do you need?  (Use arrow keys)
    ❯ ipcamera_hispark_aries
  • 直接回车,代表选择了ipcamera_hispark_aries,这三个对应平台的关系如下

  • 执行编译,过程大概20分钟

    root@5e3abe332c5a:/home/harmony#hb build -f
  • 查看编译结果


    目录名          描述
    applications    应用程序样例,包括wifi-iot,camera等
    base            基础软件服务子系统集&硬件服务子系统集
    build           组件化编译、构建和配置脚本
    docs            说明文档
    domains         增强软件服务子系统集
    drivers         驱动子系统
    foundation      系统基础能力子系统集
    kernel          内核子系统
    prebuilts       编译器及工具链子系统
    test            测试子系统
    third_party     开源第三方组件
    utils           常用的工具集
    vendor          厂商提供的软件
    build.py        编译脚本文件
    out             编译后生成


root@5e3abe332c5a:/home/harmony/out/hispark_aries/ipcamera_hispark_aries# ls
args.gn      build.log      bundle_daemon_tool.map  dev_tools       libs              NOTICE_FILE  OHOS_Image.asm  rootfs            suites     toggleButtonTest.map  userfs            vendor
bin          build.ninja    config                  etc             liteos.bin        obj          OHOS_Image.bin  rootfs_jffs2.img  test       toolchain.ninja       userfs_jffs2.img
bm_tool.map  build.ninja.d  data                    foundation.map  media_server.map  OHOS_Image   OHOS_Image.map  server.map        test_info  unstripped            usr


root@5e3abe332c5a:/home/harmony/out/hispark_aries/ipcamera_hispark_aries/bin# ls
ai_server        module_ActsAbilityMgrTest.bin   module_ActsGraphVersionTest.bin  module_ActsJFFS2CapabilityTest.bin  module_ActsNFSTest.bin           module_ActsSurfaceTest.bin         os_dump
apphilogcat      module_ActsBootstrapTest.bin    module_ActsHeapBaseTest.bin      module_ActsJFFS2DACTest.bin         module_ActsParameterTest.bin     module_ActsSysApiTest.bin          query.bin
appspawn         module_ActsBundleMgrTest.bin    module_ActsHilogTest.bin         module_ActsJFFS2Test.bin            module_ActsPMSTest.bin           module_ActsTimeApiTest.bin         shell
bundle_daemon    module_ActsColorTest.bin        module_ActsIoApiTest.bin         module_ActsKvStoreTest.bin          module_ActsProcessApiTest.bin    module_ActsTransformTest.bin       tftp
CalcSubTest.bin  module_ActsDyloadTest.bin       module_ActsIpcMqTest.bin         module_ActsListTest.bin             module_ActsRectTest.bin          module_ActsUiInterfaceTest1.bin    wms_server
foundation       module_ActsFutexApiTest.bin     module_ActsIpcPipeTest.bin       module_ActsLwipTest.bin             module_ActsSamgrTest.bin         module_ActsUtilApiTest.bin
hilogcat         module_ActsGeometyr2dTest.bin   module_ActsIpcSemTest.bin        module_ActsMathApiTest.bin          module_ActsSchedApiTest.bin      module_ActsVFATCapabilityTest.bin
init             module_ActsGraphicMathTest.bin  module_ActsIpcShmTest.bin        module_ActsMemApiTest.bin           module_ActsSecurityDataTest.bin  module_ActsVFATDACTest.bin
media_server     module_ActsGraphMemApiTest.bin  module_ActsIpcSignalTest.bin     module_ActsNetTest.bin              module_ActsSoftBusTest.bin       module_ActsVFATTest.bin

这难道都是ELF格式可执行程序? 用readelf命令试下shell就知道了.果然是shell程序,加载它将创建激动人心的shell进程

root@5e3abe332c5a:/home/harmony/out/hispark_aries/ipcamera_hispark_aries/bin# readelf -h shell
ELF Header:
  Magic:   7f 45 4c 46 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  Class:                             ELF32
  Data:                              2's complement, little endian
  Version:                           1 (current)
  OS/ABI:                            UNIX - System V
  ABI Version:                       0
  Type:                              DYN (Shared object file)
  Machine:                           ARM
  Version:                           0x1
  Entry point address:               0x1000
  Start of program headers:          52 (bytes into file)
  Start of section headers:          25268 (bytes into file)
  Flags:                             0x5000200, Version5 EABI, soft-float ABI
  Size of this header:               52 (bytes)
  Size of program headers:           32 (bytes)
  Number of program headers:         11
  Size of section headers:           40 (bytes)
  Number of section headers:         27
  Section header string table index: 26


root@5e3abe332c5a:/home/harmony/out/hispark_aries/ipcamera_hispark_aries/bin# readelf -h module_ActsListTest.bin 
ELF Header:
  Magic:   7f 45 4c 46 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00        
  Class:                             ELF32
  Data:                              2's complement, little endian
  Version:                           1 (current)
  OS/ABI:                            UNIX - System V
  ABI Version:                       0
  Type:                              DYN (Shared object file)     
  Machine:                           ARM
  Version:                           0x1
  Entry point address:               0xb000
  Start of program headers:          52 (bytes into file)
  Start of section headers:          172256 (bytes into file)
  Flags:                             0x5000200, Version5 EABI, soft-float ABI
  Size of this header:               52 (bytes)
  Size of program headers:           32 (bytes)
  Number of program headers:         11
  Size of section headers:           40 (bytes)
  Number of section headers:         27
  Section header string table index: 26



  Entry point address:               0x1000
  Entry point address:               0xb000



root@5e3abe332c5a:/home/harmony/out/hispark_aries/ipcamera_hispark_aries/bin# readelf -help
readelf: option requires an argument -- 'p'
Usage: readelf <option(s)> elf-file(s)
 Display information about the contents of ELF format files       
 Options are:
  -a --all               Equivalent to: -h -l -S -s -r -d -V -A -I
  -h --file-header       Display the ELF file header
  -l --program-headers   Display the program headers
     --segments          An alias for --program-headers
  -S --section-headers   Display the sections' header
     --sections          An alias for --section-headers
  -g --section-groups    Display the section groups
  -t --section-details   Display the section details
  -e --headers           Equivalent to: -h -l -S
  -s --syms              Display the symbol table
     --symbols           An alias for --syms
  --dyn-syms             Display the dynamic symbol table
  -n --notes             Display the core notes (if present)      
  -r --relocs            Display the relocations (if present)
  -u --unwind            Display the unwind info (if present)
  -d --dynamic           Display the dynamic section (if present)
  -V --version-info      Display the version sections (if present)
  -A --arch-specific     Display architecture specific information (if any)
  -c --archive-index     Display the symbol/file index in an archive
  -D --use-dynamic       Use the dynamic section info when displaying symbols
  -x --hex-dump=<number|name>
                         Dump the contents of section <number|name> as bytes
  -p --string-dump=<number|name>
                         Dump the contents of section <number|name> as strings
  -R --relocated-dump=<number|name>
                         Dump the contents of section <number|name> as relocated bytes
  -z --decompress        Decompress section before dumping it
  -w[lLiaprmfFsoRtUuTgAckK] or
                         Display the contents of DWARF debug sections
  --dwarf-depth=N        Do not display DIEs at depth N or greater
  --dwarf-start=N        Display DIEs starting with N, at the same depth
                         or deeper
  --ctf=<number|name>    Display CTF info from section <number|name>
                         Use section <number|name> as the CTF parent

                         Use section <number|name> as the CTF external symtab

                         Use section <number|name> as the CTF external strtab

  -I --histogram         Display histogram of bucket list lengths
  -W --wide              Allow output width to exceed 80 characters
  @<file>                Read options from <file>
  -H --help              Display this information
  -v --version           Display the version number of readelf



root@5e3abe332c5a:/home/harmony/out/hispark_aries/ipcamera_hispark_aries/bin# ls | grep -v .bin


ai_server       AI业务子系统            https://gitee.com/openharmony/ai_engine
apphilogcat     小型系统的流水日志功能   https://gitee.com/openharmony/hiviewdfx_hilog_lite
appspawn        应用孵化模块进程        https://gitee.com/openharmony/startup_appspawn_lite
bundle_daemon   用户程序框架内部工具接口 https://gitee.com/openharmony/appexecfwk_appexecfwk_lite
foundation      foundation系统进程      https://gitee.com/openharmony/distributedschedule_safwk_lite
hilogcat        管理日志打印            https://gitee.com/openharmony/hiviewdfx_hilog_lite
init            用户态祖宗进程          1号进程, -> 鸿蒙内核源码分析(特殊进程篇)
media_server    播放模块框架实现        https://gitee.com/openharmony/multimedia_media_lite
os_dump         备份文件系统            utils\native\lite\os_dump\os_dump.c
shell           窥视内核的窗口          3号进程, -> 鸿蒙内核源码分析(shell篇)
tftp            传输文件                third_party\curl\lib\tftp.c
wms_server      窗口管理服务            https://gitee.com/openharmony/graphic_wms


int main(int argc, char * const argv[])
    HILOG_INFO(HILOG_MODULE_HIVIEW, "[appspawn] main, enter.");

    // 1. ipc module init

    // 2. register signal for SIGCHLD

    // 3. keep process alive
    HILOG_INFO(HILOG_MODULE_HIVIEW, "[appspawn] main, entering wait.");
    while (1) {
        // pause only returns when a signal was caught and the signal-catching function returned.
        // pause only returns -1, no need to process the return value.


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