Yamauchi No.10 Family Office

 3 years ago
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Yamauchi No.10 Family Office

Yamauchi No.10 Family Office

Since 2020
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Our family journey - What we’re about



  • 山内溥のレガシーである「独創性」、「チャレンジ精神」、「先見性」、「ユーザー目線の思考」 を継承していく。

    We must continue the legacy that Hiroshi Yamauchi built around creativity, boundary pushing, foresight, and consideration for the customer.

  • チャレンジ精神をもって次代の社会課題に向き合うことで、常識にとらわれないイノベーションを起こし続ける。

    We must proactively take on the social challenges faced by the next generation and continuously produce innovative ideas.

  • リーダーシップをもって日本社会課題の解決の為に投資を行い、富を社会に還元することで社会と繋がっていく。

    We must proactively make investments designed to tackle the social issues faced by Japan, so that we may be able to return our inherited material and spiritual wealth to the public and deepen our relationship with society.

  • 山内家の発展のために、先祖から紡がれ次世代へと引き継いでいく一族資産を運用し、永続的な社会への貢献を目指す。

    To expand the Yamauchi family legacy, we must apply the assets we have inherited from our ancestors towards helping to achieve an enduring society.



  • 01. Business Incubation


    私たちは自らの資産に常に意味を与えていく。意味・目的を持たない資産は、無機質な金銭へと形を変えてしまうからだ。先代たちの挑戦によって築かれた富によって、私たちは更なる挑戦へと歩みを進める。Yamauchi-No.10 Family Officeは、独創の精神を大切にしながら、次世代に必要とされるアイデア・技術・事業を開発していく。

    Assets that have no meaning or purpose simply turn into cold, lifeless cash—and that is why we at the Yamauchi No. 10 Family Office are constantly looking for new meaning in our assets. Our ancestors built a sizable fortune in material and spiritual wealth, and we intend to make full use of this inheritance as we tackle new challenges.Our goal is to preserve the unique creativity and pioneering mindset we inherited from our ancestors by developing ideas, technologies, and businesses that the next generation will need.

  • 02. Philanthropy



    It is our duty to never forget where our assets come from. They come from the money spent by people around the world—as well as their children, friends, and family—on products that have brought them hours of entertainment. In return, we must provide children across the world with the material wealth, knowledge, and wisdom that they will need when they inherit our society.

  • 03. Investment



    Our goal is to use our investments to drive innovation in Japan. By being more proactive in the companies we invest in, we can achieve the kind of reforms needed in this country to popularize the idea of taking on new challenges to generate innovative ideas, products, and services. One of our missions is to provide managerial and monetary support to businesses suffering from structural and financial problems, using a variety of investment styles to avoid limiting our options. By doing so, we hope to reveal the true value of these companies and the true quality of their businesses, employees, technologies, philosophies, assets, and histories.



    Joint Representatives / 共同代表者


    Banjo Yamauchi & Family


    Members of the family of the founder of Nintendo Co.,Ltd. Members are based in Kyoto and Tokyo and active globally. It is our mission to carry on the management philosophy of Nintendo’s founder and leaders, and take a leadership role in contributing to society and developing ideas, technology and leaders that will be needed in future generations.


    Chief Operating Officer, Executive Office / 最高執行責任者, 執行部

    Yoshiya Ichimura

    1987年、野村證券投資信託委託(現野村アセットマネジメント)入社。人事、経営企画、ニューヨーク勤務等を経て2000年、モルガン・スタンレー・グループに商品開発担当として入社。2003年、野村アセットマネジメントに再入社。ロンドン現法COO、運用審査部長、国際業務部長等を歴任。2013年、シュローダー・インベストメント・ジャパンに経営会議メンバーとして入社し、プロダクト部門・マーケティング部門等を担当。2021年、幣オフィスのChief Operating Officerに就任。

    Yoshiya entered Nomura Securities Investment Trust Management (currently Nomura Asset Management) in 1987. He worked in human resources, corporate planning, and at the New York office before joining Morgan Stanley Group, in charge of product development in 2000. He rejoined Nomura Asset Management in 2003, where he held several posts including COO of the London office, Managing Director of Performance Analysis and Risk Management, and Head of International Business Development. In 2013, he joined Schroder Investment Management Japan as a member of the Executive Management Committee and worked as Head of Product and Marketing. In 2021, he joined the Yamauchi No.10 Family Office as Chief Operating Officer.


    Co-Chief Investment Officer, Investment Office / 共同最高投資責任者, 投資運用部

    Hirowaka Murakami

    ドイツ証券、ゴールドマン・サックス証券を経て、2020年より弊オフィス共同最高投資責任者として参画。これまで成長企業から成熟企業まで数多くの本邦企業に対する事業・財務戦略支援及び、Turnaround / Special situations下でのエクイティ性商品・ローン性商品・売掛債権・NPL、デリバティブ等に係る契約の組成及び自己勘定投資に従事。

    After stints at Deutsche Bank Group and Goldman Sachs, Hirowaka joined the Yamauchi No.10 Family Office as Co-Chief Investment Officer in 2020. In his previous positions, he provided strategic support regarding business and financial strategy for numerous Japanese companies, including both growth companies and mature companies. In addition, he was engaged in Turnaround/Special Situations including exploring/structuring opportunistic private transactions, and investments in highly structured solution-based financings, including preferred equity, warrants, convertible bonds, mezzanine debt, high-yield bonds, accounts receivable, NPL, and derivatives, etc.


    Chief Research Officer, Research Office / 最高調査責任者, 調査部

    Masaru Sugiyama

    2010年にゴールドマン・サックス証券に入社し以降10年間投資調査部門にてゲーム、インターネット、放送/広告、民生電機セクター等の担当アナリスト業務に従事。長期的な産業発展を見据えた提案を世界の機関投資家や経営者に発信。2019年経済産業省eスポーツを活性化させるための方策に関する検討会委員として市場拡大のための施策を提言。2020年株式会社サイカ執行役員CFOに就任。同年より幣オフィスのChief Research Officerを兼任。

    Masaru joined Goldman Sachs in 2010 as an analyst in the Global Investment Research division and spent 10 years researching video games, Internet, broadcasting/advertising, and the consumer electronics sectors, etc. He has been crafting proposals based on long-term visions for growth of the industry to global institutional investors and corporate executives. As part of a 2019 METI initiative to promote eSports, he was a member of the METI Investigative Commission on Measures for Vitalizing Esports. In 2020, he joined XICA as CFO, a position he continues to hold today. In the same year, he joined the Yamauchi No.10 Family Office as Chief Research Officer.


    Executive Advisor / エグゼクティブアドバイザー

    Takashi Yoneda

    日本興業銀行本店にて為替トレーディング、国際営業、企業審査(M&Aの審査を含む)、プライベートバンキング業務等幅広く担当。1999年米国最大のFP支援専門証券会社LPL Financial Serviceの対日直接投資に伴い同社の日本法人エル・ピー・エル日本証券(現在PWM日本証券)の代表取締役に就任。8年間CEOを務めた後、同社会長を2010年6月に退任。2013年10月より早稲田大学大学院商学部(MBA)客員教授就任。2017年12月より早稲田大学商学学術院ビジネス・ファイナンス研究センター上級研究員。2020年より、幣オフィスのExecutive Advisorを兼任。

    Takashi worked in a variety of roles at the Industrial Bank of Japan, Head Office, including, currency trading, international sales, credit department (including M&A valuation), and private banking. In 1999, he became CEO of LPL Japan Securities (now PWM Japan Securities), the Japanese subsidiary of LPL Financial, America’s leading securities firm specializing in FP support in 1999, when it started direct investment in Japan. After serving as CEO for 8 years, he was promoted to Chairman and subsequently retired in June, 2010. He became a guest lecturer at Waseda University Faculty of Commerce, Institute for Business and Finance from October 2013 and has been a Senior Research Fellow at the institute since December 2017. He joined the Yamauchi No.10 Family Office as Executive Advisor from 2020.


    Executive Advisor / エグゼクティブアドバイザー

    Toshihiko Hiura

    日本興業銀行入行。1986年ベイン・アンド・カンパニー入社、2008年同社東京オフィス代表に就任、2014年同社会長に就任し、2020年退任。同年より幣オフィスExecutive Advisorに就任。WT bridge代表取締役社長、株式会社エクサウィザーズ社外取締役、アルヒ株式会社社外取締役、まちの研究所株式会社社外取締役、聖マリアンナ医科大学客員教授。

    Toshihiko started his career at the Industrial Bank of Japan. He joined Bain & Co. in 1986 and was appointed head partner at the company’s Tokyo office in 2008 and then Chairman in 2014. He left the company in 2020. In the same year, he joined the Yamauchi No.10 Family Office as Executive Advisor. Other positions he currently holds include: outside director of ExaWizards, outside director of Aruhi Corp., outside director of Machino Research Institute, and guest lecturer at St. Marianna University School of Medicine.

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