Building a balancing robot with Azure Sphere | Azure Friday | Channel 9

 3 years ago
source link: https://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/Azure-Friday/Building-a-balancing-robot-with-Azure-Sphere?WT_mc_id=DOP-MVP-4025064
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Mike Hall shows Scott Hanselman how his team built a self-balancing robot using Azure Sphere and Azure RTOS that can be controlled and updated remotely from Azure IoT Central. In addition, the robot supports deferred updates for the OS and applications, which ensures the robot is in a safe position before initiating an update.

[0:00:00]– Introduction
[0:02:30]– Azure Sphere, Azure RTOS, and embedded systems
[0:07:45]– DEMO: Updating a real time system
[0:17:12]– DEMO: Balancing robot
[0:19:51]– Development, prototype, and custom boards



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