Yo Vivo Cantando! - Performance/Accompaniment CD Sheet Music

 3 years ago
source link: https://www.apassant.net/yo-vivo-cantando-performance-accompaniment-cd/
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Yo Vivo Cantando! - Performance/Accompaniment CD Sheet Music 1
  • Artist: Jerry Estes
  • Instruments:
  • Format: performance/accompaniment CD
  • Genre: Concert
  • Lead Time: 1 to 2 weeks
  • Publisher: Heritage Music Press


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John Adam Estes (January 25, 1899 or 1900 – June 5, 1977), known as Sleepy John Estes, was an American blues guitarist, songwriter and vocalist. His music influenced such artists as The Beatles, Bob Dylan and Led Zeppelin.

== Life and career ==
Estes was born in Ripley, Tennessee, either in 1899 (the date on his gravestone) or 1900 (the date on his World War I draft card). In 1915, his father, a sharecropper who played guitar, moved the family to Brownsville, Tennessee. Not long after, Estes lost the sight in his right eye when a friend threw a rock at him. At the age of 19, while working as a field hand, he began to perform professionally, mostly at parties and picnics, with the accompaniment of Hammie Nixon, a harmonica player, and James “Yank” Rachell, a guitarist and mandolin player. Estes continued to work on and off with both musicians for more than fifty years.

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