How would you tell Django to return ImageField.url (not relative path) when seri...

 3 years ago
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How would you tell Django to return ImageField.url (not relative path) when serializing a model?


ImageField on the model

some_image = models.ImageField(upload_to= get_upload_path)

This is what i use for serializing:

data = serializers.serialize("json",ModelName.objects.all(),use_natural_keys=True)

the json i get for some_image is relative to the MEDIA_URL

to solve it manualy i call some_image.url, and that works fine, how do i make it so this will be the default value that the image returns when using serializers.serialize

Here are the docs for specifying which fields get serialized: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/serialization/#subset-of-fields

It sounds like you should include url and all the other fields except some_image.

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