What is WSGI and CGI in plain English?

 3 years ago
source link: https://www.codesd.com/item/what-is-wsgi-and-cgi-in-plain-english.html
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What is WSGI and CGI in plain English?


Every time I read either WSGI or CGI I cringe. I've tried reading on it before but nothing really has stuck.

What is it really in plain English?

Does it just pipe requests to a terminal and redirect the output?

WSGI runs the Python interpreter on web server start, either as part of the web server process (embedded mode) or as a separate process (daemon mode), and loads the script into it. Each request results in a specific function in the script being called, with the request environment passed as arguments to the function.

CGI runs the script as a separate process each request and uses environment variables, stdin, and stdout to "communicate" with it.

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