Young Coder’s Top Articles of 2020
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Young Coder’s Top Articles of 2020
It’s that time of year again, when we toast 2020 and look forward to 2021. This year, I suspect we’ll do more of the latter than the former.
Over at Young Coder, we released some blazingly popular reads in 2020. Here are the ones that topped the charts:
- This year’s runaway success was Mozilla: The Greatest Tech Company Left Behind. It’s the story of how we’re losing one of the most influential tech companies of the past two decades.
- As software developers, we sometimes spend so much time keeping up with the new that we forget to learn from the past. 5 Famous Programming Quotes explains key bits of wisdom from computer history.
- Is programming still a golden ticket to a good career? Consider the question in Is the Golden Age of Programming Over?
- This year, developers followed Microsoft’s ambitious attempt to reunify .NET. We previewed the changes in one of the year’s most popular articles, and reviewed the final product last month.
- Need to explain what you do all day to a non techie? This article can help.
- And just for fun, try looking up your favorite programming terms in the Devil’s Dictionary of Software Design.
That’s all for 2020! To follow all our newly published pieces, connect with Young Coder on Twitter. And if there’s a young person in your life, download our free exercise-driven eBook, A Tiny Introduction to JavaScript.
Until next time, and thanks for reading.
About Joyk
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Joyk means Joy of geeK