Only 11 TV shows received a perfect score on Rotten Tomatoes this year (so far)....

 3 years ago
source link: https://medium.com/insider/only-11-tv-shows-received-a-perfect-score-on-rotten-tomatoes-this-year-so-far-e446022b486a
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Only 11 TV shows received a perfect score on Rotten Tomatoes this year (so far). See them all here.

Responses (12)

The first season is just six total episodes, each about 25 minutes long, which means it falls squarely into the trend of short-TV that’s dominating the media landscape right now.

This is how British comedy has always worked. Shows like Blackadder, Fawlty Towers, Red Dwarf, Reginald Perrin, Father Ted, and The Office are all seasons of 6 episodes X 25 minutes.
I apologize for being a bit of a heckler, but I can’t help but notice animated shows were left off this list, even though quite a few also got 100% ratings on RottenTomatoes as well. Infinity Train, Hilda, Kipo & the Age of Wonderbeasts, Bojack…...
Schitts Creek is one of the very rare shows I actually watched every episode. I’m worst at finishing shows, and this one had me laughing out loud!
Can’t say enough good things about “What We Do In The Shadows” with its keen satire on human behavior through an unusual and hilarious lens. But you also HAVE to see the movie, not necessarily to appreciate the tv version but because it’s also really fun/great/smart!
PEN15 is a fantastic show. It casts the girls as themselves in middle school while surrounding them with actual 12&13 year old actors. That fact seemed strange at first before I watched it, but now I couldn’t imagine them doing it any other way.
Oh. I hadn’t heard of or seen a single one of these, though a Mediumer wrote about Schitts’ Creek, a month or so ago.

Netflix’s new series ‘The Baby-Sitters Club’ is based on the best-selling book series

I watched every episode in one sitting. Then I asked my teenaged daughters if they wanted to watch it with me again lol.
It was so true to the stories. Although I liked Kristy more in the books than the show.
Claudia is still my all time favorite.
Lovecraft Country is easily the best tv show this year. Newsflash: RT is flawed.

Only 11 TV shows received a perfect score on Rotten Tomatoes this year (so far). See them all here.

Rotten Tomatoes keeps a list of the top television shows of all time based on critics’ scores. See which of your favorites made the list this year.

Anya Taylor-Joy and Thomas Brodie-Sangster costar in “The Queen’s Gambit” on Netflix.
Anya Taylor-Joy and Thomas Brodie-Sangster costar in “The Queen’s Gambit” on Netflix.
Anya Taylor-Joy and Thomas Brodie-Sangster costar in “The Queen’s Gambit” on Netflix. Photo: Netflix

By Kim Renfro

Rotten Tomatoes keeps a running list of the top television show seasons of all time based on critics’ scores…

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