Nim Apocrypha, Vol. I

 3 years ago
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Nim Apocrypha, Vol. I

2020 Dec 21

Table of contents


Greetings fellow Nim adventurers! Below you will find 16 handy Nim tips & tricks I came across while developing a medium-sized GUI program this year, Gridmonger (and related libraries). Some of them are about less known or undocumented Nim features or standard library functions, a few are workarounds for some rough edges of the language, and there’s also a handful of useful techniques I read about in forums or have invented on my own.

All tips are for Nim 1.4.2 and beyond, and most are applicable to the C backend. I hope you’ll find something useful here that will make your time with Nim more enjoyable and productive!

I — The Not-So-Obvious

1   Reducing executable size by stripping debug symbols

Nim touts itself as a language capable of generating small native binaries. But just naively compiling some program with nim c -d:release and looking at the file sizes will make you wonder about the validity of that claim!

A release build of Gridmonger weighs around 12 megs. Anything but small, if you ask me!1 Sure, it statically links GLFW and NanoVG and a bunch of other Nim libraries, but to put things into perspective, REAPER (a highly-advanced and complex DAW written in C/C++) is about the same size at ~13 megs! Surely, my program is much simpler than REAPER, so what’s going on here?

It turns out that gcc debug symbols are included in Nim binaries by default, which can account for a quite substantial 2-to 5-fold size increase! Luckily, we can remove them easily with the strip command which comes with gcc.

How about trying to optimise for a small executable with --opt:size? Sure, that would yield about 30% smaller binaries, but at the expense of some potential runtime performance loss. So while it might not always be the best option, but you can always it and strip the debug symbols for even bigger savings.

Finally, if you’re hell-bent on producing smallest possible binary, compressing it with an executable packer like UPX could be just the ticket.

The below table summarises my findings with some concrete data:

Compiler flags File Binary size Bytes Ratio -d:release
--gc:arc --deepCopy:on
original 12,177,797 1.00 stripped 2,269,696 0.18 compressed 806,912 0.07 -d:release --opt:size
--gc:arc --deepCopy:on
original 7,959,126 1.00 stripped 1,655,296 0.21 compresed 623,104 0.08 Table 1 — Comparison of compiled executable sizes for Gridmonger (with and without debug symbols, and without debug symbols and compressed with UPX)

I had repeated the experiment with the following minimal Nim program:

echo "I'm small!"

Compiler flags File Binary size Bytes Ratio -d:release original 125,068 1.00 stripped 73,728 0.59 compresed 31,232 0.25 -d:release --opt:size original 87,812 1.00 stripped 36,352 0.41 compresed 18,944 0.22 Table 2 — Comparison of compiled executable sizes for a minimal Nim program (with and without debug symbols, and without debug symbols and compressed with UPX)

It is important to note that the presence of debug symbols in a binary does not affect its runtime performance whatsoever. This is because debug symbols are not even loaded into memory during normal use, only when debugging. So really it only affects the space the executable takes up on disk.

In case you’re wondering, you’ll still get nice Nim stack traces with a stripped binary if you compiled it with -d:debug or --stacktrace=on --linetrace=on (more on that in the next tip).

2   Release builds with exception logging

Creating a release build with -d:release gives you a speed boost, but at the price of turning off stack traces (among other things). This can be a problem if you’re trying to implement a crash-reporting mechanism for end-users, which involves surrounding your main method with a try/except block and writing exceptions with stack traces to a log file.

Luckily, you don’t need to ship debug builds to your users just to be able to do that; you can still use -d:release to get most optimisation benefits while turning stack traces back on with --stacktrace=on --linetrace=on. The performance of the resulting binary might be a bit slower, but you know, life is all about the right trade-offs.

3   Switching to ARC/ORC

Nim defaults to the refc garbage collector (deferred reference counting with a mark & sweep phase for cycle collection), which works very well, even for soft-realtime requirements. But did you know that there has been a brand new GC introduced in 1.2.x that offers reduced memory footprint and even better performance in most cases?

This is ARC, the fully deterministic Automatic Reference Counting garbage collector. Switching to ARC is as easy as supplying the --gc:arc option to the compiler. It’s a drop-in replacement for most programs. Depending on your program, you might want to use it with the --deepcopy:on --hint[Performance]:off options.

ARC has many other benefits, including hard realtime support, shared heaps between threads, and simplifying the C FFI. Mind you, ARC cannot handle cyclic data structures. But it has a big brother called ORC, which adds support for that.

You can learn more about ARC and ORC in this excellent blog post on the Nim website.

4   Executable icons on Windows (MinGW)

Setting the icon for Windows executables is probably easier with Visual Studio, but anyhow, here are the instructions for gcc/MinGW that I’m using.

  1. First, you’ll need to generate an .ico file that contains your icon image in multiple resolutions. There’s lots of online tools for that, and there’s also ImageMagick—this is outside the scope of this article.

  2. Once you have your image, you’ll need to create a resource definition .rc file that references your icon file. I used appicon here for the ID, but you can use any other string, it doesn’t matter:

     appicon ICON "gridmonger.ico"
  3. The next step is to create the resource object file from the .rc file (windres is included in MinGW):

     windres gridmonger.rc -O coff -o gridmonger.res
  4. Finally, we need to instruct the compiler to link the resource file into our program:

     when defined(windows):
       {.link: "icons/gridmonger.res".}

5   Debug echo in Windows GUI programs (MinGW)

This will be a rather short one but it took me a while to figure it out. It turns out that when you link against the Windows libraries by passing -mwindows to the linker (-L:-mwindows), you won’t be able to print stuff the console with echo anymore.

“But this is a useless tip, of course you need to link against the Windows libs in a GUI program!”, I hear you say. Well, not necessarily. In GLFW apps, for example, you can get away with not linking against the Windows libs in many cases. For instance, in Gridmonger I only need -mwindows so I can open the standard open and save system dialogs. In my debug builds, I don’t link against the Windows libs and I conditionally turn the calls to the dialog functions to no-ops, and then I can do my debug printing to the console.

II — The Hidden

6   ‘using’ keyword

The using keyword is a very useful, but often forgotten language feature. It helps to cut down on redundancy when creating method call style APIs, or when passing context objects around.

# Without `using`
proc getFloor*(l: Level, row, col: Natural, a: var AppContext): Floor = ...
proc setFloor*(l: Level, row, col: Natural, f: Floor, a: var AppContext) = ...

# With `using`
using l: Level
using a: var AppContext

proc getFloor*(l; row, col: Natural; a): Floor = ...
proc setFloor*(l; row, col: Natural, f: Floor; a) = ...

7   Opening URLs in the default browser

Did you know that the standard library has a browsers module for the sole purpose of opening URLs in the OS default browser in a cross-platform way? In fact, I’ve been using Nim for 4 years and I’ve learned about this just recently!

This is very handy if you want to navigate the user to a program’s website from a desktop app, or to open local HTML documentation.

8   Cross-platform home and config directories

Similarly, getHomeDir() and getConfigDir() from the os module are super handy if you need to handle configuration files or program data in a cross-platform way.

9   Debug dumping expressions

However sophisticated modern development tools might be, just echoing stuff to the console is still one of the easiest and quickest ways to debug a program. But writing things like echo "foo: ", foo for the hundredth time gets old really fast. The dump macro in the standard sugar module helps with exactly that.

Make sure to check out the other useful additions the module introduces!

import sugar

  a = 42
  s = "frobnicate"
  x = 7

dump(a + x)

# prints:
# a = 42
# s = frobnicate
# a + x = 49

10   Measuring elapsed time

Although you can use the regular times module to measure elapsed time, to do it properly you really need a monotonic timer. Such a thing has been added to the standard library recently in the form of std/monotimes.

import os
import std/monotimes
import times

proc durationToFloatMillis*(d: Duration): float64 =
  inNanoseconds(d).float64 * 1e-6

let t0 = getMonoTime()
sleep(10) # do something for a while
let d = getMonoTime() - t0

echo durationToFloatMillis(d)

11   Dealing with openarrays

Openarrays are a handy Nim feature that allow you to write procedures that can accept either arrays or sequences through a unified openArray type. What the manual forgets to tell you though is that there’s a bunch of overloaded toOpenArray and toOpenArrayByte methods in the system module to help create openarray “slices” from arrays, seqs, strings and (surprise!) other openarrays.

One particularly useful function is this one that operates on UncheckedArrays—this is very useful for treating blocks of memory from C libraries as openarrays in your Nim code.

Speaking of the system module, it’s full of useful stuff that’s not mentioned anywhere in the documentation. Make sure to go through the function list once in a while, I’ll guarantee you’ll find something of interest every time.

III — The Crafty

12   Easy pointer manipulations

Sometimes you must resort to C-style pointer arithmetics (especially when interfacing with C libraries and data structures), and the type-safe nature of Nim doesn’t exactly make that easy. The following templates make such tasks a lot easier (of course, many other variants could be introduced; that’s an exercise for the reader).

template `++`[A](a: ptr A, offset: int): ptr A =
  cast[ptr A](cast[int](a) + offset)

template `--`[A](a, b: ptr A): int =
  cast[int](a) - cast[int](b)

13   Taming circular type dependencies

One of Nim’s Achilles’ heels is the relative inflexibility of the module system when dealing with circular type dependencies. In a project of sufficient complexity, where you break up your code into multiple submodules, you’ll hit this issue sooner or later almost invariably. Long story short, the best workaround is to create a common module early on that contains all such circular type definitions. Then you can just include this common module in all other submodules.

The biggest drawback of this approach is that everything defined in common must be public. But hey, who told you that there’s anything perfect in this world?

14   ‘with’ macro

The tiny with macro is super useful for reducing redundancy by lifting parts of an object or tuple into the current scope. Probably easier to show than to explain:

import with

  Widget = object
    backgroundColor: string
    foregroundColor: string

  Window = object
    title: string
    inputField: Widget

# Without `with`
var mainWindow = Window()
mainWindow.inputField.backgroundColor = "black"
mainWindow.inputField.foregroundColor = "red"

# Using `with`
with mainWindow.inputField:
  backgroundColor = "black"
  foregroundColor = "red"

# You can nest it too!
with mainWindow:
  title = "Qux"
  with inputField:
    backgroundColor = "black"
    foregroundColor = "red"

15   Aliases

Even when armed with the above macro, often there’s a need to set up some aliases (references) to some parts of a nested object hierarchy to improve readability. This comes up quite often in real-world application and UI programming. Consider the following:

var g_app: AppContext

g_app.doc.map.levels[g_app.doc.currLevel].setFloor(row, col, fEmpty)

Now imagine that most of the program basically operates on this app context in some way or another. It all becomes horribly redundant and unreadable pretty quickly. And you can’t set up C++ style references because of Nim’s copy semantics (unless you keep using ref objects everywhere, which is not always the best choice).

Alias template to the rescue!

template alias*(newName: untyped, call: untyped) =
  template newName(): untyped = call

alias(doc, g_app.doc)
alias(map, doc.map)

map.levels[doc.currLevel].setFloor(row, col, fEmpty)

That’s much more readable! (Of course, normally you would use those aliases more than just once or twice like in this simple example.)

Another option for introducing proper C++ style references is the recently added (and totally undocumented) byaddr pragma:

import std/decls

var a = 5
var b {.byaddr.} = a

b = 3
echo a  # prints 3

IV — The Grand Finale

16   Saving memory by object field reordering

You should save the best for last, or so they say. Well, this one is about saving memory, big time! More experienced C/C++ programmers can go home now as they should know all about this already—the rest of the class stays.

The Enigma

Let’s say we have an object in our program to hold the properties of a cell of a large(ish) grid/matrix:

type Cell* = object
  b: byte

Being the sort of resource conscious developers we are, we are dutifully keeping an eye on our total memory footprint:

echo sizeof(Cell)  # prints 1

var a: array[500 * 500, Cell]
echo sizeof(a)     # prints 250000

Nothing surprising here. Let’s add an enum to the mix:

  Direction = enum
    East, West, North, South

type Cell* = object
  b: byte
  d: Direction
echo sizeof(Cell)  # prints 2

var a: array[500 * 500, Cell]
echo sizeof(a)     # prints 500000

Still completely uninteresting. Enums are represented by the smallest possible integer type, hence our enum is 1 byte long, which doubles our total memory requirements.

Okay, time to be a bit more adventurous! We’ll insert a string between the byte and the enum:

type Cell* = object
  b: byte
  s: string
  d: Direction

A Nim string is just a pointer to a sequence of characters, which means we’re expecting our object to grow by sizeof(string) == sizeof(pointer) == 8 bytes (on 64-bit). Right? Right???!! I expect people who had been socialised on nice, cushy high-level languages to vehemently agree with me at this point.

So, again, sizeof(Cell) will be 10 now, correct?


Let’s see if the machine agrees with us:

echo sizeof(Cell)  # prints 24
echo sizeof(a)     # prints 6000000

WAT???!!!!11 That’s 2.4x the size of what we expected!


Not exactly the answer we wanted, is it? In good old time-tested coder tradition, let’s start changing shit randomly in the hope of improving the situation somewhat!

type Cell* = object
  s: string
  b: byte
  d: Direction

echo sizeof(Cell)  # prints 16
echo sizeof(a)     # prints 400000

Um, we just reduced our total memory footprint by 1/3 by putting the string first. WTF is going on here?

The Explanation

Nim objects compile down to C structs (with the C backend), which are governed by strictly defined ordering and memory alignment requirements in the standard. The exact story varies a bit on each CPU architecture, but on x86/x64 the following main rules hold true:

  • Data types must be aligned according to their bit-width for optimal access. So 64-bit values must be aligned on 8-byte boundaries (addresses evenly divisible by 8), 32-bit values on 4-byte boundaries, and so on.

  • Structs must be padded at the end so when they’re placed in contiguous arrays, all their members are aligned optimally as per the above. In practical terms this means that the total size of the struct is padded to the nearest integer multiple of the widest data type it contains.

  • The compiler is not allowed to reorder struct fields under any circumstance (to optimise padding or for any other reason), the reason being that this would break a lot of low-level code.

  • Unaligned access is supported on x86/x64 (meaning it won’t crash the program), but at a significant performance penalty.

Another important piece of background information is that C99 stipulates that blocks of memory allocated with malloc must be correctly aligned for any data type supported by the implementation. Hence, padding is never required before the first element of a struct. In practice, you can assume the allocated memory blocks are always 8-byte aligned on x86, and 16-bit aligned on x64, regardless of the OS.

So, armed with this arcane knowledge, it’s not too hard to figure out what’s going on:

# worst case (string in the middle) - 24 bytes with padding
type Cell* = object
  b: byte         # 1 byte + 7 pad bytes
  s: string       # 8 bytes (8-byte aligned)
  d: Direction    # 1 byte + 7 pad bytes (to ensure that the next array
                  # element is 8-byte aligned)

# better (string at start) - 16 bytes with padding
type Cell* = object
  s: string       # 8 bytes (8-byte aligned because of malloc)
  b: byte         # 1 byte
  d: Direction    # 1 byte + 6 pad bytes (to ensure that the next array
                  # element is 8-byte aligned)

One interesting consequence of the padding requirements is that we might as well store something useful in those otherwise unused padding bytes (as long as we’re careful not to overshoot):

type Cell* = object
  s: string       # 8 bytes
  b: byte         # 1 byte
  d: Direction    # 1 byte
  x: int16        # 2 bytes (offset 10, 2-byte aligned)
  y: int32        # 4 bytes (offset 12, 4-byte aligned)

echo sizeof(Cell)  # still 16 bytes!

Then there’s the packed pragma too that you can apply to objects to effectively disable padding, but this should be restricted to low-level code or situations where you must interface with C libraries because it doesn’t work that well with GC’d memory (the manual explains why this is so).

This is definitely a very interesting subject, check out the following articles if you would like to explore it further:


So long folks, hope you found something interesting here. Wash your hands, wear face masks, don’t drink and drive during the festive season, and keep Nimming! (Is that even a word? I guess it is now…)

  1. Unless if you’re one of those NodeJS wielding kids who thinks Electron is a good idea and the web is the ultimate application development platform… Ignorance is bliss! 


About Joyk

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Joyk means Joy of geeK