
 3 years ago
source link: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/_fgO0xdSOkGS30BNC8_p1g
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一 系统初始化时,加载字典bin或者txt文件


ORB_SLAM2::System SLAM(argv[1],argv[2],ORB_SLAM2::System::MONOCULAR,true);


mpVocabulary = new ORBVocabulary();
 bool bVocLoad = false; // chose loading method based on file extensionif (has_suffix(strVocFile, ".txt"))
  bVocLoad = mpVocabulary->loadFromTextFile(strVocFile);
else if(has_suffix(strVocFile, ".bin"))
  bVocLoad = mpVocabulary->loadFromBinaryFile(strVocFile);
elsebVocLoad = false;




10 6 0 0 #分别表示上面的树的分支、 树的深度、 相似度、 权重

0 0 252 188 188 242 169 109 85 143 187 191 164 25 222 255 72 27 129 215

237 16 58 111 219 51 219 211 85 127 192 112 134 34 0

#0 表示节点的父节点;0 表示是否是叶节点, 是的话为 1, 否则为 0;252-34 表示 orb 特征;最后一位是权重。


template<class TDescriptor, class F>
void TemplatedVocabulary<TDescriptor, F>::saveToTextFile(const std::string& filename) const{
  std::ofstream ofs;
  ofs.open(filename.c_str(), std::ios_base::out);

    throw std::string("Could not open file: ") + filename;

//m_k类型为int,m_L类型为int,m_scoring为枚举类型,此处的0表示相似度//计算方式L1_NORM ,m_weighting为枚举类型,此处的0表示权重TF_IDF;

  ofs << m_k << " " << m_L << " " << " " << m_scoring << " " << m_weighting << std::endl;

for(size_t i = 1; i < m_nodes.size(); ++i)
    const Node& node = m_nodes.at(i);

    ofs << node.parent << " ";

      ofs << 1 << " ";
      ofs << 0 << " ";
    ofs << F::toString(node.descriptor) << " " << static_cast<double>(node.weight) << std::endl;


template<class TDescriptor, class F>
void TemplatedVocabulary<TDescriptor, F>::saveToBinaryFile(const std::string& filename) const{
  std::ofstream ofs;
  ofs.open(filename.c_str(), std::ios_base::out | std::ios::binary);

    throw std::string("Could not open file: ") + filename;
  const unsigned int n_nodes = m_nodes.size(); //n_nodes=1082073
  const unsigned int node_size = sizeof(m_nodes.at(0).parent) + F::L * sizeof(char) + sizeof(float) + sizeof(bool);


//F::L * sizeof(char)==32;



//node_size== 41;

  ofs.write((char*)&n_nodes, sizeof(n_nodes));
  ofs.write((char*)&node_size, sizeof(node_size));
  ofs.write((char*)&m_k, sizeof(m_k));
  ofs.write((char*)&m_L, sizeof(m_L));
  ofs.write((char*)&m_scoring, sizeof(m_scoring));
  ofs.write((char*)&m_weighting, sizeof(m_weighting));
  for(size_t i = 1; i < n_nodes; ++i)
    const Node& node = m_nodes.at(i);

ofs.write((char*)&node.parent, sizeof(node.parent));
    ofs.write((char*)node.descriptor.data, F::L);

const float weight = node.weight;
    ofs.write((char*)&weight, sizeof(weight));
    const bool is_leaf = node.isLeaf();
    ofs.write((char*)&is_leaf, sizeof(is_leaf));


template<class TDescriptor, class F>
void TemplatedVocabulary<TDescriptor, F>::loadFromBinaryFile(const std::string& filename)
  std::ifstream ifs; //定义文件
  ifs.open(filename.c_str(), std::ios_base::in | std::ios::binary);//打开文件

    throw std::string("Could not open file: ") + filename;
  } //如果文件读取失败
  unsigned int n_nodes, node_size; //n_nodes=1082074 node_size=41;
  ifs.read((char*)&n_nodes, sizeof(n_nodes));
  ifs.read((char*)&node_size, sizeof(node_size));
  ifs.read((char*)&m_k, sizeof(m_k)); //读取第一行树的分支数
  ifs.read((char*)&m_L, sizeof(m_L)); //读取字典的层数
  ifs.read((char*)&m_scoring, sizeof(m_scoring)); //读取第一行相似度
  ifs.read((char*)&m_weighting, sizeof(m_weighting));//读取第一行权重值createScoringObject();
  m_words.clear();m_words.reerve(std::pow(static_cast<double>(m_k), static_cast<double>(m_L) + 1.0)); //10000000
 m_nodes.resize(n_nodes);m_nodes.at(0).id = 0;
  char* buf = new char[node_size];
  unsigned int n_id = 1;
    ifs.read(buf, node_size);
    m_nodes.at(n_id).id = n_id;
    const int* ptr = (int*)buf;
    m_nodes.at(n_id).parent = *ptr;
    m_nodes.at(n_id).descriptor = cv::Mat(1, F::L, CV_8U);
    memcpy(m_nodes.at(n_id).descriptor.data, buf + 4, F::L); //获取字典每行的描述子
    m_nodes.at(n_id).weight = *reinterpret_cast<float*>(buf + 4 + F::L);//获取字典每行最后一位:单词的权重。
    //F::L== 32//sizeof(char)== 1//sizeof(unsigned int)== 4//sizeof(float)== 4

if(buf[8 + F::L])
      const int w_id = m_words.size();
      m_words.resize(w_id + 1);
      m_nodes.at(n_id).word_id = w_id;
      m_words.at(w_id) = &m_nodes.at(n_id);

    if(n_id == n_nodes) {


delete[] buf;

二 当前帧,计算词袋



/** * @brief 对参考关键帧的MapPoints进行跟踪 * * 1. 计算当前帧的词包,将当前帧的特征点分到特定层的nodes * 2. 对属于同一node的描述子进行匹配 * 3. 根据匹配对估计当前帧的姿态 * 4. 根据姿态剔除误匹配 * @return 如果匹配数大于10,返回true */bool Tracking::TrackReferenceKeyFrame()
    // Compute Bag of Words vector    // 步骤1:将当前帧的描述子转化为BoW向量mCurrentFrame.ComputeBoW();

// We perform first an ORB matching with the reference keyframe    // If enough matches are found we setup a PnP solverORBmatcher matcher(0.7,true);
    vector<MapPoint*> vpMapPointMatches;

// 步骤2:通过特征点的BoW加快当前帧与参考帧之间的特征点匹配// 特征点的匹配关系由MapPoints进行维护int nmatches = matcher.SearchByBoW(mpReferenceKF,mCurrentFrame,vpMapPointMatches);

   // ignore something unimportant


bool Tracking::Relocalization()
    // Compute Bag of Words Vector    // 步骤1:计算当前帧特征点的Bow映射mCurrentFrame.ComputeBoW();

// Relocalization is performed when tracking is lost    // Track Lost: Query KeyFrame Database for keyframe candidates for relocalisation    // 步骤2:找到与当前帧相似的候选关键帧vector<KeyFrame*> vpCandidateKFs = mpKeyFrameDB->DetectRelocalizationCandidates(&mCurrentFrame);

        return false;

const int nKFs = vpCandidateKFs.size();

// We perform first an ORB matching with each candidate    // If enough matches are found we setup a PnP solverORBmatcher matcher(0.75,true);

    //ignore something unimportant



/** * @brief Bag of Words Representation * * 计算词包mBowVecmFeatVec * @see CreateInitialMapMonocular() TrackReferenceKeyFrame() Relocalization() */void Frame::ComputeBoW()
        //1、要写入词袋信息,将以OpenCV格式存储的描述子// mvpMapPointsstd::vector<MapPoint*>vector<cv::Mat> vCurrentDesc = Converter::toDescriptorVector(mDescriptors);
        mpORBvocabulary->transform(vCurrentDesc, //当前的描述子vectormBowVec,  //输出,词袋向量mFeatVec, //输出,保存有特征点索引的特征,vector4);       //获取某一层的节点索引//@todo 这里的4表示从叶节点向前数的层数}//判断当前帧的词袋是否是空的}


template<class TDescriptor, class F>
void TemplatedVocabulary<TDescriptor,F>::transform(
  const std::vector<TDescriptor>& features,
  BowVector &v, FeatureVector &fv, int levelsup) const{v.clear();

if(empty()) // safe for subclasses{

// normalizeLNorm norm;

bool must = m_scoring_object->mustNormalize(norm);

typename vector<TDescriptor>::const_iterator fit;

if(m_weighting == TF || m_weighting == TF_IDF)

unsigned int i_feature = 0;
    for(fit = features.begin(); fit < features.end(); ++fit, ++i_feature)
      WordId id;
      NodeId nid;
      WordValue w;
      // w is the idf value if TF_IDF, 1 if TF      //其中id表示单词的id,w表示Value of a word,nid表示Id of nodes in the vocabulary treee      //levelsup,表示节点层数transform(*fit, id, w, &nid, levelsup);

if(w > 0) // not stopped{
        v.addWeight(id, w);
        fv.addFeature(nid, i_feature);

if(!v.empty() && !must)
      // unnecessary when normalizingconst double nd = v.size();
      for(BowVector::iterator vit = v.begin(); vit != v.end(); vit++)
        vit->second /= nd;

  else // IDF || BINARY{
    unsigned int i_feature = 0;
    for(fit = features.begin(); fit < features.end(); ++fit, ++i_feature)
      WordId id;
      NodeId nid;
      WordValue w;
      // w is idf if IDF, or 1 if BINARYtransform(*fit, id, w, &nid, levelsup);

if(w > 0) // not stopped{
        v.addIfNotExist(id, w);
        fv.addFeature(nid, i_feature);
  } // if m_weighting == ...if(must) v.normalize(norm);

经过测试,对于上述函数中,我们主要进入的函数为transform(*fit, id, w, &nid, levelsup),具体实现如下:

template<class TDescriptor, class F>
void TemplatedVocabulary<TDescriptor,F>::transform(const TDescriptor &feature,
  WordId &word_id, WordValue &weight, NodeId *nid, int levelsup) const{
  // propagate the feature down the treevector<NodeId> nodes;
  typename vector<NodeId>::const_iterator nit;

// level at which the node must be stored in nid, if givenconst int nid_level = m_L - levelsup;
  if(nid_level <= 0 && nid != NULL) *nid = 0; // rootNodeId final_id = 0; // rootint current_level = 0;

    nodes = m_nodes[final_id].children;
    final_id = nodes[0];

double best_d = F::distance(feature, m_nodes[final_id].descriptor);

for(nit = nodes.begin() + 1; nit != nodes.end(); ++nit)
      NodeId id = *nit;
      double d = F::distance(feature, m_nodes[id].descriptor);
      if(d < best_d)
        best_d = d;
        final_id = id;

if(nid != NULL && current_level == nid_level)
      *nid = final_id;

} while( !m_nodes[final_id].isLeaf() );

// turn node id into word idword_id = m_nodes[final_id].word_id;
  weight = m_nodes[final_id].weight;


1)对于vector<cv::Mat> vCurrentDesc,这个经过程序测试,其变量格式格式如下:






<6890,0.00112707>,<15246,0.0013725>,<18465,0.00143206> ...





三 在重定位中找到与该帧相似的关键帧

ORB源码中实现此功能的主要函数为vector<KeyFrame*> KeyFrameDatabase::DetectRelocalizationCandidates(Frame *F)

/* * @brief 在闭环检测中找到与该关键帧可能闭环的关键帧 * 1. 找出和当前帧具有公共单词的所有关键帧(不包括与当前帧相连的关键帧) * 2. 只和具有共同单词较多的关键帧进行相似度计算 * 3. 将与关键帧相连(权值最高)的前十个关键帧归为一组,计算累计得分 * 4. 只返回累计得分较高的组中分数最高的关键帧 * @param pKF      需要闭环的关键帧 * @param minScore 相似性分数最低要求 * @return         可能闭环的关键帧 * @see III-E Bags of Words Place Recognition */vector<KeyFrame*> KeyFrameDatabase::DetectRelocalizationCandidates(Frame *F)
    // 提出所有与该pKF相连的KeyFrame,这些相连Keyframe都是局部相连,在闭环检测的时候将被剔除//Map,Set属于标准关联容器,使用了非常高效的平衡检索二叉树:红黑树,他的插入删除效率比其他序列容器高是因为不需要做内存拷贝和内存移动,而直接替换指向节点的指针即可。//SetVector的区别在于Set不包含重复的数据。SetMap的区别在于Set只含有Key,而Map有一个KeyKey所对应的Value两个元素。list<KeyFrame*> lKFsSharingWords;// 用于保存可能与F形成回环的候选帧(只要有相同的word,且不属于局部相连帧)//这里的局部相连帧,就是和当前关键帧具有共视关系的关键帧// Search all keyframes that share a word with current keyframes    // Discard keyframes connected to the query keyframe    //. 步骤1:找出和当前帧具有公共单词的所有关键帧(不包括与当前帧链接的关键帧){
        unique_lock<mutex> lock(mMutex);

// words是检测图像是否匹配的枢纽,遍历该pKF的每一个wordfor(DBoW2::BowVector::const_iterator vit=F->mBowVec.begin(), vend=F->mBowVec.end(); vit != vend; vit++)
            // 提取所有包含该wordKeyFramelist<KeyFrame*> &lKFs = mvInvertedFile[vit->first];
            // 然后对这些关键帧展开遍历for(list<KeyFrame*>::iterator lit=lKFs.begin(), lend= lKFs.end(); lit!=lend; lit++)
                KeyFrame* pKFi=*lit;
                if(pKFi->mnRelocQuery!=F->mnId)// pKF局部链接的关键帧不进入闭环候选帧{
                    pKFi->mnRelocQuery=F->mnId;// pKFi标记为pKF的候选帧,之后直接跳过判断lKFsSharingWords.push_back(pKFi);
                pKFi->mnRelocWords++; // 记录pKFipKF具有相同word的个数}
    // 如果没有关键帧和这个关键帧具有相同的单词,那么就返回空if(lKFsSharingWords.empty())
        return vector<KeyFrame*>();

// Only compare against those keyframes that share enough words    // 步骤2:统计所有闭环候选帧中与当前帧F具有共同单词最多的单词数,并以此决定阈值int maxCommonWords=0;
    for(list<KeyFrame*>::iterator lit=lKFsSharingWords.begin(), lend= lKFsSharingWords.end(); lit!=lend; lit++)

int minCommonWords = maxCommonWords*0.8f;

list<pair<float,KeyFrame*> > lScoreAndMatch;

int nscores=0;

// Compute similarity score.    // 步骤3:遍历所有闭环候选帧,挑选出共有单词数大于阈值minCommonWords且单词匹配度大于minScore存入lScoreAndMatchfor(list<KeyFrame*>::iterator lit=lKFsSharingWords.begin(), lend= lKFsSharingWords.end(); lit!=lend; lit++)
        KeyFrame* pKFi = *lit;

// 当前帧F只和具有共同单词较多的关键帧进行比较,需要大于minCommonWordsif(pKFi->mnRelocWords>minCommonWords)
            nscores++;// 这个变量后面没有用到float si = mpVoc->score(F->mBowVec,pKFi->mBowVec);

        return vector<KeyFrame*>();

list<pair<float,KeyFrame*> > lAccScoreAndMatch;
    float bestAccScore = 0;

// Lets now accumulate score by covisibility    // 步骤4:计算候选帧组得分,得到最高组得分bestAccScore,并以此决定阈值minScoreToRetain    // 单单计算当前帧和某一关键帧的相似性是不够的,这里将与关键帧相连(权值最高,共视程度最高)的前十个关键帧归为一组,计算累计得分// 具体而言:lScoreAndMatch中每一个KeyFrame都把与自己共视程度较高的帧归为一组,每一组会计算组得分并记录该组分数最高的KeyFrame,记录于lAccScoreAndMatchfor(list<pair<float,KeyFrame*> >::iterator it=lScoreAndMatch.begin(), itend=lScoreAndMatch.end(); it!=itend; it++)
        KeyFrame* pKFi = it->second;
        vector<KeyFrame*> vpNeighs = pKFi->GetBestCovisibilityKeyFrames(10);

float bestScore = it->first; // 该组最高分数float accScore = bestScore;  // 该组累计得分KeyFrame* pBestKF = pKFi;    // 该组最高分数对应的关键帧for(vector<KeyFrame*>::iterator vit=vpNeighs.begin(), vend=vpNeighs.end(); vit!=vend; vit++)
            KeyFrame* pKF2 = *vit;

accScore+=pKF2->mRelocScore;// 只有pKF2也在闭环候选帧中,才能贡献分数if(pKF2->mRelocScore>bestScore)// 统计得到组里分数最高的KeyFrame{
                bestScore = pKF2->mRelocScore;

        if(accScore>bestAccScore) // 记录所有组中组得分最高的组bestAccScore=accScore; // 得到所有组中最高的累计得分}

// Return all those keyframes with a score higher than 0.75*bestScore    // 步骤5:得到组得分大于阈值的,组内得分最高的关键帧float minScoreToRetain = 0.75f*bestAccScore;
    set<KeyFrame*> spAlreadyAddedKF;
    vector<KeyFrame*> vpRelocCandidates;
    for(list<pair<float,KeyFrame*> >::iterator it=lAccScoreAndMatch.begin(), itend=lAccScoreAndMatch.end(); it!=itend; it++)
        const float &si = it->first;
        // 只返回累计得分大于minScoreToRetain的组中分数最高的关键帧 0.75*bestScoreif(si>minScoreToRetain)
            KeyFrame* pKFi = it->second;
            if(!spAlreadyAddedKF.count(pKFi))// 判断该pKFi是否已经在队列中了{

return vpRelocCandidates;

四 通过词包,对关键帧的特征点进行跟踪


/** * @brief 通过词包,对关键帧的特征点进行跟踪 * * 通过bowpKFF中的特征点进行快速匹配(不属于同一node的特征点直接跳过匹配) \n * * 对属于同一node的特征点通过描述子距离进行匹配 \n * * 根据匹配,用pKF中特征点对应的MapPoint更新F中特征点对应的MapPoints \n * * 每个特征点都对应一个MapPoint,因此pKF中每个特征点的MapPoint也就是F中对应点的MapPoint \n * * 通过距离阈值、比例阈值和角度投票进行剔除误匹配 //通过三个判断条件来判断误匹配 * * @param  pKF               KeyFrame * * @param  F                 Current Frame * * @param  vpMapPointMatches FMapPoints对应的匹配,NULL表示未匹配 * * @return                   成功匹配的数量 */int ORBmatcher::SearchByBoW(KeyFrame* pKF,Frame &F, vector<MapPoint*> &vpMapPointMatches)
    const vector<MapPoint*> vpMapPointsKF = pKF->GetMapPointMatches();

//和普通帧F特征点的索引一致vpMapPointMatches = vector<MapPoint*>(F.N,static_cast<MapPoint*>(NULL));

const DBoW2::FeatureVector &vFeatVecKF = pKF->mFeatVec;

int nmatches=0;

//特征点角度旋转差统计用的直方图vector<int> rotHist[HISTO_LENGTH];
    for(int i=0;i<HISTO_LENGTH;i++)

//0360的数转换到0HISTO_LENGTH的系数const float factor = HISTO_LENGTH/360.0f;

// We perform the matching over ORB that belong to the same vocabulary node (at a certain level)    // 将属于同一节点(特定层)ORB特征进行匹配DBoW2::FeatureVector::const_iterator KFit = vFeatVecKF.begin();
    DBoW2::FeatureVector::const_iterator Fit = F.mFeatVec.begin();
    DBoW2::FeatureVector::const_iterator KFend = vFeatVecKF.end();
    DBoW2::FeatureVector::const_iterator Fend = F.mFeatVec.end();

while(KFit != KFend && Fit != Fend)
        //first 元素就是nodeif(KFit->first == Fit->first) //步骤1:分别取出属于同一nodeORB特征点(只有属于同一node,才有可能是匹配点){
            const vector<unsigned int> vIndicesKF = KFit->second;
            const vector<unsigned int> vIndicesF = Fit->second;

// 步骤2:遍历KF中属于该node的特征点for(size_t iKF=0; iKF<vIndicesKF.size(); iKF++)
                const unsigned int realIdxKF = vIndicesKF[iKF];

MapPoint* pMP = vpMapPointsKF[realIdxKF]; // 取出KF中该特征对应的MapPointif(!pMP)


const cv::Mat &dKF= pKF->mDescriptors.row(realIdxKF); // 取出KF中该特征对应的描述子int bestDist1=256; // 最好的距离(最小距离)int bestIdxF =-1 ;
                int bestDist2=256; // 倒数第二好距离(倒数第二小距离)// 步骤3:遍历F中属于该node的特征点,找到了最佳匹配点for(size_t iF=0; iF<vIndicesF.size(); iF++)
                    const unsigned int realIdxF = vIndicesF[iF];

if(vpMapPointMatches[realIdxF])// 表明这个点已经被匹配过了,不再匹配,加快速度continue;

const cv::Mat &dF = F.mDescriptors.row(realIdxF); // 取出F中该特征对应的描述子const int dist =  DescriptorDistance(dKF,dF); // 求描述子的距离if(dist<bestDist1)// dist < bestDist1 < bestDist2,更新bestDist1 bestDist2{
                    else if(dist<bestDist2)// bestDist1 < dist < bestDist2,更新bestDist2{

// 步骤4:根据阈值 和 角度投票剔除误匹配if(bestDist1<=TH_LOW) // 匹配距离(误差)小于阈值{
                    // trick!                    // 最佳匹配比次佳匹配明显要好,那么最佳匹配才真正靠谱if(static_cast<float>(bestDist1)<mfNNratio*static_cast<float>(bestDist2))
                        // 步骤5:更新特征点的MapPointvpMapPointMatches[bestIdxF]=pMP;

//这里的realIdxKF是当前遍历得到的关键帧的特征点idconst cv::KeyPoint &kp = pKF->mvKeysUn[realIdxKF];

                            // trick!                            // angle:每个特征点在提取描述子时的旋转主方向角度,如果图像旋转了,这个角度将发生改变// 所有的特征点的角度变化应该是一致的,通过直方图统计得到最准确的角度变化值float rot = kp.angle-F.mvKeys[bestIdxF].angle;// 该特征点的角度变化值if(rot<0.0)
                            int bin = round(rot*factor);// rot分配到bin,四舍五入,其实就是离散到对应的直方图组中if(bin==HISTO_LENGTH)
                            assert(bin>=0 && bin<HISTO_LENGTH);
                            rotHist[bin].push_back(bestIdxF);// 直方图统计}


        else if(KFit->first < Fit->first)
            // 对齐KFit = vFeatVecKF.lower_bound(Fit->first);
            //对齐Fit = F.mFeatVec.lower_bound(KFit->first);

// 根据方向剔除误匹配的点if(mbCheckOrientation)
        // indexint ind1=-1;
        int ind2=-1;
        int ind3=-1;

// 计算rotHist中最大的三个的index,如果出现了「一枝独秀」的情况,那么说明次优或者第三优的也不是足够好,直接返回-1.ComputeThreeMaxima(rotHist,HISTO_LENGTH,ind1,ind2,ind3);

for(int i=0; i<HISTO_LENGTH; i++)
            // 如果特征点的旋转角度变化量属于这三个组,则保留if(i==ind1 || i==ind2 || i==ind3)

// 将除了ind1 ind2 ind3以外的匹配点去掉for(size_t j=0, jend=rotHist[i].size(); j<jend; j++)

return nmatches;


五 跋




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