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Tag: why-bash-is-like-that

The curious pitfalls in shell redirections to $((i++))

ShellCheck v0.7.1 has just been released. It primarily has cleanups and bugfixes for existing checks, but also some new ones. The new check I personally find the most fascinating is this one, for an issue I haven’t really seen discussed anywhere before:

In demo line 6:
  cat template/header.txt "$f" > archive/$((i++)).txt
  SC2257: Arithmetic modifications in command redirections
          may be discarded. Do them separately.

Here’s the script in full:

for f in *.txt
  echo "Archiving $f as $i.txt"
  cat template/header.txt "$f" > archive/$((i++)).txt

Seasoned shell scripter may already have jumped ahead, tried it in their shell, and found that the change is not discarded, at least not in their Bash 5.0.16(1):

bash-5.0$ i=0; echo foo > $((i++)).txt; echo "$i" 

Based on this, you may be expecting a quick look through the Bash commit history, and maybe a plea that we should be kind to our destitute brethren on macOS with Bash 3.

But no. Here’s the demo script on the same system:

bash-5.0$ ./demo
Archiving chocolate_cake_recipe.txt as 1.txt
Archiving emo_poems.txt as 1.txt
Archiving project_ideas.txt as 1.txt

The same is true for source ./demo, which runs the script in the exact same shell instance that we just tested on. Furthermore, it only happens in redirections, and not in arguments.

So what’s going on?

As it turns out, Bash, Ksh and BusyBox ash all expand the redirection filename as part of setting up file descriptors. If you are familiar with the Unix process model, the pseudocode would be something like this:

if command is external:
  fork child process:
    filename := expandString(command.stdout) # Increments i
    fd[1] := open(filename)
    execve(command.executable, command.args)
  filename := expandString(command.stdout)   # Increments i
  tmpFd := open(filename)
  run_internal_command(command, stdout=tmpFD)

In other words, the scope of the variable modification depends on whether the shell forked off a new process in anticipation of executing the command.

For shell builtin commands that don’t or can’t fork, like echo, this means that the change takes effect in the current shell. This is the test we did.

For external commands, like cat, the change is only visible between the time the file descriptor is set up until the command is invoked to take over the process. This is what the demo script does.

Of course, subshells are well known to experienced scripters, and also described on this blog in the article Why Bash is like that: Subshells, but to me, this is a new and especially tricky source of them.

For example, the script works fine in busybox sh, where cat is a builtin:

$ busybox sh demo
Archiving chocolate_cake_recipe.txt as 1.txt
Archiving emo_poems.txt as 2.txt
Archiving project_ideas.txt as 3.txt

Similarly, the scope may depend on whether you overrode any commands with a wrapper function:

awk() { gawk "$@"; }
# Increments
awk 'BEGIN {print "hi"; exit;}' > $((i++)).txt
# Does not increment
gawk 'BEGIN {print "hi"; exit;}' > $((i++)).txt  

Or if you want to override an alias, the result depends on whether you used command or a leading backslash:

# Increments
command git show . > $((i++)).txt
# Does not increment
\git show . > $((i++)).txt

To avoid this confusion, consider following ShellCheck’s advice and just increment the variable separately if it’s part of the filename in a redirection:

anything > "$((i++)).txt"
: $((i++))

Thanks to Strolls on #bash@Freenode for pointing out this behavior.

PS: While researching this article, I found that dash always increments (though with $((i=i+1)) since it doesn’t support ++). ShellCheck v0.7.1 still warns, but git master does not.

Posted on 2020-04-052020-04-05Categories Advanced Linux-related things, LinuxTags bash, shellcheck, why-bash-is-like-thatLeave a comment on The curious pitfalls in shell redirections to $((i++))

A shell script that deleted a database, and how ShellCheck could have helped

Summary: We examine a real world case of how an innocent shell scripting mistake caused the deletion of a production database, and how ShellCheck (a GPLv3 shell script linting and analysis tool) would have pointed out the errors and prevented the disaster.

Disclosure: I am the ShellCheck author.

The event

Here is the sad case, taken from a recent StackOverflow post:

My developer committed a huge mistake and we cannot find our mongo database anyone in the server. Rescue please!!!

He logged into the server, and saved the following shell under ~/crontab/mongod_back.sh:

OUT_DIR=/data/backup/mongod/tmp     // 备份文件临时目录
TAR_DIR=/data/backup/mongod         // 备份文件正式目录
DATE=`date +%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S`      // 备份文件将以备份时间保存
DB_USER=Guitang                     // 数据库操作员
DB_PASS=qq____________              // 数据库操作员密码
DAYS=14                             // 保留最新14夭的备份
TAR_BAK="mongod_bak_$DATE.tar.gz"   // 备份文件命名格式
cd $OUT_DIR                         // 创建文件夹
rm -rf $OUT_DIR/*                   // 清空临时目录
mkdir -p $OUT_DIR/$DATE             // 创建本次备份文件夹
$DUMP -d wecard -u $DB_USER -p $DB_PASS -o $OUT_DIR/$DATE  // 执行备份命令
tar -zcvf $TAR_DIR/$TAR_BAK $OUT_DIR/$DATE       // 将备份文件打包放入正式目
find $TAR_DIR/ -mtime +%DAYS -delete             // 删除14天前的旧备洲

And then he run ./mongod_back.sh, then there were lots of permission denied, then he did Ctrl+C. Then the server shut down automatically.

He then contacted AliCloud, the engineer connected the disk to another working server, so that he could check the disk. Then, he realized that some folders have gone, including /data/ where the mongodb is!!!

PS: he did not take snapshot of the disk before.

Essentially, it’s every engineer’s nightmare.

The post-mortem of this issue is an interesting puzzle that requires only basic shell scripting knowledge. If you’d like to give it a try, now’s the time. If you’d like some hints, here’s shellcheck’s output for the script.

The rest of this post details about what happened, and how ShellCheck could have averted the disaster.

What went wrong?

The MCVE for how to ruin your week is this:

DIR=/data/tmp    // The directory to delete
rm -rf $DIR/*    // Now delete it

The fatal error here is that // is not a comment in shell scripts. It’s a path to the root directory, equivalent to /.

On some platforms, the rm line would have been fatal by itself, because it’d boil down to rm -rf / with a few other arguments. Implementation these days often don’t allow this though. The disaster in question happened on Ubuntu, whose GNU rm would have refused:

$ rm -rf //
rm: it is dangerous to operate recursively on '//' (same as '/')
rm: use --no-preserve-root to override this failsafe

This is where the assignment comes in.

The shell treats variable assignments and commands as two sides of the same coin. Here’s the description from POSIX:

A “simple command” is a sequence of optional variable assignments and redirections, in any sequence, optionally followed by words and redirections, terminated by a control operator.

(A “simple command” is in contrast to a “compound” command, which are structures like if statements and for loops that contain one or more simple or compound commands.)

This means that var=42 and echo "Hello" are both simple commands. The former has one optional assignment and zero optional words. The latter has zero optional assignments and two optional words.

It also implies that a single simple command can contain both: var=42 echo "Hello"

To make a long spec short, assignments in a simple command will apply only to the invoked command name. If there is no command name, they apply to the current shell. This latter explains var=42 by itself, but when would you use the former?

It’s useful when you want to set a variable for a single command without affecting your the rest of your shell:

$ echo "$PAGER"  # Show current pager

$ PAGER="head -n 5" man ascii
ASCII(7)       Linux Programmer's Manual      ASCII(7)

       ascii  -  ASCII character set encoded in octal,
       decimal, and hexadecimal

$ echo "$PAGER"  # Current pager hasn't changed

This is exactly what happened unintentionally in the fatal assignment. Just like how the previous example scoped PAGER to man only, this one scoped DIR to //:

$ DIR=/data/tmp    // The directory to delete
bash: //: Is a directory

$ echo "$DIR"  # The variable is unset
(no output)

This meant that rm -rf $DIR/* became rm -rf /*, and therefore bypassed the check that was is in place for rm -rf /

(Why can’t or won’t rm simply refuse to delete /* too? Because it never sees /*: the shell expands it first, so rm sees /bin /boot /dev /data .... While rm could obviously refuse to remove first level directories as well, this starts getting in the way of legitimate usage – a big sin in the Unix philosophy)

How ShellCheck could have helped

Here’s the output from this minimized snippet (see online):

$ shellcheck myscript

In myscript line 2:
DIR=/data/tmp    // The directory to delete
                 ^-- SC1127: Was this intended as a comment? Use # in sh.

In myscript line 3:
rm -rf $DIR/*    // Now delete it
       ^----^ SC2115: Use "${var:?}" to ensure this never expands to /* .
       ^--^ SC2086: Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting.
                 ^-- SC2114: Warning: deletes a system directory.

Two issues have already been discussed, and would have averted this disaster:

  • ShellCheck noticed that the first // was likely intended as a comment (wiki: SC1127).
  • ShellCheck pointed out that the second // would target a system directory (wiki: SC2114).

The third is a general defensive technique which would also have prevented this catastrophic rm independently of the two other fixes:

  • ShellCheck suggested using rm -rf ${DIR:?}/* to abort execution if the variable for any reason is empty or unset (wiki: SC2115).

This would mitigate the effect of a whole slew of pitfalls that can leave a variable empty, including echo /tmp | read DIR (subshells), DIR= /tmp (bad spacing) and DIR=$(echo /tmp) (potential fork/command failures).


Shell scripts are really convenient, but also have a large number of potential pitfalls. Many issues that would be simple, fail-fast syntax errors in other languages would instead cause a script to misbehave in confusing, annoying, or catastrophic ways. Many examples can be found in the Wooledge Bash Pitfalls list, or ShellCheck’s own gallery of bad code.

Since tooling exists, why not take advantage? Even if (or especially when!) you rarely write shell scripts, you can install shellcheck from your package manager, along with a suitable editor plugin like Flycheck (Emacs) or Syntastic (Vim), and just forget about it.

The next time you’re writing a script, your editor will show warnings and suggestions automatically. Whether or not you want to fix the more pedantic style issues, it may be worth looking at any unexpected errors and warnings. It might just save your database.

Posted on 2019-03-272019-03-27Categories Basic Linux-related things, LinuxTags why-bash-is-like-that2 Comments on A shell script that deleted a database, and how ShellCheck could have helped

Why Bash Is Like That: Rewrite hacks

Bash can seem pretty random and weird at times, but most of what people see as quirks have very logical (if not very good) explanations behind them. This series of posts looks at some of them.

Let’s say you wanted to enforce a policy in which no files on the system could contain swearing. How would you write a script that checks it? Let’s use the word “damn”, and let’s write a script “checklanguage” that checks whether a file contains that word.

Our first version might be:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
grep -q "damn" "$@" 

The problem with this is that it triggers on itself: ./checklanguage checklanguage returns true. How can we write the script in such a way that it reliably detects the word, but doesn’t detect itself? (Think about it for a second).

There are many ways of doing this: a="da"; b="mn"; grep "$a$b", grep "da""mn", grep da\mn. All of these check for the four characters d-a-m-n in sequence, but doesn’t contain the sequence itself. These methods rely on two things being A. identical in one context (shell script) and B. different in another (plaintext).

This type of trick is the basis of three common command line hacks:

Finding processes from ps, while excluding the grep that does the filtering.

If we do a simple ps ax | grep processname, we might get output like this:

$ ps ax | grep processname
13003 pts/2    S      0:00 /bin/bash ./processname
13496 pts/4    R+     0:00 grep --color=auto processname

How do we get the same list, but without the grep process? You’ll see people wrapping the first character in square brackets:

$ ps ax | grep "[p]rocessname"
13003 pts/2    S      0:00 /bin/bash ./processname

In this case, the regex “[p]rocessname” is identical to the regex “processname”, but since they’re written differently, the latter matches itself while the former doesn’t. This means that the grep won’t match itself, and we only get the process we’re interested in (this job is better done by pgrep).

There is no syntax rule that says “if the first character is enclosed in square brackets, grep shall ignore itself in ps output”.

It’s just a logical side effect of rewriting the regex to work the same but not match itself. We could have used grep -E 'process()name' or grep -E 'proces{2}name' instead.

Running commands instead of aliases

Maybe you’re sick of Debian’s weird perl rename, and you aliased it to rename.ul instead.

$ rename -v .htm .html *
`foo.htm' -> `foo.html'

Yay, that’s way easier than writing regex! But what if we need to use the unaliased rename?

$ rename -v 's/([1-9])x([0-9]*)/S$1E$2/' *
rename.ul: not enough arguments

Instead, you’ll see people prefixing the command with a backslash:

$ \rename -v 's/([1-9])x([0-9]*)/S0$1E$2/' *
Foo_1x20.mkv renamed as Foo_S01E20.mkv

Shell aliases trigger when a command starts with a word. However, if the command starts with something that expands into a word, alias expansion does not apply. This allows us to use e.g. \ls or \git to run the command instead of the alias.

There is no syntax rule that says that “if a command is preceded by a backslash, alias expansion is ignored”.

It’s just a logical side effect of rewriting the command to work the same, but not start with a literal token that the shell will recognize as an alias. We could also have used l\s or 'ls'.

Deleting files starting with a dash

How would you go about deleting a file that starts with a dash?

$ rm -v -file
rm: invalid option -- 'l'

Instead, you’ll see people prefixing the filename with ./:

$ rm -v ./-file
removed `./-file'

A command will interpret anything that starts with a dash as a flag. However, to the file system, -file and ./-file mean exactly the same thing.

There is no syntax rule that says that “if an argument starts with ./, it shall be interpretted as a filename and not an option”.

It’s just a logical side effect of rewriting a filename to refer to the same file, but start with a different character. We could have used rm /home/me/-file or rm ../me/-file instead.

Homework: What do you tell someone who thinks that ./myscript is a perfect example of how weird UNIX is? Why would anyone design a system where the run command is “./” instead of “run”?

Posted on 2014-06-212020-04-05Categories Basic Linux-related things, LinuxTags Linux, shell script, why-bash-is-like-that3 Comments on Why Bash Is Like That: Rewrite hacks

ShellCheck: shell script analysis

Shell scripting is notoriously full of pitfalls, unintuitive behavior and poor error messages. Here are some things you might have experienced:

  • find -exec fails on commands that are perfectly valid
  • 0==1 is apparently true
  • Comparisons are always false, and write files while failing
  • Variable values are available inside loops, but reset afterwards
  • Looping over filenames with spaces fails, and quoting doesn’t help

ShellCheck is my latest project. It will check shell scripts for all of the above, and also tries to give helpful tips and suggestions for otherwise working ones. You can paste your script and have it checked it online, or you can downloaded it and run it locally.

Other things it checks for includes reading from and redirecting to a file in the same pipeline, useless uses of cat, apparent variable use that won’t expand, too much or too little quoting in [[ ]], not quoting globs passed to find, and instead of just saying “syntax error near unexpected token `fi'”, it points to the relevant if statement and suggests that you might be missing a ‘then’.

It’s still in the early stages, but has now reached the point where it can be useful. The online version has a feedback button (in the top right of your annotated script), so feel free to try it out and submit suggestions!

Posted on 2012-12-082012-12-08Categories Basic Linux-related things, Linux, ProgrammingTags bash, shell script, why-bash-is-like-that14 Comments on ShellCheck: shell script analysis

Why Bash is like that: Subshells

Bash can seem pretty random and weird at times, but most of what people see as quirks have very logical (if not very good) explanations behind them. This series of posts looks at some of them.

# I run this script, but afterwards my PATH and current dir hasn't changed!

export PATH=$PATH:/opt/local/bin
cd /opt/games/

or more interestingly

# Why does this always say 0? 
cat file | while read line; do (( n++ )); done
echo $n

In the first case, you can add a echo "Path is now $PATH", and see the expected path. In the latter case, you can put a echo $n in the loop, and it will count up as you’d expect, but at the end you’ll still be left with 0.

To make things even more interesting, here are the effects of running these two examples (or equivalents) in different shells:

set in script set in pipeline Bash No effect No effect Ksh/Zsh No effect Works cmd.exe Works No effect

What we’re experiencing are subshells, and different shells have different policies on what runs in subshells.

Environment variables, as well as the current directory, is only inherited parent-to-child. Changes to a child’s environment are not reflect in the parent. Any time a shell forks, changes done in the forked process are confined to that process and its children.

In Unix, all normal shells will fork to execute other shell scripts, so setting PATH or cd’ing in a script will never have an effect after the command is done (instead, use "source file" aka ". file" to read and execute the commands without forking).

However, shells can differ in when subshells are invoked. In Bash, all elements in a pipeline will run in a subshell. In Ksh and Zsh, all except the last will run in a subshell. POSIX leaves it undefined.

This means that echo "2 + 3" | bc | read sum will work in Ksh and Zsh, but fail to set the variable sum in Bash.

To work around this in Bash, you can usually use redirection and process substition instead:

read sum < <(echo "2 + 3" | bc)

So, where do we find subshells? Here are a list of commands that in some way fails to set foo=bar for subsequent commands (note that all the examples set it in some subshell, and can use it until the subshell ends):

# Executing other programs or scripts
foo=bar ./something

# Anywhere in a pipeline in Bash
true | foo=bar | true

# In any command that executes new shells
awk '{ system("foo=bar") }'h
find . -exec bash -c 'foo=bar' \;

# In backgrounded commands and coprocs:
foo=bar &
coproc foo=bar

# In command expansion
true "$(foo=bar)"

# In process substitution
true < <(foo=bar)

# In commands explicitly subshelled with ()
( foo=bar )

and probably some more that I'm forgetting.

Trying to set a variable, option or working dir in any of these contexts will result in the changes not being visible for following commands.

Knowing this, we can use it to our advantage:

# cd to each dir and run make
for dir in */; do ( cd "$dir" && make ); done

# Compare to the more fragile
for dir in */; do cd "$dir"; make; cd ..; done

# mess with important variables
fields=(a b c); ( IFS=':'; echo ${fields[*]})

# Compare to the cumbersome
fields=(a b c); oldIFS=$IFS; IFS=':'; echo ${fields[*]}; IFS=$oldIFS; 

# Limit scope of options
( set -e; foo; bar; baz; ) 

Posted on 2012-08-22Categories Basic Linux-related things, LinuxTags bash, Linux, why-bash-is-like-that8 Comments on Why Bash is like that: Subshells

Why Bash is like that: Signal propagation

Bash can seem pretty random and weird at times, but most of what people see as quirks have very logical (if not very good) explanations behind them. This series of posts looks at some of them.

How do I simulate pressing Ctrl-C when running this in a script:

while true; do echo sleeping; sleep 30; done

Are you thinking “SIGINT, duh!”? Hold your horses!

I tried kill -INT pid, but it doesn’t work the same: Ctrl-C kills the sleep and the loop SIGINTing the shell does nothing (but only in scripts: see Errata)

SIGINTing sleep makes the loop continue with the next iteration

HOWEVER, if I run the script in the background and kill -INT %1 instead of kill -INT pid, THEN it works :O

Why does Ctrl-C terminate the loop, while SIGINT doesn’t?

Additionally, if I run the same loop with ping or top instead of sleep, Ctrl-C doesn’t terminate the loop either!

Yeah. Well… Yeah…

This behaviour is due to an often overlooked feature in UNIX: process groups. These are important for getting terminals and shells to work the way they do.

A process group is exactly what it sounds like: a group of processes. They have a leader, which is the process that created it using setpgrp(2). The leader’s pid is also the process group id. Child processes are in the same group as their parent by default.

Terminals keep track of the foreground process group (set by the shell using tcsetpgrp(3)). When receiving a Ctrl-C, they send the SIGINT to the entire foreground group. This means that all members of the group will receive SIGINT, not just the immediate process.

kill -INT %1 sends the signal to the job’s process group, not the backgrounded pid! This explains why it works like Ctrl-C.

You can do the same thing with kill -INT -pgrpid. Since the process group id is the same as the process group leader, you can kill the group by killing the pid with a minus in front.

But why do you have to kill both?

When the shell is interrupted, it will wait for the running command to exit. If this child’s status indicates it exited abnormally due to that signal, the shell cleans up, removes its signal handler, and kills itself again to trigger the OS default action (abnormal exit). Alternatively, it runs the script’s signal handler as set with trap, and continues.

If the shell is interrupted and the child’s status says it exited normally, then Bash assumes the child handled the signal and did something useful, so it continues executing. Ping and top both trap SIGINT and exit normally, which is why Ctrl-C doesn’t kill the loop when calling them.

This also explains why interrupting just the shell does nothing: the child exits normally, so the shell thinks the child handled the signal, though in reality it was never received.

Finally, if the shell isn’t interrupted and a child exits, Bash just carries on regardless of whether the signal died abnormally or not. This is why interrupting the sleep just continues with the loop.

In case one would like to handle such cases, Bash sets the exit code to 128+signal when the process exits abnormally, so interrupting sleep with SIGINT would give the exit code 130 (kill -l lists the signal values).

Bonus problem:

I have this C app, testpg:
int main() {
    return sleep(10);

I run bash -c './testpg' and press Ctrl-C. The app is killed. Shouldn't testpg be excluded from SIGINT, since it used setsid?

A quick strace unravels this mystery: with a single command to execute, bash execve’s it directly — a little optimization trick. Since the pid is the same and already had its own process group, creating a new one doesn’t have any effect.

This trick can’t be used if there are more commands, so bash -c './testpg; true' can’t be killed with Ctrl-C.


Wait, I started a loop in one terminal and killed the shell in another. 
The loop exited!

Yes it did! This does not apply to interactive shells, which have different ways of handling signals. When job control is enabled (running interactively, or when running a script with bash -m), the shell will die when SIGINTed

Here’s the description from the bash source code, jobs.c:2429:

  /* Ignore interrupts while waiting for a job run without job control
     to finish.  We don't want the shell to exit if an interrupt is
     received, only if one of the jobs run is killed via SIGINT. 

Posted on 2011-08-032020-01-06Categories Advanced Linux-related things, LinuxTags bash, shell script, signal, unix, why-bash-is-like-that4 Comments on Why Bash is like that: Signal propagation

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